Chapter 21

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For all the beautiful people out there .. :*

I placed two cups on the counter and added sugar to them.My hands opening the cabinets as I tried to find the coffee jar.

Finding the jar I twisted its lid.My eyes moving to the pan on the stove.My fingers tapped on the counter as I waited for the water to boil.

"What are you doing at this time of the night?"A voice asked from behind, making me turn around to glance at the man.His eyebrows moving in a questioning look.Making me fiddle with my hands.A butterfly flying higher in my stomach.

"N..nothing just making some coffee."I replied softly suddenly feeling shy.Tucking a strand behind my ear I glanced at Salah from under my lashes.Seeing him give me a firm nod as he moved towards the freezer.

Opening the door wide he picked out the tub of chocolate ice cream.Moving around he retrieved a spoon for himself before he came to stand before me, across the counter.I bit the inside of my cheek trying to contain my smile.Removing the cap he took a spoonful into his mouth.His eyes moving to me as he forwarded the spoon towards me, offering me.I shook my head at him, blushing coating my cheeks as I was maybe caught ogling at him.

My eyes moved to the bubbles forming in the pan as Salah kept the tub of ice cream back.

"Let me show you how to make coffee."He suddenly said lowly, I could feel him just behind me.I couldn't even move as he came to stand just besides me.His arm touching mine making a bag full of butterflies to go loose in my stomach.

He filled a mug with water and added into the boiling pan.

"I'll drink too."He said smiling making me smile too.He moved expertly around the kitchen as he took a spoon full of blended coffee and added it into the water.Making my eyes go wide,

"Salah, its coffee not tea."I said out.

He turned to me and said,

"I am teaching you a new way so concentrate."He said making me shrug my shoulders.

Stirring the mixture he added milk and sugar into it.Filling the three cups with coffee he placed them in a tray and forwarded it to me.I smiled at him and saw his own lips curve into a grin.

I hardly saw him so care free.I liked this side of him.He frowned and asked eyeing the tray,

"Why three cups? we are only two."

"Ahya wanted to drink Coffee so.."I trailed off as his mouth formed an 'ooh'.Taking the tray I handed him his cup before leaving the kitchen.

Walking down the hallway I could feel him trail behind me.Ahya was in the lounge, remote in her hand as she watched a T.V program.Noticing me, she looked up and then her eyes moved to the man behind me.Without him noticing she smiled mischievously at me making me glare at her.

I handed her the coffee and sat beside her.Salah sat from across us.Our eyes moved to the T.V but Ahya couldn't stop nudging me as I ignored her.Drinking half of the hot content she said,

"Something is wrong with this coffee, Shahwar, what did you add in it."She asked innocently batting her lashed at me.

"Its made by Salah."I stated still glaring at her.

"Oh, well something is wrong with it in a good way."She said moving her eyes to Salah and grinned at him.He smiled back as he looked over at me.

"Okay, I am going to sleep, you guys enjoy."She yawned keeping the mug on the table and turned to kiss my forehead,

"Don't bore the gorgeous man."She whispered very softly and unnoticeably.I stared at her in shock as she moved away winking.

"Goodnight." She said to Salah and he wished her back.

I drank a big gulp of my coffee as I saw Ahya stand behind Salah's sofa.Her fingers going to her lips as she signaled me to stay quite.My eyes widened as I saw her point two fingers on the back of his head, making a 'V'.I leaned back in the sofa as I looked at the stupid girl.Salah glanced at me and I immediately smiled.He might thought I was staring at him.Ahya laughed without noise as she made funny faces behind his back, as he sat quietly drinking his coffee not even knowing.Making a crying face I signaled her to go with my eyes.And she did obey after a long time.

Sighing a breath of relief I drank my coffee.

Washing the three cups I placed them in the rack as I switched off the kitchen lights.My eyes swept to the lounge seeing it empty.Shrugging to myself I walked up to the stairs.Salah was standing by the main balcony door.

"Were you waiting for me?"I asked surprised.

"Uhm hmm."He smiled.

He opened the balcony door as we walked in the open air.Dark sky above our heads.As we watched the stars twinkle.Our hands on the metal railing.

