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This is the wattpad censored version of chapter three. Chapter two was a lemon, and this chapter picks up after it. It's 8316 words, so still lots to read.

Dabi's never considered himself an obsessive person.

....when it comes to some things.

Then again, the man has about as much self awareness as he does sanity. Both border the line of 'zero' in case you weren't sure.

He doesn't like to use the word 'obsession' when he doesn't have to though, because obsession equals importance to him. And, he'd rather shit and die than admit he cares for anything. Most things, he should say.

Yeah, he'll admit his interest in some things—Arson. Planning a meticulous revenge on his father for years. Just little stuff like that, you know...

But, there was also something else among this list of Dabi's 'interests.' Something that was always in his comfort zone. Something he could always control.

That was his hatred towards Akio Matsubara.

It was always a sure thing in Dabi's life. No matter what he was confused or conflicted about, he could always count on his feelings to steer him to hatred when he thought of that guy.

Until three weeks ago, when ten years of resentment and hate all crumbled in a mere seven hours.

Even all this time later, the stitched man still wonders what the fuck he was thinking.

When Dabi woke up that very next morning after it all took place—looking back on his day with Roach, he legitimately wasn't sure it actually happened. It was one of those things that felt like a fever dream—and, god, he hoped it was just a dream. Some things are too good to be true, after all. He'd rather wake up to find he had an embarrassing wet dream that never had to be spoken of, than confront the consequences of his actions.

After all, taking responsibility for things has always been one of his least favorite things. He loves to put the blame on other people. Why? Because the world fucking deserves it. Stop asking questions.

But, similar to Akio, life loved to fuck him in the ass—and the proof of what he had done couldn't be escaped, because it was physically imprinted on his body when he looked in the mirror later that night. All over his body in the form of love bites, hand prints, and bruises.

Not just externally, but internally as he could feel how pleasantly sore and content his insides were from how hard Akio had fucked him. Even just sitting down proved as a reminder, not just of their day together, but also how big the man was down there.

Asshole. If he'd had a small dick and sucked in bed, maybe Dabi would have been able to live this down and hold it over him.

Though, it seems that scenario went the other way around. Once the liquor from that day had died down in his system...once he was no longer laying sprawled naked on Akio's bare body, hazy and dizzy from the post release bliss he'd never felt so strongly...

The regret instantly began to set in.

Because, once again, what the fuck was he thinking?

There had to have been something in his drink. He wouldn't put it past Roach, given how much they can't stand each other. If anything, that's how he should look at the situation and just kill the guy for it. If he kills him, he wouldn't have to think about what he'd done.

And, yet, the memories of the day still played perfectly in Dabi's sober head. He still remembers the embarrassing faces and sounds he couldn't help making. The feeling of Akio's hips hitting his harder as Dabi begged for more.



It was a one time thing. It was over. Dabi would rather hug his dear old dad than ever do that again, if given the chance. Not this guy. Nope.

Whatever. Everyone makes mistakes, right? Don't act like you're so perfect...

He planned to forget it. That was the best thing to do. Never go back. Never speak of it. And eventually, it wouldn't be such a big deal anymore.

Yeah. That was his plan.

But, his body—and his mind...had other ideas.

The worst part came only one day after his first time with Akio—for a variety of reasons. The first being, he had to admit he didn't have an ounce of hangover in his system.

That means, he wasn't actually that drunk the day before. Definitely not drunk enough to justify that as the sole reason to why he did it.

And definitely not drunk enough to forget. Any of it.

The second, and most crucial thing is something that has continued to torment Dabi every moment of the day, these past three weeks. It's the thing that's made him pull his hair out and throw his head to the wall in frustration. The thing he can't fucking stand about himself, but also can't control. It unraveled his sanity that he couldn't deny...

He wanted more.

The moment he woke up that next morning, all he could think about.....was how he immediately wanted more.

With Akio's handprints and bite marks still printed on his skinny, burnt body, Dabi woke up in his own bed, feeling an uncomfortable pressure between his legs. Looking to the sheets, he'd already been aroused down there, unable to stop himself from imagining—no, remembering, Akio's head nestled into his groin, pleasuring him the day before.

Through phantom touch, he could still feel the tight pressure of his mouth running up his most sensitive areas, biting down on his lip as he remembered the feeling of Akio's tight throat...over and over.

Before Dabi knew it, he'd had his own arousal in a tight grip, trying to mimic the feeling of Akio as he jacked himself off under the sheets.

But, the most frustrating part was that it didn't feel the same. Not in the slightest. It felt emptier. Less warm. Not as experienced.

And, most of all...

Dabi didn't feel as good as he did the day before, his mouth drooling as he remembered how filled his body was to the absolute limit.

It made his lower belly warm as he did something he'd never done before that day...continuing to touch himself before bringing his other hand towards his backside.

Cause it's just about the physical pleasure. Yeah. Dabi found a new kink, that's all this is. He just discovered likes ass play, nothing more.

