part 1

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It's a requested os from Ashapurohit1. Hope u like it my dear💖....

Neelamaa is alive in this story and avneil lead a successful marriage life with a 7 year old baby boy named Neev. Neev is basically a bright student who comes with innovative questions each and every time. And the plot begins in Neelamaa's house where Neev and avneil usually spend their Sunday at. Avni is 6 month pregnant now.


Neil and Neev were been sitting on sofa while Avni was with Neelamaa in dining table cutting vegetables.

"Papa, I have a doubt" Neev shot up raising his eyes above his glasses (universal symbol of bright students).

"Bolo beta" Neil continued without taking his eyes off the computer. He was busy in his case study.

"What's sex" Neev asked grabbing everyone's attention. Avni dropped the knife over the cutter plate while Neelamaa suppressed her smile. She was all set to see how her children are going to do the parenting job.

"Well what u asked" Neil replied little confused whether he heard it wrong while Avni sat down slowly beside Neil with a confused expression in her face. She placed her hand on her belly while making herself comfortable beside neil while neil went into his pool of thoughts.

"I asked what sex is" Neev said this time too slowly that the couple has no chance of mishearing this time. They heard it correct. Their 7 year old child is asking about sex.

 It's a time now to tell him, Neil thought while Avni raised her eyebrows confusingly towards Neil as if asking what are u going to say.

"Neil ask him where he heard this word" Avni suggested which Neil ignored like a pro.

"Let me handle it"Neil made a stern look while Avni frowned with his overconfidence. He quickly thought the smart way to answer his questions without revealing much.

"Beta sex is the way that grown-ups show love for each other. It's also how people make babies. It's a special kind of snuggle." Neil replied slowly while Neelamaa made air claps appreciating his effort and handling it perfectly. But children never stop with a single question do they. So here came Neev with his next question.

"Can u elaborate what kind of snuggle they do with each other" Neev asked.

"No" "yes" came together Avneil answer while Neil pressed avni's hands. He assured her that he will handle him. But Avni was not in a mood to listen. she gave a warning but Neil didn't listen to her.

"Yes beta. I can explain it" Neil said earning a glare from Avni. It's too much for a 7 year old to know, she mumbled in Neil's ear. It would be better that he learns it from us than any other persons, Neil shot back and the tom and jerry didn't go with each other in this matter also.

"Beta sex happens when a man and women who love each other where they interact with their private parts and it is a form of giving pleasure to each other in the mean of love" Neil again said slowly while this time Neelamaa sat beside Avni with a milk glass. She made faces to Neelamaa as a gesture of disappointment while she blinked her eyes saying that Neil is doing the right thing.

"Achaa papa............ it was how u and mamma bought me to this world and now bringing little sister also" Neev asked innocently. Avni spit out few milk in the glass itself while Neil swallowed the lump forming on his throat with each passing questions. Neelamaa rubbed Avni's back asking her to be careful while Neil proceeded his work.

"Haaa beta. Because me and mamma love each other right." Neil ensured.

"Then papa how does the baby comes out of the tummy" Neev asked confused. Avni was about to oppose while Neelamaa grabbed her hands. Neil as usual continued without any tint of hesitation in his face.

"The baby comes out of mother's vagina. If we have complications then we operate the baby. Otherwise when the baby is ready to be born, the mom's uterus pushes the baby out. The vagina can stretch wide enough for the baby, and then it shrinks back to its regular size" Neil explained slowly while Neev was listening to him with a wide open eyes.

"Achaa papa" Neev nodded as he understood what Neil said. Neil made a proud smile as he successfully made his adult talk with his son without any vulgarity in his explanation. He was proud of himself.

"Did u get all ur answers beta" Neil asked doubtfully.

"Par papa. I have another doubt. What should I fill in this form in the column sex" Neev asked innocently giving him the summer camp form.

Avni gave a dead glare at Neil while he slapped his head.

Pillu rocked while tillu and tilli shocked.

The end.

So how was it.......

Have u ever asked such questions to Ur parents in Ur childhood.

If yes then did u get the answers properly?

 For me I got the minimal truth as how Neil explained. But exactly not the same.

According to children's psychology we should tell them the truth when they ask adult questions. It's different that they learn when they grow up. But still they should be aware of this. That's the reason for writing this os. Please drop Ur views through comments.

Much love,


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