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~Yuka's pov~
"Yuka what are you doing!?"
I looked over towards the noise and just noticed that Katsu and Dr. Yin where here. I sighed. I knew sooner or later they would do this.
"I'm getting my clothes on and you know there's something called knocking!?"
The boys blushes in embarrassment. Man for once I was grateful for being hurt. Good thing theses bandages where still on because if not then that would of been a mess. I sighed as I continued to get my clothes on.
"B-But you're not supposed to be able to walk! You're n-not supposed to walk period!" This could destroy you permanently!"
I just shook my head as the doctor continued to lecture me about my condition. When I was finally dressed i looked at both men with an emotionless glare. I looked at Katsu for a minute and then tried really hard stop myself from laughing, for he was as red as a tomato! I didn't think he would act like this because I always saw all men as perverts, but I guess he's different. No sexual thoughts at all. I smirked.
"Doctor Yin the only reason I'm able to walk is because I found out that I had some herbs that ,if I mixed correctly, could help heal my wounds faster. Big and small. Now I won't lie, my body is still a little sore, but as long as I can stand, walk and function correctly then I'm good."
I walked towards them and made my way out of the room leaving the Doc speechless and Katsu blushing madly. Once i was out of my room I looked around. It was a pretty nice place. It reminded me of a little house I saw once in an old tale I read about as a child. I smiled, but then gripped my nose as I smelled something burning.
"What is that?"
I walked into what seemed to be the kitchen and saw a pot boiling extremely high. I quickly made my way over to the pot and turned the heat off. I uncovered the item that was boiling, but started to cough as the burnt smoke came into my face.
"Ack! What where you cooking!?"
Doc and Katsu came into the kitchen from where they heard me yell. The Doc then began to rub the back of his neck.
"Hehe you found the stew that I was making. Guess I left it running for too long."
I sighed and lifting the pot from the stove and tossed it's remains outside. I then started to grab ingredients from the fridge and placing them on the cooking table. Katsu and Doctor Yin looked at me with curiosity.
"What are you doing Yuka?"
"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm making dinner." I started to wash my hands and then cut up the vegetables i found.
"You can cook?"
"Yes Doc I don't just fight, I cook too."
As I finished cutting the vegetables I grabbed another pot and started to make rice. They looked at me with interest and watched as I made my creation. After a while of cutting and cooking I finished the meal. I grabbed bowls and dumped the meal into each one.
"Dinners done."
They came over to the table and sat down as I placed they're bowls of food onto the table. They stared at my creation with confusion.
"What's the matter? Have you guys never had fried rice?"
They shook their heads and I just sighed.
"Well just try it and I promise you you will enjoy it."
The boys looked at each other one more time and started to try their fried rice. After one bite, they where scarfing it down. I kindly smiled and walked over to the stove to make some tea. As I was making the tea I started to think about what to do, now that I could walk again. But as I was thinking my thoughts went back to what happened earlier in the room.
'What will happen if he found out? Does he know something? What will I do?'
~Flash back~
I was laying on the bed trying to figure out how to convert Katsu onto my side. I could already tell that he didn't trust me so how would i pull it off? I would get close, earn his trust and then convert? Or will I just have to get my hands dirty again? A smile started to form over my lips as my other unique personality was taking over. I then snapped out of my phase as I heard a familiar pattern of tapping. I looked at the window and gasp at what I saw.
"Kira! What are you doing here? How did you even find me?!?"
Kira didn't say anything, but smiled and started to unlock the window with his pocket knife. I just shook my head. Kira was the only real friend I ever had. We knew each other ever sense childhood and were trained by Netro. When we where together we became unstoppable and everyone knew it. He was great and always stuck by my side. He never lied to me, cheated, stole or harmed me in any way. I trusted him with my life as he did with me. He finally got the window unlocked and came inside.
"Hey Yuka! Nice to see you and may I say that you look even cuter in bandages than you're regular clothing?"
I growled at him. He was never a big flirt, but as we got older he became more arrogant and insensible. He began to flirt with me and soon enough it became a habit of his which I hated. This was one of the reasons why I thought all guys where perverts.
"Shut up Kira. You know I hate it when you talk to me like that."
