Chapter 35: the Grandson

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YAMI's POV•••

"We'll figure out a way to stop him," I said when Yugi broke the kiss.

"Of course we will," he whispered.

I smiled. "Thanks for saving me," I whispered into his ear. "Again."

"No problem," he whispered back.

He cupped my face with his hands and captured my lips into a kiss. My fingers ran through his hair as the kiss got deepened.

But suddenly, I heard a strange noise, coming from somewhere inside the Puzzle.

I broke the kiss and Yugi stared at me with a panicky look in his eyes.

"What's going on..?" he whispered.

The sound came closer and closer. "Yugi, leave the Puzzle," I said.

"No Yami, I'm not leaving you!" he said.

"Leave, Yugi," I said and gave his hands a little sqeeze.

"But Yami -"

He was cut off by the walls of my room that burst with a huge blast.

The walls and the floor crumbled, the Puzzle collapsed, and Yugi and I fell down in some kind of white fog, a million bits and pieces of rock surrounding us.

"Take my hand!" I exclaimed.

Yugi did what I said and he took a strong hold of my hand.

"Don't let go," I told him.

He gave me a nod.

What the hell is happening? Could it be that..? No.. It can't be!

"Don't let go!" I repeated, but this time I said it louder.

Suddenly, some force tried to take us apart. It was pulling Yugi to one side and me to the other.

The force was strong, and I could feel that I was losing my grip on his hand.

"Yugi, when we get back to the ground, I want you to run, understand? Find your friends, but don't stay where you are, okay?" I said.

"What is happening?"

"Yugi, run, understand?"

"I understand," he said and he gritted his teeth. "I can't hold this much longer," he said.

"It's alright Yugi, just run and I will find you, alright?" I said.

He nodded and at that moment, our hands let go of each other. I was pulled far away from Yugi by the force, flying through the white fog at high speed, still being surrounded by pieces of sandstone from the Puzzle.

At one point I figured that I started to fall down, that I was going to be on my final destination soon. And I was right.. I was going to get back into my body together with my dark side.

The fog started to fade and I could see the huge desert that lied underneath it.

I fell down on some sandstone and coughed. Then again, my body was covered in white flames and my clothes changed into the clothes I wore in Ancient Egypt.

I sat up so I could see where I was. I was inside the palace, sitting in front of the huge palace doors.

I stood up and pushed open the enormous door. When I walked out of the palace, the incredible happened.

It was raining. And it was raining hard. It never rained in Egypt..

I gasped. It was true. My dark half had transported us back in time, back to Ancient Egypt. This was the day I was going to tell Yugi he had to hide the Crystal and run. And because we were in the past now, the Necklace didn't got finished yet, and Yugi still had the Crystal..


I had told him to run and search for his friends. He must leave the house on the hill, because I knew where he was. And so did my dark half.

Of course he wanted to find Yugi and take the Crystal from him.. But why? If he was able to finish the Necklace just a few minutes ago, why did he transport us back in time?

"Good question, my friend," I heard someone say. "But I think you can answer this question yourself. It was very smart by the way, to hide yourself inside the Puzzle. Very clever."

I gritted my teeth. "Get out of my head."

"Did you kill your poor little aibou?" he asked.

"I said get out," I hissed.

"So you did? Well, appearantly he seems to be the only one who can open the Portal, did you know that?"

I ignored him.

"You did? Then how does it come I didn't? Because you killed him I couldn't open the Portal!"

I wanted this to stop. I wanted him to get out of my body. Now.

And I knew just the person to help me.

I ran through the streets of the ancient city, which were silent, because every shop was closed because of the pouring rain.

But I knew exactly where to find that what I was looking for.

I knocked on the door of a big house.

A familiar voice answered. "It's open!"

I opened the door and entered the building. In the center of the room stood a high quality wooden desk, which was very rare and expensive here in Egypt. Against the wall that faced the door stood huge bookcases, that were filled with books and all kinds of bottles.

The owner of the house sat behind his desk, and he was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Pharaoh. What a nice surprise. I almost didn't recognize you with all this color," he hissed.

"Please, listen, I need you to do me a favor -"

"We haven't talked to each other since you killed my grandfather! Friends, brothers we were! And now you're asking me to do you a favor? Are you crazy?"

"I am your brother, Marik. And I'm so sorry for what I did, but I wasn't myself!"

He rose his eyebrow. "Go on."

"Everyone has a dark and a light half, right, Marik?" I asked him.

"True.. But what has this to do with you, Yami?"

"My dark half broke free from my light half. I have two personalities, I have two souls inside one body. I can't control my dark half anymore."

He sighed. "So you're saying that your dark half killed my grandfather and that you never intended to?"

"I'm so sorry, but yes, he did. He also wants to open the Portal to the Shadow Realm with the Necklace."

"Hold on. I can indeed sense that you're a different person than the dark pharaoh. But how did you overcome him?"

I sighed. "Well, it's a long story."

I told him about me locking myself away in the Puzzle, about me and Yugi, about Ramsis and about my dark side, who transported us back to Ancient Egypt.

"So you're actually from the future, and you're willing me to destroy your dark side? I don't know, Yami, it can be dangerous. If you're not in balance anymore, who knows what happens.."

"I want to take the risk. I want this to end right now. I know that you're the only one who can help me."

"I'll try," he sighed. "But don't blame me if this goes wrong."

The only thing I want is Yugi to be safe.

"You don't know what you're doing, fool," my dark side spoke.

Marik was mixing some liquids from the bottles and looked at me from time to time.

"Are you still sure?" he asked.

"Yes," I said with a dead voice.

He handed me a tiny bottle with a purple liquid inside.

"I hope for you it works," he said.

"So do I," I gulped.

I looked at the purple liquid and took a deep breath. Then I drank all of it.

"How does it feel?" Marik asked.

"I'm feeling.. strange.." I answered. Everything around me started to turn and I closed my eyes.

"Good. Then it's working."

I started to shake a bit and my head felt like it was going to explode.

Then his laugh sent shivers down my spine.

I opened my eyes and saw that he was standing next to me.

"At least I got out of your head," my dark side, who had now his own body, said.

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