Chapter 42: the End (part 3)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••JOEY'S POV•••

Yugi lied there on the ground as the creatures around him were blown away by the attack of the enormous Obelisk.

The roof came down, and while Marik summoned his Winged Dragon of Ra, the other Guardian and I walked up to the huge red dragon, Slifer, that was standing in the middle of the room, trying to avoid the rocks that were falling down.

Slifer cried. He tilted his head and showed everyone that he was ready to attack.

"Slifer! Stop!" Seth commanded, but the dragon didn't listen.

"Yami! Make him stop!" Seth called out to Yami, wherever he was. But the dragon had just opened the attack on the creatures that were standing close to Yugi.

But Yami didn't respond. I searched around the room for him, as my eyes came across someone lying on the floor, in the middle of the room. And there was blood everywhere.

Behind the body, a man with a devious smirk on his face appeared. "Nice to see you again, Seth," he said. "Marik... Bakura..."

Bakura grinned. "I wish I could say the same of you."

Now it was the four of us, and the three dragons, against Ramsis and his demons.

"Do you realize what you've done...?" Seth said, while the demons surrounded us. The Portal had been opened... And more creatures, monsters, demons, whatever you'd like to call them, were coming out of it with the second.

"A shame the pharaoh can't experience this anymore... But I'm glad you came so you can..." Ramsis grinned. "Now that there are only two and a half Guardians, and the Artist doesn't show much life, it's going to be impossible for you to stop me, Seth."

Seth's eyes fell on the dead pharaoh, lying in a pool of his own blood. His eyes widened and he gritted his teeth.

"I thought you didn't like him anyways," Ramsis said. "So I did you a favor."

Seth looked at Yugi and the pharaoh, both lying on the ground. Then he looked back at Ramsis. "You're going to regret this..." Seth hissed.

"You're too late," Ramsis said. "There's no one who can help you anymore."

The black creatures started moving towards us. They were terrifying. I couldn't seem to describe them in my head, but they drove me crazy. It was like they said things in another language, some kind of whispering I didn't understand.

The Guardians had told me that a person who has became immortal, like Ramsis, could only be killed when the three God dragons were to attack that person... But now one of the Guardians wasn't able to keep Slifer in control... I closed my eyes. I guess happy endings really don't exist...

"Ramsis... Please... Let them go..." a voice said from behind.

I turned around to see Yami sitting against the wall, handcuffed with his hands above his head. He was looking terrible, but Seth seemed relieved when he saw him. The creatures suddenly stopped moving.

"Please... You've already taken the half of my soul... Take it all... And let that be the price... For their lives..." he panted.

Ramsis didn't answer, he only slightly tilted his head.

"Your life for their lives... Very smart..." Ramsis said.

"Forget it, Yami. We're not going to leave," Marik said.

"Joey... Make sure Yugi is safe... And Ishizu..." Yami whispered to me.

I nodded. "I will do everything," I whispered back.

"Yami!" Bakura hissed as he turned around to look Yami in the eyes. "You need to let Slifer attack!"

Yami was weak. He shook his head. "I-I can't..."

"You must try!" Marik hissed, and then he looked back at Ramsis again. "We are going to finish what we came for... You will be obliterated... You will pay for everything!" he exclaimed.

"We'll see! Right now, my powers are greater than you could ever imagine! Darkness is coming, and no one who doesn't give in to its power, will experience the consequences...!"

"Now, Obelisk the Tormentor! Show him what you've got!"

"Together, with the Winged Dragon of Ra!"

"And Slifer, the Sky Dragon...!"

Two beams of light connected to each other to a beam of blue and golden light. But Slifer didn't respond to Yami's words.

While the light beam hit Ramsis' chest, the beasts backed away a bit, it seemed that they were being hurt, and I managed to quickly run over to Yami.

"What's wrong? Why didn't Slifer do anything?" I asked him. He was looking even more terrible than he had looked before. I was starting to get worried.

Tears rolled down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry..." he said. "I can't... I'm sorry... All I wanted was to protect... Him... He knows the truth... Yugi..."

Yami took off the red necklace and handed it to me. "Yugi..." he repeated.

