Chapter 19: the Dungeons

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YUGI's POV•••

Once I had reached the enormous doors that led to the throne room, they were blocked by a man that I knew all too well.

"Ramsis," I whispered.

"It seems like our little friend has come after all."


"Our pharaoh was getting a bit impatient."

"How do you mean? What have you done to him?!"

"Don't ask me what I did, ask what you did."


"Hallucinations can be very powerful, mister Muto. If only you know how to use it. And let's say he isn't quite.. himself anymore."

An evil smirk appeared on his face.

"How do you mean not himself?"

"Find out for yourself," he said and opened the doors to the throne room. He gave me a sign to follow him.

I didn't know what to think about this. What had he done to my love?

I followed Ramsis through the throne room untill I saw him.

I was unable to breath.

He sat there on the throne, his hair colored black-white-grey. His eyes seemed to be two black holes.

His emotionless face turned into a suprised one as he saw me.

Ramsis was meanwhile standing next to Yami, his arms crossed, and the smirk still on his face.

"You again? I thought I had dealt with you already," Yami hissed and stood up from his throne.

I was unable to speak.

I just couldn't believe this..

"But I guess your punishment wasn't hard enough. You deserve to live in pain after what you did to me!"

My jaws were all of a sudden able to sepparate again.

"Y-Yami, my love.. Please, listen to me. This isn't the true you! I want you to come back to me, please!" I said.

"I-I love you," I whispered.

At that last sentence, I could see a flicker in his eyes, a sudden return of some crimson sparks.

But only to be consumed by darkness again.

"Love me?! You have never loved me! You broke me, and you need to pay for that!" Yami yelled.

"Yami, mou hitori no boku, please, you have to believe me! I have always loved you."

Yami began to shiver and he grabbed his forehead with his hands. A scream came out of his mouth.

"Please, come back to me, Yami," I sobbed.

"Throw him into the dungeons!" Yami screamed.

Soon, two guards grabbed me and I was dragged out of the room.

"Yami! Please! Fight it! Fight the darkness inside of you!" I was able to yell before the doors were closed behind me.


It all went accoring to plan.

The pharaoh hated the boy, and now I was able to use him as a puppet again, just like I did in the past.

The stupid fool had no idea of what really happened last night.

The fog showed the pharaoh what I wanted him to see.

It had just been a hallucination. It had just been in his head.

In fact, Yugi wasn't even there that night. He just imagined that.

Even the pain he felt had just been an illusion.

He had just been yelling and kicking into the depth.

It had been quite amusing to see.

"Ramsis, what he said was a lie, right?" the pharaoh asked me.

"Of course, my pharaoh. It was all a lie. True love doesn't exist. The only thing he wants is your power. We both know that he has the Crystal, and he just wants to mislead you to gain the rest of the artifacts, my pharaoh."

"Yes," he said a bit confused.

"My pharaoh, you aren't going to say that you're in love with the boy?"

"Of course not, fool. I am looking forward to torture him untill he gives us the Crystal."

"Good. Because that's what he deserves."

"You're right, Ramsis. I shouldn't know what to do without you."

I smirked.

"I'm glad to hear that, my pharaoh."

•••YUGI's POV•••

Tears were falling down on the floor of the dungeon.

He had stolen him from me.

I remembered what we said to each other this night.

Don't underestimate them, aibou. I just want you to be save.

I will be save, mou hitori no boku. And soon, you will be too.

I hope to see you soon, my love. I miss you.

I miss you too. I miss you so much.

I wished I could kiss you now.

I am coming, then you will be able to kiss me soon.

I love you.

I love you too.

My sobs were to be heard through the whole dungeons.

I miss you, mou hitori no boku. And maybe I have lost you forever. You can only save yourself by defeating the darkness inside of you.

Should he still love me?

I don't think so. What had Ramsis had done to him made him hate me.

Love me?! You have never loved me! You broke me, and you need to pay for that!

He had also said he had dealt with me already..

And Ramsis had said hallucinations could be very powerful.

He must have been using something what made him believe that I didn't love him anymore.

But why should he believe that? He knows better..

"Keep your filthy hands off me!" I heard someone say.

