TA 35

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Riley's POV

My eyes shot open. It took a while for me to take in my surroundings, but my eyes finally adjusted to the light. I was in my room, lying on the bed. I tried moving and realized there was foreign weight on me. Mandy was sleeping peacefully, her head on my shoulder and her hand across my stomach. I realized something else too, underneath the sheets, I was naked.

I wasn't...I hadn't... No, I couldn't have!

Surprisingly, I couldn't remember anything. That didn't matter; I had to do something urgently. I moved slowly off the bed, careful not to wake Mandy. I dressed quickly. It seemed I had slept till early morning the next day.

I tiptoed out of the room and down a few steps. I instantly transmitted myself outside the castle, on the other side, where a few meters away from me, my mother lay in her own filth. I entered the house carefully, in case she wasn't alone.

She wasn't singing this time. She was talking to herself, weirdly peacefully. She didn't see me walk in. I crouched to her level.

"Margaret" I said quietly.

She looked up and broke into a grin. "Riley! You are here!" she said. Her expression suddenly turned into sadness. "You are here".

"I need your help" I said quickly. There was no time to waste.

"What help could I possibly give you?" she asked, clearly. It was like her senses had suddenly returned to her. "What could I, daughter of Stephanie help you with? Do you remember Stephanie? Oh, I do. Bloody excuse for a mother! Remind me a few days from now, I'll show you Stephanie. Stephy, Stephy, bloody Stephanie...and then there was Anna. Did I tell you how much I hate Anna?" she rambled. I spoke too soon.

"Mom, listen!" I said sternly.

"...Mom? Mom...you said mom. Wait, who are you?" she asked. Her hand went to touch my face. I backed away. "Who are you?!"

"Riley!" I hadn't meant to shout, but I was getting frustrated. One minute she recognized me and the next she didn't.

"Don't shout! Don't shout! Don't shout!" she shouted hysterically, covering her ears.

I looked at her for some time. She had completely lost it. It seemed she got worse as the days went by. A lone drop escaped. I wiped at it, but tears came rushing in torrents. Sitting there in her own filth was a woman who had given birth to me. I had not spent much time with her, but I felt a connection. I wanted badly to tell her everything would be okay, but I couldn't. There was something I could for her, however.

"Are you crying?" she asked timidly.

"Mom, I don't want to awaken the Darkeners. I don't want to be a Darkener. Right now I can only think about Casey and I want to go back. I just...I got rejected last night and that made me realize I don't really want to be here. I want to go home; I want to see Casey again. I'm leaving and I'd like for you to leave with me," I laid it all out.

I couldn't tell if she understood what I was saying. The silence in the room was becoming unbearable.

"Mom?" I enquired.

"You aren't joking, are you?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"You chose light....you chose light!" she shrieked happily. "You don't know how happy I am".

"We have to go", I said quickly. "Dad and Miguel are gonna wake up soon and they are going to try and stop me".

"Go to the real world...? I...I...no, you go", she said.

"You cannot stay here. Look at you", I said.

She scratched her arm. "I'm dead Riley. I died a long time ago. Nothing lives inside of me".

"Where's your family? Surely they miss you".

"Stephanie? That bloody excuse for a mother? Oh Stephanie...whatever dad saw in her? Stephanie drained me, her own flesh and blood. Then came Anna who dad loved dearly. What did the little brat have that I didn't? Isandro rescued me. He was so caring and wonderful. Riley, go!" she said.

"Mom, please", I begged. I thought of something useful. "I met Harry Cornwall".

Her eyes lit up. "What? How...?"

"He wrote a book about you which happened to fall into my hands. He's still alive and I know where he is".

Mom was dumbfounded.

"He is single", I tried again.

She shook her head. I yanked the chains, breaking them in the process.

"I'll be back for you. I just have to do one more thing", I said.

A few minutes later, I walked into my room. I hoped Mandy was in the room as I took each soundless step. I had to get out of there fast, before I changed my mind.

I opened the door slowly. Mandy was sitting on the bed, looking at her nails.

"I was wondering where you were", she purred.

"Look, we don't have time. We have to go", I said quickly, grabbing her by the hand.

"Where are we going?" she asked, resisting.

"...To the real world, where you'll live like a normal girl, where you will become a doctor like you want to. I cannot awaken them", I said in hushed tones.

"What...?! Why?" she asked.

I couldn't hide my shock. "What do you mean "what?"? Don't you want to go back?" I asked, letting go of her hand.

"No!" she was quick in her response. "I like it here, I'm like a princess".

"Are you insane? Do you know what all these people around you are capable of doing to you?" I asked.

"Yes, but they won't do anything to me. I am the chosen one", she said.

I couldn't believe my ears. "Mandy! That doesn't matter if I'm not here, now are you coming with or not?"

She shrugged lightly.

"Mandy, we don't have time. Whatever dad told you about your life here is all a lie! We need to go", I said.