Yami closed his eyes again and I could tell he had lost consciousness again. "Yami! Wake up! Pal! Don't leave us!" I tried to wake him up, but without any success.

I turned around, and the sound of the light beam faded. I saw Ramsis stand up after the attack of the two Gods.

Yugi... I looked at him, and he hadn't moved since we arrived. I left Yami to kneel down next to Yugi.

"Fools!" Ramsis exclaimed. "It appears Yami is too weak to make Slifer attack! Fate seems to be on my side today!"

We all looked at each other. The demons seemed to gain some energy again, as they stood up and made a hissing sound.

"Yugi... Can you hear me?" I whispered.

"Is it over...?" he said softly, not opening his eyes.

"Almost..." I whispered. I looked at the red necklace in my hand and sighed. "Yami wants you to have this."

Yugi didn't respond, so I hung the necklace around his neck, and the little gem seemed to light up a bit.

"You need to let Slifer attack, do you understand?" I said him.

He slowly nodded. "Yes..."

I quickly stood up again.

"Is he alright?" Ramsis asked mockingly.

"He has known better days," I snapped.

Ramsis laughed. "Then let's end this one, shall we?"

"What are you doing? Why are you giving Yami's necklace to Yugi?" Bakura said with widened eyes.

"Yami wanted me to give it to him," I said.

"What?" Bakura said. "Has he gone insane?"

I shook my head. "I don't think so..."

"Now, mighty creatures, destroy them all!" Ramsis yelled at the black demons, who responded with a sound which sounded like it was coming straight out of hell.

Now it all made sense to me...

"Obelisk! Now! Demolish him!" Seth yelled as the beasts were coming closer.

The Artist is immortal...

"Ra! Help him, destroy Ramsis once and for all!" Marik exclaimed.

The most powerful man on Earth...

"And Slifer!" I heard a tiny voice say, and when I looked I saw Yugi with his eyes open, more focussed than I had ever seen him before. "Attack!"

The Artist should be protected...

Each one of the three beasts obeyed. A tri-colored light beam, diamond blue, gold, and crimson red, was flying through the room.

Whatever it takes...

But the beam went past the demons... And past Ramsis... It was like the Gods had a different plan...

Oh my...

All three the attacks crashed into the Portal, and another enormous explosion was the result, followed by an unbearable screech that came from the dark creatures. Clouds of dust surrounded us.


The clouds slowly started to fade, and the only thing I could see was an enormous black hole in the middle of the room.

"What the...?" Seth's eyes widened as he saw the enormous void.

The Portal was gone... And so were the beasts... And the Gods...

"Is it... Over...?" Marik whispered.

I could finally swallow and breathe again. I nodded. "They're gone."

I ran up to Yugi. "Are you okay?" I asked him while kneeling down next to him.

He was shaking, and tears were still running down his cheeks. "The pharaoh... He is dead..."

I looked around and saw everything that was left of the pharaoh lying on the edge of the void,

I took him in my arms. "It's over... It's all over, Yugi..."

Marik, Bakura and Seth walked up to us.

"Yugi... This isn't possible... How were you able to take control of Slifer...?" Bakura asked.

Yugi couldn't answer. He was in shock. After everything that happened... Seeing a part of his lover die in such a cruel way... I couldn't blame him.

"Let's get him out of here," Marik said.

"Not so fast," a voice growled from the other side of the void.

I could only see a dark silhouette, but I could tell from the voice that it wasn't over.

"It all makes sense now..." he hissed. He laughed wickedly.

"I should have known... I have been so stupid..." he said as he walked to the edge of the void and he became visible.

"Only a real god will be able to kill me," Ramsis said.

"Yugi! You have to get up!" Seth said.

"Oh, don't you get it, Seth?" Ramsis said. "He's not who you think he is."

"What?" Seth said. "That's ridiculous!"

I bit my lip.

Ramsis smirked. "Joey seems to have figured it out, isn't that right? How long have you known it already?"

"Have known what!" Seth exclaimed angrily, while he looked furious at me.

"That Yugi isn't the Artist," Ramsis hissed.

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