TA 31

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Chapter 22

Riley's POV

When I was a kid I'd always thought there was something special about me. I was the only kid and my mom adored me. I thought I was destined for greatness. That died down of course as I grew older. I realized I was just average. I wasn't that good in class and wasn't interested in sports. I wasn't nice either and rarely helped out people. I wasn't mother Theresa and I sure as hell wasn't Martin Luther King. I wasn't special. My own parents didn't want me. I was one of billions of people.

Not anymore.

Finding out I was an Awakener gave me a purpose in life. The whole Darkener race was dependant on me. Only I could give them their powers back. Regardless of what those powers were going to be used to do, I felt proud. I was special.

In a world of billions, I was the one. I was the key.

As I lay on my bed with rain coming down on the roof hard, I tried vehemently to convince myself of that.

Earlier I'd had a moment of weakness. When I went to Matt's place, I hadn't expected to find Casey there. I was hellbent on making Matt pay for one thing or another, but seeing Casey had crushed that idea.

Casey was like the light in the otherwise dim area that was my heart. It was like the moment I saw him, I found myself fighting with the darkness that possessed me. I already knew Casey had an effect on me. It was what drove me to get rid of him when Miguel was there. He may have downplayed it, but Miguel had made Casey a target.

I felt his energy when he stood in the room with us.

I shouldn't have gone to see Casey at his house after I'd revealed to him what I could do. My heart had overpowered my mind and I found myself in his room. I'd stayed in the darkness longer before he saw me, just watching him. While watching him I'd had thoughts about hurting him and thoughts about protecting him. It was a tug of war between the sides that governed my existence.

Psychologists agreed that all humans had a good side and bad side. It was up to individuals to decide which side they embraced. It was similar to my situation; only, the sides that governed my existence felt like they were physical beings hovering around me. One was winning.

I do not recall ever falling asleep, but I woke up to the sound of a knock on my bedroom door. The knock was so loud I felt my eardrums vibrating.

"Goddammit Miguel, no need to rupture my eardrums", I yelled and got out of bed. I knew the person on the other side of the door was Miguel. I had been expecting him, just not at that moment.

The door opened. "Excuse me my Lord, but you told me to knock," Miguel said as he walked in.

I noticed that he was wearing black from head to toe. His leather pants clung onto him and his knee-length jacket was buttoned from his waist to the top. He looked like something from The Matrix.

"I didn't mean you should knock the door down. What the hell are you wearing?" I said.

"...Our attire of course. You didn't think we wear white, did you? We are Darkeners, not Lighteners", he said.

"Do people like that exist? Lighteners", I asked.

He shook his head. "Come on, it's time to go".

My heartbeat quickened. This was really happening. Isadora had clearly said they would come to get me that day, but that hadn't truly registered with me.

"We are going to Lands of Azuria now?" I asked.

"Yes my Lord. You are going to meet your people", Miguel said.

Your people... his words echoed in my brain. This was it! I was going to the place where I belonged. I felt my heart flutter. I was going home.

Casey's POV



The sounds of distant voices calling my name forced my eyes open and consciousness to invade my brain. I yawned and turned to the side to look out the window. I couldn't believe it was morning already, it felt like I hadn't slept at all.

But...I couldn't see the window. I couldn't see anything at all. My room was surrounded by a thick white fog that obscured everything it touched. That much fog inside a room defied the laws of nature. Something was wrong, unnaturally so.

In an effort to clear the fog, I brought my hand nearer to my face and proceeded to try and fan it away. That did not help. Neither did closing my eyes tightly and opening them again.

Remembering the voices that had called my name, I got out of bed, needing all my other senses to guide me safely onto the floor since my sight was useless. My heart was beginning to beat faster than normal, and I felt a horrifying chill creep up my spine.

