TA 39

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The news that Casey was pregnant caught me off guard. Sure Isandro had told me I had a child with someone who wasn't the chosen one, but I didn't believe that to be true. I didn't least of all expect Casey to be pregnant. It was supposed to be biologically impossible for him to be pregnant.

Even though I was shocked at the news, I shoved my shock to the back of my mind and focused on making sure Casey was okay. My feelings and reactions didn't matter. Casey was priority to me. Not only had I put him in that situation, I'd put him in danger too. I felt guilty, rightly so. I was also concerned about him.

Sleeping with him hadn't been a mistake. I knew I felt something for him the day we kissed in his kitchen. Our feelings had slowly brewed, disguised by our friendship till they bubbled to the surface. When they did, it was the most beautiful thing. Their beauty was marred by the things that followed, but hopefully they could reclaim that beauty back.

As I looked at him from across the living room, I knew I wanted that beauty back. I wanted to see him smile again, kiss him, make love to him. I wanted to make him happy.

I hadn't gotten to talk to him about that yet. There was no need to overwhelm him. Earlier he'd cried in my arms, accepting that he was pregnant. We'd stood like that for a while, until Andrew called us for a meeting.

His fellow Lighteners were back from their trip – grocery shopping. There was Shalien, a woman in her fifties with long grey hair and Derek, a young man in his twenties. Shalien and Derek were chosen by Cairo in dreams and the Darkener secrets revealed to them. They unlike Andrew did not produce the chosen one, though it was theorized that Derek's future daughter might be the chosen one.

Mom and Andrew seemed to have made up.

"...I think Cass's pregnancy is exactly what we need. However, that means he and the baby are in danger. Isandro already knows his target. The safest place you could be is here. If you go back home...going home is a bad idea. Your parents and brother will be safe. The Darkeners will not dare harm them, that would destroy the peace treaty", Andrew was saying.

"We will protect you with our lives", Derek added.

"What about Riley?" Shalien asked looking straight at me.

"What about me?"

"You are part Darkener, part Lightener. That means those aspects will be fighting against each other. If you lose control..."

I interrupted harshly. "You think I'd hurt Casey?!"

"It's possible", Shalien stood her ground.

She hadn't taken kindly to me since she met me. When Andrew explained to them what had happened at Lands of Azuria and my choice, she was skeptical. I could tell she believed I was only pretending so I could get close to Casey and kill him once their backs were turned.

"If I wanted to kill Casey, I wouldn't wait for an opportunity. I am full Awakener, which means full powers. I'd take you out right now if I wanted to. I..." I said, enunciating every word.

"Riley", Andrew warned and turned to Shalien. "Look Shalien, Riley rejects the Darkener ways. What do you think will happen if we reject him too?"

Shalien stayed quiet.

"I guess we are all in favor of everyone staying here. Another pressing issue is: Cass is male, meaning we have absolutely no idea how the whole pregnancy is supposed to be like", Andrew said.

"Cairo gave clues, Cairo will probably provide", Derek said. He was one hell of a laid-back guy. It was a wonder he survived with the old Shalien and my by-the-book grandfather.

"What if Cairo doesn't provide?" Casey spoke for the first time in that meeting. His voice was a bit shaky and skeptical.

"Then we'll find ways", Andrew said.

"How? Is any of you a doctor by in chance? You know, in case I... I mean, I can't even go to a doctor. They'll probably have a heart attack if they see me. What am I supposed to do? Just sit here and..." Casey said and went quiet. I could see from his facial expression that he was scared.

I wanted to comfort him. I wanted to sit next to him, but with the company we had, I didn't move a muscle.

"I know you are scared, but right now this is all we can provide. If you go out there you might as well just hand yourself over to Isandro", Andrew said.

"So either way I'm screwed," Casey said.

"Can we eat now? I'm hungry", Derek said suddenly.


"Did you sort things out?"

"Things are a little shaky, but we are taking steps."

"Still not a good idea coming here?"

Mom smiled, "Beats being chained up any day. It's sad that Stephanie passed away though, would have liked to see her".

I smiled too. "Goodnight mom".

After Derek had mentioned his hunger, we'd decided that it was time to eat. The conversation had been going a little back and forth. I could tell the others were uncomfortable hearing about Casey's fears because they had no answers for him.

After dinner we had decide to call it a night. The cabin had two bedrooms, so it was decided the women would take one bedroom and Casey would take the other. Andrew, Derek and I would sleep in the living room.

