Thor (Part 1): Banishment

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Dr. Jane Foster, Dr. Erik Selvig, and Darcy Lewis encounters something in the sky, till they are met with a mysterious that suddenly appeared. Who could it be?

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Location: Puente Antiguo, New Mexico
Year: 2011

It was late at night and dark as the stars shine upon the night sky and the crickets were heard chirping in the distance. In the middle of the desert, a van was sitting there, with a couple of lights on. Inside the van, a computer began to beep as the two people were looking over it, while another person was in the driver's seat. The three people were Dr. Jane Foster, Dr. Erik Selvig, and Darcy Lewis.

Jane opens up the roof panels of the SUV, as the vehicle had the lights off. Both Jane and Selvig rose up, as Dr. Foster places a device to monitor the sky. Both scientists look up to see if anything is happening, but there was nothing.

Jane: "Wait for it."

Darcy: "Can I turn on the radio?" She asked.

Jane: "No."

Erik: "Jane, you can't keep doing this."

Jane: "The last 17 occurrences have been predictable to the second."

She went back down in the SUV and retrieved some papers, to look over the data that she has collected. Then, she brings up her laptop to look over it.

Erik: "Jane, you're an astrophysicist, not some storm chaser."

Jane: "I'm telling you, there's a connection between these atmospheric disturbances and my research. Erik, I wouldn't have asked you to fly out here if I wasn't absolutely sure."

Then, Darcy looks over the rear view mirror and spots something happening the sky, behind them. She then calls out to Jane.

Darcy: "Jane? I think you want to see this."

Jane then looks out to see the sky, to see it glowing brightly.

Jane: "What is that?" She questioned.

Both Foster and Selvig then went up to see the sky again, shocked to what is currently happening.

Erik: "I thought you said it was a subtle aurora!" He exclaimed.

Jane: "Go!"

Darcy then stepped on it, as the vehicle turned around and headed towards the "aurora". Jane moved up in the passenger's seat and brings up a camcorder to record the event.

Jane: "Get closer."

Darcy: "Right. Good one." She commented, thinking that the astrophysicist was joking.

Jane: "Go!"

The SUV continued driving forward, as then something as the wormhole hit the ground, having them freak out a bit. Darcy then tried to pull away, but Jane wouldn't let it happen.

Jane: "What are you doing?"

Darcy: "I am not drying for six college credits!" She yelled.

Then, Jane reached over and grabbed the wheel. They drove into the storm as both were still fighting over the wheel. Then, a figure suddenly appeared as Darcy and Jane began to freak out. She quickly pressed the brakes, and moved the vehicle to the side, accidentally hitting him. The vehicle spun for a bit, till it stopped. Jane and Darcy looked at each other, till everyone got out.

Darcy: "I think that was legally your fault." She called out.

Jane: "Get the first aid kit." She told Darcy as she kneeled down. "Do me a favor and don't be dead. Please."

The man stirred, as the Jane looked around, wondering how this guy was here.

Jane: "Where did he come from?" She questioned.

Blake (V.O.): "Where did he come from, indeed. This isn't really much SHIELD's first rodeo of an extraterrestrial visiting our world, and it certainly isn't the first time one of their people came to Earth."

Hawley (V.O.): "And would you care to elaborate for us?" She asked.

Blake (V.O.): "Wow, I guess you guys haven't looked into Norse Mythology, but alright. From what I recalled, the last time they were here, it was many years ago."

Tonsberg, Norway
965 A. D.

Blake (V.O.): "Once, mankind accepted a simple truth, that they were not alone in this universe. Some worlds man believed to be home to their gods. Others, they knew to fear."

The people of Tonsberg were simply living their lives, till they all stopped and looked to the sky. The Frost Giants arrived, as Laufey brought the Casket of Ancient Winters and used it against the people. It froze everything, including the boats, the people, and even a mother and her daughter.

Blake continued narrating, till then his voice changed from him to Odin.

Odin (V.O.): "From a realm of cold and darkness came the Frost Giants, threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new ice age. But humanity wouldn't face this threat alone."

