A Mandalorian and an Assassin Droid

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(1889 words) 

Your POV 

Once Kuiil and I got over to his camp and I was inside he started to speak. 

"Many others have come for the same thing you're looking for. I helped them find their way to their target, they've all died." 

"Then maybe I shouldn't listen to you." 

He gives me a look as he pours the tea. 

"What do you want in return?" I sigh. 


"Half of what? The bounty?" 

"I want the other Blurrg you caught." 

"You can keep both of them after this is done." 

He hums gently as he sips his drink. "Another thing." 

I glance at him through the mask as he looks at me. 

"Help free this land from the scum that came here and tarnishes the valley." 

I nod slightly after a moment. "I can do that." 

It wasn't long until we were back outside of the house, in the Blurrg pin and he was teaching me to ride the Blurrg I caught. 

"Maybe you should remove the mask?" 

"Maybe it remembers the electric whip from earlier." 

Sighing gently I decide on a different approach, instead of just trying to jump on it. Maybe it needed to accept me before I could ride it. Stepping over slowly with my hand out cautiously, I watch the foal closely. 

"Easy. Easy." 

Getting closer to it little by little, I put my hand on it's head and it nudges into me after a moment. Smiling slightly, I look at it before turning to Kuiil, who only nods in approval. 

Following Kuiil to the camp I was looking for, the Blurrgs jump over cracks in the rocks as they run along. Stopping after what seemed like a couple of hours, he looks at me before pointing to the camp. 

"Ever since they arrived in the valley, there's been nothing but an endless wave of mercenaries seeking reward and bringing destruction. They do not belong here." 

Looking at the busy camp from above, a ship rolling up before it gets offloaded and then speeds back where it came from. 

"Is this why you showed me where it was?" 

"Those that live here come to seek peace. There will be no peace until they're gone." 

"Why did you help me?" 

"You were the first to land on the planet without making a ruckus. Maybe you could be swift about removing them from the planet." 

Shrugging slightly I turn back to the camp. Glancing at Kuiil as he goes to leave, he rides off and I decide to wait for the next morning, studying the camp might be better to get a little bit of an idea on what goes on. It would let me get more of a plan while I sit here. Getting off the Blurrg I find a small outcrop that's hidden from the camp, but lets me still see what's going on. Tossing some food that Kuiil gave me to it, I lay on the rocks and watch the camp. A few more speeders coming in to drop off cargo before taking off again. One showed up and was loaded before leaving this time. 

What exactly are they smuggling? 

The sun goes down and the camp falls asleep, turning over I stretch slightly before deciding to make a fire. I could use something to eat while I wait before getting some sleep. The night should help hide the smoke a little, I'll just make a small fire to keep the rocks from glowing too much. 

The next morning, I crawl back to the spot I was at earlier, taking my scope out and looking to see that they rose with the sun. Looking at the life forms that were there, I notice a droid. an IG-11 Bounty Droid, damnit. 

Getting up as it starts shooting I get down the rock I was hiding on and make my way over, blaster already in my hand as I do. Leaning against the wall as I listen to it talk. 

"Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild Protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset." 

It spins around in its spot as it shoots what comes charging at it. Hearing some large doors close I stop as I hear another voice. 

"IG Unit! Stand down." 

There was a shot and then a thud as some barrels were knocked over. 

"I'm in the guild!" 

"You are a guild member? I thought I was the only one on assignment." 

"That makes three of us." 

Stepping out from behind the wall I watch as they draw their guns on me. I stop as I see a shiny helmet looking at me, a Mandalorian? 

"I never thought I would end up finding a Mandalorian and a Bounty Droid on the same mission as me, but here we are." 

"You two must hand over your fobs, I have already stated the writ of seizure." 

"Unless I'm mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty handed." 

Nodding slightly as I agree with the Mando, we look at the droid. 

"This is true." 

"I have a suggestion." I said as I speak up. 

"Proceed." IG states as Mando nods. 

"We can split the reward." 

They look at each other for a moment, before back to me. 


"This is acceptable." 

"Now let's get out of harms way and form a plan." 

Heading over to stand next to Mando, who was taller than he looks as a the droid steps over a guy it shot, speaking again. 

"I will of course receive the reputation merits associated with the mission." 

"Can we talk about this later?" 

Listening to them talk for a moment, I speak up after I hear something.

"Enough you two, we have company." 

