Chapter 28: the Tomb

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YUGI's POV•••

We were walking back to Shani's house when we saw a huge crowd form itself on the big square in front of the palace.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"I have no idea," she said.

We ran towards the crowd while she tried to muffle my hair under some kind of cap.

When we arrived, we couldn't exactly see what was happening, but everyone was looking at the balcony of the palace.

"What's happening?" Shani asked one of the people standing next to us.

"The pharaoh said we all had to be here because he wanted to say something important," she said.

At that moment, the doors to the balcony opened and I saw Yami walking out of the palace.

My eyes widened at his appearance.

Oh my..

He was wearing a black leather tunic that was fitting him perfectly, you could see his muscles right trough it..

The tunic was studded with iron, spherical buttons and pieces of chain.

His pants and shoes were made from the same leather and those also.. fitted him very well.

He was also wearing thick leather wristbands, studded with the same iron buttons as his tunic.

And last but not least, he wore a long red cape that gently fell over his shoulders.

Oh my, that looked so damn..

I almost let out a moan, but I was able to control myself so I didn't do that.

I wonder if he remembers what he wrote to me.

"I have waited long enough for you, Yugi!" the pharaoh suddenly said. "Don't be such a coward and face me!"

I gulped.

"I know that you are listening, Yugi. And I guess all those brave people that are volunteering to be executed, what I think is already totally insane, I think they don't want to wait forever, do they?"

Some people started to talk and I think they were saying the pharaoh was right.

And he really was.

"So don't be a coward, Yugi! Face me!"

Then he turned around, and looked over his shoulder.

Our eyes met and he gave me a smirk. Then he turned his head again and walked back in.

Shani grabbed my wrist and pulled me with her towards her house.

She started to run a bit and when we arrived at her house, she immediately shut the door.

Then she let me sit down at the couch.

"Hopefully nobody recognized you," she said and pulled off the cap.

"He did," I said.

"He did recognize you?" she gasped.

I nodded. "Even gave me a smirk."

I sighed. "Shani, he was totally right, you know. People are sacrificing themselves to give me some more time, that's insane! Totally insane!"

"They knew this battle would come, Yugi. We knew it for 5000 years already. According to what the tomb says, we have to to get our pharaoh back."

I turned my head. "What did you say? There are inscriptions in the tomb?"

She nodded. "Yes, but-"

I stood up from the couch and checked through the windows if everything was safe.

"I'm going," I said.

"But Yugi, you know what time it is?"

"I don't care," I said.

"Alright," she said seriously. "I will bring you."

She put on the cap again and opened the door.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes, more than sure.," I said.

She nodded and she started to run towards the palace. I followed her.

"Why are we walking towards the palace?" I asked.

"You'll see," she said.

When we came close to the palace, I could see she was running towards one of the sides of the palace.

"Where are you going?" I said.

"Just follow me," she said.

She dissapeared behind the corner and when I arrived, I saw she was standing by a car.

She took a paperclip out of here pocket and she turned her back at me.

Within moments, the car door was opened.

"Get in," she whispered.

I got in the car and she got in at the other side.

Then she dissapeared under the steering wheel and I saw her pull out some wires, which she cut and pushed together.

Then the car started.

"When magic doesn't work - be sure to bring a paperclip," she joked.

I laughed and we started driving towards the tomb, at a really high speed.

"Whose car is this?" I asked.



"I said that this is Ramsis' car."


We drove for another few minutes, through the desert, untill I saw a beautiful mountain with beautiful carvings into the rocks. It wasn't good to see at this time of the day, but I could see that the rocks were also painted.

"This is it?" I asked.

She nodded and turned off the engine. "This is it."

I got out of the car and walked towards the carvings. In the meantime, Shani was trying to make a torch.

I let my hands trail over the carvings.

Then Shani walked towards me, with a torch.

"Are you ready to go inside, Yugi?" she asked.

I nodded and followed her.

When we entered the tomb, I could see many more carvings and paintings on the walls.

I followed her through a long corridor, untill I saw a big empty room.

"The carvings and paintings is all there is left," she said. "The rest stands in a museum."

"Yes, I think I know that museum," I whispered.

I looked to the wall that faced the corridor.

I could see a huge picture of Yami, with his eyes closed.

Underneath the painting stood some text, in an old language.

"Come on," Shani said. "Read it."

"But I can't," I said.

"Yes, you can, Yugi. Try."

I looked at the text very carefully.

How am I able to read this?

Suddenly, the words seemed to change, and they became normal English so I could read them.

"How is this possible?" I said.

"It almost seems to be magic," she said. "Well, what does it say?"

I swallowed and looked at the painting again.

"I will wait for you," I said.

She nodded. Then she walked over to another wall.

"Look at this," she said. "It seems like some prophacy."

I walked towards her and looked at the paintings.

There were standing ten paintings on the wall, that you probably had to read from the left to the right.

The first painting showed a picture of Yami and I, kissing. Some text was written underneath it:

You made me who I am.

Then, the second picture, was a picture of Yami alone, with the Millenium Puzzle in his hands.

I can't live without you.

The third picture was a painting of us again, holding hands and our foreheads pressed together.

I found you again.

The fourth picture showed me Yami's dark side, his second soul, as Shani called it. The picture was all black.

Please, save me.

Then, the fifth picture was a picture of some kind of necklace, what of course was the Necklace.

Never should the portal be opened again.

The sixth picture was a picture of me, with a lot of angel-like creatures around me.

The one who can defeat the darkness has to be spared, whatever it takes.

The seventh picture showed a picture of me and Yami's dark side, in a battle with magic. Above the painting, the Necklace was shining bright.

True power shall overcome.

The eight, ninth and tenth picture were removed. You could see some tiny dots of color that were spared, but the rest of it was broken out of the wall.

"I guess we have to wait what the three other pictures have to say," Shani said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" I whispered.

"I wanted to be sure you were ready to see this. This is your destiny, Yugi. It's written in the stars."

"That means I have to face Yami. Unless.."

"Unless what?" she said.

"Unless we steal the Necklace and the Crystal from them."

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