Chapter 2: The 1st Drake Cavalry

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Within about a few hours, the Federation assault was over and only the moans and cries for help of the wounded were what was left in the air as Baron Adolf van Richthofen slowly looked over the firing step of the Imperial trenches before he looked back to those behind him.

The wounded and dead were being piled up against the opposite wall as medics and those bearing stretchers would take the wounded out of the trenches and towards the rear lines no more than a mile behind them deeper in the forest while the dead were being stripped of their equipment, ammo, even the armor that was undamaged to spread out to the remaining forces fighting nearby. Adolphus stepped down from the firing step as the rest of his men not trying to help the medics with the mass of wounded would keep watch for further Federation soldiers, allowing Adolf to begin walking up and down the trenches with his rifle in his hand. His blue eyes could see that even though it had been a mere few days since the Federation's counterattack, each assault was whittling down the men of the 77th and 78th Imperial Infantry in both numbers and combat readiness which was now forcing the young Baron hand to directly involve his men as a stop gap for the openings in the lines.

Not like he could do much, the hedgerows, forests, and other geographical features of the Artonne region had forced him to more or less keep his men in either reserves or as partial scouts as the enemy for the first couple days of the invasion had this sudden knack at being crack shots for mowing down the drakes that he and his men rode to strand the riders for easy kills. And given the drakes that they rode took a while to grow up and then be trained, each dead one was something not easily and quickly replaced like a tank or maybe even a whole squad of soldiers and thus Adolf had been forced to keep them in the rear lines near the wounded.

And the logistical nightmare of this whole thing was another headache for the young officer as he stopped near three of his fellow officers that all stood up from the map they were looking over, the crimson armor they wore smeared in blood and mud from the trenches they huddled in while the wooden wings with seagull feathers were rattling on the back mounts attached to their armor. Given the units were cut off from any form of supply lines, the men were being ordered to try and use less ammunition, waste less in food and water, and try to use everything they had sparingly or to the most until reinforcements arrived to relieve them. And even then, something about waiting here in a forest until help arrived did not sit right with Adolf and maybe that was because he was used to the feeling of a charging drake underneath him, the wind in his visor as he held a lance, saber, or rifle that was mere moments from punishing another foolish Fed for something. Cavalry doctrines, regardless of the mount one used, was a mobile doctrine that allowed the cavalry to run around enemy lines or positions, moving faster than the average man and just a bit faster than the average tank to allow them quick getaways while also being armed enough to attack targets of opportunity.

But this invasion, this Sealion campaign, had turned what was supposed to be mobile warfare and turned it back into the slogfest of the Eastern Front between the main Federation armies and the main Imperial armies and Adolf was tired of having to toss his men into trenches where they were being slowly whittled down by attrition.

"Lieutenant Colonel Rolf, Captain Casper and Major Falco, please for all that is good tell me some good news. I haven't had any since the primary mess hall got blown up by a Federation bomb with a chunk of our supplies!" said Adolf sternly. He stopped amongst them as he looked over the map that the officers had been scribbling over, he now saw as he brought it up to his face for a good look.

"Baron Adolf." Baron, a title held by some of the lower half of the Empires Aristocracy as it was divided up based on what tittle you owned or inherited. Baron's were at the lowest end, often only having enough prominent land to make them remarkable above the typical landlord. The title still felt surreal to Adolf, who was only 25 and yet considered one of the youngest noble officers in the Imperial army thanks to the tragic death of his father no more than 3 years ago. But still, as Adolf looked over at his second in command as the older man began to point out a few things on the map of an area around the forest that the cavalry had mapped out only a couple days ago. "We have had our suspicions about the Federation artillery that's been attacking us, where the big guns are at least. Given the destruction of not only the mess hall but also the destruction of the thankfully empty southern stables and the unfortunately not empty 4th company tent site that saw to the death of 10 men and the wounding of many more, we have done some basic mathematics and we have calculated the trajectory of the shells... albeit if you don't mind us still guessing about all of it."

Unlike Adolf, Lieutenant Colonel Rolf Uhlmann was a normal person who rose up through the Imperial Armies ranks by his own merit and not because he has a title and thus while he is high in the company as an officer, he is still outranked and frankly outclassed by Adolf's tittle of Baron. That being said, Adolf never once took the advice of his Lt. Colonel for granted as he often saw the older man a well of wisdom and guidance in the war. This was made even more so do to the fact that Lieutenant Colonel Rollf was a veteran of the previous Europan War and thus he knew his combat knowledge well.

"At this point, if we can finally scatter them, we might be able to sleep for once tonight without the concern of a 105 dropping on our heads while we snore away. Give it to me, Rolf. Tell me we have a good idea where they are hiding." said Adolf as he looked at his officer.

"Here." Rolf pointed to a hill that the scouts had found previously, even using it as a scouting post before the enemy forced them off the hill after a short and decisive skirmish that sent the drake riders packing. "It's about a few kilometers of us and while that means they have to be shooting pretty high on their arcs, it does explain how they are able to drop it right on top of us without a fear of the tree's redirecting the shell elsewhere."

"Fucking finally some news I like to see and hear." said Adolf as he then looked to his other officers next to him in their red armor.