If he can just mimic what Akio did, he can get his fix and stop thinking about him.

But, that's the thing. Dabi wasn't ever into guys before. He doesn't know jack shit about prepping himself or making it feel good. So, when he attempted to prep himself and impatiently forced his own two fingers into his unprepared hole—still sore from Akio taking his anal virginity the day before, he instantly grimaced from the painful—painful fucking burn that overtook his entire lower half, forced to ditch the self torturing actions before they even got halfway.

Look, Dabi hates admitting when shit catches him off guard. So, between you and him, he was fucking surprised at how much his own fingers just god damn hurt.

Wasn't he supposed to know his own body the best?

And, yet...

There wasn't ever a time when he was with Akio that it felt like that—so painful and unenjoyable, he couldn't even think. Nah, when Akio did it, all Dabi experienced was pleasure. Mind blowing pleasure that made him want more of it, and harder. There wasn't a moment of pain. Awkward discomfort every now and then? Sure. But, Dabi expected that, being a virgin back there. Still, those moments only lasted a few seconds and it can't be considered in the same realm of pain after what he just tried to do to himself.


As much as Dabi hated to say it, this only intrigued him more when it came to Akio. Cause, like....

Bastard. How the hell did he do it?

Now Dabi was horny for him and intrigued—and still thinking about killing him for all of it. Call that complicated. Why did all of his relationships have to be so difficult and annoying...

Not that this was a relationship in the slightest. Fuck off.

So, that day, Dabi settled for a typical release from rubbing himself off and nothing else. Two more things about that moment bothered him though. The first being that this release almost felt like nothing compared to the new internal, mindblowing one he experienced yesterday. The second thing...

Was that he couldn't stop picturing Akio's face as he came, letting out a low moan as he imagined the beautiful man's face screwed up in pleasure right along with him.

Pleasure for him, for Dabi. Because he did such a good job making him feel that way.

Akio's words of praise echoed in Dabi's head as he worked himself through a mediocre climax, squeezing his eyes shut and throwing his head back to focus on his enemy's seductive, alluring voice he liked so much.

'Ahh. Making a mess all over your hand for me, Dabi? You look so hot like this...'

Once again, post nut regret set into Dabi's system when he lay in his bed, chest heaving and hands a mess of his pathetic excuse of a release.

Whatever. This is just something new and Dabi's probably just going through a phase. He's probably just more excited about it than he wants to admit. It ain't going further than that.

He'll force himself to forget about it. About Akio. You can count on that.

Well, that was the conversation Dabi had with himself three weeks ago. So, you might be wondering then, what brought him to this point of the present?

With him having just picked the lock of Roach's apartment door, just past midnight on this rainy day?

Here's the answer—ask him tomorrow, cause right now his head ain't on straight. Hell, neither is his sexuality. Woopdy-fucking-do.

Look, the last three weeks ate away at Dabi like you wouldn't fucking believe, okay? Jesus. It got so bad, he was starting to think of Akio when he had his one piece of fruit for the year and deep throated a banana.

....forget you fucking heard that. Or else...

But, hell, if the effects hadn't shown on the stitched man so clearly after all these weeks of holding out. It was in the heavier pants of his breath as he quietly entered Akio's luxury, spotless apartment, closing the door, and putting the lock back in place. The way his fiery blue eyes illuminated the pitch black and made out the outline of the couch in the living room—the couch he'd been sprawled on three weeks ago, with his eyes rolled back and his mouth screaming for Akio to go harder.

He wouldn't have admitted it the first week—not the second week, either. But, now he's been so fucking deprived of this guy, he can tell you...this is all he's been able to think about. His addiction to this one man who had a hold, not just on his body....but his sanity as well.

It wasn't just a kink, and that's what Dabi hated, but couldn't control. He tried to fight it for weeks, and all it did was bring him crawling back to his door, belly already hot with anticipation for what invigorating things would happen to him tonight.

He wasn't sure. Akio was more unpredictable than he liked to admit. The man kept him on his toes. But, he knew he was needing it. Whatever Akio wanted him for tonight, Dabi was needing exactly that.

Part of Dabi feels this entire thing is still considered taboo for his own psyche. That only excites him further. Half of him gained some stubborn resilience back in the last three weeks, yet the bigger half was already falling right back into the submissive mindset he'd resorted to last time, knowing in the back of his mind that he'd let Akio use him and position him in any way the bastard saw fit.

The only thing left to do now was find him. Which has already proven to take longer than Dabi anticipated.

He had to admit he was a little frustrated. Sure, he didn't really know what he'd walk into when he entered—broke into Roach's apartment. But, for starters, he figured he'd be here...

Dabi figured the guy would be asleep in his bed. He had it all planned out. He'd force Akio awake and strip the both of them of their clothes, let the bastard spend a quick second prepping him, before they got in a quick fuck and went their separate ways once more.

