Chapter 15

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A major twist for you guys.. Its going to be a long chapter unlike our journey..
Hold on to your seats.. Your love and support is all I need.. :*
Grab some tissues if you want..


With the shopping bags we walked back in the house.I laughed as Ahya cracked another joke about her husband.Soon my laughter died down as my eyes took in the empty house.I looked over to Ahya seeing her frown,

"Where is everyone?"She said lowly.I shrugged my shoulders.We had been out for only three hours , where did everyone go.We placed the shopping back on the table.

Uncle Yousuf's loud voice boomed across the large mansion making my form shook.My heartbeats increased as goosebumps arose on my arms.Placing the bags hurriedly on the table I walk towards the veranda from where his voice seemed to come.Ahya also hurried besides me as we ran.

Coming to a sudden stop beside the pillar I saw the seen unravel before us.My heart ran faster than my breaths making me clench my dupatta.

Uncle Yousuf and Salah stood in the middle of the veranda.Uncle looked in rage as he breathed out ragged breaths, his chest puff.His eyes were blazing fire as he stared at his son before him.

Salah's eyes were fixed on the floor as he stood there with his hands in fist beside him.His jaw was clenched hard.His hair were all messed up as if he had ran his hands through them repeatedly.

Uncle spoke again.His loud voice echoing all around us.

"I always supported you.I made sure you have everything you want.But what have you done Salah.What have you done.?"

All energy started to drain from my body seeing Uncle this angry.

"I trusted you.Although you were away I still thought that you wouldn't break my trust nor would you be disobedient.I used to give your examples to my friends.But you have brought shame to me."Uncle almost barked making me shake on my place.Salah's body too shook but he stood his ground.

"Tell me Salah.Tell me.From how many years the leech was eating from you.How much you have spent on her? Tell me ..  "He shouted.

"How much have you fed her,the money I earned staying up at nights.The money I send to you for your necessities, how much have you spent on her."He added.

I closed my eyes tightly as a lone tear slipped down my cheek.I interlaced my fingers and leaned on the piller.

"That gold digger has been eating from you since a long time and you have spent thousands of bills on her.Why did you bring her into my house.So that she could bring us to streets.So she could bring us into rags.You have ashamed me.You kept her in this house for a month and now she has ran away with whatever she could.You were expecting to marry her.That gold digger that only knew how to take.You ruined your own marriage.You ruined our happiness."Uncle shouted, his face had gotten red but he wasn't done.

"You rejected Shahwar.She was a diamond.You hurt her.That poor soul only did was love you.You hurt your mother, your grandmother.You have disrespected all of us."

He pulled at his hair and groaned,he turned to Salah again ,

"Do you know what else have you done? You have made me disrespectful in the eyes of my brother.You have brought to such a low level that I cannot face him.I cannot look into his eyes because of you.I wished we never sent you to America.What have we left in your care ? what have we not given to you.Tell me? Talia was a diaster and a diaster she brought.She cheated on you.I am ashamed to call you my son. "Uncle's green eyes bore into Salah's.

I was shocked to hear this.It felt as if I was falling again.My heart again broke into pieces spreading pain all around.It felt as if darkness had consumed all making us succumb to it.

It felt as if someone was drowning me making it very hard to breath.Like all the stars in the sky had hid someone , hiding away their light and never showing way to the travellers leading home.

I bit my lips to stop the sobs from riping out of my mouth.Talia had ran away leaving the most precious treasure behind.Love.She had gotten away from love.I looked at Salah seeing him look up to Uncle, as Uncle shouted in a horrifying way,

"You have let me down Salah.I am ashamed to call you my Son."He spit the words out.His hand raising to hit Salah.

My feet had maybe gotten a mind of their own, before I knew what I was doing , I was running towards them.Standing between the two large man I pushed at Salah's chest making him stumble back as I turned my face to Uncle Yousuf ready to feel the impact of the hard slap he was about to give Salah.

It happened in a matter of seconds , Aunty Meena's shriek and Mama's cry, loud gasp from around.I closed my eyes tightly ready to feel the hard slap but it never came.My open hair fell on my face as I titled my head.

Opening my eyes I gulped down my dry throat.Before me was a very raged Uncle Yousuf his hand still in air but midway stopped by Baba's hand.His widened eyes staring at me.
My lips wobbled and another soft tear rolled down.

Moving my eyes from Uncle's green one I looked at my Baba.His eyes showed pride as he smiled at me.Unshed tears making his eyes glassy.

Uncle Yousuf shook his head and leaned towards Baba.Baba placed his hand across his brother's shoulder, holding him tight.I could feel Salah's ragged breathing behind me making me wipe my tears.

"Bhaijaan , what has my son done."Uncle spoke in a broken voice as a lone tear dropped down his eye.Aunty Meena brought a glass of water for her husband and only then I turned my face to see my family standing there all gathered shocked and sad at a side.

"Yousuf .. calm down."Baba whispered.

"Shahwar go to your room."Baba ordered and I nodded my head.Turning to go I saw something I never wished to see,

Tears in Salah's eyes...

Sitting on the bed I cried.My sobs won't stop nor would my hiccups seize.It was getting unbearable now.I pulled at my dupatta throwing it away.If I got rejected then it was okay.But why didn't Salah get to be happy.He loved Talia.Why did Talia have to do this.Why..

I door opened and Ahya came in.Seeing my crying form she came besides me keeping a hand on my shoulder,

"Shahwar, What have you done to yourself why are you crying."Getting up from my place I hugged her tightly.

"A..Ahya..How could Talia do this.Salah loved her so much.How could she.I cannot see Salah like this.It breaks my heart.I am in pain Ahya.. Its killing me.I cannot see him like this Ahya.I just cannot.If he's in pain then I am in pain.I cannot bear it.Ahya..Salah ..Salah will shatter .. he'll shatter..He'll..."She rubbed my back and hugged me close until all my tears dried off..


Talia wasn't a very rich person.Living in an apartment complex which she shared with a roommate for years.She had taken money from Salah multiple times.Salah usually spent money on her.She never loved Salah , she was just using him.

She had lied that day when she fooled us saying her father had gotten a heart attack.She simply couldn't marry Salah because she had a boyfriend who was kept a secret from Salah.They both loved each other dearly and they had planned a dream marriage in Paris.For which Talia didn't have much money.Coming here meant sticking to Salah and to his money.She had very cleverly bonded herself with us.Taking our colours.She had also stolen Aunty Meena's gold earring at the day of the wedding.Ahya had seen her in Aunty's room and even came to tell me but Mama had called her.

Now Talia was probably in Paris enjoying with her boyfriend.Her contact numbers weren't responsive.Salah had called her roommate , getting the number after much struggle this morning and she had unraveled the truth to him.She told him because Talia had asked her to.

Ahya had told me all this along with Salah's condition.He was very broken.He was angry and probably hated Talia now..

ALLAH has all of it planned..

Hope you liked the chapter.. It was emotional at some point , I cried..
The upcoming chapters will have Salah and Shahwar's conversation.. Talia is officially out of the chapter .. I hated her since the beginning.. I loved the part when Shahwar steps in between the father and son to save Salah from his father's slap..If I was in her shoes I would have done the same.. Love Is Love .. It cannot be changed.. I hope I described the scene well ..
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Until Next time..

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