"Yeah, but still. I just think it's adorable when you act all mean to me when I know deep down inside your heart that you're just a girl who is in need of love."
He came closer to me and laid on the bed by my side. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close into his chest. I tried to remove myself from his grasp, but in my condition and now realizing how strong he was I didn't get far. I sighed in defeat.
"Kira let me go. Now!"
"And why would I do that?" His breath hard was on the back of my neck as he was talking. Now moment of honesty here, if I said that this was comfortable I would be lying to everyone because right at that point I wanted to scream at him and punch him where the sun doesn't shine.
"Because if you don't I'll kill you."
I tried to kick him in his gut but he blocked it. I cursed under my breath as he locked my legs in place and nuzzled his face into the side of my neck. I then heard him start to hum his all too well known toon. With every word he spoke his song was right on key with it.
"Not in that condition you won't~ Even if you do try, why lie and hide your feelings from me~?"
"Because I don't have any! Now get off of me you bastard!"
"Oh why, why my sweet darling~ Can't you see how much you mean~?"
"No I don't see! You know why I don't see? It's because I don't know what real love is! Now get off of me you trader!"
I then mentally slapped myself. I hated to tell my feelings and now I just brought back up the past. I remember it like it was yesterday. Kira was gone and no where to be found. Netro soon tracked him down and told me the news. Kira told the government about us and now we were on file. Some of our most kept secrets were out and now we had to start from scratch. I knew Kira had more to his story, but never had the chance to ask him because I could never find him. Kira's grip around my waist tightened and his voice turned into a deep grumble.
"You call me a trader, but you don't even know why I left. You don't know the pain I went through, the suffering, the sacrifices I made just to finally have my own life. I'm now free to be my own person and tool while you are still killing for not good reason! He's making you be his puppet for play and pawn just to use in his twisted game. When I finally realized how many incident lives I took and how much pain I caused I wanted to leave and start my own life, but Netro wouldn't let me because he said I was his property with you. So I left and kept a low profile until I knew everything died over. Now here I am with no rules and just being myself, but I couldn't stand knowing I left you so I tracked you down here."
I listened and stood there with shock. I knew how he felt. After my missions I would always come back from my phase and see all the faces of the people I killed. I would wish that I could just turn back time and try to stop myself from causing anymore harm, but knew that was never possible...I lifted my head from his brace and looked into Kira's eyes. They were a very unique mix. It was a light brown with an tint of orange and red. His eyes usually changed according to his mood, so it made me wonder what he was thinking. He stared back at me and waited for me to speak.
"Kira.... I do know how you feel. I feel like that after every mission because I'm forced to kill and I can never stop myself because it's like I have an unconscious mind that just takes over. Before I know it I killed so many incident victims and I didn't feel any sort of guilt. I want to be myself and not be a tool to anyone else.... But how can I do that if I don't even have control of myself?"
Kira smiled at me and then placed a little kiss on my head.
"Just do what you want from now on and not what others want you to do. Make your own decisions."
He then started to unravel his arms from my waist and get up from the bed. He made his way to my personal belongings and grabbed my pouch. He took out some herbs and mixed them with a liquid from a bottle he had. Kira fed me the herbs and told me that it would help with my wounds. He made his way back to the window, but glanced at me one more time.
"Yuka... Please remember this... You can plant a seed, but never know what will happen. Will it die or grow? Your seed is now growing, but how will it grow? Will it grow within the darkness or will its natural light consume it? The only person that knows is its planter. How will you plant your seed Yuka?"
I didn't understand what he meant with the whole seed thing, but before I could even ask he was gone. I sighed and that's when I decided to try and get changed. I feel off the bed at first which created a loud thud, but then managed to stand up. You pretty much know where it all goes from there.
"Hey Yuka!
I finally snapped out of my trans and looked beside me. The Doc and Katsu looked at me with confusion and worry. I didn't understand, but then remembered the pot and stared at the stove. The pot was over heated and the water was pouring out. I quickly reduced the heat and let the pot simmer down. After a while I cleaned up the mess I made and sighed. I then felt someone come up from behind me and start to help clean up the mess. I turned around and met Katsu. He looked at me with a genuine look

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