The stitched man just needed a quick fix. He was desperate.

But, all the lights were off and the place was quiet, with only the sound of the rain outside filling the space peacefully. After snooping around the kitchen...the bedroom...the was only safe to assume he wasn't here.

All Dabi could think dare he? How dare this guy not read his mind and be present at his own apartment when Dabi showed up out of the woodwork three whole weeks later—after no contact in between, knowing Dabi wanted to do it again?

Jesus. The nerve of some people, right?

Feeling sexual frustration and impatience rising in his veins, Dabi cursed to himself and walked into Akio's bedroom to double check he wasn't there...

...immediately freezing in place when he heard the lock of the front door jangling.

Within seconds, Dabi's heart pumped hot with an excitement that traveled between his legs, not making himself known just yet as he stood in pitch black bedroom and watched the front door fly open.

He could see the outline of a lean, muscular man he already knew was the one he was looking for, still having the luxury of being unseen as Akio flipped on the soft lights of his entrance hallway.

After having not seen him for three weeks, Dabi couldn't stop his lower belly from heating up hot at the sight of him...biting down on his lip to restrain himself from popping out of the dark and jumping him right there.

Probably wouldn't go well. He did break in—and now he was borderline stalking.

And, yet, he didn't care...fierce, glowing blue eyes of lust continuing to watch Akio from the dark bedroom like a work of art. And not the cheap kind either.

He didn't want to reflect on his first, offensive thoughts towards the hero. The thoughts that forced Dabi to say how lucky he was someone so fucking gorgeous was messing around with him. Akio was, by far, one of the most beautiful people Dabi had ever seen in his life.

The fact it wasn't even surprising to admit that last part to himself only proved to Dabi....he's thought it for a long time. Longer than he realized.

Dabi watched as Akio kicked his door closed and lazily snapped the lock back in place. He had a giant duffel bag draped across his shoulders and he was in his hero suit—one that Dabi so despised as the two have had many physical fights against each other while he was wearing it on the streets.

The stitched man could only guess he just came from work. Putting away people just like him.

But, more than that, Dabi noticed he was on the phone.

"Awww. Aren't you sweet. You know, it's been awhile since we met up, Sana. I've been missing our time together lately." Akio chuckled boredly on the phone, holding the device between his ear and his shoulder as he tried to get his rain drenched jacket off with two hands

Dabi's chest lurched with irritation at the flirty comment from Akio, scoffing quietly so he wouldn't be heard.

Sana? Who's that? She sounds like a whore.

He watched from the dark bedroom as Akio tossed his duffel bag and jacket on the couch, giving his wet, messy hair a shake to clear the remaining rain water from it.

The sight looked way too hot. Dabi's fingers itched with an urge to grab his hair and run his fingers through it-

"Oh? You wanna come over right now? Hmmmm. Uhhh—sure! I'm not doing anything. Just got off work. I'm sweaty and soggy from the rain though. Work was brutal. Gonna take a shower first." He muttered, taking his muddy boots off at the door.

Dabi's eagle eyes watched as Akio's hands went to his belt now, making Dabi's gaze widen and his mouth salivate as the man fiddled with the clasp to unbuckle it...

....before he stopped calmly...eyes going blank as he froze in the middle of the living room.

Huh? What's he doing? Take off the belt, damn it. Things were just getting good.

"Actually, other plans just came up. Sorry to leave you hanging, baby. Another time?" He smiled passively, giving the whore on the other line a little cutesy departure before he hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch.

Dabi didn't know what that was about, shrugging off the moment with disinterest as he continued to watch Akio from the shadows.

He didn't know when he'd make himself known. Honestly, his dick thought for him in actually getting to Akio's apartment. But, now that he was here...he didn't want to admit that a mixture of nerves, embarrassment, and anticipation were the perfect concoction to make him wimp out and think up a way to escape unnoticed.

For a third time—what the fuck was he thinking?

Though, he didn't get to think that far ahead as Akio closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath to calm himself. Dabi's brain followed the actions a step too slow as a blinding light suddenly burned his corneas, causing him to hiss and squeeze his blue eyes shut.

Well. He fucked up. What else is new?

Within seconds, Dabi felt the collar of his shirt grabbed before his back hit the wall with full force, knocking the wind out of him. Before he could even open his eyes, he felt a cold sharp piece of metal bladed at his throat, able to steal a lick of his blood.

Only, before any more harm could be done, the pressure of the blade immediately lightened up when Dabi's face was fully in view, causing him to creak his bloodshot, cerulean eyes open to see a pair of glowing ones piercing straight through his soul with realization.

Well, well, well. What do we have here...

Akio had to admit he was surprised by this sudden turn of events. Sure, he thought things were a little off when his door lock opened so weirdly—as if someone had messed with it. But, upon walking further into his apartment and seeing a big ass shadow standing blatantly in the middle of the room, he knew action needed to be taken.

