Chapter 12: Assassin

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Karma's P. O. V.

"Karma-kun," I heard Nagisa's voice, propelling me awake.

I gasped, clutching to the blanket that was covered over my body. I quickly looked around to see where I was. I was in the same place as before.

The same bed I was in when I had awoken from that dream, perhaps nightmare.

"Nagisa?" I muttered, my eyes locking on an older man in a suit who was standing over another bed on the opposite of this empty room.

The color blue caught my eye.

I jumped up from the bed, moving aside the blankets as I did so. The noise of the ruffling blankets was not left unheard by the man beside the resting place but he didn't react to it.

I walked over, noticing that my black blazer was gone, leaving my white button down shirt and pants.

I arrived at the side of the man in the suit and noticed that it wasn't Karasuma-sensei. Their build was similar but one look at the face and you can definitely tell them apart.

And lying in the bed was, indeed, Nagisa. His pale skin had gained some color but his long hair was still a mess and his body was covered by a thin sheet.

"It seems you have awakened, Karma-san," the man told me, although his eyes never left the clipboard in his hands and he didn't miss a beat as he continued to write notes upon it.

"Who are you?" I cut straight to the point. Usually I would tease the man but even I know when and when not to play pranks on people.

"I am one of Karasuma's associates. He has told me about the situation." He answered in a monotone tone.

He reminded me of a robot. Almost like Ritsu, except with no emotion. Like she was in the beginning.

I nodded over to Nagisa. "How is he?"

The man stopped writing and turned to me, giving me my first real glance at his face. His face was a bit chubby, as if it held onto the baby fat he had but his eyes were sharp, like one of an adult. His hair was styled in a similar way to Karasuma, being as it was gelled back but he had less hair than my teacher so it looked a little awkward on him.

"Nagisa is growing weak. The blow to the stomach was very severe although it seemed to have missed any important organs. Not only that but it seems the explosion caused him to have hit his head and now he has a mild concussion." The Karasuma wannabe explained to me.

"But his physical injuries are just the beginning. He has also sustained some internal and mental injuries." He looked over at the blue-haired teenager. "As you already know, he has lost his memory of himself after being injected with a substance created by Shiro. And yet, he remembers you and it seems he remembers his mother as well. From this, we theorize that you have also been injected with the same substance but had a different bodily reaction which is why you, perhaps, lost memory of it."

"Nagisa's mother, Hiromi Shiota, is a different story. I highly doubt that she would be considered a worthy test subject for Shiro when, for one, is not aware of the monster in her son's class, and two, does not reveal to have any special or unique capabilities."

I only nodded, waiting for him to continue the very descriptive theory he had. In truth, I was impressed that anyone had the intellectual ability to think this far into the game with so little information.

"From that, I can see two possibilities. The first one being that Nagisa cares so deeply for his mother that he refuses to forget her and therefore remembers her despite forgetting himself. The second, and most likely possibility, is that the memory of her was implanted into his mind."


"Yes, and from that theory you can suspect that she would be working with Shiro. They could have make a deal so Nagisa will remember only his mother in exchange for something else. I believe you are an unknown factor. I don't think Shiro wanted Nagisa to remember you, Karma-san." He finished.

I blinked. That would make a bit of sense.

"But why would he do that in the first place? If he was just going to put a substance into Nagisa, why did he have to go and hurt him so much? And what is he planning to do?" I was mostly talking to myself, my brain wrapping itself around possible theories and ideas. I already had a mild idea of what could be but I wasn't sure.

The man decided to respond to my thoughts. "We are still not sure why he hurt Nagisa so much but we believe he is commencing an experiment. After all, written on Nagisa's right leg is the number 942. That could mean that he is the nine hundredth forty-second subject that Shiro has experimented on. We have also found these numbers on the corpses we have found that have died of unknown reasons."

"The numbers varied from 65 to 912. There wasn't many, however, that had letters on their left leg like Nagisa does. S and K are written. The first thing that came into mind was the name of your teacher. Koro-sensei. But the letters are backwards and Sensei-Koro doesn't very much make sense. It could be Shiro and Kotaro."

"Kotaro?" I asked.

"Kotaro Yanagisawa is Shiro's real name. He is the one who caused your teacher to be the thing it is."

"Is that so, interesting." I committed that to memory.

A groan interrupted our thoughts. It was Nagisa. I turned to him to see him stirring, his fingers curling into his palm, forming a fist. His eyes were still closed. It was like he was having a nightmare.

I put my hand on his forehead and was surprised by how cold his skin was.

"Nagisa," I whispered. "Wake up."

He seemed to calm down a little bit and I felt a smile form upon my face.

Good. I thought. He's okay.

And then, in a flash, his eyes opened and a familiar, deadly bloodlust filled the room. The bloodlust I had felt from Nagisa when he went against Takaoka after he thought the man had killed our classmates.

It was frightening, to say the least. He snuck up on you and when he attacked, you were too slow to respond. Like a snake, like a snake silently slithering over to you, fangs bared with poison dripping from it.

His cold hand touched mine, jolting me out of my thoughts and into reality. His grip was tighter than expected. Much tighter than I thought he was able to conjure up.

His eyes were glistening with bloodlust and a creepy smile crept over his face.

This wasn't like him. This wasn't Nagisa.

"Who are you?" I found myself saying for the second time today.

"Don't you remember me, Karma-kun? It's me, your best friend. It's me, Nagisa." he answered calmly yet dangerously.

"This isn't you, Nagisa," I said, suddenly reminded of the dream I had. Was someone possessing Nagisa's body or something, like the dream?

"What are you talking about, Karma-kun? I've always been like this." His eyes narrowed like a predator who had found his prey.

"After all," his eyes glistened as his grin grew, "I am an assassin."


How's the chapter?

There was a lot of important information in this one soo...

Hope you enjoyed it!


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