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A cold atmosphere entered the chasms of the citadel with the lights of the light crystals flickering from its ceiling.

At an unexpected time, the two halves met each other once more. Nevertheless, they were certain that the last time they met long ago created a huge mess in each other's minds.

The hatred and his longing for revenge slowly rose inside Varelor's mind, but deep inside, he still felt an affection for the one who raised him. Memories of the past began to appear inside his weary mind, making tears fall silently from his icy blue eyes.

"Varelor, you don't have to do this," his father spoke in his gentle and caring voice.

"Vi-," he spoke, interrupted by the feeling that seemed to tear his heart apart. "I mean... Alvier, where are your students?"

"Mijo (Son), it's all my fault. Fight me, not them," the old man stated.

"Why should I fight you?" Varelor asked, forcing his cold heart to stay frozen and numb. "I know you'll be down for just a few seconds. You're not worthy to fight me and my army! Besides, I know that you are not my father!"

"Well, you have to deal with me first!" Alvier spoke, grabbing a magical gem from his belt bag. The gem immediately transformed into a long wooden staff, and he dashed towards Varelor to take the first attack.

Varelor's army began to aim their bows and arrows towards the old man, but before they could even discharge them, Varelor motioned for them to stop.

Alvier valiantly attacked his son with no sign of regret that could be seen on his face. However, deep inside him, he was scared and unsure.

Varelor wore his arctic blue ring and summoned its power to create an ice sword with sharp edges that'll surely slash the things that come its way.

The staff and the sword struck each other, letting out a huge force that made the two blast away from each other.

"You sure are strong after all these years, but let's see if you can last long," Varelor grinned.

The fight continued with the striking of their weapons accompanied by the warmth of the fire scattering from all over the town of Sepphora.

Meanwhile, at the depths of the forest of Sepphora leading towards the city of Guevaria, came Livian and the Sepphorians managed to escape from the hands of Varelor.

At the time they came into the land of the Everdailean fairies, they were welcomed by the other Avallons that had already evacuated their fellow tribesmen.

"What should we do now?" Celebrin asked.

"Should we go to the Western Lands?" asked Dreia.

Livian remained silent, thinking about the reason why their master did such a thing even though he was certain that he would fail over Varelor.

"Livian, what's the matter?" asked Theodren.

He kept digging and digging for the thoughts inside his mind until, finally, he realized everything.

"I think I have a better plan," he answered, giving enlightenment to his friends' anxious faces, "but I am certain that this is not as simple as we think."

Back to Sepphora, the battle was about to cease. With several wounds that he took from Varelor's sword, Alvier was certain that his life would soon end. His vision commenced to blur, and his knees were too exhausted to stand up.

Seeing his father's pitiful situation, strange energy suddenly hit Varelor's heart. His sword was aimed toward his so-called father's chest, but he was stunned because of that feeling.

"Do it, Emperor Varelor! He deserves to die!" he heard one of his men whisper to his ears.

Varelor recalled all the hatred that his so-called father gave to him, and because of that, he was completely consumed by the darkness inside of him.

With all of his force, Varelor drove his sword toward the helpless Alvier.

Nevertheless, before he could even do that, a powerful force coming from Alvier's front made him strike back.

"Livian?!" Alvier breathed in. His heart was filled with worries for the people he cares for standing in front of him.

"Everyone, are you sure you want to do this?" Livian asked the other Avallons.

"For Enchantria," they all replied in unison.

"No, Livian. You all can't do that!" Alvier cautioned for the last time.

"Master, it's our honor to become your students," Livian spoke as the Avallons gazed down at Alvier.

A few moments later, their eyes turned towards Varelor. Without warning, they were flabbergasted by the sound of Varelor's army being defeated. Troops from all over the Four Lands joined the elves to fight.

Through that, they all knew that the great battle of the immortals had started. And, as they planned, it was soon to end.

Sea dwellers have risen from the depths of the ocean, the tree-ents awakened from their slumber, and the fairies descended from the clouds. Everyone had the intention of stopping Varelor's uproar.

One by one, Varelor's army began to fall, and he had nothing to do but to watch them lose.

"It's over, Varelor!" the Avallons spoke.

With his outrage arising even more, Varelor took all the magic he could have from his magical ring and aimed it towards the five.

Thinking quickly, the Avallons gathered their magical powers and united them into one undefeatable force.

A blinding light flashed before their eyes. At that time, Alvier was certain that the prophecy was already being fulfilled no matter what he did to prevent it.

The five of them will die.

Alvier heard the wizards' warning ringing in his ears as he laid down on the floor helplessly.

Deep inside Livian's mind came the memory of his beloved she-elf and her daughter before they left Guevaria.

"Where are you going?" Alfira asked as she quickly dashed towards Livian, her arms linked to him and her child.

"I need to save our empire together with the other Avallons," Livian answered as he looked at her astonishing emerald eyes.

"Livian," Alfira whispered in a voice filled with sadness, "Is Varelor coming back? I'm worrying so much for him."

"Listen to me, Alfira," Livian replied, removing an excess of hair from his wife's face and putting it behind her ear. "I fear that I don't know if that'll happen for now. But, whatever happens, I know that there's still love deep inside of him."

Those memories gave strength to Livian's heart as they slowly vanished into thin air together with the light coming from the five rings.

After a few moments, the light completely perished, leaving no trace of where the Avallons went off. All that was left were the ruins of the Avallons' citadel and their master Alvier.

But then, have you ever thought about what happened earlier that made Varelor's hatred grow even more? Jealousy was one of the things, but it was not enough to spark his resting dark side. What did he really want to gain from his revenge?

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