After all, being the number twelve hero means...villains are always trying to assassinate you. Akio couldn't take any risks. He was tired and wet from the rain—quite frankly, his patience was running damn thin for any bad guy who would try to kill him right now.

But, upon slamming the culprit to the wall and putting a knife to their jugular, all he was met with was the very man he never thought he'd see again.

It's been three weeks, after all. Akio thought whatever happened with him and Dabi was dead in the water at this point. He expected it honestly, didn't really blink an eye. Especially given how insecure and unsure the blue grinch still seemed to be about his own sexuality, it would be more of a surprise if Dabi actually pursued this.

Don't get Akio wrong. Their day together was fun. Hell, it was the most fun he'd had with someone in awhile to be honest. It was definitely a hookup he'd be thinking about for a long time—and he had, admittedly. Who knew eight hours wouldn't ever be enough time with that guy? Oof.

Not only that, but Akio liked seeing Dabi in such a new light—so submissive and obedient for him after antagonizing him for so long. With his guard down and letting his true vulnerabilities unleash. It was a major turn on, watching as Dabi presented himself on a silver platter for the hero so willingly and excited.

Akio's body still twitches with excitement whenever he remembers the day. Hell, he's even gotten off to the memories a few times.

Yeah. He'll be the first to admit the stitched man was on his mind the day after. He couldn't get Dabi's faces of pleasure out of his head. Or how good it felt to be inside his warm, snug body that felt as if it was made to take him.


Looking back on that day....Akio couldn't stop once he'd started. He really let loose on Dabi, but hell it wasn't one sided in the slightest. Shortly after him and the blue grinch recovered on the couch from their first time, the stitched man became so needy in a way never seen before.

Akio was shocked that day when Dabi had started grinding his hips and running his tongue along the hero's sweaty neck, minutes after they'd just finished. Well, the glowy man couldn't help but oblige and take him again wildly until they both fell over the edge of another release.

He was addicted that day. Fucking addicted and unable to deny how frequently his mortal enemy now crossed his mind.

But, that's the thing...

Akio had already gone into the moment knowing it wouldn't last. He knew when Dabi left that day, he'd never come back for more. Not because he didn't like it, but because he couldn't handle how much he liked it.

Or, so he thought.

Because at this moment, blue eyes stare back at him in the darkness of his own bedroom, pooling with a combination of lust and hatred....conflict and certainty.....dominance and submission...all at once.

Talk about mixed signals. This guy needs counseling.

Akio's stomach flipped with hot pressure at the sight of the man he hasn't seen in three weeks, already feeling his imagination going wild with the visions of the business they left unfinished.

Instinct took over before common sense did, causing Akio to hover closer to Dabi's face for half a second, before instantly pulling back before he came too close.

As much as the intoxicating scent of smoke and—surprisingly, shampoo tempted him to instantly pick up where they left off, Akio didn't want to underestimate him. Life is unpredictable when it comes to Dabi. He's the type to hookup with him one day and burn a hole though his throat the next. Definitely not your typical love story.

First, he needs to be sure he can still trust him. He needs Dabi to tell him why he returned.

Keeping the knife lightly to his throat, Akio watched the small trickle of blood trail down Dabi's burnt neck, digging his fingers tighter into the collar of his shirt as he kept composure.

After all, he wants to stay on guard, but also doesn't want the murderous tension to rise too much. If Dabi feels threatened, the night will go to waste in the form of a fight. That's the last thing Akio's deprived body wants right now.

"Mm. Was wondering when I'd see you again. You here to fuck me...or kill me, Dabi?" The glowy eyed man chuckled lowly, watching a smug smirk spread across the villain's lips.

That's a good sign in Akio's eyes. He's had the stitched man restrained for a few moments, with a knife to his throat, and there's been no retaliation. Usually, Dabi would have done something by now if he came with murderous intentions.

And, Dabi.....hearing his own intentions come from Roach's lips made the villain's blood curdle in his veins. Embarrassment and anger overtook him at the idea that he came here for sex, reverting back to his insecurities slightly in the form of denial.

"Heh. The second one obviously. As if you even have to ask, you dumb, fucking Roach." The stitched man lied, feeling a pleasurable rush of blood between his legs when Akio lightly nicked his neck with the knife again.

It was an action made by playful punishment on Akio's part. Dabi's never been a good liar after all, and the longer the stitched man didn't fight, the more obvious it was why he really came here.

But, he wasn't expecting Dabi's reaction to the cut. He couldn't help but raise his brows suggestively as a soft gasp of pleasure escaped the villain when the blade nicked his skin, leaning his face in closer to the burnt man's as he turned on his alluring charm.

After all, Dabi's not an easy one to tame. It took Akio over an hour last time to make him comfortable enough to give into him.

Obviously, if he came back, it means Akio's doing something right in the stitched man's eyes. He needs to keep doing it.

Until he has Dabi on the hook completely, he needs to keep up the charm to ensure he wins him over.