She stood rooted to her spot. I frowned. I didn't have time for that.

"I'm leaving without you", I warned.

There was no reaction, she just sat there. I instantly transmitted right before her eyes. This time I transmitted right into the abandoned house.

"Mom it's time to go", I said.

"Riley I don't belong..."

"I'm an Awakener and I don't belong in the human world and guess where I'm going? Mom, I'm not leaving you here, not after everything you risked", I said.

I held on to her hand, ignoring the dirt that swamped on me immediately. Focusing my mind, I instantly transmitted to my house, my adoptive mom's house. She wasn't home. It looked like she hadn't graced the place since I scared her into leaving.

Mom blinked more times than necessary.

"Riley, I told you I..." she said and I cut her off.

"You need to take a bath and put on some new clothes. I'll be back with some clothes that will at least fit you. Don't run away mom", I said.

I returned shortly afterwards. Mom was in the bathroom. I put down the clothes I had "collected" for her at the door.

"Your clothes are here. I'll be in the living room", I shouted.

I sprawled on the couch in the living room, trying not to think of Mandy. In my fit of impatience, I had left her in Lands of Azuria. She had seemed adamant to stay and I lacked the patience to convince her otherwise. I just couldn't understand why she'd want to stay.

"How do I look?" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned to see mom. She wasn't properly clean, her hair still had knots, but at least the smell was gone and her face was clear now.

"You look...fine", I said.

"You are brave", she said suddenly.

"For saying you are fine? Women", I said shaking my head.

"No, no. You left Lands of Azuria, denying Darkeners what they want. They'll never stop looking", she said.

"I take after you", I said.

She smiled, "I don't think so".

"You defied Isandro and ran away too. You gave me to a complete stranger. You are brave mom", I said.

"If you say so", she chuckled.

Chapter 25

Casey's POV

When I left Matt's house it was late in the evening. Luckily dad had lent me his car to go there. I parked the car on the driveway and went into the house.

Calvin was on the phone, and seconds into being there with him, I was already annoyed. I tried not to listen, but bits of his conversation entered my ears. He was on call to his girlfriend Samantha, who not so long ago I would swear was named Vanessa. For some reason other than Calvin being his inconsiderate self, I was irritable.

"Oh baby, come on, you know I love you more", he said into the phone, looking all wounded. He made me move a little to the left of the couch so he could sit. "No, I love you the most".

Seriously? How corny!!

"Yes, you love Vanessa or Samantha the most, now can you go talk in your room?" I said.

"Oh no, my little brother", Calvin said into his phone.

"That's it!" I said and hit him on the head with a cushion.

"Ouch!!" he said, staring daggers at me. "Look babe, I'll call you in a few minutes".

He fully turned to me. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing", I retorted.

"You walked in here looking all grumpy. If I didn't know better I'd think you are PMSing", he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Go call Vanessa, in your room!"

"Samantha", he corrected.


"Where is Riley when I need him?" he said. "Only he can deal with your moods".

Riley? Great! Just one more person I wanted to murder with my bare hands. I groaned and stood up. I was about to walk out when dad walked into the room.

"Have you heard about your friend Mandy?" he asked.

"What about her?"

"Cass, Mandy is missing", he said.

"What do you mean?"

"She's been missing for 2 days now. She just...vanished. She didn't take anything", he replied.

"But...how come no one said anything to me?"

"I only just found out. Apparently her mom thought her dad had taken her", he said. "I take it you don't know where she is?"

"Of course not!" I snapped.

"What's wrong with you? Anyway, I'm meeting Harry right now. I'll be back in a few minutes", dad said. "Calvin, look after your brother".

"Aye aye captain" Calvin said.

"No need to look after me. I'm going to bed", I said.

I climbed the stairs to my room, my pace slowing down with every height I gained. I made it to my room in one piece.

I climbed onto the bed and it jumped up and down. When it slowed down I lay down and looked at the ceiling.

Where was Mandy? Was she alive?

The ceiling suddenly became blurry and I knew I was falling asleep. I had no energy to change into my pajamas so I snuggled up and gave in. Soon enough, the tidal waves of sleep had dragged me with them.

I woke up to the sound of doors being closed harshly. At first I thought it was part of a dream I had no recollection of. I shut my eyes tightly and opened them. My room came into focus. Nothing seemed out of place. I heard a door being slammed shut just across the hall. What the hell was wrong with Calvin?

I heard heavy footsteps, then voices.

"Are you sure it was this one?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm not stupid you know"

"Does a madman tell you he is mad?"

"Are you calling me a madman?"

"If I am, what will you do about it?"

The voices were definitely manly and were inching closer to my door. The last voice had been so aggressive it made tiny droplets of sweat form on my face. Dad didn't say he was having friends over? Who the hell were those men?

I sat up just as the door opened.

"Told you I was sure", I heard a voice, right before I saw two men of great size.