I looked up and saw Joey being pushed in another cell.

He was struggling to get away, but with no success.

"You will hear from my lawyer, you bastards!"

He eventually sat down on the floor as the guards left.

"J-Joey?" I said, still a bit sobbing.

"Yug'? Are you in here too?" he said as he looked around to find me.

"Yes, Joey, I'm here," I said as I crawled to the front of my cell.

"I'm sorry pal, I haven't found any sign of him. I was just searching for him in the kitchen when those two threw me in here. And you? Did you find him?"

Tears started to fall down again. "Yes, I-I found him."

"That's great! If we escape this piece of crap dungeon, we will save him and continue the search for that thing you talked about!"

"Joey, y-you don't understand-"

"But that's amazing! We will be out of here in no-time!" he said as he started to shake the lock of the cell door.

"Joey, h-he is the one who t-threw me in here."



"He made you stay in this dungeon? But why?"

"Remember w-what I told you about that R-Ramsis?"

"Yes? That creep who is behind all this?"

"I-I think he tortured Yami untill h-he hated me."

"He hates you? But that's not possible!"

"I don't think he is the Yami you met anymore. He turned into his darker self, remember?"

"Yes, but according to what you told me about that, you are the only one able to unlock his light again."

"I-I don't know how.."

"Well, we have to wait no matter what. I don't know what they have in mind for us, but I guess it's not all too good."

"No way I'm going to stay here!" we suddenly heard someone say.

"Shut up Tristan, you should have never looked through that closet," the other voice said.

"It was my only hope to find some new clothes-"

They were together pushed in another cell.

"Nice work, now we have dissapointed Yugi for the second time!" Duke said.

"No, you haven't," I said.

"Yugi? You are here too? Oh, guess Joey is our only hope now."

"Hey guys," Joey said.

"Mission failed I guess?" Tristan said.

"Shut up, you're the reason why we got here! Just be glad that I came to help you out!"

"How could I know that was the room of the pharaoh? I was just searching through one closet.."

"You're hopeless."

"Guys, just listen for a sec. Yug' here found him."

"You did? And? He surely was happy to see you again!" Duke said.

"Not really.. He wants to punish me because I broke him.." I said.

"He hs turned into his darker side again, just like in the past," Joey said.

"Oh, Yugi, that's terrible for you.. But like I promised, we will save him!" Duke said.

"What he says!" Tristan said.

"Yug', maybe there is a way to save him. Maybe he is just under some kind of spell. If we just escape, put you and him into one room without that Ramsis, qmaybe he becomes himself again!" Joey said.

"Brilliant, Einstein!" Tristan said.

"You have a better idea?!"

"Alright, I agree with you that we have to escape this dungeon. But the last part is a bit unattainable."

"Well, just start with part one!" Joey said and started to shake the door again.

"Yugi, I thought you were able to do magic?" Duke said.

"Well, I can't control it yet.." I said.

"You can always try."

I sighed. "Alright, I'll try."

I closed my eyes and tried to feel the light flow trough me. My hands lit up a bit.

Once I felt strong enough, I opened my eyes and aimed for my cell door.

The moment after that, I let the light destroy the door and a part of Joey's cell that laid in front of mine.

My eyes widened after I figured out I did it.

"That was impressive.." Tristan said.

Joey stood up and walked trough the opening in his cell. "Nice work, Yug'."

"Now free us!" Tristan said.

I let my hands light up again, this time without closing my eyes.

"Watch out!" I said and Duke and Tristan pushed themself against the wall.

The moment after that, the light destroyed their door as well.

"Thanks, now let's find Yami again!" Tristan said.

We ran through the dungeons, untill we saw the stairs to go up again.

Unfortunately, a bunch of guards was blocking our way.

"How did you-"

It was the last thing they could say before my light surrounded them and let them all fall asleep.

"Good job, Yug'!" Joey said.

I turned my head to face them, but when I could see their faces, their eyes were all widened.

"Yugi, watch out!" I heard Tristan say.

I turned around again and I saw Ramsis standing in front of me.

"Nice try, little friend," he said as a dark fog surrounded us.

After that, everything went black.

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