"Are you happy?"I asked suddenly turning to him.

"Huh"He sounded surprised by my question.But he didn't turn to me.

"Are you happy?"I asked again raising my eyebrows, my eyes returning to the dark sky.

"Shahwar, what kind of a question is that?"He asked annoyingly.

"Sssiisssdddd..Its just a simple question Salah, you just have to say 'yes' or 'no'."I emphasized smiling.

"Yes, I am happy then."He said smiling this time staring at me.

"Uhm hmm."

He nodded.

"Thank You for the coffee.It was amazing."


Next day on the breakfast table as I sat down to eat after the men had left for work Ahya kept smiling knowingly.I ignored her for a while as she munched on her toast.

"How was your coffee last night."She teased when Mama came to sit.

I grumbled under my breath as I gave her a tight lipped smile,

"It was nice."I said hiding my displeasure.

"Shahwar, what Ahya talking about?"Mama asked softly frowning.

"Umm..Last night Ahya and I enjoyed our coffee quiet late in the night."I excused scratching the already healing wound on my forehead.

Mama turned to Ahya,

"Ahya you should rest more these days.Don't stay up late at nights."She stated softly to her daughter in law.Ahya glared at me for the nice advice she got.

Taking a gulp of the orange juice I winked at her, a smirk forming on my lips.


I said my 'ALLAH HAFIZ' to Arsalan and handed the phone back to Zarah.I messed her hair as I walked pass her, hearing her groan behind me as I climbed the stairs.

After dinner we had called Arsalan before he went for his work.I smiled remembering how he asked if Salah had gotten any better.And I had answered him quiet happily positively.

Passing Salah's room I saw the lights on and door ajar.I walked to the end of the corridor and came to my room.

Standing besides the doorframe I felt the floor slipping from beneath my feet.Salah stood in the room reading the letter that I had placed on the writing table while I was finding a book.When Zarah came to call me for dinner, I forget to place it somewhere else and now it was in Salah's hands as he read it.His face looked furious as his grip tightened on the glass of water he was holding.

I gulped, fear surrounding me.My legs had glued me to the ground.Salah crumbled the paper in his hand as he threw it somewhere.He turned his face turning to me.His eyes hard and anger swirling on his face.

I gasped as he stalked towards me. Throwing the glass on the floor as it broke into uncountable pieces shattering my form too as a shriek left my mouth and I flinched.

The broken pieces of glass were all around us as Salah caged me on the wall besides the door.Tears formed in my eyes as I saw his eyes turn dark with anger.His jaw set hard.He was so close that I could see the vein popping on the side of his forehead.

"You knew about it."He grit out.My breaths were quick as I remained frozen between him and the wall, my mind unable to form an answer.

"Tell me Shahwar."He asked again, his voice getting loud.

"S..s..Salah..I..i found the l..etters d..days a..fter Ss..she l..left."I said containing in the fear.

He scared me as he bore his eyes in mine.He raised his hand slapping the wall loudly besides my head making me flinch back and shriek out loud.Now tears freely poured down my eyes as I cried,

"You told Abba to cancel all investigations against her."He stated making me nod slowly as I closed my eyes.He weakened me.He had that power.

"Shahwar, you goodness will kill you."He said slowly, his arms still on the wall besides me.

I gulped looking up at him.He pulled at his hair and groaned.Before I knew I said softly , still crying,

"Please , don't hurt me."

He looked at me , some of his anger subsiding before he wiped my tears with his thumbs,

"I'll die before I hurt you."He said before he turned around and left closing the door behind him making me fall to the ground and cry.Outside in the hallway I could hear Aunty Meena's voice as she asked her son what happened.Minutes later the door to my room opened as Aunty Meena gasped loudly at the mess.Her eyes moving to my crying form.Coming besides me she hugged me hushing me up and asking what had happened.

I leaned forward and grabbed the crumbled letter passing it to Aunty Meena as she read it.

Something told me that me and Salah were not going to be the same again after now.The spell we were bounded in the past weeks were now broken.

The storm was here..


Tell me what do you think..?? I was updating last night but I had some problems so couldn't .. :(

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Have a nice day sweeties..
Until next time

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