Chapter 28

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John watched as the troop of dwarves walked out of the castle and out to the bridge. The noise of men and horses was loud in the huge cave. Far, in the distance, the sting of frost flowed inside from a large gate. John started down the steps to the ground floor.

Valeria said, "We are not going that way. Follow me."

Their small group withdrew toward a set of caves. None of the dwarves walked this area and he wondered why they were here. Valeria directed then to the cave on the second tier on the far left. They entered but it was not a tunnel, but a wooden room with a lever in the middle.

Valeria said, "Everybody get closer to the middle of the platform."

As they got inside, the dwarf commander moved to the front and touched a small lever. A large grated door closed over the entranceway.

Valeria said, "Do not be alarmed. When I pull on this, the room will move. You might feel a little disoriented at first."

They all nodded to her. The dwarf grabbed the lever and pull it the opposite way. Instantly, the room moved upwards. A rush of air permeated the small room and flashes of lamplight flickered through the grated front. The room stopped with a lurch. They almost fell. John grabbed hold of Marla before she hit the wall. Valeria opened the front and grabbed a lantern from outside the room.

John said, "Where are we?"

"We traveled to another part of the tunnels."

"Is this magic?"

"No, call it Dwarven ingenuity. We are under the area where the black knight's army is camped."

John almost heard the sounds of the ogres and lizard men walking above. "How do we know when we have to move?"

"Just follow me," Valeria said.

John saw a light up ahead and noises of people talking. He almost stopped but Valeria whistled a noise. Somebody whistled back. "These are my men. They are waiting for us at the exit."

They kept moving and the light got brighter. Several dwarves in light leather armor looked up through a small hole in the top of the cave.

* * *

The Knight Marshall sat in a horse with the rest of his group of knights. His son's decoy was directly behind him. He was surprised how Knight Jaegar looked like his son. They even changed his hair style to match his son.

The Knight Marshall and his troop of dwarf warriors and knights stayed at the very rear of the army. They moved in unison out the large gates of the Dwarf mountain. The Knight Marshall saw the Dwarf King at the head of his army. He wore gleaming silver and gold armor with an axe sigil on his breast plate.

The knight Marshall also dressed in full armor. His two-handed sword was strapped to his back and had an odd feeling that he would finally have a final battle with the black knight and that he would not be the victor.

The gateway had many dwarves operating its wall. This display of manpower was diminished when they exited the mountain. A cruel cold wind whipped around them and in front of the field before them was a mass army of ogres and lizard men waiting for them. The Knight Marshall felt the presence of the black knight down in the mass of the enemy.

The dwarves moved into sets of hundred men. The main foot warriors was in the front stationed in a spear formation. Cavalry and archers stood at the rear and toward the sides. It was his idea to keep this formation. The black knight's army looked like they were three times the size of the dwarf army. A large drum boomed from the enemy camp in rhythmic sounds. The lizard men and ogres chanted a furious war song. The dwarves groups moved to their areas and waited. The king stood behind the foremost group with his cavalry and guards.

The enemies chanting to a crescendo and ceased. The dwarves stood ready with their weapons and shields. Suddenly, the ogres and lizard men ran at them.

The king yelled at the top of his voice. "Stand your ground."

The Knight Marshall wanted to be at the front line. He was always at the head of this own army, but this was not his men or army. Before the foremost group of enemies was about to attack the dwarves, the sound of thousand bows strummed. Fire arrows rained down into the black knights creatures. A few hundred enemy warriors died, but the ogres and lizard men crawled over the dead and crashed into the group of the dwarf lines. The Knight Marshall grabbed onto the hilt of his large broadsword. He wanted to rush into the frenzied maelstrom of fighting and cut his way into the black knight but he needed to stay with his son's decoy. The plan was almost ready.

More ogres and lizard men came toward them. The ground started to tremble. Three wyvern creatures pushed themselves from the back of the enemy camp and into the battle. At the given signal, the front line of dwarves moved backwards away from the beasts.

"Now!" the king said.

John's decoy moved into view. The ogres and lizard men howled as they saw his son's doppelgänger. Several dwarf catapults shot large harpoon arrows and it hit the wyverns. The creatures shriek and fell dead. The knight Marshall moved his group back a bit.

The enemy swarmed toward the knight Marshall's group. The dwarves turned back and started to fight the mass of ogres.

* * *

Johns watched from within a dark cave looking at the battle. He heard the noise of creatures passing over them. He cannot see too much from his view point. He grabbed hold of his sword and felt the pommel being warm to the touch. A surge of energy infused his body.

Valeria said, "When I give the signal follow me out but do not engage the enemy. Just watch and do what I say."