Before they can react, IG gets a grazing shot, making an alerting sound as he hides. Mando takes out the guy that shot at us, before ducking behind the pillar gain. I sigh as I shake my head, taking my blaster out again and getting ready behind the pillar as more guys run out. 

"Let's go!" 

Moving down the little path, hiding behind columns, the Mando behind me, as the droid was on the other side shooting away, I fire at a few of the Nikto, killing them. A large door opens behind Mando as he's shooting at a few of the aliens, I turn around and grab the guy's arm before he can grab Mando, pulling him away and kicking him, making him stumble enough to shoot him. 

Hiding behind a speeder for cover, Mando takes his fob out and starts scanning, the fob beeping towards the doors that I assumed closed as soon as the droid started firing earlier. 

"He's in there." 


Making our way to the door, I duck behind another column as I shoot at a couple of guys that were on the roof, getting a better angle on us. 

Mando shoots a guy before looking at the droid. "Up top." IG aims up and shoots the guy from the room, him falling a few seconds after IG walks under the roof in front of the door. Standing there for a moment, I start trying to get the door open as they look out to see what we had to deal with. 

"It appears we are trapped. I will initiate self destruct sequencing."

"Whoa. You're what?" 

Looking over to see what Mando saw, the droid had a blinking red light on its chest as I turn around. 

"Wait a minute!" 

"Manufacturers protocol dictates I cannot be captured. I must self destruct." 

Mando and I spoke at the same time. "Do not self destruct!" 

Looking at the Mandalorian I take in a breath. "Cover me." 

He nods and the two of them start shooting again as I try to get the door to open. 

Getting pulled to the side by Mando I kneel next to them as we hide behind a pillar. 

"There's too many!" 

Shooting a few he speaks again. "They've got us pinned" 

"I will initiate self destruct!" 

"Do not self destruct, we're shooting our way out." 

Stepping out there was a giant laser turret that was pointed right at us. 

"Okay." Was all the Mando gave before we went back for cover. 

Hearing the loud whirring of the gun go off as it tries to shoot through the pillar I stand there for a moment. 

"I have an idea. Get their fire off of me, I'll take care of the turret." 

They nod before they step out, getting their attention as it chases them down the other way. Grabbing the electric whip, I take it out, the metal cord glowing brightly as I hear it buzz. Smiling to myself under the mask, I take off, using the whip and blaster on various Nikto. Dodging and jumping over things before I get close enough to hit the guy with the turret with the whip, stunning him and he falls off. 

Getting on the turret I take over and use it on their own guys. Laughing slightly as I do. Finishing off what was left, before hopping off the large gun and walking over to the Mando and Droid. Wrapping my whip back up again before hooking it to my belt under my robe, hiding it. 

"Well done." 

Looking over to the droid as he leans against the wall, I watch as Mando helps him up. "You're not too bad." he pauses. "For a droid." 


"that blaster hit looks nasty, you okay?" 

"Running a quick diagnostic." 

There are a few noises and beeps as his lights flash on his head, he stops to look at us.

"It missed my central wiring unit." 

"That's good." 


There was a pause for a moment before I hummed. 

"Now we just need to open the door." 

Looking at the two for a moment, we glance at the large gun before blasting our way in with that. The large door fell over as we destroyed it. Standing at he edge of the door for a moment, I hum to myself. Watching a Nikto step out before he gets shot by Mando's quick draw. 

"Anyone else?" 

With silence the droid speaks up. "My sensors indicate there is a life form present." 

Taking out the fob, I wave it around slightly, looking for the target we were looking for. Narrowing it down to a egg shaped pram, I tilt my head slightly as Mando takes the net off of the top of it. Pressing the button on it, it opens. Revealing a bundle of blankets for a moment, tilting my head I watch a little closer for a moment. 

"Didn't they say 50 years old?" 

"Some life forms age slower than others, this one may be able to live many centuries. Sadly, we'll never know." 

The droid goes to raise it's arm to kill it as it sits up in the bassinet. A small green thing with large ears and eyes. Looking at it for a moment, there was some sort of familiarity with it. 

"The commission was quite specific, the asset was to be terminated." 

Grabbing my whip from my belt, I stop as the Mando shoots the droid. It falls to the floor with a loud thud, and I watch Mando for a moment. Reaching our hands out to it, it raises it's own from the bassinet. 

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