The Saga Begins! A Time Patroller's Freedom and an Avatar Discovered!

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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fan-based story. Legend of Korra is owned by Nickelodeon Studios and Michael Dante DiMartino. Dragonball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisha, and Akira Toriyama. PLEASE SUPPORT THE OFFICIAL RELEASE!

The door to an apartment slammed open as somebody walked in before slamming it shut behind them.

It was another day in Conton City, home to the Time Patrol, and one of its members was having a very bad day. Worse than all of his previous bad days that he's had this month alone. The person in question was one of the Frieza Race Time Patrollers. He bears a striking resemblance to his ancestor, Frieza. In fact, aside from his red skin and the purple lines under his eyes, he looks just like Frieza in his final form!

This is Tundra. And he's a bit of a unique case even among Time Patrollers.

You see, in the timeline where he comes from, when he was a baby, he was found and raised by a loving family of Saiyans. They fed him, clothed him, kept him warm, safe and loved. They even trained him in combat once he was old enough and asked them to. Tundra was by no means a prodigy, but his dad often joked that Tundra was a genius of hard work. He was enjoying his life until one day he was enlisted into the Time Patrol by the Supreme Kai of Time and her assistant, Trunks.

Tundra sighed and dropped the bag of groceries he'd bought at the doorstep before removing his scouter from his face and just falling down to the floor as he didn't bother to walk to his chair or the bed. It had been an exhausting two years for him. And that might not seem like much to a member of his species due to their much greater longevity, but in this case two years was an eternity for him.

"Ugh, stupid Time Patrol. Stupid Trunks! Stupid Supreme Midget of Laziness! And stupid pervy old prune of a Kai!" he grumbled to himself. "I served faithfully for so long, correcting many changes in history, then one mistake and they practically threw me away! This whole probation is just a load of bullshit!"

Tundra had been on a form of probation for about two years and a month now, only being allowed to take minor missions and Parallel Quests if for no other reason than to keep a roof over his head and put food on the table. How did this probation come about you may ask? Well, you'll find out later.

The Frost Demon, as his kind are sometimes called, groaned and stood up off the floor as he grabbed his groceries and started putting them away, leaving out only what he needed for his dinner. Lucky for him, Tundra happens to be a five-star chef as he was taught how to cook by his adopted parents. Saiyans may be a race of battle loving warriors, but they know how to cook well and cook a lot. They need to in order to fuel their ludicrously fast metabolisms. Having settled on a simple dinner of sushi and white rice, Tundra quickly washed his hands and began preparing the food with all of the skill of a practiced chef in a restaurant.

"When I joined the Time Patrol, I was under the impression that we were like a giant family. Well, some family this turned out to be. I understand that we're supposed to prevent radical changes in history, but punishing me over a single mistake and then putting me on a three-year probation as punishment? Hmph! And to top it all off, someone leaked what happened to the rest of the Time Patrol and now, I'm nothing more than a pariah among my own coworkers!" Tundra snarled as he cut the salmon for his sushi. "It was probably that old fart, Elder Kai. He's always had it out for me because I look so much like Frieza. Thinks I'll turn out just like he did, I'll bet. The dumb old bastard."

Hearing the rice cooker ding, Tundra quickly scooped the rice into a glass bowl and placed a damp hand towel over the rice so it would cool and wouldn't dry out.

"Well, isn't this something of an odd sight. Never thought I'd ever see one of Frieza's people lift a finger to cook for themselves."

Tundra glanced out the corner of his eye as he saw Vegeta and Goku, both from the same point in time when Whis was training them, having walked into his apartment. He didn't think much of it as he realized that he forgot to lock the door.

"If you're here to gloat about my screwup, get it over with. And if you're going to tell me that I don't belong in the Time Patrol, I frankly don't care. Just say what you have to say so that I can have my dinner and sleep the rest of the day away, because I'm not trustworthy enough to do any sort of time patrolling." Tundra bitterly said.

Goku just sat down at the counter and said, "You're a little bit like I am, you know? You eat when you're upset."

"So, what if I do. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly in any position to feel joy." Tundra said, not bothering to look up from the sushi he was preparing.

"So why are you upset?" Goku asked, a look of understanding on his face.

Tundra slowly stopped what he was doing and sighed.

"I probably sucked worse on that mission than anyone in the history of Universe 7. In the history of the Time Patrol. In the history of sucking!" Tundra exclaimed as he finally allowed himself to vent.

"Probably." Vegeta said with a nod.

"And the others; man, you guys must've seen them, they all totally hate me!" Tundra said.

"Totally." Vegeta agreed.

Getting elbowed in the ribs by Goku for that one.

"How am I supposed to shape myself into the warrior that my parents believed that I could be?" Tundra asked, sighing as he imagined the looks of disappointment that he thought they'd have. "I mean, I'm not like you guys or the rest of the Z-Fighters. I don't have your warrior's pride, Vegeta, Gohan's brains, or Piccolo's indomitable will. Even you, Goku, have a certain drive that propels you to new levels of power."

As he finished preparing his dinner, neatly arranging the sushi on a plate with a helping of rice and fish eggs on the side, Tundra sat down and just stared at his food.

"Call me a weakling and a coward if you must, Vegeta, but I can't help but feel that maybe I should just quit, go back to my own time, and find a job making noodles." he said, finishing his rant.

Goku couldn't help but look at the young Frost Demon with sympathy and even Vegeta could understand where the young alien was coming from. When the Saiyan Prince had lost his will to fight after Cell was defeated, he too felt utterly useless for a time.

"Quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles. You're way too concerned by what was and what will be. There's a saying that Master Roshi once told me. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present." Goku said to Tundra.

