Iron Man 2 (Part 5): Trying to Help & Birthday Disaster

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Blake thought that the Grand Prix was a disaster, just wait till Tony's birthday gets here...

Police Officer: "On a vérifié ses empreintes et on n'a rien trouvé, même pas son nom. (We ran his prints. We got nothing back, not even a name.)"

Blake: "Où allons-nous ? (Where are we going?)"

Blake was there with Stark, walking next to him. He had a few bandages on his face but looked very serious.

Blake (V.O.): "Okay, fine I lied about taking a rest and recover and I joined Tony, but come on! This guy literally came out of nowhere to attack him. Plus, I am a SHIELD Agent, extracting information is my job."

Blake and Tony were through the hallway of the jail to interrogate Vanko. There were officers walking behind them.

Police Officer: "Par là. En fait on ne sait même pas s'il parle. Il a pas dit un mot depuis qu'il est arrivé, pas un son. (Over there. We're not even sure he speaks English. He hasn't said a word since he got here.)"

Tony: "Cinq minutes (Five minutes.)"

They reached to where Vanko was currently staying in. Both went inside as the doors behind them closed, leaving them in the room with him. Tony walked up to him as Blake stayed in back, keeping an eye out.

Tony: "Pretty decent tech. Cycles per second were a little low. You could have doubled up your rotations. You focused the repulsor energy through ionised plasma channels. It's effective. Not very efficient. But it's a passable knock-off. I don't get it. A little fine tuning you could have made a solid pay check. You could have sold it to North Korea, China, Iran, or gone onto the black market. You look like you got friends in low places." He said as then sat next to Vanko.

Vanko: "You come from a family of thieves and butchers. And now, like all guilty men, you try to rewrite your own history. And you forget all the lives the Stark family has destroyed." He said.

Tony: "Speaking of thieves, where did you get this design?" He asked.

Vanko: "My father. Anton Vanko." He replied back.

Tony: "Well, I never heard of him."

Vanko: "My father is the reason you're alive."

Tony: "The reason I'm alive is 'cause you had a shot, you took it, you missed."

Vanko: "Did I? If you can make God bleed, the people will cease to believe in him. And there will be blood in the water. And the sharks will come. The truth, all I have to do is sit here and watch as the world will consume you."

Blake narrowed his eyes, listening and paying close attention.

Tony: "Where will you be watching the world consume me from? That's right. A prison cell. I'll send you a bar of soap." He said as he then stands up.

Vanko: "А тебя, мальчик, как зовут? (And you, boy, what is your name?)"

Blake: "Blake." He answered. "Почему так интересно узнать меня? (Why so interested in knowing me?)"

Vanko: "Любопытно, почему вы помогаете и защищаете такого человека, как он? Кто-то вроде Старка? (Curious to why you help and defend a man like him? Someone like Stark?)"

Blake: "Тони не тот, за кого себя выдают, они просто не знают его лично. (Tony isn't what people say he is, they just don't know him personally.)"

Vanko: "Hm." He simply said.

As they were ready to leave, Vanko tells Tony one more thing.

Vanko: "Hey, Tony. Before you go, palladium in the chest, painful way to die."

As they left, Vanko simply chuckled. Blake couldn't help but think about what he said to Tony. "Palladium in the chest, painful way to die." What was he talking about? He needs to talk to Tony about this later.

Stern: "It's just unbelievable. It proves that the genie is out of the bottle and this man has no idea what he's doing. He thinks of the Iron Man weapon as a toy. I was at a hearing where Mr Stark, in fact, was adamant that these suits can't exist anywhere else, don't exist anywhere else, never will exist anywhere else, at least for five to ten years, and here we are in Monaco realising, 'These suits exist now.'"

Blake and Pepper were in plane, watching the news that featured Senator Stern. Blake was simply just sitting, staring with one of his legs crossed, and playing a bit with a card. Tony came in and talked with Pepper, while discussing about cancelling his birthday party.

Blake was just in deep thought right now, still thinking about what happened in the prison. Well, not just that but the entire world finding out who he was. So far, this was a mess.

During this time, Vanko escaped from prison and was brought into Hammer Industries. Hammer was so intrigued with what he accomplished so he wanted to partner up him.

