Chapter 7: Who Are You?

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No One's P. O. V.

The blue-haired boy walked toward the door and placed his hand upon the doorknob.

"Nagisa?" A redhead murmured before being interrupted by a loud explosion.

Most of the people in the room were knocked toward the wall where the front door was located.

"Help me!" A boy screamed before passing out. The only person, or rather creature, who was left conscious, quickly grabbed all of the people in the room with superhuman speed.

It got everyone out except the blue-haired boy who lay by the door.

A fire had started and the teacher had to think quickly on how he could help him dear student.

The only reason he had left the boy behind the first time was because of his sudden change in weight. Actually no, it wasn't that. It was the massive change in gravity that nearly caused the creature's hand to explode.

How is this possible? The creature thought to himself as he tried to devise a strategy to save the boy from the fast spreading fire and falling debris in the room.

He started to maneuver around the room when he heard something. The boy was stirring, moving his head and groaning in pain.

The creature scrunched his nonexistent eyebrows and frowned. It surprised him that the boy was gaining consciousness already.

"Nagisa-kun? Are you alright?" the teacher called out to his student who didn't respond. He wasn't moving anymore.

Not caring on what happened on to him, the yellow creature entered the heavy gravity area and picked up the blue-haired boy.

The stress on his body was bad but he had experienced worse before.

He placed to boy next to the rest of the students and proceeded to check his pulse.

It was low. Too low. His face was pale and his arms were limp. His expression was almost peaceful. Almost.

The teacher didn't know what to do. He wasn't trained in saving lives. He wasn't a doctor. But, he did study all the textbooks in Japan so he could help his students to the best of his ability.

Just as the teacher was about to help, I he boy suddenly woke up, eyes wide and full of lunacy.

His arms and legs were shaking as he forced himself to stand. His hand placed on his head, as if he had a throbbing headache.

"Nagisa-kun?" the teacher said, raising his tentacle arm as a symbol of comfort.

The boy widened his eyes and jumped back with unexpected accuracy.

"W-who are you?!" he yelled, his voice shaky and raspy. His eyes fell on the creature's unusual body. "W-what are you?"

"Nagisa-kun? Its me, Koro-sensei." The teacher spoke, slowly inching his way towards his student.

"K-koro-sensei?" he stuttered, his body shaking in fear. He noticed the creature get closer to him and he walked backwards, where he found a wall blocking his way.

He felt something at his feet and looked down to see human bodies.

He could see blonde, green, purple, red, black, and brown hair on the scattered bodies.

He willed himself not to think of the worst. 'They aren't dead.' he told himself.

He looked up to the yellow colored mutant thing and noticed something strange.

He saw his....heartbeat?

The heartbeat was calm and collected, not beating too fast or too slow.

How could he tell that?

He heard a groan from under him, interrupting the thoughts of the blue-haired boy.

He looked down to see a redhead struggling to crane his neck and get up.

"Karma-kun! Are you alright?" Koro-sensei cried out in worry but did not go any closer. He did not want to break the very small piece of trust that he and the petite boy had.

The blue-haired boy jumped away to the side, surprising the redhead with the sudden movement.

The redhead gathered energy into his body and managed to sit up against the concrete wall. He glanced at the blue-haired boy with piercing eyes and a touch of worry.

"Nagisa..." He called out, raising his hand out.

"K-karma-kun..." He said in a raspy and low voice.

Karma's P. O. V

I watched as Nagisa stared at me with his eyes full of fear and caution.

He looked like someone who just got tortured to near death.

His pale skin was even paler and his body was shaking.

He didn't seem to be too physically hurt, save the few scratches and bruises he had on his arms and legs.

Koro-sensei was standing a few feet away from us and Nagisa kept darting his eyes towards him, as if watching to see if he moved.

I noticed that my teacher's arms were crushed as if put under a million pound weight. It was healing itself at an inhuman speed but I could still see the damage. Where did he receive such an injury?

"Nagisa," I said again, earning his attention, "are you alright?"

He hesitated, as if thinking of a right answer. He looked down, his blue bangs covering his face. His fists were clenched and water started to stream down his face.

"I don't remember anything, Karma-kun. I can't remember anything." he said, his voice breaking.

"Nagisa..." I didn't know what to say. I don't know what Nagisa is feeling. I never experienced amnesia before.

I heard a groan from my right and I turned to see Itona and Terasaka stirring.

"Ugh! What the hell was that?!" Terasaka yelled as he suddenly sat up, eyes alert and body tense.

Nagisa backed away at the loud voice, a small gasp to be heard from his lips.

Itona groaned and hit his friend in the head. "Shut up, you idiot. Read the situation."

"Huh!? What did you say, you wanna fight?!"

Itona rolled his eyes and fixed his bandana. He looked towards Nagisa, which seemed to scare the blue-haired boy.

"W-who are you?" He said in a shaky voice, his legs trembling.

Then, there was a loud clang noise and Nagisa began to fall to the ground.

I quickly rushed to catch him and managed to get him safely into my lap without him falling onto the hard ground.

I looked up to see Karasuma-sensei standing there with a long pipe in his hand. That means-

"Hey!" I shouted angrily, "why'd you do that?!" I quickly examined Nagisa's head ti see if he was bleeding.

"Don't worry. I didn't hurt him, I just knocked him unconscious." he answered calmly.


"I did it so we could get out of here. It's not safe here and we need to tend to everyone's wounds." He said, reading my mind.

The military officer turned to our main teacher. "Can you bring them back?"

Koro-sensei nodded and I wondered where, exactly, was "back."

"Karma, can you bring Nagisa? I need to show you something."

I nodded and put Nagisa's unconscious body on my back so I could carry him easier.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I followed Karasuma-sensei who was walking in the opposite direction of everyone else.

"To figure out what's going on with Nagisa."


This chapter isn't as good because I have a small writer's block. I hate those.

Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and please comment on what you want to happen, what you think is going to happen, and how to make this story better.

I am open to any suggestions.

So, please comment, vote and share.

Stay Epic!


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