The glowy eyed guy had to admit, he never thought he'd be using his flirting skills to impress Dabi. But, there's a first time for everything.

"Ah. So, you are here to kill me..." Akio muttered lowly with a humorous click of his tongue. "Well, that certainly puts a damper on things."

Giving less credibility to his threat the longer this went on, Dabi didn't move to attack after Akio spoke, comfortably resting his head back against the wall as a light trail of blood trickled down his neck.

"Good. I do love pissing you off." The stitched man chuckled deviously, feeling his own veins buzzing with the insinuation of his words.

Yeah, he did love to piss Akio off. Hell, it's been like that ever since they first met each other. Dabi always got a rush from it. A rush he never understood himself, but one that constantly drew himself to the guy in a bid to continue getting a reaction out of him.

But, now, Dabi knows why he loves to see Akio angry. Because being angry means he's feeling something for Dabi. And, in the sweet taste of what he experienced far too shortly three weeks ago...

Being angry means Dabi may get disciplined. His body only continues to rise in excitement at the thoughts.

Akio only felt himself getting more lost to the moment as time went on. It's not his fault. With the alluring, pitch black night of his bedroom and the heavy rainfall outside...with Dabi's warmth so incredibly close and his presence all consuming....

With the stubborn stitched man already giving himself over again, allowing Akio to pin him against the wall with no fight...

It was becoming too much for the hero to take, causing him to slowly tilt his head closer to Dabi's.

The closer his face gets to Dabi, the more addictive warmth he radiates onto the stitched man's face. The more Dabi gets a whiff of his scent, the more he has to suppress the urge to let his eyes roll back. The guy did say he was gonna take a shower and if Dabi wasn't such a dumpster dive himself, maybe he'd give a damn about the mixture of sweat and rain water Akio was giving instead of his usual clean cut, pretentious shit.

But, for some reason, Dabi only found this smell of him even more alluring, feeling drool pool in his mouth at the thoughts of getting to taste his salty, damp skin.

Of getting to run his tongue and graze his teeth along every inch of him. To hear Akio's beautiful moans and pants as he did so. To feel his trembling hands running through Dabi's hair.

It was beginning to be too much for Dabi to handle.

Akio tried his best to feign cluelessness to Dabi's real intentions, but it's almost humorous how obvious the villain was being.

With every word from Akio's own mouth, he watches Dabi's eyes trail to it, deep blue gaze going heavy and tongue gliding his stitched lips as it's obvious he wants nothing more than to close the distance and give in.

And, even though Akio is starting to feel no different, similar to last time, he refuses to give in first. Because as much as he finds Dabi attractive, he doesn't trust the guy enough to let the power shift in his favor.

"Well? I'm waiting." The glowy eyed man murmured hotly, intentionally parting his lips a bit and tilting his head dangerously closer to Dabi's.

Dabi's own mouth parted as he watched Akio closing more distance, now breathing the same air as he temporarily forgot what context the conversation had taken.

"Huh?" Dabi mumbled dazedly, feeling the tip of Akio's nose brush his own before the man broke away teasingly.

"You said you're here to kill me, remember? So, I'm just waiting for you to make a move." Akio shrugged, placing his free hand on the wall next to Dabi's head.

The stitched man suddenly felt caged in by the hero, and the worst part was how much he liked it. He's always been the big, bad villain who couldn't be overpowered by anyone, and he didn't know what it was about Akio that had him willingly submitting so fucking easily. It confused and frustrated himself how much he wanted to be dominated. Only by him.

Being consumed by his presence from all angles, feeling the knife threatening to nick his skin again...Akio's hot, glowing eyes piercing him lustfully....all of it made Dabi pleasantly dizzy.

He felt himself getting impatient. From the sin in Akio's eyes, he knew the fresh faced man was just fucking with him now.

Dabi knew he wanted him to admit the reason he was here. Because once he did, Dabi would have fully given himself to him once again.

And, while he came here with every intention to do things differently and put up more of a fight with Akio...being in the man's presence now had Dabi's resolve crumbling faster than the first time.

"Is that so? Thought you were the bastard who liked taking control." The stitched man said raspily, feeling jolts of pleasure rush his veins at the third nick of the knife Akio gave to his neck.

Akio knew Dabi was caving quickly with every passing second, pressing his spine harder against the wall and smushing his toned frame to the burnt man's thin one.

The action exposed both of their needs, with Dabi's arousal brushing to Akio's.

Dabi felt weak at the knees as he got a taste of what he's been missing for three weeks, letting out a soft breath as his intentions became harder to deny. Not just to Akio, but to himself as well.

Look, Dabi wouldn't call himself an attentive person, but physically feeling Akio already getting aroused for him? That only made the stitched man cave more, feeling visions of the past echoing in his brain.

