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Not an update...sry....Okay so basically this is just going to help with any confusion or questions you guys have.... LETS GET STARTED!!
Yuka: She has long light brown hair, light skin and is about 16. As a child Yuka was trained to kill as an assassin by Netro. She never had many friends and was always very cold. She's kind and caring though, but only few see her like this.she doesn't know anything about her birth parents which brings up the question of where did Netro find her. (Not saying a thing you'll have to read) she doesn't know much about the emotion love because she was told that it was a weakness. Which she believed and made her almost heartless.
Katsu: heir of the Fuma clan which specializes in the art of the blade which puts a long line of swords men/woman in the family. He is 16 as well and he has dark brown hair with chocolate dark eyes. He blames himself for an incident that happened in the past. (Which you will find out about later!) Him and the Doc are close because his family was very good friends with him. Katsu feels odd around Yuka and still thinks something is off about her, but nevertheless he still trust her for saving his life.
Doc: he is a very old and wise man but still has a very kind heart with a good sense of humor. He's known Katsu ever sense he was a child and became close friends with his father when his was young. He understands Katsu and wished he could help the boy and fix all his problems, but knows it's a journey for only him.
Kira: he is your average everyday play boy. He's smart, quick and very deadly. His eyes change color with his mood and can be very interesting. He is 17 and only is older by a few months from Yuka. He is madly in love with Yuka and wants to be with her forever, but knows that it's hard because she is loyal to Netro and . He'll always be there for her and promises to even risk his life for her.
Netro: he's a very cruel man. He'll kill anyone and anything in his way. He's wanted basically everywhere and worth millions for he is one of the most deadly men living. He uses Yuka and Kira as pons and tools just because he's a jerk and wants everything! But secretly he cares deeply for Yuka as if she were his own, but doesn't know or show it. He has tan skin with jet black hair and dark auburn eyes.

I'll add more characters as we continue the story because these are just the main people we met. Thnxs for reading and if you have any more questions just pm, comment or post on my board what you wanna know! K Thnxs!! Akumu-Kage out!✌️

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