The Bifrost then came down to Earth, as Odin and the Einherjar stepped out, ready for the battle. Odin and Laufey narrowed their eyes, as both of their armies charged towards each other. Both sides killed many on the other side as Laufey, King of the Jotuns froze some of the Einherjar while Odin stabbed and threw one away with Gungnir and killed another before using it to fire a powerful blast, killing many of the Frost Giants.

Odin (V.O.): "Our armies drove the Frost Giants back into the heart of their world. The cost was great. In the end, their king fell.

In the world of Jotunheim, Odin was standing over Laufey, pointing Gungir at him, as his right eye was missing. A member of the Einherjar lifted the Casket of Ancient Winters and took it back with them to Asgard.

Odin (V.O.): "And the source of their power was taken from them. With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds and returned home to the Realm Eternal, Asgard."

Odin (V.O.): "Here we remain as a beacon of hope, shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard and its warriors that brought peace to the universe."

Odin, with a young Thor and Loki, were in the weapon's vault of Asgard, as they approach the Casket.

Odin: "But the day will come when one of you will have to defend that peace." He said as he turned to his two sons.

Young Loki: "Do the Frost Giants still live?" He asked.

Young Thor: "When I'm king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all! Just as you did, Father." He said as he turned to Odin.

Odin: "A wise king, never seeks out war, but... he must always be ready for it." He said.

He then walked away, as the two brothers looked at each other, excited. They both ran to their father, passing by Mjolnir. They each grabbed Odin's hands.

Young Thor: "I'm ready, Father."

Young Loki: "So am I."

Odin: "Only one of you can ascend to the throne. But both of you were born to be kings."


Malick: "Interesting introduction, Agent Riley, but what does this have to do with New Mexico?" He asked, being impatient.

Blake: [Sighs] "We'll get to New Mexico, but you have to first understand how it all lead to there." He said.

Singh: "Excuse him, please continue."

Blake: "Thank you, Councilman. Now before then, Thor was...different from how we know him today."

Yen: "And how different, would you say he was before the incident?"

Blake: "Thor was arrogant, greedy, and cruel to say the least. He let being King of Asgard cloud his judgments and he would always take action, rather than discussing it. And he was also, an idiot." He said.

Rockwell: "So, what did cause him to come to our planet?"

Blake: "Well, from what Thor told me, it happened when he was about to be proclaimed King..."

Blake (V.O.): "That is, until, someone broke in to their weapons vault to steal the Casket of Ancient Winters."

Inside the weapons vault, a guard looked down to the ground to see it being frozen. Then, three Frost Giants jumped out and killed the guards. They ran towards the Casket and grabbed it, so they can return it Jotunheim. But before they make it to the exit, the Destroyer walked out and fired beams towards the Frost Giants, killing all three of them.

Odin, along with a grown up Thor and Loki, entered the vault as the Destroyer went back inside. They walked towards the casket, as they passed by corpses of the Frost Giants and guards. Thor was furious to what happened, as Odin remained calm.

Thor: "The Jotuns must pay for what they've done!" He tells Odin.

Odin: "They have paid, with their lives. The Destroyer did its work, the Casket is safe, and all is well."

Thor: "All is well? They broke into the weapons vault! If the Frost Giants had stolen even one of these relics..."

Odin: "They didn't."

Thor: "Well, I want to know why!" He yelled, demanding answers.

Loki remained silent, as he watched both of them argue about the situation.

Odin: "I have a truce with Laufey, King of the Jotuns."

Thor: "He just broke your truce! They know you are vulnerable!" He exclaimed.

Odin: [He then turned around and looked at Thor] "What action would you take?" He questioned.

Thor: "March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Break their spirits so they'll never dare try to cross our borders again." He suggested, but Odin disagreed.

Odin: "You're thinking only as a warrior."

Thor: "This was an act of war!"

Odin: "It was the act of but a few, doomed to fail."

Thor: "Look how far they got!" He yelled, gesturing around the entire vault.

Odin: "We will find the breach in our defenses and it will be sealed."

Thor: "As King of Asgard..." He was about to continue, but was cut off by Odin.

Odin: "But you're not King!" He raised his voice. "Not yet."