Marla came closer to him. He sensed her breath of his back. She was breathing heavy.

"Go now," Valeria said.

The latch clicked, and a doorway opened. They all followed the dwarf hunters outside. They stood on the battle field close to the edge of the forest next to the mountain ridges. Nobody was around them. The whole of the black knight's forces was running toward the dwarf army. The ogres and lizard men were massive in number. John wanted to help his dad, who was in the middle of the melee.

Valeria said, "Who goes there?"

A group of ogres came out of the bushes. John had his hood over his head. A snarl escape from the creatures and they attacked them with their weapons drawn.

Valeria said, "Stay here. Keep the hood over your head."

His friends move backwards as the dwarf hunters fought the ogres. John sensed something. He turned toward the field of battle. The black knight was on top of a large black horse moving to his dad. He killed any dwarf that came close to him. The black knight held a large black broad sword that glinted wicked in the sun.

John had an urge to run at the black knight. A hand from the prince stopped him from running. His mind was in torment. After seeing the black knight, he wanted revenge. He heard the stories of his mom being struck by the black knight. He wanted give peace to his mom's spirit. He turned back. The dwarf hunters killed the ogre patrol without raising any alarms.

"Hurry." Valeria pointed to a small path that snaked toward the forest. The small company of ten dwarf hunters and his friends ran away from the sounds of battle. They did not encounter anymore enemy patrols. The cold wind of the mountains was replaced by warmth of the valley below. John was worried. He hoped his dad and the dwarf army will not be defeated. He shook his head. He cannot have these dreaded thoughts. He focused on the journey ahead.

* * *

The Knight Marshall turned his horse around when he saw the black knight come toward him. He took out his sword and waited. Everybody around them moved away from them almost anticipating the confrontation between them. The knight Marshall was supposed to rejoin the dwarf army while it flanked the enemy, but he had to face his fears. He had to confront the black knight. He also gave his son more time to escape.

A cold wind blew around them. The ogres and lizard men stopped. His own knights stood behind him.

The black knight dismounted his horse. He said, "Where is your son, Knight Marshall?"

"Why so formal Roland?" the Knight Marshall said.

"Do not say that name. I am not Roland anymore. He is dead, Donnelly."

"Like my wife."

"Your son is not here. I can tell that man behind you is an imposter."

"So, you will never find him."

Before he could say anymore, the black knight charged at him.

The Knight Marshall deflected the Black knights killing blow. Donnelly attacked and tried to find an opening. The black knight jumped and glided a few feet back. "Ah, Donnelly, you are still mischievous as ever."

"Come closer Roland and I will show you how mischievous I can be."

The black knight attacked him again, and he blocked each blow. He feinted a sword swipe. Roland was a very good swordsmen and did not let his guard down. They traded strikes and blows, and neither of them landed a strike. The Knight Marshall knew Roland was waiting his turn. He knew it was coming. He can feel it. The black knight started to move back a few feet again but this time. Donnelly sensed what was going to happen. He taught him this move when they were friends. Roland placed left leg back and seem to shrink. He pushed forward and propelled himself with his sword pointed forth. Like a spear, the black knight launched himself toward him. Donnelley turned to his left, but he was not fast enough. The black knight's sword glazed his left shoulder piercing his skin. Pain lanced his body. He turned into a semi-circle and pushed his blade into Roland's armor. The sword bit through denting the metal and slicing into Roland's skin.

The knight Marshall almost fell on one knee, but he stood on unsteady legs. Roland came out of his spear thrust and looked at him. The black knight took off his helmet and stared at him. His eyes smoldered with red unearthly light. "Hah, Donnelly, nice form but it would take more than a small cut to bring me down."

Donnelly thought he was ready for Roland's spear thrust, but the black knight was faster and stronger than he remembered. The knight Marshall gritted through his pain. He sought his center and moved into a defensive form.

Roland jumped at him pushing him backwards. He deflected each blow but the swipes was powerful and he was getting tired. The knight Marshal changed his tactic and flowed like river away from each killing sword thrust or jab.

Roland said, "You will die like the cur you are. Can you feel it Knight Marshal? The poison in your body."

He did feel it. His breathing was getting shallow, and his vision was blurred. Donnelly should have known the black knight's sword was poisonous. He faltered and fell. He tried to get back to his feet, but could not. The black knight stood over him and raised his weapon. Donnelly saw his wife again after so many years standing behind Roland. He reached up to her and wanted to be killed and be reunited with his wife. A sudden movement came at the edges of his dim sight. The killing strike was not given. The black knight was knocked away by a large mace.

A dwarf stood close to him. "Get the Knight Marshall to safety."

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