One looked like a caveman, unshaven and all. The other was better-looking. They walked towards me and I cowered.

"Who are you?!" I shouted.

"That doesn't matter", the caveman said. His voice was as scary as he looked.

My hands started sweating.

"What are you doing here then?" I asked, my voice not faltering like I thought it would. "There is no money or valuables in this house".

"Oh, we are not here for money. We are here to get you", the better-looking guy said.

"...Kill him, you mean" the caveman said.

My eyes widened? Kill me? For what? My heart started beating so loud if it didn't escape my body, it would be a miracle. A thousand thoughts were running through my head. So this was it? I was going to die? ...After a mere 18 years?

"Kill him? I thought we were going to take him with us, so our Lord can do it himself! He won't believe he's dead", the better-looking guy protested.

"He will. We will take his body with us. Anyway, he will become less heavy".

"Actually, he..."

The caveman interrupted. "Shut up and hand me the dagger!"

I looked around me for any weapon I could find, but there was nothing. I looked at the window; right then would be the time to flee. I stood no chance against two men with a dagger and who knew what else.

"Think Cass, think!" I shouted in my head. If only I could distract them. Suddenly it occurred to me that I hadn't screamed. Why hadn't I screamed? Surely dad was there, he could hear me. Calvin was not a man, but he could help too.

I was about to scream when the better-looking guy said, "Karen, doesn't this all sound strange to you? I mean...he's a guy. There's no way he could be pregnant. Maybe we've got the wrong person. Maybe he has a...what do they call it? A doppelganger! A female one".

I nearly laughed. The caveman was named Karen?

Wait...what did he say about me being pregnant? This was a dream, right? My subconscious was playing on my fears again.

"It doesn't matter. Our Lord said this one. We are killing this one and taking the body to him. I don't care what he wants to do with it", Karen said.

"The order was to get him. What if our Lord wants to use him as a bargaining chip and we kill him?"

My lord...the words replayed over and over again. I could remember the man Riley had called Miguel uttering them. Whoever those men standing in my room were, they were connected to Riley.

"David, just hand me the dagger!" Karen said. He grinned when he noticed David just looking at him. "I won't kill him. I'll just give him some...battle wounds".

Fight or flight? Flight was the better option. I bolted to my window, but before I could open it, hands were wrapped around me from behind. The man positioned the dagger in front of my stomach and I could see its tip.

I had the urge to struggle but suppressed it. I could unwittingly send the dagger through my stomach.

"Get your filthy hands off him!" a voice like thunder demanded.

"Oh...what are you going to do?" Karen asked, laughter in his voice.

I couldn't see what was happening behind me but I heard blows and groans followed by a thud. Karen let me go and turned. I turned too. I could only make out a shadow tossing David to and fro.

Karen charged on the person only to be stopped in his tracks by a high-flying kick. He wasn't stunned for long, recovering himself to launch his dagger on his attacker. The shadowy figure was quick, dodging the attack to pin Karen's hands behind him. He managed to raise the hand clutching the dagger to Karen's throat. With a swift move, he moved the dagger across Karen's throat, severing his blood vessels. Karen gulped and the man let him go. He slumped to the ground.

I turned to the window, reprimanding myself for staying when I could have taken that opportunity to flee. Whoever the person now solely standing in my room was, he was just as much a stranger as Karen and David. He could be there to kill me too. Maybe it was a game of who got me first.

"Don't", the person said.

"Who are you?" I shouted.

"I come in peace", he said removing his hood, revealing a good-looking man in his early fifties. He had brown hair and equally-brown eyes. "My name is Andrew Mann".

"His name is Karen...was Karen and that's David", I said pointing at the bodies of the other men in the room. "Telling me your name doesn't tell me anything".

He walked towards me and I backed away.

"I suppose I should start with something else. These men here are Darkeners. I am a Lightener. They were here to hurt you. I am here to protect you", he said.

"Whoa! Back up! Okay look; I don't know what this is, but you've got the wrong guy. Why would anyone be after me?" I said.

The man sighed and shook his head. "I don't know, maybe someone got it all wrong, but you are in danger; and that's a fact. Isandro Dark sees you as a threat and he's going to do everything possible to get rid of you".

"Who on earth is Isandro Dark?" I said.

"He is the current Prince of the Darkeners. The darkeners are..." he said and I interrupted.

"I know what they are", I said.

He didn't say anything. I didn't either. I knew all along that those men were Darkeners but that I had come face to face with them scared me. According to the book I'd read, they were evil creatures who fed on people's misery. To hear that the prince of the Darkeners saw me as a threat shocked me.

Andrew had a friendly face. Although obviously old, he seemed strong and quick. He'd managed to take down a large man such as Karen. He could be just as dangerous as the Darkeners, but somehow I felt I could trust him.

"Okay...so what now?" I asked.

"We should get you to a safe place. Come with me. I'll explain things in detail to you when you are safe".

He extended his hand and I took it.   

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