OC Fillout Form

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Yes, boys and girls I'm doing another one of these! You know the drill, comment a character from what I send, and I'll add it to the story! Remember though, there are a few rules.
OC has to be appropriately named
OC Cannot be lore breaking (No furries where they shall not belong)
OC cannot be related to any current characters
OC's cannot be Valkyrie... im making this story without them for good reasons.
You may have currently 2 different OC's but you they must be different and original form one another.

I'll add a few more or clarify as needed for the story as it goes on and this will go away roughly 10 chapters or so from the end of the story or when I feel like I can get rid of it. So heres the form!

Height and Weight: Im going to be a bit critical here, try and keep the height weight somewhat realistic to a military character. 
Body Description:
Nationality: Federation, Imperial, Gallian
Quirks: You may have 4 Quirks with as many bad ones as you wish to take. These can be based on personality, backstory, or generally just random things your characters have. But you may only have up to 2 positive quirks. I know this isn't like the game, but I do want to try and get as close as I can to it. 
Backstory: Backstory I want to be in depth. No one line backstories if at all possible.

A general warning of this story and slight spoiler; We are not the Gallians or Federation. I am doing an Imperial story. So, while I'm hoping to see lots of Imperials, I will not fault anyone for playing mainly the Federation. It's your choice I'm just letting you know in forewarning. Why no Gallians? Simple, we are too far away from that conflict to actually participate in. Sorry for you Gallian fans out there.

Also, while Im describing the class in basics, if you want more info go look up the game and look at what they have, and watch people play the game if you want a better idea of what you want to play.

Federation Classes:
Scout- Your job is to be ahead of the main force scouting the enemy. You get basic gear, a rifle, and some supplies so you move fast.

Stormtrooper- You are the vanguard of the force, armed with an Automatic rifle and heavier armor you can't move fast but you excel at assaulting the enemy positions.

Lancer- You are the tank and APC's nightmare; you go around with a giant gunlance and punch holes into any vehicle not your own. You have heavier armor on your lance side to ensure protection when shooting.

Engineer- You are the friend of anything with gears and motors, you repair tanks and vehicles as well as clear out traps, mines, and other things. 

Sniper- You are the expert marksman that can clear out an enemy position with accurate shots while moving around partially unseen.

Grenadier/Mortarman- You are the light artilleryman that can clear out enemy bunkers and positions with the deployment of your deadly weapon, raining bombs on your foes from almost any distance.

Fencer- You are antiquity of the First Europan War but still with heavy armor, a shield, and a melee weapon, you smack enemy forces down without too much to fear in close-quarter fighting.

APC Crewman (Federation Only)- You are the crewman who pilot the ever-wanted Armored Personnel carrier. When people need to get over a river, through fire, or just want a ride, they call on you.

Tank Crewman- You are the deadliest beast of the battlefield, only stopped by Lancers and other tanks, as you are the new gods of the battlefield with cannon and machine gun.

Imperial Classes:
Scout-Your job is to be ahead of the main force scouting the enemy. You get basic gear, a rifle, and some supplies so you move fast.

Stormtrooper-You are the vanguard of the force, armed with an Automatic rifle and heavier armor you can't move fast but you excel at assaulting the enemy positions.

Lancer-You are the tank and APC's nightmare; you go around with a giant gunlance and punch holes into any vehicle not your own. You have heavier armor on your lance side to ensure protection when shooting.

Engineer-You are the friend of anything with gears and motors, you repair tanks and vehicles as well as clear out traps, mines, and other things. 

Sniper-You are the expert marksman that can clear out an enemy position with accurate shots while moving around partially unseen.

Grenadier/Mortarmen-You are the light artilleryman that can clear out enemy bunkers and positions with the deployment of your deadly weapon, raining bombs on your foes from almost any distance.

Tank Crewman-You are the deadliest beast of the battlefield, only stopped by Lancers and other tanks, as you are the new gods of the battlefield with cannon and machine gun.

Fencer-You are antiquity of the First Europan War but still with heavy armor, a shield, and a melee weapon, you smack enemy forces down without too much to fear in close-quarter fighting.

Drake Cavalryman (Imperial Only)- The last of a dying job even from the Imperial side, the mighty Drake beasts you ride help your charge down your foe with lance, saber, and carbine. You are the last cavalry of this age.

So I hope you all enjoy this little thing and let us watch as the Lost of the Artonne fight their way back to friendly lines!

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