Back at Malibu, Blake was with Tony in garage downstairs, looking over the things with Anton Vanko and his history.

JARVIS: "Query complete sirs. Anton Vanko was a Soviet physicist who defected to the United States in 1963.However, he was accused of espionage and was deported in 1967. His son, Ivan, who is also a physicist, was convicted of selling Soviet-era weapons grade plutonium to Pakistan, and served 15 years in Kopeisk prison. No further records exist." He explained as both were paying close attention until Rhodey came in.

Rhodey: "Tony, you gotta get upstairs and get on top of this situation right now. Listen. I've been on the phone with the National Guard all day, trying to talk them out of rolling tanks up the PCH, knocking down your front door and taking these."

Blake: "Wait, what?"

Rhdoey: "They're going to take away his suits. They're gonna take your suits, Tony, okay? They're sick of the games. You said nobody else would possess this technology for 20 years. Well, guess what? Somebody else had it yesterday. It's not theoretical anymore."

Tony was just sitting there, not looking very worried. Blake stood up and walked over to Tony.

Blake: "Tony, what's wrong?"

Rhodey: "Are you okay?" He puts his hand on Tony's shoulder.

Tony: "Let's go." He said as he got out of the car and falls. Blake and Rhodey help him stand up.

Rhodey: "Hey, man. Hey, hey! You all right?

Tony: "Yeah, I should get to my desk." Both Blake and Rhodey help him walk over there. "See that cigar box?"

Rhodey: "Yeah."

Tony: "It's palladium." He said.

Blake helped him sit in his chair, while Rhodey went over to the box and opened it. Tony takes out his arc reactor, which was smoking.

Rhodey: "Is that supposed to be smoking?" He asks him.

Tony: "If you must know, it's neutron damage. It's from the reactor wall." He said.

Rhodey: "You had this in your body?" He said as he took out the rusted core. "And how about the high-tech crossword puzzle on your neck?" He asked as Blake looked to see.

Tony: "Road rash. Thank you." He replaces the Arc Reactor and starts drinking the green liquid. "What are you looking at?" He asked.

Rhodey: "We're looking at you. You wanna do this whole lone gunslinger act and it's unnecessary."

Blake: "He's right, Tony. You don't have to do this alone."

Tony: "You know, I wish I could believe that. I really do. But you've gotta trust me. Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I'm doing."

Both Blake and Rhodey glanced at each other, unsure if they should believe him. Eventually, Rhodey left, leaving the two alone.

Blake: "Tony, what was it that Vanko about the palladium possibly killing you?"

Tony: "Nothing, he doesn't know what he's talking about."

Blake: "Bullshit. Vanko clearly knows something is up and what just happened is clearly connecting the dots." He stopped for a second as Tony faced towards him. "Is it true? Are you really dying?"

Tony: He sighs. "Yeah...I am."

Blake: "Why didn't you tell me? Or anyone else for that matter?"

Tony: "It's...because I don't know if you can help me. Or anyone else. I tried everything, but I found nothing. I don't want you or anyone else left with the guilt of not being able to save me. I don't want that for any of you."

Blake: "Let me help, Tony. Let me help in any way I can, please. This is what I do, help people."

Tony: "It ain't easy. The Arc Reactor, the palladium, it's all complex to learn."

Blake: "I can learn. I know it won't be easy, but at least help me understand so I know what is going on and maybe...just maybe, we'll find something."

Blake (V.O): "I was happy that Tony decided to let me help deal with the palladium poisoning. He had JARVIS send me everything on the Arc Reactor, the functions, and all that other things. I even went ahead and contacted Fury about this news, to see if there is anything he could do in his end. Boy, am I glad I made that call. But then, the party happened..."

Blake was wearing a lovely suit, and was sipping down his drink. He was busy looking down his phone, looking over the things with the palladium, hoping to find something. So far, nothing. It's really frustrating.

Natalie: "Blake?"

Blake: "Hm? Oh, hey. Wow, you look amazing." He complimented.

Natalie: She smiled. "Thank you, and you look very handsome tonight. What are you doing just standing here?"

