Chapter 10

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Outside in the cool moist air, John followed Gwen into the forest. They did not light any torches and every so often one of them hit or stumbled on a stray branch or hole. Garret swore a few times.

"Quiet," Brett said.

Up ahead, John saw a large bon fire and several dark figures moving among the light. John took out his dagger and proceeded behind Brett toward the flames. They all stop near the edge of a clearing. The trappers from the village stood in a trance staring at the scaled creatures. Whispers of magic floated in the air. On a stone altar was the dark chalice. The flames danced on its surfaced. The creatures came next to the stone altar and placed their talon paws over the cup.

"What are they doing?" John whispered.

Gwen said, "They are trying to invoke its power."

"For what end?"

"We have to stop them for completing the spell. They are calling forth a demon to their bidding."

"These witches don't know we are here," Garret said, "we should attack now."

"Wait," John said, "we need a diversion, and then we can get the chalice."

Garret stared at him for a second. "Ok what should we do?"

He pointed to the far right. "Gwen can you start a fire spell over there." She nodded. He continued. "I shall create a wind spell and blast them on the opposite direction. Brett and Garret go get the chalice, when create out magic."

"Be careful," Gwen said, "do not touch the cup with your bare hands"


"Just do not do it."


John said, "Are we ready?"

Marla said, "What am I going to do?"

"I need you to stay here and if we are captured or killed, I want you to go back to my father and tell him what happened." John turned to the others. "Gwen when you start your spell, I will cast mine. When you see an opening, Brett grab the chalice and run, north."

They all took their prospected positions. John waited in the shadows. He watched as the scaled creatures chanted words he could not understand. At the appointed time, Gwen created a large inferno engulfing several trees and bushes. He waited for the creatures to turn toward the conflagration of fire. John concentrated and tried to invoke a wind spell. Nothing happened. He pounded his head. Suddenly, an intense warmth spread from his body. A green acid spew from his hand and struck both the scaled creatures. His jaw dropped. The beasts roared.

His spell dissipated. The creatures bloodied with acid wisps of steam ran toward him. A roar escaped their lips. The people of the village all fell to the ground. He stepped backwards and hit a tree branch. He skidded toward the ground. The creatures was almost on top of him. Their faces was in a wicked grimace. He fumbled for his sword and could not get it out of its scabbard.

He tried to summon some magic, but nothing came forth. He scrambled on the ground. In an instant, he saw his life stretched before him and realized he was selfish and many of the times immature. The creature's claws looked immeasurably large. He closed his eyes. He waited for the first stab of pain, but he sensed something. Something dark and terrible came around him. He opened his eyes and saw Gwen standing next to him holding the chalice. A red glow encased her. She looked different. Her hair flowed as if a strong wind blew around her, and her features were more pronounced and darker. He almost didn't recognize her.

The creatures shrank from her. Gwen pointed and the red glow envelope the beasts, and they exploded in a crescendo of blood and guts. Gwen fell to the ground. She still grasped the chalice in her hand. The red glow was gone. Everything seemed more dark. He smelt the acrid scent of entrails. He knelt by Gwen. He found a leather satchel attached to her waist. He gingerly took hold of it and grabbed the chalice. He placed it inside without touching the surface.

Gwen murmured something. "Yes dark one. Yes."

John was about to shake her shoulder, but she opened her eyes.

He said, "Are you ok? What just happened?"

She stared at him and smirk. "I had to use the chalice's power to save you. Except, now the black knight knows where I am."

Coming through the bushes was several dark figures. John took out his sword.

"John, it's Brett. We could not get the chalice. What is that smell?"

"We have the cup and that smell is the dead creatures. The men of the village are they still in a trance?"

Garret came toward him with

Marla in tow. Brett said, "They are fine. Marla checked on them. They got out of the trance just a few minute ago, when you both destroyed the creatures."

Marla said, "The people on the village haves been under the witches spells for months. They want to help us."

"Ok, but we have to hurry. The black knight knows we are here."

Brett said, "How did that happened?"

"The black knight could feel our magic when we combined our powers." John hoped they did see through his lie. He didn't want them to know Gwen used the dark chalice to rescue him.

They started walking to the bonfire a few yards away. The flames Gwen conjured before was out. She spoke in his mind. "It was only an illusion but the magic I used from the dark chalice was powerful, and I feel the taint in my head."

"Will you be fine?"

"Yes, I think so."

They entered the clearing. All the people stood around the fire sitting and talking quietly. One tall man stood and came to him.

"Thank you," the tall man said, "I am Greig. I am the owner of the tavern. Those witches took over our village. Thank you for helping us. Is there anything we can repay you with, we shall."

John was about to speak but Garret said, "We need supplies and horses. We will pay you."

Grieg held up his hands. "No, we will give you your supplies and horses. Gives us an hour. We are still in a daze."

* * *

Marla sat on a gray horse. The people of the village gave them everything and more than they ask for. She was given new clothes and a pretty red dress. She wanted to talk to John alone. She felt there was something wrong with him. Yet, he was always close to Gwen. She tried to get his attention several times, but he always seemed oblivious to her.

She prodded her horse closer to John. He was looking toward Gwen even though she was a few feet away by herself packing some supplies.

"John," Marla said, "Do you hear me?"

He slowly turned to her in a daze. "Marla, what do you need?"

"I saw what happened. Gwen killed the creatures by herself, and she looked different. Did she explain herself?"

"She had to use her magic. I was going to die."

Marla gave him a look. She was not sure any of them was in serious trouble. Yet, she felt Gwen was the more dangerous than anything they fought. She had serious doubts they should continue this journey, but she was not sure how she should tell him.

"I'm not sure about what happened. I think Gwen has been lying to us about everything."

He looked away from her and stared at Gwen. Something seemed to pass between them. Marla was sure about it. Gwen stood and look at both of them.

John said, "Do you want to leave after all we have been through? Gwen is maybe not the problem. It could be you."

"What? No. I'm not the problem. Something is not right. Can't you feel it? That chalice is evil."

John seemed seem to be thinking to himself as if his mind was a million leagues away from here. He shook his head. "Do you want to leave? I can have the prince take you back to the castle."

She had to stay. John did not know he was under some type of spell more subtle than the spell the villagers was under.

"No, I want you to realize there is more to Gwen than she told us."

"Yes, yes. Garret we need to leave. The morning is upon us."

John moved his horse to the front. They all started to travel down the path going due north. Marla vowed to watch Gwen more closely. She could fool the men, but she could not fool her. Marla's intuition was telling her that Gwen had a terrible secret she was hiding and this secret could change everything. She sighed and decided she would approach the prince about her misgivings.

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