Prologue (Blake's Early Life)

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Year: 1996

???: Okay kiddo, you are going to be staying with your godfather for a bit okay? We'll try to be back as soon as we can.

An older man kneeled down to his son, who was just only 7 years old. Another man was standing behind the boy who was his godfather, Nick Fury.

Boy: I want to come with you and mom.

Then a woman came in and kneeled in front of him.

Mom: Sweetie, it's not safe for you come with us. It's better you stay here okay?

Boy: Okay...

Dad: Be good, Blake. Take care of him, Nick.

Fury: I'll handle it. Just get back here in one piece alright?

Mom: We will. Love you my little baby boy.

She then kisses her son on the forehead and both parents left. Fury then picked up the boy and watched the two leave.

???: I really wished things turned out differently that day. It was this moment that it would be the last time I ever saw them. My name is Blake Riley and this is my story.

Year: 1999

Blake (V.O.): After that day, I felt lost and alone without my parents. But I was lucky that my godfather, Nick, took me in and raised me as his own. As years went by, my life began to change, but it was at least something that could potentially change the world.

An eleven-year old Blake is currently playing outside in the fields with his little yellow robot toy.

Young Blake: Okay, the Earth is safe once again from the evil Decepticons! Now to transform and roll out!

He then transforms the robot into a little Volkswagen Beetle. He moves the little car and makes noises. Then a bright light caught his attention.

Young Blake: Huh?

He walks closer to the bright light to see a butterfly. But it wasn't any normal butterfly he had seen. This one looked what appeared to be made out of shards of glass.

Young Blake: Hello there. What are you?

He questioned the butterfly. It began to fly around him in circles. Blake then reached out with his pointing finger and the butterfly then landed on it. A bright flash covered his eyes and lightning was forming around him. His eyes began to glow and levitated up for a bit. The colors then began to change from a very bright blue color to magenta. It then stopped and the young boy fell to the ground on his back.

Young Blake: Ow, my head.

He held on his head with the bit of headache he is experiencing. He looked down to see a kitsune mask on his other hand.

Young Blake: Huh?

He brought the mask a bit closer to his face to look at it. The mask was too big for him. And then he heard a voice.

???: These are your first steps, Young Riley.

It sounded like a voice of an older woman but not one he recognized. Before he could think of anything else, a voice called out to him.

Fury: Blake!!

Blake turned around to see Nick and his partner, Phil Coulson, rushing towards him.

Coulson: What happened, are you okay?

Young Blake: I....I don't know.

He looked down to see the mask he was holding again. He didn't know what to say to them.

Fury: Blake, look at me kiddo. Tell me what happened and I'll see if I can understand it.

Young Blake: Okay.

Blake (V.O.): I ended up telling Fury of what happened. He was shocked and surprised to hear what I said to him. It was hard to believe but to him, he understood. A few years ago, he had to deal with something involving the Kree and Skrulls, so hearing my story kept him an open mind.

Blake (V.O.): As the years went by, my newfound powers didn't become much active until I became 18. And of course during that time, I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to become an agent since I spent my entire life there. I really wanted to make a difference and help the entire world like Captain Amercia, Agent Carter, Captain Marvel, my parents, and my godfather.

Blake (V.O.): I've also managed to gain some new friends. The first was Clint Barton, a very skilled marksman, and whom I consider, a brother. We always banter and have fun together. Clint was always the person you can rely upon along with Laura. Laura was a former agent, codenamed Agent 19, and later become married to Clint. I even became an uncle once Lila and Cooper were born. Me and Clint made sure that they were kept secret and under the radar. Finally, there was Maria Hill. She really goes everything by the book and that reputation earned her the title "Commander". We occasionally talk here and there but work was tough.

Year: 2008

Blake (V.O.): Working for S.H.I.E.L.D. has been interesting and so far nothing unusual happened, until 2008 and it began with one man. Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, former weapons manufacturer, was captured in Afghanistan till he escaped from the terrorist group, the Ten Rings. Then there were reports of a man in suit of armor whom media dubbed him as "Iron Man", but it was actually Tony in the suit. Then after an incident at Stark Industries, came the shocking reveal to the whole world.

Tony: The truth is...I am Iron Man.

Blake was watching the TV of the press conference with a shocked look in his face. He then turned to look at Fury, who was also shocked.

Fury: Oh, that motherf-

Blake (V.O.): Yeah, he said some very interesting things. We then paid him a visit after that and talked about the "Avengers Initiative". The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more, so when the Earth needed them, they could fight the battles that we never could. I even got to talk with Mr. Stark and it turned out pretty great. We talked about our early life and even learned a thing or two from each other. He even offered me a job to work alongside him, which I did for the weekends. I got to meet Pepper Potts, Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, and Happy Hogan. They were really nice to talk to.

Blake (V.O.): I thought that would be the end of it, until the Budapest mission happened. Me and Clint were assigned to take down an assassin, known as the Black Widow. Clint was ordered to kill her but he made a different call, and I'm glad he did. The Black Widow then joined us to take down Dreykov and the Red Room along with him. And it worked! After that, Clint was able to introduce me to the Black Widow The first time I saw her, the red hair, her beautiful face, and those mesmerizing emerald eyes.... Uh *clears throat* I mean... that was when I met Natasha Romanoff in person.

Blake: Uh...h-hi...I am Blake. B-Blake Riley, lovely to meet you. *extends his hand*

Natasha: I am Natasha. Natasha Romanoff lovely to meet you too Blake.

She smiles at him and giggled to herself, hearing him stutter and blush. Meanwhile, Clint was just watching and smirking, knowing what could happen later on.

Blake (V.O.): Clint and I helped her get settled in S.H.I.E.L.D. and had her join our team. Clint even introduced her to his family and everyone adored and accepted her. We gotten to know each other really well and even shared her early life with us about her sister and parents. Of course, we even spar together and learned a thing or two from each other. I even told her about my early life, involving my parents, and my abilities which I gained as a kid. This year was the craziest and the best thing that could've happened. Now flash forward two years later, a huge week was approaching for us and it would soon lead to something big. First up, was meeting up with Tony again, only he was slowly dying. The palladium core in the arc reactor that was keeping him alive, is slowly killing him. This is how the whole situation played out. Let's first start at the Stark Expo.

Prologue done! I decided that the big week order will be Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, and Thor. Hope you guys enjoyed it!!

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