"Truthfully, I feel like this Time Patrol is doing nothing but hindering you as a warrior. Sticking you on probation and forcing you to stagnate? Not allowing you to train? How are you supposed to do your job if you're out of shape and weakened?" Vegeta asked, honestly appalled that the Supreme Kai of Time would do such a thing to a warrior. "You want my advice. Leave this shitty little club of time travelers. You don't need to put up with their bullshit just because they can't do their fucking jobs and blame you for a mistake that they could have prevented. Take a trip back to your own timeline and find something worth fighting for."

"Something worth fighting for?" Tundra asked.

"Yeah. Martial artists and warriors in general need a drive. Something that can motivate them and push them to get stronger by breaking their own limits. And you're no different, Tundra. If you can find that drive, that thing that makes it all worthwhile to get stronger, you can reach levels of power beyond your wildest dreams!" Goku said. "And once you've found it, and you know you're strong enough, I look forward to having a good fight with you."

Having said their piece, Goku and Vegeta left Tundra's apartment and left the Frost Demon to his thoughts.

'A reason to fight, huh? I wonder about that.'

Tundra now knew what he had to do. He quickly scarfed down his food and left his apartment, not bothering to lock the door since he wouldn't need the place after what he was planning. As quickly as he could, without being noticed, Tundra made his way to the Time Nest where all of the scrolls that hold history are kept. He figured that if the Supreme Kai of Time has scrolls for all of history, then his own history must be in there somewhere.

"I'm taking Vegeta's advice. I'm not letting myself be held back by these people, let alone by a Supreme Kai who enlists others to fight her battles because she's too damn lazy to do it herself." Tundra quietly said to himself.

Entering the Time Nest, he was relieved to see that, save for all of the scrolls, it was empty. He quickly began scouring the walls of the great tree to find the scroll that contains his own history and quickly came across a thick, leatherbound book. Removing it, he saw his name written on the cover. He took a deep breath before nodding.

"This is it. No turning back now."

Closing his eyes, Tundra held the book close to him as he was engulfed in a flash of light, returning to his true timeline as the book itself fell to the ground with a loud thud. But it would be some time before anyone noticed that Tundra was gone, or that the book was out of place.

For this is where his story truly begins...

*Age 157 AG...*

A trio of people from a group known as the Order of the White Lotus were making their way through the South Pole to the local settlement. It was already dark out and they were caught up in a blizzard. Fortunately for them, they had a strong lantern to guide their way. It was only a few more minutes of walking before they reached their destination. Walking up to one of the huts, they were met by the village chieftain, Tonraq, who greeted them warmly.

"The White Lotus has honored my family by coming. Thank you."

Tonraq opened the door to let the White Lotus members inside making his wife, Senna, look up from her sweeping.

"Welcome." she greeted.

Just as an old knickknack fell to the floor, likely due to the wind. As the three members of the White Lotus entered the building, they removed the hoods from their cloaks while maintaining an air of professionalism.

"We have investigated many claims, both here and in the Northern tribe, and all have turned out to be false." one of the men, the leader of the group, said.

Tonraq and Senna looked to each other and smiled knowingly at each other.

"Then you should be happy to know your search has come to an end." Senna said.

"What makes you so sure your daughter is the one?" the leader asked.

To which Senna turned and called out, "Korra! Please come in here!"

Suddenly, a chunk of the wall went sailing right past the three startled White Lotus members! They looked in the direction of the chunk of earth and saw a four-year-old girl with brown skin, dark brown hair, and cyan blue eyes wearing a pair of dark blue pants and a light blue short-sleeved shirt that barely covered her belly, standing there with her fist raised.

With an air of pride and confidence she proclaimed, "I'm the avatar! You gotta deal with it!" (A/N: Oh, I can't help myself! That line was just freaking adorable when Korra was that age!)

Much to the shock and silent delight of the three, they watched as she demonstrated her ability to bend not just Earth, but also fire and water as well! They were so glad that Senna and Tonraq had been telling the truth. At long last...

The next Avatar has been found!

But before anyone could do anything else, there was a loud crash from outside! It was so loud, and whatever caused it was so strong, it caused the ground to tremble and make little Korra fall flat on her butt. Just as suddenly as those tremors started, they stopped. They all looked around unsure of what had just happened.

"Daddy, what was that?" Korra asked as she got up, rubbing her sore rear.

"I don't know. But I'm gonna find out." Tonraq replied.

He quickly grabbed a lantern and went outside to check out what had happened. He didn't have to look far as he saw a small crater just ten feet from his hut. And there was someone laying in that crater! He quickly ran to it with Senna and the White Lotus close behind, with Senna keeping her daughter close. As they approached the crater and looked inside, they were startled to see something that looked like a cross between a human and some sort of reptile with three toes that looked like two fingers and an opposable thumb on each foot, which made them look like hands, deep red skin, a long tail that looked prehensile, purple colored gems in its forearms, shins, shoulders, the center of its abdomen, and its head, and purple markings beneath each eye. The creature obviously appeared to be male.

"What is that?" Senna asked.

"I don't know, but it might be hurt. Let's bring it into the hut and get Tenzin here! He might know something about it!" Tonraq instructed.

And so, Tonraq and the White Lotus members quickly gathered the creature up by the arms and legs and carefully brought it into the chief's hut, trying to be as careful as possible to avoid aggravating any possible injuries.

Tonraq made a mental note to also call in Katara just in case.

***To Be Continued...***

Ending A/N: And that's the end of this chapter. What do you guys think? A pretty interesting combination, wouldn't you agree? But now that Tundra has arrived, just what sort of hijinks will he find himself in with the current Avatar? Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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