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1. Greed by scrabblepost

 Title:  8.5/10 

Cover: 7.5/10 

Blurb: 9/10 

Plot: 15/15 

Creativity: 15/15 

Grammar: 14/15 

Characters: 4/5 

Interaction with the readers: 3/5

An overall review: 13/15 

Total Points: 89/100 

Review : Greed is a very interesting title and since it's only one word, it's attractive but I judged the relevance of the title through the blurb and it seemed good enough to me as, even though I wanted to, I couldn't manage enough time to read the whole book. The blurb is well written because I was intrigued at once! And the plot is so unique. I loved how creative you were with the plot! Your grammar and your choice of words is superb! My overall enjoyment developed slowly which I find is fit for the genre of Mystery. I, very much look forward to reading till the end.


2. Beyond Reasonable Doubt by MiniMoxx

Title : 7/10 

Cover : 8/10 

Blurb : 8.5/10 

Plot : 12.5/15 

Creativity : 15/15 

Grammar : 15/15 

Characters : 5/5 

Interaction with readers : 5/5 

An overall review : 15/15 

Total Points : 91/100 

Review : Your title is creative, no question about that. The cover is beautiful and the blurb is alright. The plot felt somewhat 'common' but your creativity with the plot is amazing! Your grammar is to the point and perfect, your paragraphs are shapely, your simple sentences help the readers get engrossed and I love altogether how you have written it. I could imagine the characters in my head which I was grateful for because it helped me to understand them better. Your interaction with the readers is well, your story, your characters speak out and so do you! Overall, I enjoyed the book from chapter to chapter and your book is fit to be in the genre of mystery because as the chapters passed, it got more mysterious! I loved it!


3. The Grimm Dossier by BellOfSilence

Title : 8/10 

Cover : 6/10 

Blurb : 8/10 

Plot : 12/15 

Creativity : 15/15 

Grammar : 15/15 

Characters : 5/5 

Interaction with readers : 5/5 

An overall review : 11/15 

Total Point : 85/100 

Review : The tile is meaningful, I really like it but it might fail to spark that kind of interest. Although, I would suggest that you keep the title because its unique. The cover is creative, but I feel that it could improve because it's really hard to understand what's on the cover. The blurb is written very well, no doubt. The amount of creativity you put into your plot is fascinating! Your grammar is great! Your chapters are organised so neatly, and the information is arranged in a very presentable way. It was a pleasure, going through your writing! In some books, long paragraphs are distracting and it bores the reader. However, your book is different. The descriptions are what make the book complete and since the long paragraphs are organised neatly, I would say it's alright but I would also suggest you to try and see if you can break them down a bit more. Overall, it was a pleasant experience. I hope to read more soon!


4. Black Or White by DeathBlade__

Title : 9/10 

Cover : 7/10 

Blurb : 10/10 

Plot : 14.5/15 

Creativity : 14/15 

Grammar : 14.5/15 

Characters : 5/5 

Interaction with readers : 3/5 

An overall review : 15/15 

Total Points : 92/100 

Review : To tell the truth, it was a delightful experience reading your book! I loved how you got into the plot from the beginning. The plot itself is very different from usual clichés. The blurb got me attracted in an instant. Your grammar is very good and so is your choice of words. Every sentence is simple and it is conveyed in a way that it is very easy for the readers to go on with your story. I found myself speaking directly to the character and it was just like a movie. However, your interaction with readers are less and not that it's bad because it fits the way you write your story and that your storyline speaks to the reader itself. But overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and I look forward to it's ending.


5. She has the flowers by skayleton

Title : 9/10 

Cover : 6/10 

Blurb : 6.5/10 

Plot : 11.5/15 

Creativity : 13/15 

Grammar : 14/15 

Characters : 5/5 

Interaction with the reader : 2/5 

An overall review : 14/15 

Total Points : 81/100 

Review : The title is very creative. For one, your book was the first one I clicked on because I found the title to be fascinating. But I couldn't find much of a relation within the chapters but my theory is that it has something to do with the fourth criminal, do tell me if I'm right! The cover is plain and it's good enough. However, the blurb had me confused. It took me a while to understand it and I feel you could make it a bit simpler but I liked the last line 'Both choices, as lethal as they come.' It was an intimidating touch. You were extraordinarily creative with the plot but I felt it was common, though fit for the genre. Your grammar is exceptionally good, but what distracts me is how long your paragraphs are. Now, I believe that everyone is different and to some, long paragraphs are good but to me, when there are much too long paragraphs, people skim through it because they're impatient to go through all of it. But most of your paragraphs are of reasonable size so don't worry yourself too much about this. Your sentences amaze me. It cannot be questioned that your vocabulary is great in size. But sometimes, try to keep your sentences less complex and more simple. It is easier for the reader to grab the meaning. Your characters aren't very hard to understand and I like how you drop hints about your main characters rather than dedicating an entire paragraph to introduce them. Your interaction with the readers are less. Your story and your characters speak out for you but a little bit more interactivity would make you more popular. Overall, it was interesting because once I got used to your style of writing, I really enjoyed it. Definitely looking forward to the ending!


First Position

Black or White
BY DeathBlade__

Second Position

Beyond Reasonable Doubt
BY MiniMoxx

Third Position

BY scrabblepost


Thank you everyone for your cooperation and also a special thanks to  for judging this genre!


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