Akio's moans. His pants. The feeling of his fingers yanking back his hair, or his tongue gliding on Dabi's throat. The way his hips greedily slammed into the stitched man's to fill the tight space deep. Fuck, it felt so good to be desired by him. To know Dabi was making him feel this way. To know Dabi had his full attention.

Like he said last time, he finally understood all the hype abut this guy. And, while he admits that more out of resentment at this moment, it's not something he can deny anymore.

Dabi would be lying to himself if he said he didn't know how much he missed it. He knew perfectly fucking well. It's why he couldn't stay away. Not just to experience his own pleasure again, but Akio's as well.

He hated to admit that it gave him just as much stimulation as his own.

Akio felt his own resolve crumbling much quicker than he thought as he watched Dabi's breaths deepen and his blue eyes fall dark with half lidded, needy lust.

Before he'd ever had him, it was much easier to keep his composure and make Dabi cave first. After all, he never knew what he was missing out on, and when he finally got it, the outcome surpassed any expectations.

Now that he knows how good Dabi's body's harder to stay away. It's harder to keep his cool.

Akio let a hot breath fan onto Dabi's face, fighting the urge to smash his lips to his own as the tension began to rise.

"If I wanted to kill you....I'd have done it by now." Akio drawled out temptingly, pressing his forehead to Dabi's to close more distance.

He threw Dabi a bone—and also himself, giving one firm roll of his hips and making the stitched man shudder.

It was an act to seduce, but Dabi was reeling too much from the simple touch already, feeling his head going too hazy for an answer that made Akio start feeling impatient.

He needs Dabi to cave first in order to keep control. He needs to try harder.

Just a little harder.

"Mmm. Come on. Why are you really here, Dabi?" Akio whispered hotly, dangling his soft lips mere inches from the villain's. "Whatever the reason....I'm not here to judge. You know that. Quite the contrary actually—I'm here to please. All you need to ask—heh. Preferably, beg. But, I'll settle for an 'ask,' too."

The last resolve of Dabi's pride dangled on a thread as Akio's top lip came just shy of brushing against his own, feeling his desire pulsing in his veins like a drug.

"Let me make you fucking good. You won't regret it." Akio breathed out atop his lips, gliding his tongue along his teeth.

That was the last straw for Dabi as Akio easily pulled him back in within a mere five minutes of his arrival. His voice. His words. His tempting distance. Dabi couldn't handle anymore. It only took him another second to decide which was more important to him. Pride or pleasure.

Once again, Akio said everything right and Dabi hated it. He hated how the words were the perfect concoction to make him cave first.

To make the stitched man feel comfortable and desperate enough to act without thinking, and lean forward to close the remaining distance that separated their lips.

He physically couldn't take another second of the teasing. He couldn't help himself.

And, fuck.

The moment his rough ones clashed with soft ones he didn't regret it one bit. He suddenly didn't know why he waited so long to begin with. Not just tonight, but for three weeks' worth of waiting.

Dabi was lost to the alluring hero once again, indulging himself in a needy, low moan as jolts of pleasure came from pressing against Akio's lips. He felt his stomach flip with heat at the first kiss he's had with him in weeks, already letting his kisses become open mouthed and breathy as dizzying, adrenaline filled pleasure overtook his senses..

He felt deprived. Like a drug addict getting his first hit in years.

Already, this was different from their first kiss. Unlike the first time, Dabi no longer felt insecure shock for kissing another man. He'd gotten used to it with Akio, even if he'd only spent a day familiarizing himself with his lips. But, more than that...

He's thought about those lips everyday for three weeks, giving himself plenty of time to replace the shock with lust. With need. Obsession.

Since Dabi never technically asked and admitted what he wanted from Akio, the hero didn't plan to kiss back just yet. He planned to pull away and make Dabi crumble a little more to his own desires. He wanted to physically hear from the stitched man's mouth just how much he wanted him.

But, upon feeling his rough lips smash so greedily to his own, Akio's resolve snapped clean for a moment as lust and desire got the better of him.

Surprising. Akio's not usually one to lose his composure to another person like that.

He fell into the carnal, earth shattering ecstasy with Dabi instantly, selfishly pushing his lips back against the stitched man's and hearing him groan breathily at the excited reciprocation he was receiving.

Akio couldn't stop his own raspy moan from falling past his lips at getting to feel him again, molding his mouth tightly to Dabi's and devouring everything he had to offer.

He didn't realize how much he missed Dabi. He tried so hard not to think about the man these last three weeks, he never knew until now. How much he needed this. Him.

It didn't make things any easier on Akio's composure, pinning his body flush to Dabi's, with the stitched man allowing his own thin frame to become smushed back into the wall and the hero to take full control of him.

Removing the knife from his throat, Akio let it slip from his fingers and clatter to the floor now, bringing a hand to cup Dabi's jaw before tilting his head deeper for even better access to the villain's mouth.

Dabi felt stupid butterflies in his stomach as Akio sensually parted his smooth lips and glided them intimately up his rough ones, boring his heavy lidded, glowing eyes into the stitched man's with such an alluring, spine shivering look, it almost brought the villain to his knees.