Blake: "Oh well, I am not really big on parties, you know? Not my kind of scenery."

Natalie: "Ah, I see."

They both stared at each other for a minute, thinking of the same thing. Both had feelings for each other and wanted to say something, but they don't know what to say to that person in front of them. Then, Natasha decides to take the leap.

Natalie: "Hey, Blake?"

Blake: "Yeah, Nat?"

Natalie: "I was wondering, after this whole party, would to go somewhere?" She asked.

Blake: "Are you asking me out on a date?" He asked, as he smiled.

Natalie: "Yes."

Blake: "Oh well, I..." He was then cut off by some loud music and cheers from people.

Both of them went over to see what the commotion is all about, only to find Tony in suit, drunk and laughing.

Blake: "Oh, what the fuck?! The hell is that idiot doing now?!"

Natalie: "Blake, what is going on?" She asked him as he dragged her away to a private room.

Blake: "Okay, here's what's been happened. Tony is dying from the palladium in the Arc Reactor. The reason he's pulling off these stunts is because he thinks that everyone wouldn't be hurt of not being to help him, it's complicated." He tried to explain.

Natalie: "So no one else knows about this?"

Blake: "I already contacted Fury and some people at SHIELD. They're figuring out something, but right now we got to get him out of that suit. The more he uses it, it will surely kill him."

They both got out, to find Tony still standing there, with a microphone.

Tony: "You know, the question I get asked most often is, "Tony, how do you go to the bathroom in the suit?" He then urinates in the suit. "Just like that." People cheered as Tony drunkenly giggled and Pepper walked up to him.

Blake and Natalie looked at each other, with faces of digust that Tony peed in the suit.

Pepper: "Does this guy know how to throw a party or what?" She said as everyone cheered.

Tony: "I love you." He drunkenly said.

Pepper: "Unbelievable! Thank you so much. Tony, we all thank you so much for such a wonderful night. And we're gonna say good night now, and thank you all for coming." She said as everyone groaned.

Tony: "No, no, no, we can't ... Wait, wait, wait. We didn't have the cake. We didn't blow out the candles."

The two began to ramble as Pepper tries to convince Tony to have everyone leave and Tony just drunk.

Tony: "Pepper Potts. She's right. The party's over. Then again, the party was over for me, like, an hour and a half ago. The after-party starts in 15 minutes." The guests all cheered as Pepper, Rhodey, Blake, and Natalie had very annoyed and exasperated expressions. "And if anybody, Pepper, doesn't like it, there's the door." He then accidentally shoots it with the suit. Everyone cheered. "Yeah!"

The crowd begins to throw things at the air and Tony fires it. Knowing things are getting out of hand, Blake rushed downstairs with Rhodey following behind.

Rhodey: "What are you doing?"

Blake: "Putting an end to this party. You?"

Rhodey: "Same."

They both entered as Rhodey puts on the Mark II suit on and Blake puts the Mark V back on again. Upstairs, Tony continues shooting things and people cheering him on.

Rhodey: "We're only going to say this once!" He yelled out, getting people's attention.

They all turned around to see Rhodey and Blake standing there, wearing the suits and giving a stern look to everyone.

Blake: "Get...out." He said as his eyes glowed and the helmets covered their faces.

The crowd began to leave, only to have Tony just standing there with the two. They both walked towards him.

Blake: "Tony, look, you need to take the suit off now." He said.

Rhodey: "You don't deserve to wear one of these. Shut it down!" He yelled at him.

Tony: He then turned around to the DJ. "Goldstein." He said on the mic.

Goldstein: "Yes, Mr Stark?" He stands up.

Tony: "Give me a phat beat to beat my buddy's ass to." He said as he drunkenly laughed in the end.

The DJ began typing in his computer and puts on some music which Tony nodded in appreciation. Blake sighed in exasperation and shook his head while Rhodey went up Tony.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Rhodey: He grabs hold of Tony from behind. "I told you to shut it down."

Blake: "Now, wait a minute. Hang on, Rhodey. Let's not do anything has—".

Tony dropped the mic, grabbed Rhodey's arms, pulls down the mask, and then flew back. Blake was of course behind them, and Tony flew them back to the workout area.