Thor didn't say anything else, as soon as Odin raised his voice. He then walked away, leaving Thor there, furious to what happened today.

Blake (V.O.): "Thor was incredibly furious. That day was supposed to be the day he becomes King, but I think he and I agree, that if it wasn't for that little incident, who knows what could've happened."

Yen (V.O.): "Did the Asgardian Prince listened to his father?" He asked.

Blake (V.O.): "Nope. He disobeyed his King and decided to go to Jotunheim, along with his brother and friends, and you can imagine...things didn't go well. Until, Odin came to the rescue."

Thor, along with Loki, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three were standing on the edge of a cliff, surrounded by the Frost Giants. As they were about the charge, the Bifrost struck down. The light disappeared to reveal Odin, on a horse.

Thor: "Father! We'll finish them together!" He exclaimed, thinking that Odin is joining the battle.

Odin: "Silence!" He shouted, quietly.

Thor was left confused. Then, Laufey, King of Jotunheim, approached to Odin.

Laufey: "Allfather. You look weary." He said, noticing that Odin is weak.

Odin: "Laufey, end this now." He tells him.

Laufey: "Your boy sought this out."

Odin: "You're right. And these are the actions of a boy, treat them as such. You and I can end this here and now, before there's further bloodshed." He tells him, trying to reason with him.

Laufey: "We are beyond diplomacy now, Allfather. He'll get what he came for. War and death." He said.

Odin: "So be it."

Laufey then created a little dagger and tries to stab Odin. But, the Allfather called upon the Bifrost, sending Laufey flying. Odin and the others returned to Asgard, but things don't go well from there.

Thor: "Why did you bring us back?"

Odin: "Do you realize what you've done? What you've started?"

Thor: "I was protecting my home." He replied.

Odin: "You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom?!" He yelled as he takes out Hofund, the Bifrost Sword, and passes it to Heimdall. "Get him to the healing room! Now!" He ordered.

Sif, Volstaag, and Hogun helped carry Fandral all the way to the healing room, while Thor and Odin continued arguing. Loki and Heimdall remained there with them.

Thor: "There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act. The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you."

Odin: "That's pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You've forgotten everything I taught you about a warrior's patience."

Thor: "While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls." He angrily said.

Odin: "You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" He yelled at him.

Thor: "And you are an old man and a fool!" He retorted.

Odin paused, as he slowly looked down. He was stupid to believe that his son was ready to be king, when he clearly isn't. And now because of his actions, he has caused a war with Jotunheim.

Odin: "Yes. I was a think you were ready."

Loki: "Father..." He stepped forward, trying to talk with him.

Odin simply shouted and pointed at Loki. The God of Mischief stopped in his tracks. The Allfather then turned to Thor.

Odin: "Thor Odinson, you have betrayed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war!"

He places Gungir in the middle, activating the Bifrost. Thor was left there, speechless. Odin then walked towards him, ripping pieces of his armor and cape.

Odin: "You are unworthy of these realms! You're unworthy of your title! You're unworthy...of the loved ones you betrayed."

Loki couldn't do nothing, but watch everything unfold. Thor looked down in shame as Odin walked away from him and raised his hand.

Odin: "I now take from you, your power!" He said as Mjolnir flew to his hand. "In the name of my father! And his father before! I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!" He yelled.

He fired a beam from Mjolnir to which it hit Thor, destroying his armor and sent him flying into the Bifrost, sending him away. Loki walked off, as Odin then whispered to Mjolnir.

Odin: "Whosoever holds of this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

Odin then proceeded to throw Mjolnir into the Bifrost, sending both it and Thor down to Midgard, or Earth. As Thor arrived, he was hit by a moving SUV.

The doors open, as Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, and Darcy Lewis got out of the vehicle and approached Thor.

Darcy: "I think that was legally your fault." She called out.

Jane: "Get the first aid kit." She told Darcy as she kneeled down. "Do me a favor and don't be dead."

Blake (V.O.): "Now that we are all caught up with how Thor arrived, next will be the follow up on his arrival."

To be continued...

Finally, part 1 for Thor is complete!! See you guys on the next chapter soon!!

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