Chapter 5: Daughter

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Karma's P. O. V.

He doesn't remember us. Nagisa doesn't remember me.

I was so going to kill that bastard.

"Karma-kun!" I heard suddenly and I looked up from my thoughts to see Nagisa looking straight at me, his blue hair laying on his shoulders, carefully folded and neat.

It took a while for me to actually process what he had said. Wait a second. "Nagisa, you know me?

"You're Karma Akabane, right?" He looked confused, his head tilting to the side.

"No, I am. I mean, how do you know me but not the others?" I asked him. My head was swarming with questions and theories but I tried to contain them so I didn't space out and fade out the voices around me.

"Um..." I heard Nagisa say, obviously not knowing the answer.

"Ah!" Okaka exclaimed, as if making a breakthrough, "Could it be that Nagisa only remembers his life before he went into class 3-E?"

I raised an eyebrow. That was actually a good hypothesis.

"But why doesn't he remember himself?" Terasaka butted it and I watched as Nagisa looked over to him and seemed to assess and judge the boy. It was strange because he suddenly frowned and seemed to be confused yet again.

He, then, let out a small cry and clutched his head as if he was in pain.

I shifted my leg off the wall and stood up straight, my body adjusting to the cry of pain.

"Nagisa!" I heard Kaede exclaim, her hands in front of her without any purpose, they were just there.

"Nagisa, are you alright?" Sugino said, a worried look plastered on his face.

"What's happening?" Our bitch teacher said, half asking and half demanding the answer from Karasuma.

Nagisa bent over in pain, the source seemingly to be from his head. "S-stop!" He choked out.

He looked around desperately. "Who are you!" He shouted.

Who was he talking to? I wondered.

"Stop it! Get out of my head!!" He yelled again and I frowned, a possible theory forming in my head.

I walked closer to him and grabbed his hand to try and calm him down from whatever internal problems he was having. He widened his eyes but seemed to calm down, although it was only a tiny bit.

Then, his pupils seem to disappear from his eyes and panic filled his voice once again. "No!" He talked to the voice in his head.

"No! I won't kill him!"

I narrowed my eyes, the situation coming to me. I decided to try and advise Nagisa. "Nagisa," I told him, "block it out. Just block it out. Think of something else, think of something that makes you happy."

He obeyed and after a few seconds, the desperation and fear that were in his eyes were gone, replaced by a sense of relief.

I don't think anyone noticed, not even Nagisa, but a small teardrop was hanging on the bottom of his eye, falling down his cheek and disappearing.

Then, he eyes clouded up, the shine gone.

He stood up and walked toward the door, his bare feet touching the cold ground.

"Nagisa?" I called out to him and he touched the doorknob before falling to the ground. I rushed over to him when there was an explosion.

I widened my eyes in surprise and was pushed to the wall, hitting my head on the hard solid and I felt blood trickle down my forehead.

The room started to spin and I tried to focus my attention on Nagisa whose moans of pain were heard throughout the room.

"N-nagisa," I choked out and pushed my body up with the support of the wall.

"Help me!" I heard him scream just before my vision blurred and my mind forced me to shut down.


???'s P. O. V.

Its been a week. He promised me I would see my precious Nagisa soon.

I walked down the long hallway to the room where he was and I found him immersed in his computer screen, typing away.

I walked beside him as he completed his finishing touches to whatever he was doing, pressing the enter button making the screen turn black.

He noticed my presence and turned around in his chair and gave me a smile. "The plan is undergo. You will be able to see your son soon, Hiromi." He told me and I gave him a look of disgust.

"Daughter." I corrected. "Nagisa is my daughter."

"Ah, yes. I apologize, Hiromi." He said matter-of-factly and I cringed.

What an arrogant man.

"Hiromi, have you done what I asked for?" Shiro asked me and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Of course I did," I said, flipping my short dark hair, handing the adult man a bag full of Nagisa's journals.

Nagisa didn't know that I knew where her journals and if I would have to hand them away to keep Nagisa all to myself, then I would gladly do so.

"Why do you need them?" The question coming to my mind just know. I mentally scoffed at myself for not thinking of that before.

"This shall be entered as research for our little experiment. It is necessary that I know everything there is to know about our subject for this to work." He answered, all scientific and stuff.

I shrugged. "I don't care about your little experiment. I just want Nagisa all to myself, understand?" I told him, making my objective very clear.

"Yes, yes. Patience, my daring, patience." He said and I widened my eyes in surprise.

Did he just call me "my daring" or was I hallucinating?

Before I could ask, the sound of an alarm going off inside the room cut off all chances for me to speak.

Shiro quickly moved back to his computer, typing in a bunch of commands and sentences.

"What's going on?!" I shouted to be louder than the alarm which was starting to get on my nerves.

"Its Nagisa." He said, not even bothering to turn around to face me.

I froze.

"Nagisa's vitals are dropping."


So, did you guys enjoy the chapter? I hope you did.

I had a bit of a writer's block so some of the plot might have been too fast but I hope you enjoyed and didn't get too angry at the cliffhanger...

Anyway, vote and comment on what you thought and please continue reading my stories! It makes me so happy that anyone would even bother reading my books so thank you so much!

Stay Epic!


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