Chapter 4

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Sliding into her parking lot she frowned at the heavy rain that was pounding against her windshield. She was nervous that her backyard was going to flood and that would cause mud to be everywhere. A small shiver went up to her spine as she dreaded the mess her dogs would make. But she was also happy that one of her highest sales had been a success. Her boss had been thrilled by the multimillion sale that they had landed. Their company was looking for a high start of business to start filling in.

Cutting off the engine off she stepped out of the car and head inside. Lanoir smiled as she heard the patter of paws. Preparing herself for the large bundles of fur balls that jumped up and licked her face. Rubbing her hands across their fur bodies she cooed at them in her baby voice.

" Aww did my babies miss me? I sure missed them." she laughed while they became more excited.

Refilling their bowls with food and water, she washed her hands and started to make a quick dinner of pasta and breaded chicken. Boiling the water she then placed a pan in the oven and set it to 350 degrees with the breaded chicken patties. Opening her cabinet she took out a jar of tomato sauce and heated in the microwave. After it was nice and hot so added some garlic and black pepper and salt. Placing the wheat noodles into the water she dusted her hands and headed over to sink to look at her back window. Gazing out of the window she squinted her eyes and saw the guy from yesterday? She couldn't be sure because it was raining so heavily. What the hell was he doing back there? Maybe he had come back to kill her so she wouldn't talk about the guy he had dropped in the alleyway?

Opening her backdoor she stepped out into the rain, ignoring the water that seeped into her hair and into her clothes. Lanoir didn't know why but she felt compelled to confront the mysterious man. Reaching the end of her yard she walked closer and closer towards the tree she had last seen him standing by.

" Hey! Bub why are you creeping around my house?" asked and she didn't care how ridiculous she looked. She looked like a drowned rat. Her hair sticking around her forehead.

Looking into his gray eyes she blushed at how intensely he was staring at her. He didn't make the sign that he was going to give her an answer. Rolling her eyes she placed her hands on her hips.

" Look if you're here to silence me about what happened yesterday, there no need. I'm not going to say anything about it. I was slightly drunk and can't even remember what the guy looked like. So stop creeping about."

He just tilted his hand and stared at her. Did this guy not know her to speak or something. She thought. Her hands were started to feel the bit of the cold rain and the chill of the wind. For some odd reason, she felt like he wasn't here to hurt her. If he was he would have done it by now.

" Look I'm freezing and I'm wet so come on," she said while reaching out to pull him with her but was stopped by a firm grip on her hand.

" I'm just bringing you in the house it's pouring out here," she said then turned to walk into her house.

He followed behind her and stop once they made it onto her deck patio. Opening the door she stepped inside and waited for him to enter. When he didn't automatically step inside she turned around and frowned. What was he waiting for an invitation? He was!

" You can come in." she gave a small smile when he entered and stood by the door dripping wet. She wondered if he had somewhere to go. It was clear that he was going to tell her. Her dogs had entered the kitchen and were excited to see the stranger.

Giving a loud whistle they paid close attention to their master. " Alright you four-time for bed," she said while pointing towards their room. Once they were all put away she shut the door and headed towards her laundry closet and took out two large towels from the dryer. Taking one she proceeded to dry her hair. Walking back she saw that he was in the same exact spot. Walking over she handed him the big pink fluffy towel.

"I'm going up to change out of these wet clothes okay?" she questioned while looking for an answer. But didn't receive one. She was slowly becoming frustrated by their lack of communication.

"We need to work on the communication, okay?" she said "How about nods and shakes?" she questioned

His gaze locked onto hers seconds later he nodded. Smiling widely she did a little happy dance and thought of some simple questions.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" she asked His stare hardens but he nods.

" Do you have to go now?" she asked

This time he shook his head no.

"Alright, well you're soaking wet so you can take off your clothes and I can dry them in the dryer," she asked

Blushing she brought her hands up and waved her hands up in defense. "No, Oh my Lord. I mean you know so you won't be wet and catch a cold." she blushed out.

Lanoir was shocked when she saw his eyes light up. Like he was amused at her weird antics.

" Okay I'm going to change and you can leave your clothes there and I'll put them in the dryer. I think I have some large shorts upstairs.

Walking up the stairs she went into her bedroom. And changed into some dry clothes. She wore a large sweater and some Pink polka dot pajama pants. She brushed her wet hair so it wouldn't tangle. She left it down so it would dry. She went into the pantry and grabbed a large blanket.

Once she was down the stairs she set the blanket on the sofa. And walked back into the kitchen. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him standing there with the towel around his waist. Walking over she tried not to stare at his broad shoulders. Grabbing his clothing she set them in the dryer.

She returned to the kitchen and noticed that her stove was off.

" Thanks for turning this off I forgot," she said while placing oven gloves on and removing the hot patties than she drained the noodles and fixed two plates. She set on down on the counter.

He hadn't taken off his mask so she would eat in the living room. She wouldn't be able to see him.

 " I'll eat in the living room so I can't see your face, okay? " she asked, she saw him nod.

Once in her living room, she sat her food on the counter and turned on the Tv to her favorite show. And ate her food fifteen minutes she saw him enter the living room. Moving over she watched him sit down next to her. In the dim light of the living room, she could see that his hair was dark black and his body was ripped. He had a six-pack and his skin was sun-kissed. This was a man who worked in the sun. she could also see the faded lines that looked like cuts. She couldn't be sure.

" You can take off your face mask I won't look," she said while she looked at the television. From the corner of her eyes, she saw him take off his mask.

Lanoir didn't notice when she drifted to sleep and she didn't understand why she felt oddly comfortable around a handsome but deadly stranger.

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