I had just spoken to mom before she walked over to the bedroom, leaving me standing in the passage. I was about to walk away when the door to Casey's room opened. He'd gone in there a few minutes before.

"Goodnight", I said smiling a little.

There was some silence before he said, "I don't wanna be alone".

I was caught a little off guard. "Um...I...we can stay up a bit longer", I said.

He shook his head. "What I mean is, I don't want to sleep in this room alone".

"I could...err...ask..."

"Are you running away from me?"

"No, no. I..."

"How much more obvious can I be?" he said and added quickly, "Unless you don't want to...and that's fine."

"I want to...I just...I wasn't sure you..." I said and stopped talking.

He didn't say anything. He just looked down as if he was afraid the idea of needing company made him less of a guy. I could tell it had taken much for him to admit that.

"I'll stay with you for as long as you want", I said, injecting some cheer in my voice to dispel the awkwardness.

He shook his head quickly. "You don't have to if you don't want to. No...you don't have to just because you have to protect me. I want...I want a friend, not a bodyguard".

"Casey, I want to", I said clearly.

"Um...Okay", he said and opened the door wider.

I stepped in, but let him take the lead. I didn't want to impose on his space and make him feel even more vulnerable than he was. If he decided he needed me to sit on the floor, that is what I would do.

"It's a little dark in here. I could ask Andrew..." I said and he interrupted.

"No. It's better this way", he said. "You can sit on the bed".

I sat on the bed, noticing painfully how different things were. I normally didn't need permission whenever I was with Casey. I did whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Things were different now, painfully so.

Casey sat on the bed too. There was silence.

"My dad must be really worried", he broke it. He sounded really sad.

"Knowing Philip Stone, he's called the CIA by now", I said and regretted it. Casey was really down and I was joking about it.

"...And Calvin..." he said and broke down. "I bet they are just going crazy and...can't I just send them a note or something?"

My heart broke. Casey had tried to be strong and now he just couldn't anymore. I closed the distance between us and pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm sorry baby", I said sincerely.

"Maybe my dad will understand and..." he said brokenly. His sobs were louder now.

I hugged him tight, feeling his heart beat against mine. I wished with all my heart that I could give Casey what he wanted. I wished things were different. It tore my heart to see him like that, to hear the sorrow in his voice. My heart painfully contracted.

"I'm so so sorry", I whispered against his hair. My pain reflected on my face, with the first tears falling. "Casey I never meant for this to happen. If I could take it back I would".

His head emerged. "If you took it back you would be a full Darkener, right? This...this is not all bad". He tried to smile and miserably failed.

"I never ever want to hurt you again", I said.

He sniffed. "Not seeing my family, not knowing when I'll see them – if I'll see them, is painful, but something good came out of this". This time he managed to smile.

"You don't hate me?" I asked tentatively.

"I was mad at you. I was livid. I was...I never hated you. I believe the guy I love is still in there", he said and put his hand where my heart was supposed to be. "I don't hate you".

I toweled his cheek with my hand and we moved further onto the bed so we could lie on it.

"I love you", I blurted.

He didn't say anything.

"I know it's hard to believe with everything that's happened, and me being what I am, but I really do love you Casey. That time I told you, I wasn't trying to get into your pants. I admit, I only told you because you were going to leave. I couldn't stand the sight of you leaving. When you were there, everything in me was calm", I admitted.

It felt good getting it all off my chest. I hadn't planned on saying all that, not wanting to complicate things further, but the moment had presented itself.

"Can I trust you?" he asked softly.

"Of course", I said.

"Riley I'm serious. I am asking you for complete honesty right now. Can I trust you? I'm not asking you if you love me, I believe that you do. I'm asking you if...if the good in you is enough, if you won't try to hurt us"

"I will not do anything to hurt you or...our baby. I left Lands of Azuria without any doubts where I stand. I've grown up here long enough to believe that as faulty as humans are, they don't deserve to be extinct. You are crazy and deserve to be happy", I replied.

Casey laced his hand with mine and squeezed.

"We'll get through this together, okay?" I said.

"I am moody and eat a lot. You've been warned", he said. "I also like the smell of you, so be prepared to cuddle every second of every day if you want a healthy baby".

"Doesn't sound like anything's changed", I joked and wrapped my arm around him.

"I also like dry cornflakes", he said.

"Well, tell Riley Jr not to worry. Daddy has special skills. I'll get you as many dry cornflakes as you want", I said.

He chuckled. "Kiss me", he ordered softly.


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