I heaved in a shaky breath when my feet touched the cold floor. I felt for my slippers in the fog with my feet and found them. I hadn't put them on for long before I decided to be brave and find a way out of my room. I closed my eyes so sight wouldn't distract me, and focused on an image of my room. I had been there many times; I knew the layout by heart. As long as I stayed focused I could navigate out.

I managed to make my way of my room. When I was in my room the outside of it seemed clear of fog, but when I go there to my surprise, the fog didn't lessen. It just appeared out of nowhere and obscured my path.

My hands were shaking now.

"Dad!" I called out, with my voice coming out shaky.

"Dad!" I heard an echo.

"Calvin!" I yelled, refusing to give up.

"Calvin!" The walls repeated after me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I wanted desperately to break down, but I couldn't allow myself to. I needed to keep it together, even though a part of me knew whatever was happening wasn't normal. I wasn't just defenseless, I was alone.

I was about to venture forth when I saw a figure standing just a few feet away from me. The figure was blurry.

"Dad!" I shouted.

"Cassidy", the figure said quietly. My name was said so clearly I faltered slightly. That didn't sound like dad.

I stood rooted to my spot, unable to decide if I should venture forth. Something about the blurry figure was chilling.

Almost instantly, the blurriness dissolved and I could see the person clearly. It was Riley. He took steps towards me and I tried to take steps back. I couldn't. This time, I was rooted to the spot involuntarily.

"Casey", Riley said with a smile. "I missed you so much. God, I love you". He stretched his hand out to take mine in his.

My heart wrenched. I wanted desperately for those words to be true. It was all I had ever dreamed about since I realized I was in love with my best friend. This moment however, it just didn't feel real.

Riley's hand however felt real. It lovingly scorched mine, bringing with it warmth I hadn't known I craved. Through no will of mine, I gave Riley's hand a squeeze.

He looked at me and smiled. "I wanted to show you something", he said.

He waved his left hand in the air like a wand and the fog in front of us cleared.

"Come", he said.

Instantly, I felt my feet move. I was sure I was not controlling them. Riley was still holding onto my hand. I looked at the path we were taking only to see that it was leading to my dad's bedroom. I had a feeling of foreboding.

When we arrived at the door, it opened by itself. Riley pulled me inside. There on the bed, my dad was lying down. He looked okay when suddenly; black plumes of smoke appeared inside the room and surrounded him. They were about 5 separate ones which resembled people.

"Dad!" I yelled and tried to go to him.

Riley held me back, holding my hand firmly. My legs refused to move.

"Dad!" I yelled harder, with tears finally grazing my cheeks. "Riley, what are those things? What are they doing to him?"

"Those are Darkeners, they are feeding", he said lightheartedly.

The five smoke figures completely surrounded my dad after Riley's words. I couldn't see him anymore.

"Riley, stop them!" I yelled.

"I cannot do that", he said. "Try coming between a Darkener and his meal...not a pretty sight".

The tears were now falling helplessly.

"Please do something. Please!"

He shook his head. "Guess what?"

I closed my eyes and prayed. I wasn't a habitual praying person, but I prayed.

"They aren't feeding on your dad. They are feeding on you", Riley butted into my prayer.


"Who's crying now? Who's in distress? Darkeners bring darkness and misery into people's lives. Your biggest fear is losing your dad and brother. Should I go on?"

"Stop this! Fucking stop this!" I cried.

"And me? Your biggest fear is that I really am a monster. Guess what?" Riley continued. "I am one".

Riley's hold on my hand relaxed and fell off. I could feel power returning to my legs. I was about to run to my dad when I stole a look at the guy next to me. What I saw had me shaking involuntarily with fear. Riley was no longer physically the Riley I knew. He had transformed into the most hideous human-like creature I had ever seen with thin and papery skin that sagged off his flesh. His eyes were bright green and sank into his head.

I could feel my heart bleeding at the sight before me.

"Riley", I said quietly.

"Prince of the Darkeners to you", he spat.

