Chapter 3: the Stranger

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YUGI's POV•••

I think I may have slept for a while. I yawned, but the sun wasn't shining through the blinds yet.

I sat up, looking at the clock, noticing that it was just after midnight. Then my eyes went to my desk, that was facing my bed, and there it lied, the completed puzzle, next to the drawing of the boy.

It was empty... It had turned into just a blank paper. I frowned and looked closer. It was empty, it really was.

I let myself fall onto my bed again, wondering how I got into it. I couldn't remember...

Oh my. I turned my head, looking right into his eyes... A deep crimson. He stood right next to my bed, right in front of me.

"Hope you slept well, Yugi," he said. He had folded his arms and was smirking at me.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, almost falling out of my bed and my eyes widening as I looked at him.

The boy from the picture looked as he was drawn: he had the same tri-colored, star-shaped hair like me, but he's got several golden bangs in his hair that reached from his forehead to the top of his hair. Also, there was indeed something with his eyes. They looked hard and confident, but I felt actually quite comfortable when I looked him right into his eyes, spotting some softness inside.

I noticed that I was lying in my bed... The blankets almost covered my bare chest.

"Did you like... put me into bed?" I asked him.

"It didn't seem all too confortable there on that chair," he said.

"So you did?" I asked.

"Well, yes I did," he smirked. He sat down at the footboard.

I blushed while he looked right at me. This was too embarrassing. Who the hell was this guy?

"U-Uhm.. Alright..." I said, looking around.

"How rude of me not to introduce myself," he said. "It's nice to meet you, Yugi. You may call me Yami."

"O-Okay, Yami..." I said. "So... You're not me?"

"I didn't think so," he chuckled.

He stood up again and turned his back to me. I quickly pulled the sheets up to my neck so it covered my chest.

"I know you might be wondering who I am right now, but I will explain," he said.

"I am a spirit, Yugi, and I have been locked away inside that puzzle for over five thousand years," he said. "And unfortunately, opening it meant releasing me..."

"What...? I-I don't understand..." I said, my eyes widening again.

"Just kidding. I'm glad you released me. But I know it's hard to believe," Yami said.

"So... Now you're free..." I said, waiting for a response.

He smirked at me. "I'm not going to leave you already, I'm sorry about that," he said. "I still need you."

"O-Okay..." I said.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I won't hurt you," he said, as if he could read my mind.

"Consider me as your friend. You're the only one who can help me to discover who I am..." he murmured.

He sighed. "I will explain later. You should get some more sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for you, remember?" Yami asked.

It was. Tomorrow was my first day at the art academy.

"Yes, I suppose. But what about you? Where are you going?" I asked.

A smirk appeared on his face which caused me to blush. Hmm...

Then Yami became covered in light, which seemed to grow smaller, and snaller, and eventually seemed to dissapear again into the puzzle.

"Yami? Where have you gone?" I asked.

"You need some rest, Yugi. I see you tomorrow." I heard a voice saying, coming out of the puzzle. "Sweet dreams."

And with that, I closed my eyes again and crawled underneath the blankets again.

I trusted him.

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