The First Chapter

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Phoebe ran throughout the town square, dodging the falling rubble around her as the boom of explosions rang out around her. Whenever she looked back, she saw the German soldier following her, trying to catch up with her. Phoebe did her best to dodge and weave and to throw stuff in the way behind her to throw off the soldier, but it was no use.

As she looked back once more, she ran into something solid, but with a little squish, almost like a human body.

"Oof," she exhaled as she collided with whatever was in her way.

She looked up at the tall, six-foot-two man that she had collided with.

"Entschuligung (excuse me)," Phoebe muttered as she went to step around the man, keeping her eyes focused on a spot further down the road, but he held his arm out, stopping her in her tracks.

Phoebe, confused by the gesture, looked up at the man again, and she noticed that he was wearing a dark blue jumpsuit with a white star at the top of the chest and some contraption of a harness. In his left hand, he carried a round shield with a star in the middle.

"Bist du in Sicherheit (are you safe)?" the man asked her, crouching down to the young girl's five-foot-two height.

"Nein (no)," Phoebe sounded winded as she looked back worriedly. The German soldier was getting closer, and Phoebe was worried that he was going to capture her and kill her right there in the middle of the square.

"Komm mit mir (come with me)," the man wrapped his arm around Phoebe and looked around before the two of them ducked into an alley. Phoebe anxiously looked at the entrance of the alleyway, and she only looked away when she saw the German soldier run right past the alleyway without looking reducing his speed or even looking that way.

"Sprichst du Englisch (do you speak English)?" the man asked Phoebe, to which she nodded. She'd taught herself English by listening to British radio broadcasts.

"Who are you?" Phoebe asked the tall stranger, her French accent heavy.

"My name is Captain America," he squat down on one knee so as not to intimidate her with his height.

"I'm Phoebe," she answered his implied question as to the nature of her identity.

"Why were you running?" he asked. It's not everyday that you see a teenage girl running from a Nazi soldier in the middle of Nazi-occupied France.

"That man, he was, how you say, after me. My family, we are wanted by the Geheime Staatspolizei," Phoebe gasped out in between heavy breaths. She tried to calm her breathing in case another one of "them" heard her. Calming her breathing also proved to be difficult because she struggled with asthma, and her stupid self hadn't thought to slip her inhaler in her satchel before she left the house that morning.

Steve thought for a minute before deciding he would take her back to his camp.

"I can take you somewhere safe, but I need you to trust me," he said.

Phoebe hesitated a little. Was she willing to leave her family if it meant she could be safe? What about her parents and her little brother? Would they be okay without her?

After a few minutes of internally deliberating, she nodded to the tall super soldier.

He rose to his full height and exited the alley, motioning to her that it was safe to follow him. Phoebe followed him, but she moved like a mouse on a dangerous mission to get a hunk of cheese from the mouse trap.

The pair left the town square and reached the countryside. His camp wasn't that far out of the town, so Phoebe saw the tents shortly after they left the town.

"Peggy, I need your help," Steve called into a large tent, and Phoebe panicked. Who was this "Peggy" lady? Was she a good person? Or was she with the Nazis? Before Phoebe realized it, she had backed up to the opening of the tent.

"Steve?" Peggy looked up from where she was filling out some paperwork.

"Peg," Steve started, but then she cut him off.

"Geh es dir gut (are you okay)?" Peggy asked Phoebe, who was at this point in the doorway of the tent.

"Nein (no)," Phoebe shook her head quickly.

"Was ist los (what's wrong)?" Peggy's motherly instincts kicked in, and she beckoned the young girl inside the tent.

"Sie sind hinter mir und meiner Familie her(they're after me and my family)," Phoebe began to wheeze as she felt her airway constrict. An asthma attack. Without her inhaler.

"Wer (who)?" Peggy asked.

"Die Geheime Staatspolizei," Phoebe sounded really scared.

Peggy ran over, grabbed the younger girl by the arm, and pulled her further into the tent.

"Steve, she's staying now," Peggy informed Steve.

"Ummm, okay. Perfect. That what I was gonna ask you about," he replied, speechless for a few seconds. 

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