~the artist is 'you'

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There are many moments in your life where you've to think rationally. But sometimes your heart doesn't really co-operate.

We have all seen movies about how one night stand could turn into a great romance but in my case it was a little different than the usual storyline.

Okay now imagine you falling for a man who is not even a slightest bit interested in you or anything related to you. Now imagine you and him accidentally bumping into each other on a night out, where the stars seemed to align for just a brief moment. You both share a conversation that, against all odds, flows effortlessly, making you feel a connection you didn't expect.

But here's the catch...despite that fleeting moment of chemistry, the next day, he's back to being distant, uninterested, and completely absorbed in his own world, as if that night never happened.

Your rational mind tells you to move on, to let it go. But your heart, stubborn as it is, keeps replaying that night over and over, clinging to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there's something more beneath his aloof exterior.

You find yourself in a frustrating cycle, trying to suppress your feelings, reminding yourself that you deserve someone who actually cares, but somehow, you keep getting drawn back to him. Every accidental glance, every brief interaction, only serves to deepen your confusion.

And so, you're left wondering: is it worth the heartache to keep holding on to that faint sparkle of hope, or is it time to finally listen to your rational side and let him go?

You try to distract yourself, throwing yourself into work, hobbies, and spending time with friends. But no matter how much you try to push him out of your mind, he’s always there, lingering in the background like an unfinished story.

It doesn't help that you see him around, at parties, mutual gatherings, and even at places you never expected to run into him. Each time, it’s the same. he’s polite, friendly even, but distant. There’s no trace of the connection you felt that night, no hint that he’s been thinking about you at all.

But then, every so often, he’ll say something, or look at you in a way that makes your heart skip a beat. It’s confusing, infuriating even, because just when you think you’re ready to let go, he does something that pulls you back in.

You start questioning yourself. Are you just imagining things? Is your heart playing tricks on you, turning a casual encounter into something it wasn’t? You wish you could just confront him, ask him what that night meant, if anything..but you’re too afraid of the answer. What if he laughs it off, or worse, doesn’t even remember?

So you stay silent, caught in the limbo between hope and reality, your emotions swinging like a pendulum. You tell yourself that you deserve someone who is sure about you, someone who doesn’t make you feel like you’re always waiting for something that might never happen. But your heart, foolishly hopeful, keeps holding on, clinging to the what-ifs and maybes.

And as days turn into weeks, you realize that this isn’t just about him anymore. It’s about you, and the battle between your heart and your mind, between what you want and what you know is best for you. The question isn’t just about whether he’s worth it, it’s about whether you’re willing to keep putting yourself through this, hoping for something that might never come.

In the end, you’re left with a choice, do you keep chasing the fantasy of what could be, or do you finally take control and let go, choosing yourself over the heartache?

As time passes, the internal tug-of-war becomes even more intense. The nights are the hardest, when the silence amplifies every thought and memory. You lie awake, staring at the ceiling, replaying that night in your mind like an old movie you can't stop watching. Every detail feels significant, the way he laughed at your jokes, the way his eyes seemed to soften when he looked at you, the warmth in his voice.

You wonder if you're holding on to a moment that meant nothing to him but everything to you. The thought stings, but you can’t shake it off. It feels like you’re stuck in a loop, trapped in the echo of a single night that refuses to fade into the past.

You try to talk to friends about it, hoping they’ll tell you what you need to hear, that it’s time to move on, that you deserve better. And they do, but their words don’t reach you in the way you want. Instead, you find yourself making excuses for him, defending the indefensible because a part of you isn’t ready to let go.

Then, one day, something changes. Maybe it’s the way he brushes past you without a second glance, or the way he’s laughing with someone else as if you never existed. Or maybe it’s just the weight of carrying around unrequited feelings for so long. But suddenly, you feel a shift inside you. The ache in your chest doesn’t disappear, but it dulls, like a storm losing its strength.

You start to realize that you’ve been living in a fantasy, projecting onto him the idea of someone who doesn’t actually exist. The man you’ve been holding on to isn’t real; he’s a creation of your heart, a collage of moments and emotions that you pieced together in the hopes of finding something more. But the truth is, he’s not the one who can give you what you need.

So, you make a decision...a quiet, resolute decision to let go. It’s not easy, and it doesn’t happen all at once. It’s a slow process, like peeling away layers of attachment and expectation. You stop looking for him in the crowd, stop hoping for those moments of connection. You start focusing on yourself, rediscovering the parts of you that got lost in the chase.

And as you do, you begin to feel lighter. The weight of unreturned affection starts to lift, replaced by a sense of peace that you hadn’t felt in a long time. You realize that letting go doesn’t mean giving up, it means choosing yourself, choosing to stop waiting for someone else to make you feel whole.

In time, the memories of that night will fade, and so will the feelings that once consumed you. And one day, you’ll look back and see it for what it was, a brief, passing moment that taught you more about yourself than it ever could about him. You’ll smile at the thought, knowing that you’re stronger now, ready to open your heart to something real, something true.

Because in the end, the greatest love story isn’t about falling for someone else, it’s about learning to love yourself enough to let go of what doesn’t serve you, and to make room for the love that you truly deserve.

Take care everyone and make sure to love everything about you.

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