TA 26

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Riley's POV

I hated the way he was looking at me. It was as if he was trying to find something that would give me away. So, he suspected it was me. Very well, they would never prove it. I found it funny that Matt had claimed he had not seen his assailant when he had seen me very well. Why was he protecting me? I did not need protection. I was powerful beyond his imagination. The beating was nothing. He had yet to see my powers. He had yet to feel real pain.

I smirked as I pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped. I threw it in the dustbin and walked back to the living area.

It really was unsettling having Casey sitting there and looking all gorgeous. Just seeing him made my blood boil. Matt was really going to pay, no doubt about it. No one was going to mess around with my Casey. I chuckled at my possessiveness. When had he gotten to be mine? What right did I have?

He gazed at my leg. I took a deep breath, waiting for the question. It came, well, sort of.

"You are limping", he said.

"I know. This is the reason I cannot come to school", I said.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I must have sprained my ankle or something. The doctor said it was too early for me to be walking around but I ignored him. This is the result", I said, smiling a bit at the end, as I sat on the arm of his couch.

"I cannot imagine your mom happy about that", she said.

"Not in the least", I said. I hadn't seen mom since I threatened to hurt her.

He stood up. "I have to go".

I stood up and moved closer to him. He backed away slowly. I moved my hand to his face and caressed his cheek. My mind screamed that I should let him go, but I ignored the screams.

"You have barely been here 30 minutes," I whispered.

He backed away again. "I...I just...I have to go Riley. You are with Mandy, and I...I", he choked on his words. I saw the uncertainty in his eyes. He was trying to hide from me, but not using his usual means. He was vulnerable.

I closed the distance he was busy creating. My hand went to his neck. It was so delicate. My fingers made a journey back and forth his neck and jaw. He tensed. I could feel the tension radiating from his body although our bodies weren't touching. I looked into his eyes, while sneaking my hand around his waist. I brought him against me roughly, jerking some passion into his eyes. When I had him against me, the screams disappeared entirely. His chest was caressing my chest and I could feel his nipples already hardening through his sweatshirt.

"Don't do this", he whispered.

"Tell me to stop", I said.

Maybe I didn't give him enough time to resist, I don't know. A second felt like enough to me. When his eyes didn't say no, when he didn't move an inch, my lips moved down to his, cupping his lower lip between them.

I dragged slowly and looked into his eyes.

What the hell was I doing?

I didn't get to attempt to answer my question, Casey's lips closed around my upper lip. We kissed leisurely, fulfilling a desire neither of us had said aloud. The kiss was slow and soft, gentle. Our lips were in perfect sync.

Casey's mouth tasted better than it had the other day, and it was more enthralling. The kiss sent shivers down my spine and yet it was warm and serene. I could feel Casey relaxing against me as my finger trailed ever slowly on his waist. I could feel myself relaxing, basking in the moment.

Casey's hands moved under my t-shirt and I groaned. I cupped his head and kissed him faster. My tongue delved into his mouth, found his and intertwined. I let go of his face and searched for ways to pleasure him. I took off both his sweatshirt and t-shirt at the same time. The moans it generated from him were like a drug.

My hands moved along his chest until I found one of the buds. I took my time in circling the nipple, feeling it harden even more just by the mere contact. Casey released a beautiful breathless moan. I felt his hand reach down my pants boldly and I knew what he was searching for. I smiled into the kiss and directed him to the spot, my other hand never leaving his nipple. I groaned in pleasure when he found the spot, temporarily breaking the kiss. He was just rubbing me through my jeans but god it felt good. I smiled and he claimed my lips back.

Chapter 19

Casey's POV

I don't know what had gotten into me. I knew I should have left a long time ago. Riley's limping, the scratches...something was amiss. Something had happened that Riley wasn't telling me about. Riley had a girlfriend.

Yet I stood in his living room, my suspicions obliterated by the feel of his lips against mine. We weren't just kissing, we were communicating in a way I had never communicated before. Riley knew what I wanted without me telling him, and he gave more than I thought I wanted.

