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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or it's characters! 

The grass had started growing during the first month of spring. When I walked trough it, it came almost just above my knees. All the hills were green, and a nice, fresh breeze made all of the single grass halms dance in the same way.

I saw him on top of the hill. He was wearing a long robe made out of tulle, so you could see his bare skin through the fabric. The sun had just started to set, and all of the lightbeams shone past him, making his silhouette perfectly visible for me to admire.

The closer I got to him, the faster my heart started to beat. Still... After all this time...

He could hear me move. He knew I was here, he knew I had finally found him. We were back together, and nothing was going to be able to separate us again.

When he turned his head, a few more beams of light could shine past him, and they blinded me. Just for a second I had to close my eyes, but when I opened them...

'Yami,' I breathed.

Yami's eyes widened. His lips were shaking, as he was trying to speak.

'Aibou...' he whispered. 'You're here... I've been waiting...'

'I know...' I said. 'And you've been waiting far too long.'

'Not even eternity will be too long to wait, when I know at some point I get to look into your eyes again, Yugi,' he said while he came closer to me.

'I love you,' he said. 'I love you so much, dear Yugi.'

'Oh Yami... I love you too,' I said.

And then I felt Yami's soft, divine lips on mine, and suddenly everything what happened before didn't matter anymore. The only things that mattered were the sound of the dancing grass, the wind whispering trough our hair, the sun that warmed our skin, and Yami. The kiss lasted so long that the sun was already gone when I opened my eyes again.

'Come with me...' I breathed.

Yami smiled. 'You know I can't, aibou.'

'Please,' I begged. 'We can be together, you and I.'

'There's nothing I want more, believe me, Yugi,' Yami said.

'I don't understand,' I said softly.

'You don't have to understand. Not now,' he said.

I didn't know what to say anymore. The thing I wanted most was falling asleep in his arms tonight. The humming sound of his voice lulling me to sleep. His warmth all around me. His love.

'Y-Yami...' I stammered.

'I'll always be there for you. You know that, don't you?' he asked me.

'But Yami...'

Yami cut me off. 'Always, Yugi. I won't be far away.' He lifted up my chin with his index finger. 'Yugi. I will always be with you.'

I nodded and when he pulled his finger back, I looked down at my feet for a second, feeling defeated, powerless. He was just there... I could just...

But when I looked up, Yami had gone.

'Yami?' I exclaimed.

But he was nowhere to be seen anymore.

'Yami! Please, Yami! Where have you gone!' I screamed.

I ran down the hill, only to run to the top of the next one, hill after hill, screaming and shouting for Yami. But he had vanished, just like that.

I fell down to my knees, burying my head in the palms of my hands, my nails pushing into the skin of my forhead. I clenched my teeth to fight the tears.

'This isn't fair!' I screamed as I lifted up my head again. 'He is everything I want! He is everything I need! Give him back to me!'

And then, after a long fight, I lost against my tears. Little rivers flowed over my cheeks, realizing that Yami was still gone, and that the chance of getting him back was small.

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