Tony: "Now, put that thing back where you found it before someone gets hurt." He said as he was walking away.

Blake: "Dammit, Tony! You need to take off the..." He was cut off as a weight was thrown at his by Rhodey by accident.

Blake slowly turned to look at him. Even though the mask was covering his face, you can tell the glare he was giving off.

Rhodey: "Oh shit..."

Tony: "Now, kid about me taking off the suit..." He was cut off by Blake punching him in the face.

Blake: "Big mistake, Rhodes!" He yelled as he grabbed a set of weights.

He walks over to Rhodey as he then hits him, causing him to fly back. Blake turned around to see Tony hit him as well, sending him flying back.

Tony: "Sorry, fellas, but Iron Man doesn't have a sidekick."

Rhodey: He begins to hit Tony with a pipe. "Sidekick this." He kicks Tony in the knee and throws him up to the ceiling. "Had enough?" He said as he flew up.

Rhodey was then tackled from behind. He looked to see Blake there.

Blake: "Don't think I'm out of the game yet!"

Back at the bottom, the guests were leaving through the exits. Pepper then finds Natalie.

Pepper: "Natalie!" She yelled towards her.

Natalie: "Miss Potts."

Pepper: "Don't you "Miss Potts" me! I'm on to you. You know what? Ever since you came here..." She was cut off as Tony, Rhodey, and Blake came crashing through the ceiling.

The trio continued their fighting down there.

Happy: "Pepper!" He runs in to get her out of the way. "Get out of here. Get out of here now."

Natalie heads off somewhere. The guests were spectating the fight from outside, even some were recording it.

Tony: "You want it? Take it!" He yelled as he hits Rhodey by the leg, causing him to flip.

Blake grabbed Tony by the neck, having him to turn around and then punches the billionaire a couple of times. Rhodey quickly interfered and shoved them both off and prepared a fighting stance. Blake did this as well while Tony was just walking towards him. He punched his best friend in the face as he punched back. The young agent joined in as well, throwing punches and getting punched back.

Tony then gains the upper hand by grabbing both Blake and Rhodey by smashing their heads together and hits them on the counter. As they laid there for a bit, Tony turned around to the crowd, seeing they're still there. He yelled at them, signaling them to leave to which they did.

Rhodey grabbed a piece of the counter and hits Tony from the back, sending him flying to the fireplace. As he gets out, Blake got up and Rhodey was just standing. Tony raised both his hands and aimed at the two, as they did the same.

Blake: "This is over." He said, sternly.

Rhodey: "Put your hand down."

Tony: "You think you got what it takes to wear that suit?"

Rhodey: "We don't have to do this, Tony."

Tony: "You wanna be the War Machine, take your shot."

Rhodey: "Put it down." He ordered.

Tony: "You gonna take a shot?"

Blake: "Stark, shut the hell up!" He yelled.

Rhodey: "Put it down!" He ordered again.

Tony: "No!"

Rhodey: "Drop it Tony!"

Blake: "Guys, no!!"

All three charged their repulsor blasts and then fired at each other. The beams form a triangle-like shaped as then a huge explosion formed. The blast caused the windows to break and had the trio fly back.

As the dust was clearing, Blake's suit was coming back online as well as Tony's. The young agent was slowly getting up but stopped to see Rhodey leaving. He turned around to see Riley and Stark both looking at him, but then looked up to the sky and flew away.

Blake slowly walked over to Tony and helped get up on his feet as they continued looking up to the sky.

Blake (V.O.): He sighs. "This is one of many moments that I wished it wouldn't went out like. Things went out of control that night. After Rhodey left, me and Tony had a conversation and man, was I really upset with him. I thought he trusted me, you know? That he can let me help him with this, and then that shit happened..."

It was early in the morning as the sun was still rising. Blake was sleeping in his room, till he was waken up by Tony.

Tony: "Kid, you awake?"

Blake: He groaned as he turned around to look at him. "Well, now I am. What do you want?"

Tony: "You want to get some donuts? I'll even get you some hot chocolate, I'm paying by the way." He said.

Blake thought about it for a bit and then gave Tony the answer.

Blake: "Fine. Let me just get dressed." He said.

To be continued...

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