He's so fucking hot. Dabi couldn't take it.

Akio didn't close the distance this time, breathlessly dangling his lips on Dabi's as he waited for the stitched man to cave again.

"Ah..." The hero moaned lowly, stroking his thumb along Dabi's jaw as he looked intensely to his rough, textured lips. "Kiss me again. I want you to do it."

And Dabi had to admit, without the buzz of alcohol in his system this time, it was a little harder to continue admitting his needs to Akio so vulnerably, hesitating for a moment this time.

It's one of the most frustrating things about this, and yet one of the most intriguing at the same time. It's as if admitting it once isn't enough for the hero. He wants to constantly make sure Dabi knows his own actions. His own wants and desires. He can't let Dabi forget, the way the stitched man wants to.

It only makes him feel more attachment. Attachment to his childhood enemy he doesn't want, sure. But, fuck, he can't help it.

Akio noticed Dabi's moment of conflict, grazing his lips on the villain's before gliding his hand from his jaw to his stitched cheek.

Dabi felt a drop of blood from his cheek trickle onto Akio's hand. The hero noticed it, letting his glowing eyes soften with more patience as he looked to Dabi warmly.

"Hey. Remember. I'm here to please you if you want it. I'm here to make you feel good. It's your choice." Akio breathed gently against his mouth, gliding his thumb along Dabi's cheek coaxingly.

His patient tone made Dabi feel like a damn sucker as he was pulled back in so easily, not wanting to admit how much of a safe space his mortal enemy was becoming for him. His values were becoming cluttered and unaligned. So grossly Touya.

Dabi let out a heavy sigh as his tightly locked heart began to creak open against his will, letting his arms come around Akio's shoulders for the first time.

"H..Hah. Shut up. You're still a bastard." The stitched man breathed dizzily, pushing Akio in by the back of the head so his mouth would clash to his own.

It was good enough for Akio as he captured Dabi's lips again, kissing the man with a skill and fluidity Touya couldn't keep up with.

"Mm. A bastard who's gonna please you so good tonight." He mused deviously, giving Dabi's lip a playful nip. "That's why you came back, right? Cause you liked it so much?"

Dabi couldn't deny the dirty words from the hero went straight to his heating body, making his veins pulse with excitement at getting to feel that bliss again.

He didn't just like it. He loved it. He's been obsessed with the idea for weeks now, so Akio's words were an understatement.

But, once again, without the excuse of liquor in his veins this time, his words would be his own. They'd be honest and there wouldn't be anything to hide behind this time.

So, he chose to defensively deny it.

"Don't think so highly of yourself. I really did come to kill ya." Dabi panted against his mouth, contradicting his own words as he selfishly moved his lips against Akio's.

It didn't take long for Akio to glide the tip of his tongue along Dabi's bottom lip and take things further. The stitched man's mouth fell ajar with a gasp at the action, giving Akio the opportunity to kiss him deeper.

Akio hummed throatily as he mingled his tongue with Dabi's, feeling the stitched man bury his fingers into his thick locks and pull him closer as things heated up hotter.

Yet, Dabi's denial didn't go unnoticed by him. And, as much as Akio likes being the one to control, it wasn't just about that. He also didn't want to hookup with someone who couldn't even admit they enjoy this. Takes the fun out of it.

"You did, huh?" Akio breathed against Dabi's mouth, letting his free hand come to toy with the hem of the villain's shirt. "So, you're saying you don't want this?"

Feeling frustration rise, the more his insecurities came to light, Dabi let out a breath of exasperation as he pulled away to glare at Akio with impatience, attempting to lift his own shirt over his body since Akio wasn't moving fast enough.

"Oi. If you want me to say yes, get me a few beers first. Otherwise, get over it."  The stitched man dismissed without care, raising one of his arms as he tried to pull his shirt off.

While the words came out as more of a smug tease, Dabi meant them.

He wanted to be drunk for this. That way, he can deny accountability for his actions, for his true feelings. He can hide behind the liquor and pretend this doesn't truly exist.

Hell, he wished he showed up drunk to begin with, only able to hope Roach was that much of a dick to take advantage of him in such a state.

But, he already knew he wasn't. And, as much as he hates to admit it...that fact only makes him more trusting.

Because, even with an answer like that, Akio pulled away from Dabi's lips and grabbed his arm to stop his shirt from coming off, wiping the corner of his mouth as he looked to the stitched man with composed discipline.

Great. Here comes another heroic speech about morality and consent. Dabi couldn't help but roll his eyes. See, this is why he hates these hero fuckers.

"Can't hide behind liquor this time, Dabi-"

"Jesus. Just get over it." Dabi scoffed with full impatience, feeling the discomfort of his arousal showing in the form if desperation. "I'm sick of you always asking me this shit. Is this not enough of an answer for you? Didn't think you were that clueless."