His lips on mine were enchanting, comforting, soothing and stroking a fire that had ignited a long time ago. He set my body on a blaze as his lips moved against mine gently and then roughly in a bruising kiss. I melted against him as he ravaged my mouth, releasing moans I tried desperately to restrain.

I moved even closer to him for support, feeling my body burning for more than just his lips. I can't recall how I did it, but my hand sneaked between us, moving ever slowly down Riley's pants. I felt his hand on top of mine and I froze in embarrassment.

His hand began moving down with mine, stopping just where I felt the bulge in his pants. My breath got caught in my throat as I felt him underneath me. He released a growl, the sexiest sound I had ever heard.

His lips separated from mine, and I caught a smile on his lips just before I threw myself back at him. I wanted to see more of his face, and at the same time I didn't want to. Knowing Riley, he was probably smirking, and that would make me very self-conscious.

I started moving my hand against him, feeling him tighten his hold on me. I could tell he was growing with every second, and that filled me with joy. He released a groan, followed by another.

"God Casey", he said and pulled back before resting his forehead against mine.

There was silence.

Riley took a couple of steps back and turned towards the passageway that led to his bedroom. He turned back to me and extended his hand. He didn't say anything. The small glimmer of hope in his eyes spoke to me, gesturing me forward.

My hand left my side and travelled to his. When our fingers intertwined, he pulled me towards him.

We got to his room still holding hands. He pulled me to him, barely managing to close the door. When his lips covered mine, I melted against him once more. The passion was still there and it was growing more and more intense. The way my body just fit in with his, it felt meant to be. Again, I lost my mind in the beat of his heart against mine.

My hunger for him grew to a point where it was barely uncontrollable, as evidence by the many moans that came from deep within and filled the room, entangling with the desire that hung around us. As if my moans were a fuel, Riley kissed me harder and harder till my breath became his and his mine.

His hands travelled everywhere they could; on my bare chest, on my abdomen, in my hair. When his fingers came to rest below my umbilicus, my breath got caught. I felt Riley's knuckles against my abdomen as he worked on undoing my pants' drawstring. For a few seconds I held my breath.

He took the chance to look up at me. I wanted to look away shyly. I wanted to gaze at the wall, at the floor, at anything but those eyes that would make me melt and make me feel embarrassed for reacting that way.

I don't know how I got out of my pants or how Riley's t-shirt ended up on the floor.

"You are turning pink like I've never seen you naked before". His voice was a whisper, and it made my blood even hotter.

"You've never seen me naked before", I said confidently. But suddenly I wasn't so sure anymore. "Have you?"

He grinned sexily. "I'm about to".

Before I knew it he had his hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him such that a pin couldn't pass between us. Heat surged in my groin when I felt his bulge against my own. The room was getting hotter.

Before I could recover from the contact I felt Riley's hot hands cupping my butt cheeks with no barrier, my boxer briefs ensuring a firmer contact. I was about to release a moan when Riley's lips swooped on mine. His light kisses turned steamy and his hold got rougher. I wasn't sure who was growing more between us. All I knew was, I was feeling hot and constrained.

Riley's hand moved slowly to the front as he flicked his tongue against my lips. I had to hold him to stop myself from keeling over when his hand made contact with my cock. Inch by inch my underwear moved down my thigh. I was powerless to stop him. I didn't want to stop him.

His hand wrapped around me and my nails dug into his back. He was only just touching me and I couldn't think. Slowly his hand began to move. He was stroking me. My best friend was fucking stroking me. This wasn't happening. It couldn't happen.

Yet I held him tighter, planting kisses after kisses on his cheek when he took a breather. When his head was in my neck, I pulled on his hair, unconsciously telling him I liked what he was doing.

He stopped and for a second I had no idea what was going through his mind. All I knew was that we weren't done, not with the way he was looking at me. I could see desire in his eyes.

He pushed me to the bed, took off his pants and within seconds he was on top of me. He bent down to kiss me and I welcomed him. We didn't kiss for long, and though I craved his kisses that had me melting into the bed, I knew whatever he had in mind was much better.

