dinner date~ (blueberry sans x reader)

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(Starting today I'm gonna make a oneshot up until Valentine's day! Besides I need to get back into writing! 💕


(Reader is gender neutral :3)

(Y/n) was sleeping peacefully in their comfy and soft bed, they slowly began to stirr awake, awoken by soft kisses on their face. (Y/n) sit up as they rubbed their eyes, their vision was blurred but slowly cleared. It was their boyfriend blueberry, holding a big bouquet of roses just for them! "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY HONEY! DID YOU SLEEP WELL?" He asked as he gently gives them the kisses, (y/n) gently takes them in their arms, they couldn't help but smile and leans in kissing his cheek. A soft blue blush spread across his cheek bone. "I slept well blue, happy valentine's day~" (y/n) purred

blueberry smiles, "CHARA IS WITH ASGORE AND ORANGE WONT BE HERE FOR THE DAY SO I HAD A IDEA! HOW ABOUT WE COOK TOGETHER AND HAVE A DINNER DATE HOME?" He asked hoping that they'll like the idea, (y/n) smiles as they get out of bed and nuzzles blue softly, "sounds like a very romantic idea hun~" they replied. The two left their shared bedroom, (y/n) filled up their vase with water and carefully put the beautiful roses inside for them to last longer. "FIRST IM TAKING YOU SHOPPING AND WELL BUY INGREDIENTS FOR OUR DATE!" He said, (y/n) was surprised bit giggled, "aw blue you really don't have to take me shopping" they protested, "I WANT TO! BESIDES..." blueberry started as he gently cups their face, gently stroking their cheeks with his thumbs, "YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING~..." he said gently nuzzling his nose hole against their nose. (Y/n)'s face bloomed with blush and they giggle, "ok ok fine~"


"woah look at all of this!" (Y/n) said looking at all the adorable plushies, the couple went to the mall together for shopping and they were enjoying it? "WOULD YOU LIKE ONE?" Blueberry asked, "blueberry i think I have enough stuff" (y/n) sweat dropped, carrying 4 shopping bags of clothes and etc things he got for them, (y/n) suddenly gets a idea, "hey love? I would love a quick snack since I am getting pretty hungry" they said. Blueberry perks up, "of course love! I'll go get a pretzel for you!" Blueberry said and quickly leaves. (Y/n) looke making sure he's far enough before quickly going to the jewelry store. (Y/n) had already reserved a very special gift 2 weeks prior to this lovely day! Of course they made sure to never let blueberry catch on to this. They smile putting down the bags once she gets to the counter, "excuse me? I had a gift purchased and reserved under my name" they said. The nice cat monster behind the counter smiles, "ok! Your name please?" She asked, "(y/n)" they answered. The cat monster looks through the list and finds it, "ah there you are! Yes here it is" she said giving her the well decorated box with the rings, "have a wonderful day!" She said. (Y/n) thanks them and takes it, putting it in one of the shopping bags before leaving

(Y/n) come back to see blueberry looking around for them with the pretzel. Blueberry looks over and sees, "OH THERE YOU ARE (Y/N)! I GOT THE PRETZEL FOR YOU!" He said. (Y/n) gives him a kiss on the cheek, "hehe thank you love, I was simply looking around, shall we go? I can't wait to cook with you!' they said. Blueberry smiles and takes their hand and leaves


(Y/n) puts the bags away, hiding the gifts, they brought all they need to cook a delicious Alfredo pasta dinner with rolls and they brought their favorite wine. Blueberry has improved with his cooking these passed few years , much much better than before. (Y/n) and blueberry put on aprons to begin

They worked on the pasta, cooking the chicken, making the sauce and baking fresh rolls and melted cheese, occasionally playfully giving eachother gentle loving kisses and nuzzles while soft music playing from the nearby radio. Just simply being the cheesy lovey-dovey couple that they are. They set up the table once the food was all done and ready, getting the wine glasses, lighting up candles, dimming the lights and having the music continue the play.

Blueberry put on a simple white dress shirt with a blue blazer, pants and shoes wanting to look his best for his love. (Y/n) also got ready for their dinner date, getting the gift ready for the perfect time. (Y/n) walks down the stairs, blueberry was waiting and when his eyelights landed on them his face was as bright blue as a actual blueberry!~ blueberry smiles toothly and he gently takes their hand, "YOU LOOK PERFECT..." he softly said, (y/n) leans in kissing his nose hole, "so do you~" they responded. Blueberry escorts them to their romantic dinner, being the gentleman he is he pulls their seat for them and pushes it back once they take their seat before taking his own.


The food was delicious, they should definitely do this again eventually. Blueberry smiles as he gently takes their hand intertwining their fingers, "YOU KNOW... BEING YOUR BOYFRIEND HAVE BEEN THE BEST 3 YEARS OF MY LIFE LOVE~..." he confessed, (y/n) couldn't help but giggle, "same here...I never felt so happy before, you've been spoiling me all day, and I think it's the perfect time now for you gift!~" they said, blueberry perks up in curiosity, "HM? A GIFT?" He asked suprised. (Y/n) gets up before getting on one knee, blueberry was shocked, was this actually happening?! (Y/n) takes out the gift box revealing the gorgeous gold rings with blue gems

Blueberry covers his mouth in shock, to be honest he always thought he'd be the one to propose! "Blueberry...there isn't anyone I wouldn't rather be in but you! Your confidence, how passionate you were, your kindness! Waking up to you everyday is like a dream come true and I'm so happy to have you in my life, so ...will you marry me?..." (Y/n) asked. Tears went down blueberry face as he quickly gets up and hugs them kissing all over their face, "YES! YES OF COURSE!" He said happily and nuzzles them, (y/n) was so happy that he said yes...they gently pulls them close, just wanting to be in their arms for a while happy that they're now fiances....


I hope you enjoyed this one shot!

I already got ideas for the next one! >:3

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