Akio sighed softly as he held patience for Dabi's insecurities, meeting the stitched man's glare with accepting eyes.

"I just wanna hear you say it. That's all. Then we can keep going."

Dabi cursed and threw his head back against the wall, feeling hot as hell and pleasantly lightheaded from how good Akio worked him up in such a short time.

It was obvious he wanted it. Why did the whole damn universe need to know? Ughhh.

"Why? God, you fucking irritate me." Dabi groaned, trying to hide his embarrassment in irritation.

Akio chuckled softly at Dabi's obvious embarrassment, not wanting to admit to himself how cute he found it.

He's not supposed to be cute. They're just fucking.

"Mmm. Because..." Akio drawled out lightly, letting a victorious smirk creep on his lips as he warmed back into Dabi.

And the stitched man loved it. Fuck, he loved the attention he was getting from the guy right now. He'd gotten so used to indulging in Akio's hatred, he never stopped to appreciate this side.

He was starting to. No matter how much he tried not to.

That showed in the way Dabi couldn't help himself from chuckling lightly when Akio peppered kisses along his jaw, gently biting Dabi's earlobe as he tried to butter him up.

That was Akio's intention, after all. Butter him up. Seduce him enough into a desperation that would make Dabi willingly admit he wanted this.

But, he wasn't expecting to hear the villain laugh like that for the first time, feeling his stomach filling with hot pressure as he lost a bit of composure.

While Akio meant to make him wait, the little sound from Dabi drove him a bit nuts. Before he knew it, he caved to the stitched man ever so slightly, lathering the sweet spot on his neck with heated, wet kisses before his hand trailed from Dabi's cheek, down to his chest.

Dabi threw his head back against the wall as Akio nipped and sucked at his neck, relishing in the man's low moan as he trailed his hand from his chest to his abs now...not stopping his descent as he reached the waist of Dabi's jeans.

Feeling his mind going hazy, Akio forced his lusted eyes open halfway, trying to remember what he'd been saying as he undid Dabi's pants with his hand.

"Because..." Akio continued, letting his fingers trail just above Dabi's open waistline. "When you start letting loose and admitting it to yourself, it's only gonna feel better. If there's any place you feel you can do that....I want it to be here. With me. At least when we do this."

Dabi was almost sure there wasn't any oxygen or blood going to his brain anymore as he felt the tips of Akio's fingers dance along his waistline.

His knees were weak and his body shivering with pleasured anticipation as he waited for Akio to go further, realizing he wouldn't until he finally obliged and gave an answer.

And, while admitting such a thing wouldn't have been worth it five minutes ago, it seems so logical to Dabi in this blazing heat of the moment.

All he has to do is say some stupid words, and Akio will hookup with him until he can't think straight. That's all Dabi can think about anymore.

"Jesus, fine." Dabi panted impatiently, letting his eyes roll back as Akio bit down at a sensitive spot on his neck. "I want it, alright. Fuck, I want it so bad."

Akio smirked victoriously against Dabi's neck, tasting a bit of his blood at how hard he'd bitten it.

He was getting carried away. It's just the effect Dabi had on him.

"From me?" Akio taunted further, slipping his fingers lower down Dabi's waist.

Dabi was beside himself with the teasing now, chest heaving and knees wobbly as Akio lathered the bite mark on his neck with languid strokes of his tongue, moaning at the light metallic taste that kissed his tongue again.

"From you. H..Hah......Only from you." Dabi breathed out, letting proof of his desires audibly fill his ears and Akio's.

The more he admitted it, the more he gained a sense of trust in Akio. The more he felt his self control caving with a need to be taken and blissed out into oblivion. He felt attachment in that Akio's the only one who knows Dabi's secret—and not only that, he's the only one who pleasures it. Who made Dabi actually discover it and embrace it. Want it.

At this point, he didn't even know if he found other men attractive at all. There hasn't been once in these last three weeks that he had any interest in finding out. If they weren't Akio Matsubara, he found no interest in even pursuing any other man.

He was fucking hooked. Obsessed and consumed with everything he had to offer.

"Mm. There you go." Akio praised smugly, finally sliding his hand past Dabi's waistband. "Now. Was that so hard?"

Dabi almost lost his hazy mind right then and there when he felt Akio's fingers gently touch his sensitive skin, already jolting towards the contact a beg for more.

"Q..Quit messing around. Fuck." Dabi panted, letting his fingers bury into Akio's hair to feel any part of him. "I said it. Now do something."

Akio felt damn powerful at getting Dabi wrapped around his finger for the second time, nodding in agreement against his neck before he pulled his hand away from Dabi fully. 

"Alright. We're gonna try something new today." Akio said, moving to the pants of his hero suit before undoing the buttons. "Something to get you more familiar with me. My body."

A/N: thanks for reading! The uncensored version of this and chapter 1 are on Patreon. And the lemon before this chapter is on there as well. ❤️

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