Chapter 26

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Hold on to your heartbeats and Relax.. Plug in your headphones and sit back against the pillows.. :)


My rapid breaths had slowed down as I stared at my cousin dumbfounded.His charcoal eyes boring into my brown ones.I clutched the phone harder in my hand as he casually strolled towards me, his voice reaching my ears,

"Shocked to see me here?"He asked.

I could only nod and offer him a smile.Averting my eyes I noticed the bouquet of roses as he passed it to me.Holding the bouquet in my sweating hands I thanked him seeing him grin back.

"I have a surprise for you.Please close your eyes."He said still smiling.

Him being here was already a surprise so what more surprises were left, I thought and shut my eyelids.

"I have blindfolds but that will ruin your eye makeup so I am just gonna keep a hand on your eyes.Okay"Arsalan said making me peek at him with one eye.Nodding my head I waited for him to keep his hand on my eyes.

My mind was all jumbled up as Arsalan lead me a few feet and stopped taking my hand in his.

"There was four steps now, be careful."

"Okay"I said softly swallowing down my dry throat.

Slowly descending the grassy steps, I felt my feet wobble, almost all energy leaving my body.Arsalan lead to slowly to somewhere with his hand still on my eyes.After a minute I felt wood under my feet, as I tapped my pumps to check.We were on a wood flooring now.

He removed his hand and I slowly opened my eyes only to widen them in a fraction of second.We were under the wooden canopy now that was decorated beautifully.

I roamed my eyes to observe my surrounding only to stare in awe.The white curtains attached to the wooden canopy pillars danced with the wind as baskets filled with roses were placed all around the floor.

Candles decorated the table with more beautiful flowers and fairy lights giving a romantic touch to the place.

My eyes widened more when I saw a big green tree a bit further away from us decorated with hanging bulbs that it looked as if all the evening's stars had embedded in it giving it a spectacular look.

Thousands of emotions ran through my body not knowing how to react.I turned to Arsalan seeing his hands stuffed in his pant pockets.His eyes observing my reaction.He rose his eyebrows in an asking manner as I fiddled on my place.

"Arsalan, what is all this?"I asked still confused.

I heard him chuckle making me glare at him.

"Well Shahwar, that is a very good question.Actually ..."He trailed off as his phone rang loudly.Sweeping his eyes towards me he said,

"I'll be back."I nodded as he answered the phone pressing the device to his ear and walking away.Climbing the steps he was gone from the back door that led to the restaurant.

Once he was gone, I roamed my eyes once again around the place not understanding anything.Or maybe it wasn't what I was thinking.My stomach churned thinking of the possibility of me being here.I bit my bottom lips in anticipation, wanting Arsalan to return as soon as possible.Turning around I stopped abruptly seeing to was standing a few steps away from me.

My heart beats picked up speed as I gawked at the man of dreams incredulously.This couldn't be.Salah couldn't be just here standing before me.Clad in a white Shalwar Kameez with a jet black waistcoat, he looked handsome as ever.His stubble had turned into a small beard adding more to his manly looks.His hair perfectly styled as he looked at me from beneath his long lashes.His expressions mirroring mine.


My heart raced and I feared that Salah could even hear the drumming of my heart.Gulping down my dry throat I stuttered out,

"A..are You"

He chuckled out loud his pearly teeth on view as he grinned,

"What do you think?"He asked smoothly.I inhaled as much breath as possible suddenly feeling breathless.I felt as if I'll fall to the wooden floor any second now.Gripping against the bouquet of roses tightly I just stared back unable to say anything.

"Shahwar, I am real.. You are real..We are real and this place is real."He said emphasizing on every word.Blinking my eyes I moved them to the door from where Arsalan had disappeared.

"He's not coming back for a good few minutes."Salah said making me look at him.

He took a few step forward standing before me.Taking the bouquet from my hands he placed them on the table before turning back to me.His large hands gently clasping my small trembling ones.His height made me look up to him.His lips curved into a small smile making me mirror his action.His eyes green and beautiful staring deeply into my soul.

Suddenly I felt calm.Everything had calmed down except for my heart.We were standing in the middle of the wooden beautifully decorated canopy with roses and candles around us.The smell of fresh grass and flowers as moonlight showered over us with the soft wind and the stars peeked down at us from behind the clouds.Although I had seen Salah two weeks before but now as I looked at him it seemed as if I haven't met him for a decade.

"Shahwar, I am not at all nervous.I am not afraid and I don't care about anything else except for that you are standing before me looking as beautiful as ever.And that we are present here hand in hand under the stars with everything decorated beautifully."He said making me avert my eyes to our hands feeling the blush smear against my cheeks.

