New OC

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Note: This is the new multi-fandom Oc after Ruby got her own story.

Fate AU:

A nameless girl, left on the rugged streets of America. After living in an old foster-home for only a brief amount of time, the girl gets taken in by a mage family in Japan and given the name "Daika Kanemoto" (said as Kanemoto Daika in Japanese culture). However, Daika is not treated with the same love and affection as her older sister. Daika, a perfectly normal girl with no connection to mage craft or magic is used as a sort storage device for the Kanemoto family and stores the excess mana they don't need into her. Usually done in unsavory ways as to get the best results. This happens for most of her adolescence until one day, suddenly the Kanemoto family dies in a terrible accident. This is a pinnacle point for Daika, as for all of time this moment shall happen one way or another and she will be forced into either one of two different timelines of results.

Result #1: Master Kanemoto

A month after the Kanemoto's death, Daika is taken in by a close family friend of the Kanemoto head all the way back in America. Daika is sent there to live with him, and after a few week of adjusting is taught about all things her adoptive father failed to teach. Including the family tradition of Black Magic, and after time she becomes a master at all things Dark Magic and searches to find more. Being old enough to live on her own, she moves to the UK in order to be closer to the Mages association and learn all that she can about mage craft and magic outside of her medieval common practice.
At the age of 25, Daika is contacted by her God Father and informed about 'The Holy Grail War', a war that her late father had intended to join. However due to his and his blood daughters death, the duty is passed down to her. She pushes the offer away, saying she wants nothing to do with anything that has to do with her late father. But her God Father sent her a strange card to observe and, after letting her curiosity get the best of her, accidentally summons the Caster version of the King Of Heroes: Gilgamesh. From then on she is tasked with helping the king "take back what's rightfully his", meeting an untimely death just before she wins the war.

Result #2: Enkidu "Delta"

Running away from home after the death of the only family she had ever known, Daika and all the immense mana stored inside her is sensed by a mage involved with a dangerous experiment. He convinces young Daika to join and kidnaps her to an area unknown to the Mages Association. For a year, Daika is put to sleep in a strange chamber. She is alone in her mind, a dangerous place to be, for almost three months before someone appears before her. While she sat in the floor of her imagination, weeping to herself about how she had finally noticed that she was not a human in the eyes of others. She was a tool, to be used and thrown away. A man, who she later identifies as "Onee-Chan", with long green hair and a long t-shirt looking robe. He asks her for her name, then asks her who her parents are, he asks if she has any friends and why she was saying she was a tool. She answers him hesitantly, stating the name she was given to him and explaining she had no real parents. Along with saying that she had no opportunity to make any friends, and how her life has shown her that she was to be used as a tool for humanity. The man smiles at her and explains that the two of them weren't so different. Proclaiming that he would be her new friend and swearing to protect her from those who wish to treat her as a tool; for they were now one in the same.
For months the man explained things about the world to her, showing her all kinds of stories to read and the wonders of the world. Daika asks him if the two of them will ever be able to leave her mind and see the world together, to which he responds with "One day, the two of us will see everything together. We will cry together, we will laugh together, we will fight together, and we will die together. Because we are one" this cheers Daika up and she continues to read the stories of a king named "Gilgamesh" that fought very valiantly for his friend and country, though very arrogant at times.
As the seasons changed and the year came to a close, the man and Daika grew closer to eachother and soon would have to say goodbye for Daika would wake up soon. On the day of her awakening, Daika holds to tightly to the man. Saying that she didn't want to leave him behind. The man pats her head and asks her "Do you remember all those times I told you that we were one in the same? Do you believe that?" Daika agrees and the man grabs her and holds her close, a bright light emitting from between them "then there won't be any problems, we will be together always..."
When Daikas body was awakened, it was no longer Daikas mind. It turns out that the experiment didn't work according to plan and the personalities of the little girl Daika, and the heroic spirit Enkidu, fused together to make a new type of heroic spirit. One not quite Daika and not quite Enkidu. She called herself "Enkidu Delta" or just "Delta" as to keep things from being confusing. She has both the memories of Enkidu and of Daika and claims that they may be confusing but she thinks of them as past lives and embraces them both as apart of her.

Delta obtains the same powers as Enkidu and just chooses to use them in a different way.

Delta has the same opinions of people as both Enkidu and Daika had (Ex. Gilgamesh: friend, Ishtar: Foe)

Delta does not age, she stays 10 forever.

The true extent of her power is unknown, though she states that she "is not stronger than the original, nor weaker. I am not the same, but at the same time not so different. I'm Enkidu without being Enkidu, I'm Delta"

Servant Profile:

Lancer Servant

True Name: Enkidu "Delta"
Source: Fictitious Myth
Region: Mesopotamia/Japan
Alignment: True Neutral
Hidden Attribute: Sky
Qualified Servant Classes:
    Normal Classes: Lancer
    Irregular Classes: N/A
Master: N/A
War: N/A
Series: N/A
    Strength: ?
    Endurance: ?
    Agility: ?
    Mana: ?
    Luck: ?
    NP: A++
       Class Skills:
          Personal Skills: Transfiguration A, Presence Detection A+, Presence Detection A++, Consummated Shape A
          Noble Phantasm: Enûma Eliš (Oh Humans, Let Us Restrain The Gods) A++, Chains Of Heavens A++

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