Chapter 21: the Encounter

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YAMI's POV•••

I was laying in my bed, just waking up after a long night.

I had been tired for a while, but some sleep made me feel good again.

I was just yawning and stretching myself as Ramsis smashed open the door of my bedroom and ran towards me.

I was shocked for a moment because he scared me with his sudden entrance.

In just a second, he stood next to me and for some reason, I pulled up the bedsheets to cover my bare chest.

"What's wrong, Ramsis? Don't you see I'm.. busy..?" I said, a bit irritated.

"I think you want to see this whether you're busy or not," he said.

He held up his hand, and I saw a tiny gem laying in it.

"How did you..? Did he gave it to you?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that we got it."

"Did you, like, hurt him..?" I almost whispered.

He placed his thumb and his index finger on his forehead.

"You just won't learn it, will you?" he said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You are protecting him. The boy. Don't do that."

"I'm not protecting him!"

He smirked. "Oh, yes you are. Just admit that you love him."

"I don't love him," I hissed. "And don't talk to me like that. I'm still the pharaoh."

"Well, I'm just telling you the truth, pharaoh."

"I make out what is the truth. Now, leave me alone."

He sighed. "Alright, if you say you're speaking the truth, I will believe you."

"You're such a good friend."

He laughed. "Oh, yes I am. Well, do you want to finish that necklace or not?"

"I'm not in the mood," I hissed.

He nodded. "Then I will wait untill you're in the mood to receive your unlimited powers."

"Yes, do that."

I buried my face in my pillow as I heard his footsteps leaving my room.

I laid like this for a while.

Was he right? Was I still in love with..?

No, that's impossible.

After everything what he did to me..

That was unforgiveable.

I lifted up my head when my pillow became soaked because of my tears.

I trusted him.. I loved him.

I really loved him.

But my heart hurt so much after that night. It felt like all the happiness that had once been inside of me was gone.

Yami, don't call me your aibou. I know you are the darkness itselve. You have never actually loved me, have you?

I have. And more than he could ever imagine.

My fingernails nailed themselves in the pillow. I couldn't control my anger and my grief, so I ripped every piece of fabric I could find.

I suddenly sat up again, closed my eyes and screamed through my room. The bedsheets that once had been on my chest fell off of it.

I was pouting and crying as I opened my eyes.

But my expression started to turn into anger as I saw who was standing in the doorway, that faced my bed.

I looked him in his eyes for a while, but finally he started to talk.

"Hey, Y-Yami," he said, a bit stuttering.

I turned away my face so I didn't have to look at him anymore.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"To be honest?"

"Yes, to be very honest, Yugi. Do you want your Crystal back? Cause I don't have it."

"I don't want the Crystal."

"Then what do you want?!"

He swallowed. "You."

I turned my face towards him again.

My bottom lip began to tremble and tears began tickling my eyes, wanting to be freed.

But I wouldn't let them come out.

"W-What did you say..?" I said softly.

"That I want you. I l-love you."

I could see in his eyes that he was speaking the truth..

But how could he?

He hated me. This was just another trick of him. He just wanted to seduce me.

"Please leave," I said.

"Yami, I-"

"I said leave!" I shouted.

"Please, mou hitori no boku.. Let me speak to you!"

"D-Don't call me t-that."

"It's who you are, and don't deny that. It's like me being your aibou."

"You didn't want me to call you that."

He began walking towards me.

"Call me what?" he teased me.

"I'm not going to call you my-"

I stopped in the middle of the sentence.

The truth was that I wanted to call him my aibou desperately.

And I wanted him desperately.

But I knew what would happen. I knew what Ramsis told me about him.

"Please, just leave, Yugi."

He now stood next to me, with a dissapointed and sad look in his eyes.

"Please, listen to me."

I pulled up what was left of the bedsheets again. "I just want you to leave."

I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to pull him into my arms and hold him forever, but I knew that what he said wasn't true.. was it..?

He just was seducing me too much.

"I don't want to leave. I want you to be with me forever. Yami, please, what happened to you? What did he do to you?" he sobbed.

"Yugi, just leave."


"Because you're driving me crazy, alright! I don't know what to do anymore when you're with me!"

"Just do what you think that is right, Yami. Do what your heart wants you to do."

My heart?

My heart said I had to show him how I felt about him.

But my head said that I just had to forget him and make up my mind.

He was influencing me, and I didn't know what to think anymore when he did so.

"It's better if you go. And we'll just forget about each other."

"I don't want to forget you."

I gritted my teeth.

"Enough! Just go!"

"Please, come back, Yami."

"Do I have to make you go?!"


"Because I will if you don't leave now!"

He stood up but his eyes were still connected to mine. "Then make me go."

I slowly laid down the bedsheets again and stood up.

I could see in his eyes he wasn't afraid.

Why wasn't he afraid of my powers?

"You confuse me, Yugi."

I gripped his wrist and pulled him with me to the doorway.

"You confuse me too. I know, deep inside, you're still my Yami. My colorful, happy and crazy Yami. And as long as he will be somewhere in there, I will love you with whole my heart."

My heart broke but also warmed up a bit at every word he said.

I pushed him out of my room and I kept standing in the doorway for a while.

I noticed him looking at my naked chest. I blushed.

He walked towards me untill we were just a few inches away from each other.

Our faces were close.

"Why are you blushing?" he teased me.

I could feel his warm breath on my face and my nostrils were tickled by his amazing scent.

If I didn't turn away now, I wasn't able to control myself anymore..

I turned away my face and I stepped back into my room.

"G-Goodbye, Yugi.." I said and closed the door behind me.

I walked over to my bed and let myself fall down on it.

I buried my face in what was left of my pillow and continued screaming and crying.

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