Chapter 10: Drifting

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Kayano's P. O. V.

I saw them walk away. Nagisa was on Karma's back, following Karasuma-sensei to an empty space.

I wanted to call out to them, to tell them that I wanted to come too. But my voice couldn't find its way out.

I saw Karasuma-sensei push a pressure point on Karma's neck, making him fall forward, Nagisa still secure in his arms.

A helicopter landed down on the ground and my teacher proceeded to bring his two students inside.

I struggled to get up, urging my legs to gain strength but I couldn't.

Before I knew it, the helicopter containing my precious friend had already taken off, flying into the air to an unknown location.

Another helicopter had landed in the back alley and I began to wonder just how big this space was to be able to fit such a large means of transportation.

But I didn't have a lot of time to think about it when a large yellow tentacle wrapped around my torso, lifting me up in to the air and into the newly arrived helicopter.

No, I wanted to speak, let me go with him.

Let me go with Nagisa.

Koro-sensei brought my other classmates into the helicopter and I watched as he secured each of them before going on to the next.

My eyes drooped and unconsciousness made it's way to my mind and soul.

And, soon, I was drifting away in the darkness of my mind.


Karma's P. O. V.

"Did good on what? You need to explain what the hell is going on around here." I frowned, folding my arms.

Karasuma-sensei nodded his head once again. "Very well. I owe you that much at the very least."

"Uh, yeah." I said. "You do."

He let out a loud sigh, as if prepping himself for a long lecture.

I had to avoid sighing myself so I didn't sound like I was tired.

"I'll start with Nagisa, then." He began to speak and from the the moment he said Nagisa's name, I was on alert.

"You are aware that he was injected with a strange substance, correct?"

I nodded.

"That was a substance similar to what was used to create the tentacles that Kayano and Itona had. We believe Shiro injected him with it. "

I narrowed my eyes. Then why did he inject it into Nagisa?

"But, it is a different substance. It makes the subject like a blank slate. Something that would be capable to manipulate at ease."

"A blank slate? Manipulate?" I questioned.

"Yes. That was why Nagisa lost his memory." Karasuma-sensei explained.

"But, he remembered me." I countered, leaning over the bedpost to create support for my weakening knees.

"We believe it is because-"

"Wait. 'We'?" I interrupted.

"Yes, I am working on it with a handful of trusted agents from my department." He answered.

I wanted to pry more out of him but a throbbing headache was already forming in my head. If I spent too much time on this topic, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the others.

"Got it. Continue, then." I told him and he nodded for the whatever time today.

"We believe Nagisa remembers you because you were also injected with the same substance as him."

"W-what?" That definitely shocked me. "But how?"

"We haven't gotten that far but if Shiro is able to wipe Nagisa's memory, then surely, he'd be able to do the same with you."

"But why would he inject me with it?"

"There is a theory that Shiro was testing the substance on many people. You must have been seen as a possible good test subject so he tested it on you."

"Then it wouldn't have worked on me, then." I answered, running my hand through my red hair to try and make my headache go down.

"Why would that be?" Karasuma-sensei asked, giving me a curious eye.

"I grew up in a bad neighborhood so there was a lot of times when I got sick and my parents took care of me. I got it so many times that eventually my body built up an immunity to it. So, I'm immune to most diseases and such." I explained, every second making the pain in my head worsen.

"Makes sense." Then, he seemed to notice my unbalanced body.

"Are you alright, Karma?" He asked me, reaching his hand out to me.

I pushed it away and my legs gave out at the same time. I moaned in pain and clutched my head.

What the hell is going on??

"Karma?" I wasn't sure who was speaking any more.

I knew it was Karasuma-sensei but my mind was telling me otherwise.

"Karma-kun," a different voice spoke out to me. The honorifics reminded me of Nagisa.

Wait. Was it...

"Karma-kun." They said again, the voice becoming a bit clearer for me to hear.

"N-Nagisa?" I thought aloud.

"'Nagisa'?" I felt Karasuma-sensei's hand on my shoulder. "Karma? What's going on?"

"I-I don't know," I felt a shiver run down my spine when more pain entered my body.

This time, my arms and legs went numb, making me wobble a bit on my knees.

"Are you alright, Karma?" He asked me again.

I wanted to roll my eyes at him but as I turned to be sarcastic to him, there was a deep throbbing in my head that adverted my attention.

"Oh yeah," I still managed to keep my charm, "I'm definitely okay."

"Karma, this is not the time to be sarcastic." My teacher lectured me.

I felt my eyes roll. "Then, don't ask stupid questions." I countered, a bit of anger in my voice.

Why was I angry?

"Karma-kun." I heard again. This time I was sure it was Nagisa.

"Where's Nagisa?" I asked Karasuma-sensei who just gave me a strange glace.

"He's in the room next to us, resting." He informed me.

I stood up, although I would have fallen down again if not for the help of my marvelous teacher that was always there to save the day.

He must have seen that I wanted to go there and so, he directed me to the door that led to the next room.

My head was pounding. Like someone had a hammer in my head and was smashing it around aimlessly.

I groaned and my vision began to fade.

No, I willed myself.

I can't faint now. I need to keep myself awake.

But, my body was telling me something else. It needed sleep, proper sleep.

And I didn't want that.

But, what could I do? Sometimes, our bodies have a mind of their own.

My arm around Karasuma-sensei went limp and I felt my body start to fall before I closed my eyes and drifted off to the nothingness of my mind.


How's the update? I feel like you guys are pissed off at me for all these cliffhangers. I apologize.

But, the plot is thickening.

Hope you guys enjoy!


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