Chapter 7: the Room

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YUGI's POV•••

Yami had already extinguished the candles next to his bed so that the rooms had became dark. I waited for him to fall asleep, until he didn't move anymore and his breathing had become soft and stable.

I then slowly slipped out of my bed and my bare feet felt the cold floor. I sneaked to the door that led to the room with the red velvet couches, but I was suddenly distracted by the man's face, glowing in the last bit of light that cme from who knows where, all his muscles relaxed and his mouth opened a bit, so I could see his snow white teeth.

My hand reached to touch his face, that felt like I had always done that. In my head I saw him smiling at me. My hand stopped, and slowly pulled my fingers back. I took a step backwards and tiptoed to the door. I noticed that it was still open.

I slowly walked to the golden door, the door in the front of the room. Slowly opening it, not wanting it to creak, I left the room and went for the red cross-marked door.

It was feeling like I was hurting him, buy breaking the promise I made. But something was there, I could sense it... Something in that forbidden room called my name...

I tried to remember the way to the room. But I heard it calling out to me, so I felt in which direction I had to go. I saw the door appear after just a few minutes of walking.

I hesitated when I stood right in front of it. He really didn't want me to enter... And I wanted him to trust me, I wanted him to love me, even. But again... Why shouldn't I if he said he didn't have any secrets?

I placed my hand on the doorknob.

'Yugi, aibou, don't...' I heard through my head.

I gasped. He was talking to me...

'You promised...' a whispering voice said.

I shut the mind link. I'm sorry, but I have to open this door... It wants me to...

I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. And immediately, my eyes grew wide.

It was the biggest room that I'd ever seen. All over the walls, paintings appeared. They were all based on one object.

And that object was me.

I had just been a few seconds in the room, as my head started to pound and everything started to spin around in front of me. It was like my lungs were going to burst and I breathed heavily, trying to get some oxygen.

Then the door was shut behind me and I fell down on my knees. And then, everything that had just been spinning went black and I had this strange dream.

A long time ago, in a land here far, far away, known as Egypt, ruled a mighty pharaoh. He was powerful, but he ruled the land with respect and love for his people.

The pharaoh had almost everything he wanted, and although he always seemed to be so happy, he missed just one thing. And that was love.

He met almost every princess there was, but he didn't feel a thing while meeting them. Not for a single one of them.

One time, the pharaoh was walking through the streets of the city he lived in. His eyes fell on a little shop that was located on the corner of the street.

It was the shop of an artist, a young man named Yugi. He made these great paintings, every detail was worked out very well. The pharaoh was amazed by his work and asked if the he could make a painting of him.

Yugi was honored to make a painting for the pharaoh, and he started immediately. The painting came out wonderful and the pharaoh was stunned by his work.

"Do you think you could teach me?"

"Teach you what, my pharaoh?" Yugi answered.

"To paint."

Yugi was stunned by his request.

"But, you're the pharaoh. I'm just a painter. Spending time with me would be a waste, my pharaoh."

He turned his head to Yugi so that amethyst met crimson. And there was a spark between the two of them, like if it was written in the stars. And the pharaoh felt it, yes. He felt the boy was filling up something he was missing.

"Please. Teach it to me. Nobody has to know it. Just you and me."

"I would be honored, my pharaoh."

"Please. Call me Yami."

And so they began to meet each other secretly every day. After a few months of teaching, the pharaoh learned to draw and paint like a master.

Along the way, the pharaoh had developed feelings for Yugi he had never felt before. Everytime Yugi touched him or complimented him, he started to feel butterflies in his stomach.

He fell in love with the artist.

"Yugi... I need to tell you something. I think I know it already for a few weeks, but I'm afraid to tell it to you because... I don't know your response."

"Well, what is it, Yami?"

"I'm in love with you, aibou." he said while walking over to Yugi and pecking him on the lips very careful. Yugi wrapped his hands around the pharaoh's neck and pulled him into a very, very passionate kiss.

However, when anyone would find out of their forbidden love, something terrible would happen.

So they decided to meet each other every day secretly, in a little abandoned farmers house on a hill near the city, to paint, talk and kiss.

But eventually, one of Yami's guards followed the pharaoh to the house and found the two young men.

The day after, Yugi was executed.

Yami was to never leave his palace again. The pharaoh cried for months. Everyday, he lived in pain. His heart hurt. It hurt so much. He couldn't live without his aibou anymore.

He decided to lock himself away in a magical puzzle, only to be opened by his aibou again.

He tried to erase his mind, in which he almost succeeded.

Only, his feelings for Yugi were so strong, so incredibly strong, that he couldn't forget about him.

But the pharaoh couldn't remember he was executed.

He couldn't remember their first or last kiss.

He only remembered Yugi's appearance, and the precious feelings he had for him.

Inside the puzzle, Yami was entirely on his own. He figured out that he could paint very good, and started to paint his lover.

Over and over again.

Waiting to be freed.

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