Chapter 2

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The black knight crept among the trees and faced the village of Baelen. He knew Gwen headed toward the Knights Alliance to help her protect her, but it will not do her any good. He will catch hold of her sooner or later. It really did not matter. His master, Mage Suprum, will have her again. Yet, he wondered why his master told him to wait. He was ready right now. He can sneak into the village and take her back. The fireworks will be starting soon.

There was a time when he was one of those knights watching the beginning of the spring festival. Except, those days were over. After he became the disciple of the dark wizard, he never looked back. He turned and moved into the shadows. He stared into the forest and saw the plague spreading on the trees, leaves and grass. The plants were wilted and stilted. Soon the plague will overtake everything. Suprum told him as much. He believed they would be the rulers of this kingdom.

The black knight traversed to his steed. He rubbed his horse's neck and looked into the glowing scarlet eyes. He smiled. This warhorse was given to him as a gift for his service for killing many of the knights of the alliance. Nobody could best him, except maybe Donnelly, the knight Marshall himself. He jumped onto the horses back and had the beast sprint through the trees. His vision was greatly enhanced by the wizard. He can see through the darkness of the night.

They traveled for a league. He stopped at a large cave and dismounted. He sensed eyes was staring at him. He heard a noise.

The knight said, "I am here on behalf of Suprum, the Mage."

He waited. Phantoms coalesced in midair.

"What do you require, dark knight?" a voice said.

The knight said, "My master wants your allegiance in the coming battle."

The voice laughed. "There will be no battle. Your little plague will not harm us."

The knight felt the creatures touch his armor. He knew these monsters could kill him at the slightest touch.

The knight said, "There will be a time when Suprum will be the ruler of these lands."

"Your powers cannot match the Knights Alliance. There is one that can defeat you."

"Nobody can defeat my master."

The creatures laughed. "Ah, you think so. That will be your undoing. Sir Knight."

"Will you join us?"

"We need to contemplate your proposal. Be gone from us."

* * *

John ran out of his room. He strapped on his breastplate while his sword hung over his arm. His armor clanked as he sped down the steps.


He turned to find his Grandmother staring at him. She wore a long green shiny gown. Her ladies in waiting trailed behind her. They giggled as he stopped.

"Grandmother," he said as he bowed his head.

Her green eyes flashed. "You are late. And your armor is barely on you."

She came close to him and finishing strapping on his breastplate.

"Thanks Grams."

She smiled. "Go. Be careful. I will be there in a few minutes."

John walked through the front and saw Marla waiting for him on the castle's steps. She had a long blue low-cut dress. He had almost mistaken her for one of her grandmother's handmaidens.

"Marla, you look nice."

She smiled. "Thank you. Are you going to escort me? You owe me."

"Just follow me. I'm already in trouble."

"Tell your dad, it was my fault. I made you wait for me."

She grabbed his hand. They walked toward the village. The fireworks shot across the sky.

"John," she said, "remember when we were kids, we wanted to be like the maidens and knights there. Now we have become them."

He nodded recalling the days of childhood. They pretended they were the lords over the land commanding whole legions to battle. "Yes. I remember. My mom was still alive then."

Marla squeezed his hand. "She was beautiful."

"I know. Even though my dad took all the paintings of her and hid them in the castle rooms, I found them in the attic. I go there often to read some of her journals and look at her paintings."

"Why did your dad hide all her things?"

"I think he was in such pain when she died. He could not stand the sight of her portrait."

Their path slope downward. He could see the multitude of people gathering in the middle of town. He said, "I wished we could have seen the grand entrance. The High Duke is here."

"I do not like him. He is stuffy."

John heard people screaming. "Oh no." He sprinted. Marla ran with him. He saw underneath the main pavilion groups of people stacked on top of each other. He almost laughed except for the clear voice of his dad saying over the sounds of protest. "Stop. How dare you use magic against us?"

He saw a woman, as delicate of a young girl, but she had something different about her. Her eyes were golden emeralds, and her face was sculptured with high cheekbones and a fine delicate nose. For a brief second, he was reminded of his mom, but the thought was fleeting. The knights surrounded her, pointing their swords toward her direction as if she was an enemy.

John pushed through the crowd of people watching her. He thought he saw a subtle green aura glowing around her, but it ceased. He moved through the knights and stood close to her.

His father said, "John what are you doing? She is dangerous. She is an Eriel."

John held up his hand, "My lady. What is your name?"

"I am called Gwen. I seek protection." Her eyes looked upon his father. It was silent except the flapping of the flags high above them.

John turned toward his father. His face was livid with rage and something he has seen before many of times, sadness.

His father said, "Gwen you will come with us to the keep. I will talk to my counselors."

* * *

"Be quiet. I cannot hear." John said. He motioned for Marla to move away. They stood in the hallway close to the central throne room. The Knight Marshall Donnelly called all his councilors together for an emergency meeting.

Marla whispered, "We shouldn't be here. We will get in trouble."

"What's the matter? We used to do this when we were kids listening to the grownups talk."

"This is different."

His father voice rose higher than everybody else. "No, we cannot help her. She is not supposed to be here. I sealed the gates to Absalom ages ago."

"Yet, she is here. We cannot ignore this. If the King knew about this, we would be in trouble. Did John recognize her kind?"

He recognized the first governor, his father's trusted advisor, Darnel speaking.

"No, I do not think so. But we cannot let this Eriel leave here."

The voices of the councilor all spoke as one. John couldn't understand what they were saying.

"So, John, what are you doing spying on your dad?"

"Sorry, Grandma." He turned and saw her still in her green gown.

"Come with me and let your dad do his job. Marla follow us."

They shuffled out of the hallway and went up a flight of stone steps. John looked at Marla. She shrugged her shoulders. He sensed they were headed to the top of the tower where Gwen, the Eriel, was placed. They stopped a few feet from a long corridor. Two guards were stationed by the entrance.

"Johnny," his grandma said, "you must have seen similarities to Gwen and your mom. I know you found your mom's portrait in the attic."

He nodded. "My mom was an Eriel."

"Yes Johnny that she was. I wanted you to know. I think you should talk to her and find out what she needs. We will reason with your dad later. You have to be a man now. Marla you should go with him."

His grandma turned with a ruffle of her dress and moved downstairs. For a few seconds, John pondered what should he do. He did not want to go behind his father's commands but he felt he had to do this.

He stood higher and walked up to the two guards. Marla was close behind.

A large guard he had seen before said, "Hello Master Trasta. What can we do for you?"

"Krolan, is it?" John said, "I am here to talk to Gwen."

"You father gave me strict orders to not have anybody disturb her."

"I'm here on my father's behalf. I need to talk to her."

Krolan produced a key and unlock the door. John nodded.

"Wait, what about her?"

"Marla," John said, "is a healer. She is here to see if Gwen needs some medical help."

They moved inside. The room was bigger than most in the castle proper. Several paintings and tapestries hung on the wall. John could not see Gwen at first. She was so still. He thought she was a statue. Gwen stared out into balcony and looked at the night's sky.

"Hello," he said.

"You are the knight who helped me."

"Yes, but I am not a knight yet."

Gwen looked at them and smiled. "You have your mom's eyes."

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