I ran. I don't know how I got the courage, but I ran. I didn't know where I was going. I couldn't see what was in front of me. I knew I had to get away. I didn't make it far before Riley appeared in front of me, this time in shadow form like the Darkeners I'd seen earlier.

"For as long as you see me, your heart will shrivel until it's bled out. I don't need to touch you to hurt you", he said.

"Good morning sunshine!" I heard a thick voice. This one was different. It sounded so potent. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever", it continued.

I felt myself being drawn backwards by the hem of my shirt, and then falling endlessly into a pit of total darkness. I kicked hard at what I perceived was a dark shadow clinging to my legs. My eyes fluttered and opened.

Everything was hazy. I blinked hard several times. My surroundings came into focus this time. The fog had...disappeared. I was in my room; lying on my bed. My duvet was for some reason on the floor. I looked towards the door and saw Calvin standing there. The sight calmed my fast-beating heart.

Calvin was staring at me in surprise.

"What happened?" I asked. "Are you okay? Where's dad? Is he okay?" I shot questions at him.

"Right now I'm wondering if I should still be standing here. You really kicked the hell out of that duvet!" he said.

"Is dad okay Calvin?"

"Yeah, he's sleeping. You must have had one hell of a dream," he said.

It was a dream. It was all a dream. It wasn't real. I didn't happen. There was no fog. There were no Darkeners. It was all just a bad dream.

"Uh yeah", I said. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to wake you up like the evil brother I am", he said.

I rolled my eyes.

Calvin walked into the room. "Let me guess, you fell asleep while reading that book you just kung fu'd and dreamt about its contents."

"Um..." I started but noticed Calvin bend down to pick up the book I'd been reading.

"Lands of Azuria", he read the title. "Doesn't look scary"

"It's not", I said quickly. "Give it here".

"Well you know, if you don't want to have bad dreams, don't read a book that talks about... vile creatures", he quoted. "...before going to bed".

He handed the book to me. Instantly, I was greeted by the most repugnant scent I had ever smelled in my life. I chocked.

"What the fuck? What's that smell?" I managed to say.

Calvin narrowed his eyes and turned his head sideways. "What smell?"

"You can't smell that? It's so...revolting! I wanna puke!" I said.

"Ha-ha...funny. This cologne is the best thing you'll ever smell", he said confidently.

"That smell is your cologne? It makes me wanna heave. Fuck, I can't do this", I said and got out of bed. I ran past Calvin, with my nausea stronger as I passed him.

I had only just opened the toilet bowl before I spewed out my guts. I got down on my knees and leaned over the bowl.

I didn't see Calvin enter the bathroom, but I smelled him.

"God Calvin, take off your damn clothes and put them in the washing machine. That cologne is a health hazard!"

"Okay you've gone too far now. Just because you've induced vomiting doesn't mean I'm going to believe you", he said.

I threw up again.

"Calvin I'm serious! Your cologne smells like rotten eggs mixed with sewer water!" I said. "If you won't cleanse yourself of that biohazard, please go".

Calvin rolled his eyes, but eventually left the bathroom. I puked again and my uneasiness seemed to go away after the stench Calvin had brought with him left. I flushed and sat on the bowl. With the sudden nausea I hadn't even realized that my bladder was full.

What a great way to start a day!


Calvin left the house altogether, not that he would be missed. Dad wasn't up yet. After my bathroom break I went over to the kitchen to make breakfast. I had planned on having corn flakes for breakfast, but the milk had expired so I munched on the dry cornflakes instead. It wasn't the first time I'd done that, but that day I loved the taste even more.

With my mind no longer busy with thoughts about breakfast, my thoughts drifted to the dream I'd had. I could still remember everything about it, from the pain I'd felt when I saw those smoky-figures surrounding my dad to the way Riley looked.

Calvin was right, it was the book. I'd managed to read almost the entire book the previous night. I was determined to finish it, to get the best idea of what I was facing. I wasn't reading fiction, it was an autobiography and the best way to get insight into the things Riley had told me.