"Since the day I've fallen for you, my world had changed in a beautiful manner.You have coloured me in your own colours.Since the day I have started to feel different about you,you haven't left my mind for a second.The day I brushed the flour off your forehead I saw the emotions in your eyes and that look hasn't let me sleep at nights.I know I have broken your dreams and have hurt you very much.But now I am here before asking for a chance to make all the things right.To make us right."

Feeling overwhelmed, tears that brimmed my eyes now flowed down slowly.Salah continued.

"Your tears kill me please don't cry.On the way back, during the flight I kept thinking of you.I couldn't think of anything except of you.Your laugh, your smile,the spark in your eyes,your voice.You.I have come to love you to an extinct that thinking of you marrying to someone else made my blood boil.And then I realized that what a drastic decision I had made leaving you again.You have joined our hearts in such an innocent way that I promise to always keep them this way.I promise to protect our love.I thought that how could I hand you over to someone else when you have become my heart, my world.I cannot live a day without you."

Salah's eyes that turned glassy as I sniffed, crying softly.But he wasn't finished yet.

"I have made a lot of mistakes Shahwar.But I don't wanna make any more.If your around me everything feels right.When your by my side I don't fear anything except ALLAH.When your close then everything feels more beautiful.Maybe Talia was right, I've never loved her because Shahwar I love you in a way I've never loved anyone.I have asked ALLAH for his forgiveness now I ask for yours.Please Shahwar, forgive me."

My lips were clammed shut and his confessions had made my mind frozen.My tears won't stop as I whispered from the depth of my heart seeing Salah's eyes shine with undeniable love.

"I forgive you Salah.Although if you haven't asked for it, I have long forgiven you." He smiled down at my squeezing my hands.My eyes moved to the red cloth in his waistcoat breast pocket.He moved a step back leaving my hands making me look back to his face.I gasped out loud seeing him bend down his one knee before me.My hands going to my mouth as he retrieved a red box from his Kurta's pocket.Opening the box he forwarded it to me.

"Shahwar, I promise to love you with my heart , body and soul.I'll never hurt you and make you cry.Will you please marry because if you won't I will be a man breathing not living because if there us no Shahwar then there's no Salah.Will you marry me Shahwar Nawaz Khan."He waited for my answer as I hiccupped wiping my tears away.Suddenly my phone rang in my hand seeing Mama call me.Answering it I pressed it to my ears and whispered,


"Shahwar do what your heart says.You said you trust us my jaan.But now trust yourself, your heart and ALLAH.Do what you think is right."

And just like that I line went dead.Salah was still patient and waiting with a sparkling ring in hand bend on his knee, proposing me.Keeping the phone away, in a blink of an eye I whispered loud and clear,

"Yes, I will marry you Salah Yousuf Khan."A grin formed on our lips as he took the ring out, taking my left hand he placed it on my ring finger.I pulled his hand making him stand up.

"I love you Shahwar."He whispered staring at me.

"I love you too Salah."I whispered back.

Salah kissed my hand making me blush but soon I got distracted as I heard clapping in the background.Turning to look at Arsalan and Imraan with a camera in his hands.An incredulous expression formed on my face seeing my brother and cousin grin at us.

"They helped me a lot setting this place up."Salah informed from besides me as the two men made their way towards us.

"Congrats Sister."Imraan said hugging me making me hold onto him tightly.As we parted Arsalan said,

"Still shocked to see me.."Making me offer him a smile.

"I shoot the whole confession now we'll enjoy it with the others at home."Imraan said grinning.

Arsalan settled us for a selfie as we all posed for it.Posing for some snaps, I turned to my beloved world, seeing him already looking at me.

"You made me the happiest man alive on earth."He whispered.

"And you made me the happiest woman alive on earth."I whispered back smiling.

Indeed ALLAH has better plans for us..My prayers have been answered beautifully ALHAMDULILLAH ..


Awee.. Now Everything has been confessed, everything has unravel.. The Awaiting Bride is soon coming to an end..Salah and Shahwar are meant to be and no power except ALLAH'S can separate them, for true love must unite ..

How was the chapter ..?? I made sure that it was detailed with romantic decoration and the confession..Oh I was writing something like this for the first time soo.. yeah.. yeah ..

Do tell me if you guys are happy .. And sorry for breaking the hopes of Arsalan Lovers .. actually I love both Salah and Arsalan ... but Shahwar only loves Salah .. so what you were thinking wasn't possible , maybe but that was a total No..

Loads of love because I am so overwhelmed with joy,,

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Until next time,

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