Chapter 23: the Woman

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••RAMSIS's POV•••

I walked out of the trone room, to go search for Yugi.

Although the Crystal was ours now, I knew Yami wouldn't finish it without having dealt with his love problems.

It would all be solved when Yugi gets out of our way. He has caused me enough problems already, and what fun would it be if he is going to be killed by his ex-boyfriend?

I had said Yami that I would find him myself, but I thought it would be good if I bring some company with me.

After all, despite of his height and him crying if I touch Yami with only one finger, he is powerful.

He was the one that made me wait for 5000 years to get what I want.

And I wasn't going to wait again.

I walked over to my car once I stood outside.

Cars and phones. Those were actually the only two things that were changed in this city since all those years ago.

Some buildings were renovated, or strenghtened with metal instead of sandstone.

But only when you could afford that.

Most people in this city were very poor, they could only afford a small house, a few clothes and on the good days, some food.

But that's not my problem.

Once I had reached my car I stepped in and fastened my seatbelt.

Then I heard a loud knock on the window on the side of the passenger's seat.

I turned my head and looked at the one who stood in front of the car.

It was a young woman with long, black curly hair.

I smirked and bend over to open the passenger's door.

There you have my company.

"Shani, what a nice surpise."

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

"Find the boy," I said and started the car with my keys.

She fastened her seatbelt while we drove away.

"How do you mean? Isn't he in the dungeons anymore?"

"No. I let him escape after he gave me the Crystal. But back then I didn't know that he would cause me even more problems."

"Then what did he do?"

"He didn't do anything, he is just as innocent as can be. But the pharaoh.. he has still feelings for him.. still those feelings. And I think he won't stop longing for him untill the boy is gone."

"You think he won't be longing for him when Yugi's dead?"

"It's just better for all of us when he dies. And the pharaoh even said he would kill Yugi himself."

"He won't do that. Ramsis, should you kill someone you love? That's unhuman."

"I don't love and I never will. It's just one big lie, Shani. Love doesn't exist."

She smiled at me. "Were you hurt by love once, Ramsis? Is that why you have that lust for power? To cover the pain in your heart by hatred?"

"This is just how I am," I said and stopped the car. We were in the middle of the desert, only about a mile away from where Yugi had to be.

"If you don't agree with my way of life, you better save your comments for later."

She smiled.

And that made me feel humiliated.

"So, what is it going to be, Shani? Stay in the car or step out," I growled.

"If you don't want to talk about it, fine. I'll just find out."

"Just shut up. You should be thankful that I let you work for me," I smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, I sure should be."

"You actually did a great job back there at the tourist information. You surely are a good actress. Without you, the pharaoh wouldn't be back."

"Doesn't he suspect something?"

"Like what?"

"Like, you setting up all of this? I mean, he surely doesn't know that you have me and a couple others working for you. Hopefully he only sees you as his advisor, but you're far more than that."

"I think he doesn't suspect a thing. He is the pharaoh, but it feels like I'm in control of him. And with that, I can do what I want."

"What happened to the previous ruler of Egypt? Before out pharaoh returned?"

"We had to seize the power.. So I actually used some magic to capture the palace and just kill him and a few others. No big deal."

"I see. You created some fear under the people."

"Yes, in this city they all know about the 'Unknown Pharaoh'. I still don't know how he got that name.. But, well, they know who he was and how horrible he was. So, afraid they are."

"In some reasons I feel sorry for the pharaoh.." she said.


"You know, we first take away his true love.. then change him in someone he doesn't want to be anymore.. and I don't know what you are going to do with him after he has finished the Crystal for you, but I don't think you will let him be the most powerful man in the world."

"It's a sacrifice I am not afraid to make," I smirked.

"Yet it is still wrong."

"Then why are you working for me in the first place?"

"Just because.. You know.."

"Then just do your job, okay? Don't start a discussion with me about what I should and shouldn't do. I think I know that myself."

"Whatever. Hey, aren't we supposed to be there already?"

I stopped the car and looked on the screen of the gadget I used to find the tracker.

"Yes, we should be there now.." I said while I looked around.

We were just in the middle of the desert, and the only plants we could see were a few bushes.

"He should be around here somewhere.." she said.

"Well, make yourself useful and go search for him," I commanded.

"Yes master Ramsis," she hissed.

She is such a fool. She should shut her mouth before terrible things would happen.

The pharaoh and the boy had to be sacrificed in order for me to gain those powers..

And nothing would stop me.

This time not Yugi, because I had the Crystal already. And the pharaoh was on my hand, so he would just do whatever I said to him.. Well, when Yugi was out of his mind.

Everything went according to plan.

"Ramsis," Shani said when she walked back to the car.

"You haven't found him?"

She held up a tiny chip between her fingers. "I guess he has outsmarted us."

Oh, that little brat.

I just couldn't wait to see him die.

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