True Face of Dhruv

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After Long time Pranushka, Bahubali Team Together..😍😍😍❤❤😭😭😥😥

Royal Reunion at London..❤❤😍😍

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At Nivi's House

Nivi thinking about Dhruv and the moments she spent with him.She feels Happy whenever Dhruv with her.

Nivi realised she is loving Dhruv and wanted to Confess her love to Dhruv tomorrow

At Imran Den, Hyderabad

Mafia Don Irfan Bhai's Son Imran came to India along with his Men some Illegal Weapons Business Deal.

Imran and Rakesh's father came to his Den to discuss about that Deal.

In Other Side, JP and team Shifting Irfan Illegal Smuggled Goods Hyderabad in their Van.

At GVK Mall

Dhruv did shopping and going back to home, On that time Nivi called him

Dhruv : Hello, Nivi..

Nivi : Dhruv, I want to tell you something very Important.

Dhruv : Yes, tell me..

Nivi : Before You came to my life, there is not a single moment is there that makes me Happy .But From the time,You came to my life Everyday I am feeling Very Happy.If you are with me, My life feels with so much Happiness.I think I am In Love with you..Dhruv..

Dhruv smiles for this

Nivi : I Love you, Dhruv..I Love You So Much..

Dhruv suddenly became serious and cut the call

Nivi became confuse for this and calling to Dhruv mobile again..But he is rejecting her calls..

When Dhruv about to leave, Someone hit him at his head from back.

When he turned back, It is Rakesh came along with his Men, They all hit Dhruv..But he didn't hit them back.

Rakesh : Did you see my Power? Till you will see I don't know Irfan?

Dhruv : You hit me from back like a Burglar, Still Do you want me to believe your Shit?

Rakesh : You still won't believe me..Fine..Wait..

Rakesh called to Irfan's Son Imran

Imran : Hi,Rakesh..Where are you?

Rakesh : Here one man irritating me so much.

Imran : Then kill him

Rakesh : No, Bhai..I have to show my Power to him..

Imran : Then Bring him, Here..

JP'S men Rangella saw this and followed them Secretly.

At Imran's Den

Rakesh took Dhruv to Imran Den and showed Imran to Dhruv

Rakesh : See, You said that I don't Imran, Look at him..He is Imran, Irfan Bhai's Brother

Dhruv said to Imran

Dhruv : Salaam-Alaikum Imarn Bhai, Pahachaana nahi..Mein Billa, Bila Bhai..(Didn't you recognise me, I am Billa, Billa Bhai)

They all became shock on heard this

Dhruv laughed on saying this and said to Rakesh

Dhruv : If you bring some random person Doing make up like Don, Will he became Imran!! From which Drama company you bring him..

Rakesh and Imran became angry for this and Rakesh said to Imran

Rakesh : See,He is always nags me like this..

Imran men beat Dhruv for this

Dhruv : If you beat me ,Do you think I will believe you are Imran?If he is Imran Bhai then I am Billa..I will blast you into Pieces..

Imran said to his men

Imran : Kill him..Even In next life, he don't have to remember that Girl, He have to remember this Imarn only..

Dhruv : Abba!! You are saying Dialogues also very well..Stop your blabbering, if you are really Imran, you might be killed me.

Imran became angry and came towards Dhruv with Gun

Dhruv twisted Imran hand and shot one of his men and shot Imran with that Gun.

Imran was dead on the Spot.

Rakesh and his father Narayana, All their Men became shock on seeing this..

They turned towards Dhruv,He is having drink on sitting on Sofa.

Rakesh shouted on Dhruv

Rakesh : Do you know what you did?

Dhruv : The man who is scaring you all I Killed that Irfan's Son Imran..

Narayana : Mad Fellow!! For one Girl's Love, You killed Imran Bhai..

Dhruv : Love? My Foot..How can you  think Love Suits to this Rough Personality ..I didn't come from Mumbai to this Hyderabad for that Girl..I came here to kill you all..

They all became shock on heard this.

Dhruv : I didn't follow that Girl for Love. On using her, I wanted to kill you, Your Son Rakesh and this Imran..

Rakesh became shock along with his men

Dhruv : Actually, I wanted to kill this Imran in Kashmir only..But To Kill all of you at a time ,I waited..I won't leave any of you..

Dhruv threw knife at Rakesh's father Narayana and dead on spot.

Rakesh and Imran men came towards Dhruv to attack him, He beat all of them and killed all the men of Imran..

When Rakesh tried to escape from Dhruv, he caught him and cut his head with Knife..

JP's men Rangella saw all this and became unconscious due to shock..

One Side - Dhruv killed Rakesh, Imran along with their  Gang all on using Nivi..

Other Side - Nivi was in Depression that Dhruv not responding her calls.

Percap : Dhruv avoiding Nivi

Forgive me If any Mistake are there..

Pics Credit to Google

How is the Twist, Friends? Please Tell me..

Thank You so much for all Your Votes and Comments..

Loves You All..💕💕

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