First one to speak was Major Falco Moritz, another man who rose his way through the ranks up to his status though he is not a veteran of the First Europan War but rather a grizzled veteran of previous skirmishes with the Federation in some border wars while also being one of the best officers that he could rely on in this war. "Baron, I have already instructed the men to prepare positions around the area. 1st and 2nd Company and its elements will hold this flank given that the remains of 3rd are still healing and 4 to 5 are currently in reserve."

The last captain finally spoke up, Captain Casper Tauber, who was the youngest officer and also sadly the one given his rank thanks to a battlefield promotion since his previous captain, Captain Gregor, died to a Federation grenade. Given he was still new to command, he was often left in charge of logistics and supplies as well as making sure to get the wounded healed again. He even occasionally helped in establishing patrol routes and training regimes for slightly newer soldiers or soldiers needing to be reminded of their training when they make a major mistake and needed some punishment training. "Baron Adolf, I regret to inform you that while I have managed to patch together the remains of  6th company to half strength though even if all of them were healed and ready, only 3/4ths of the company remain to fight."

"Well that will have to do because I have a feeling we're going to need them. Tell our 2nd Company to make ready with their Drakes! Let 77th and 78th know that they can use the 3rd to help hold their lines while I lead the assault on those guns!" Said Adolf as he began to point out a path through the known area of the map. "We'll begin here, at that small forest that's just south of it. Then once it's cleared out we'll attack the guns directly! It'll be a brutal assault but if we move swiftly enough we'll hit them before they can dig in!"

All the officers nodded as then Adolf said while giving the map back to Rolf, "I'm not going to sugar-coat it, we have to keep our men alive as much as possible. With 2nd and 3rd Battalion's elsewhere in this Valkyur-forsaken place and me in direct command of 1st here, we have to ensure that the 1st Drake's don't end up being wiped out here. Our mission beyond the taking of Verijssel is to bring the Regiment back to the light so we aren't the next units to be decommissioned and disbanded."

They all nodded as then Adolf sighed before telling them, "Alright. Inform the men. Casper, go get our Drakes! Falco! Get that company on the move! Rolf, come with me. I'm going to go let the Count's know what's about to happen but we will not be taking any crap!" Said Adolf and the officers around them gave him a salute before they all dispersed from the area.

With the plan set, Adolf got out of the trench and in a crouch with Rolf by his side, they swiftly headed deeper into the forest that lay in the Artonne.

The camp was set about two miles into the thick forest of the Artonne. Rolf and Adolf had been walking for several minutes past defensive positions and picket lines of the various units currently holding the forest: the 1st Drake Cavalry, 77th Infantry, 78th Infantry, and even the occasional vehicle and tank from the 7th Tank as the pair soon made their way to the ramshackle headquarters of all of the units present. It was in a rough shape as it consisted of a small home in the woods while temporary mechanics shop, infirmary, armory, mess hall, and other essential buildings in the form of tents.

The officers quickly made their way towards the small house where the radio communication array was arranged just outside and all of the officers were at some point in the day inside if they weren't as foolish as the officers on the frontlines.

Rolf opened the door for Adolf and the black armor of the Baron with his own attached wings sort of banging on the top of the frame of the homes door entered before the both of them stood before a table and several other figures but namely 3 of them in their own crimson-red armor. Each of their armor was pattered out as either infantry, with simply a recolored version of the standard infantryman's armor, or in one figures case it was a crimson tank crewman fatigue with an armored face mask attached to a helmet for protection against shrapnel.

The figures were Viscount Karl Visscher of the 77th Infantry regiment, Viscount Magnus Bott of the 7th Tank regiment, and finally Duke Lucas Kiefer of the 78th Infantry regiment.

Adolf saluted them all as even though normally one who bore the esteemed Black Imperial Guard armor was above anyone else, his title still made him subservient to them as both Karl and Magnus returned his salute but the Duke Lucas simply sneered before saying, "Have you finally pushed those damn peasants back? That shelling has been getting rather close now."

"My Duke, my forces have finally been able to roughly judge the enemy artillery location and even now I prepare for an assault on it to eliminate that position." Reported the Baron to those before him as Rolf began to walk over with his map.

Karl was a tall and somewhat with man with brown hair that could barely be seen poking from beneath his helmet but his visor was up to allow full view of his steel-Grey eyes that seemed to be given life at this news. "Finally some good news even for us."

Nearby, Magnus was another with man but his hair was blonde like Adolf's and he wore special goggles instead of glasses for the poor vision his green eyes gave. "Splendidly done, Baron. Tell me, when do you plan on eliminating the enemy?"

"As soon as my second company is ready." Rolf rolled out the map and quickly placed some wooden blocks to show the general plan of attack as Adolf walked the Viscounts and Duke through the plan. No one spoke as the plan was laid out but when it was done, the Duke grumbled.

The Duke was a slightly more pompous man, with Grey mustache and beard as well as eyes that to Adolf were always shifty. "And what makes you think your drake humpers can take that hill? Those guns won't be just left out in the open."

"With enough speed, even the Drakes can outpace a light tank or a car. Surprise will also be on our side, Duke." Said Baron Adolf.

"Hmmph. Well, if you insist on being massacred, go ahead." Mumbled the Duke as he took out a pipe and began to light it for a puff.

The Baron snapped his heels together and gave a salute before he and Adolf swiftly fled the home to get with their men.

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