Through reading the book I'd learned how Riley's mom met his dad, and the little details about their courtship. She also detailed how she found out that Victor Warrior was the Prince of the Darkeners, part of a supernatural race set to bring destruction to humans. His sole interest in her was for her to bear him a son as she was the chosen one. Once Riley was born, he planned to raise him in Lands of Azuria until he was old enough to do his duty. But Riley's mom pulled one over him and disappeared when she was closer to giving birth.

As she kept referring to Nathan in the book, I concluded that Mandy's dad who supposedly wrote the book had actually met and assisted her.

Apart from the history detailed in the story, there were mentions of how the Darkeners fed and what made them lethal to human beings.

I felt uneasy knowing Riley was capable of those things. I wasn't so sure I wanted him close to me, and looking at the dream I'd had, my subconscious was adamant I didn't.

Dad came down shortly and found me plopped up on the counter chairs, munching the dry corn flakes. I was so happy to see him my heart skipped a beat.

"Hey", he said.

"Hi", I said and went to give him a big hug.

"Um...that's odd. I'm glad to see you too. So, where were you last night?" he asked when I let him go and took the cereal box away from me. "Isn't there any milk?"

"Expired", I said.

"So where were you?" he asked again.

"I went to Riley's place and then Matt's place", I replied.

He looked at me suspiciously. "I get Riley's place, but why Matt's?"

"He got beat up dad, I was being nice. We aren't enemies!" I retorted.

"Okay. It was just a question. No need to get hormonal with me", he said. "I should get some milk. I was looking forward to having cereal this morning".

He walked over to the fridge and opened it.

"I thought the milk was expired, why did you put it back?" he asked, turning to look at me.

"I did? I must have forgotten. I could swear I put it next to the bin", I said.

He took the bottle out and was about to put it on the counter before he pulled his hand back.

"Cassidy, this milk only expires in 8 days", he said.

I shrugged. "Well it tastes expired".

Like Calvin and his cologne, dad didn't believe me. He proceeded to open the bottle and drink the milk.

"There's something wrong with your taste buds sweetie. This milk is fine", he said.

"That milk is repulsive! It tastes like mold!"

"Try it again", he suggested.

"No thanks", I said. "Can I have my corn flakes back?"


I didn't stay in the kitchen for long, mostly because I needed to go into the bathroom once again. When I returned to the room, I spotted the book Riley had brought to me just the previous night. My brain immediately became engrossed with thoughts of Riley.

I didn't know where he was. He'd said he'd come to say goodbye, which meant he was going somewhere. He'd left before I could ask him all the questions I wanted to.

I picked up the book and curled up on the bed to finish it. As I turned onto the last page, my phone rang.

"Cass", I answered.

"Hey. It's Matt", the caller said.

There was silence. Was he expecting me to say something? I had no idea what to say, especially when I remembered the last thing he'd said to me the previous night.

"So, I was wondering...how are you?" he said finally.

"I'm okay", I said briefly.

"That's good to hear. I was worried about you", he said.

"You have nothing to worry about".

"Have you...heard from Riley?" he asked.

"No", I lied.

"That's good".

Was it?

"I was hoping we could hang out today; talk about...things", he said.

"Umm...I can't. Dad was kind of um...pissed off about last night, so I'm grounded", I lied.

"That's a bummer. I was hoping to see you", he said.

"Yeah...sucks", I said halfheartedly.

"I guess I'll see you some other time", he said.

"Yeah", I said and hung up.

Looking at my cellphone, I sighed. Matt's confession hadn't sunk in, mostly because of everything that had happened with Riley. He hadn't said he had fallen head over sneakers in love with me, but he'd said I was his target, which meant he felt something. He wasn't talking about friendship, he was talking about something more.

I'd gone most of high school thinking he was a player and a jerk. Lately I knew he could be caring. Even so, I couldn't think of us as more than friends.

My heart was somewhere else.   

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