I wasn't wrong.

I felt his hand on my shaft before his lips wrapped around my cock, generating a loud moan I had no hope of containing. His mouth was wet and warm. When his tongue swirled around I felt my nails dig into the sheets.

It would be embarrassing if I came them, but it was so hard not to.

Riley moved his lips slowly to the base, and I bucked up my hips, burying myself inside his throat. It was so warm there I moved slightly on my own, forgetting for a moment I had the ability to choke him. That'd just be fucking terrific if he started gagging.

I restrained myself, but not for long. Riley sucked on me hungrily and I couldn't help but thrash my head wildly. My hips were swaying dangerously. I just couldn't help it. I wanted to fall apart. I wanted to explode. I needed it.

"Riley!" I moaned.

He didn't stop. He knew what he was doing. I couldn't stop crying out either. Sounds that I never knew I was capable of came out of me and filled the room.


I felt it in the tip of my toes; an electrical shock that was sure to set me ablaze. It moved through channels in my body, settling in my groin. It was the final push.

"Fuck Riley, I'm-I'm coming!" I managed to yell out.

It wasn't enough time for Riley to move, and he didn't look like he wanted to. My vision grew blindingly white as I spurt out my load into Riley's hot mouth. My toes curled from the intense pleasure that consumed me. I was ablaze.

When Riley's head finally emerged, my eyes were closed. I was still riding out the spasms that took over parts of my body. It felt like an unusually long time, but I wasn't complaining.

It was my first orgasm that was initiated and achieved by someone else's acts and boy, I didn't want to do it myself after that. I wanted this; ripples of pleasure so profound it felt as though I was going to bask in it forever.

Somewhere in my body, something was still exploding.

I felt Riley lie next to me. His hand travelled to my cheek, and though I didn't want to open them, my eyes shot open.

"You taste really good", he said with a smile.

"Shut up", I said and felt heat creep up to my cheeks.

"It's only the truth. I love your "Fuck Riley I'm- I'm coming". It's so precious", he said with a grin.

I knew the idiot would say something like that. I flexed my hand in his direction, slapping him on the shoulder.

There was some silence. All the while I thought about how naked I was. I was naked! I was lying on Riley's bed and he had just sucked me off. Reality was coming back to me. Riley was Mandy's girlfriend, Matt had warned me about him and I was there with him. I had to go, at that moment!

"Do you wanna sleep here tonight? Mom's away and I'm lonely", he said, as if he'd read my mind.

Sleep there with him? Alone? Damn it was so inviting, but I couldn't. I wanted to badly. I was still feeling the pleasures of him sucking me off, but it wasn't enough for me to stay. Being there with him like that was already stupid and full of betrayal.

"I...uh...I can't", I said.

"Of course", he said. He sounded disappointed.

"My dad would freak", I said quickly.

"How about you stay for a while? I could really use some company", he said.

"Um...yeah...I can", I said. I obviously wasn't controlling my mouth.

"Great. Would you like some leftover pie? I didn't finish it like always", he said with a smile.

Why on earth was he acting like everything that had happened between us since the kiss at my house was normal? We'd just been sexually intimate for goodness's sake. It wasn't normal.

"Riley...um, I think I should leave", I said getting off the bed and putting on my clothes.

Okay, I was running away. I wasn't courageous. I didn't need him to tell me whatever was between us was nothing.

"Casey wait, you just said you were gonna stay. Please stay", he pleaded. He sounded desperate. "We won't do anything, I promise. I won't kiss you again. Just...please stay"

I turned to him. "Riley I can't stay here, okay? I just...I can't stay!"

Things had turned serious in a matter of seconds. But they were bound to. We'd ignored things for so long and had gotten the floor stickier. We were bound to be stuck on it. I needed to get out of there.

"I'm sorry I kissed you!" Riley shouted. "I'm sorry I ran afterwards. I just...Casey I love you as more than a friend and..."

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