Chapter 1 Shuichi Saihara

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A loud noise filled my ears. It sounded like a long, never-ending beep as I opened my eyes just to find myself in a hospital bed. Who am I? What's going on?

A woman in a white cloak walked up to my side and softly explained with a worried expression, "Shuichi Saihara, one of the three survivors of the fifty-third and possibly last killing game hosted by Team Danganronpa."

The memories, dear god, they all were rushing back now. The hours I would spend watching the show, signing up for an audition, the killing game itself. My face wet with tears, crying in disbelief, as questions filled my confused mind.

Why didn't I kill anyone? Where is everyone else? Danganronpa is over? My head was conflicting with itself like I had been infected by the character I played as. The character that ended my obsession. Is this how everyone else felt?

The other questions... Where was Maki? Himiko? Everyone knew about the specially designed Team Danganronpa hospital created for the players. Even though I had never been here before, I knew this place by heart. To the right of me was a window and I instantly knew what floor I was even on.

Floor 4, in the final six. The nurse who had triggered all this had already left... Why was I left with the memories of the fake Shuichi Saihara? All the characters from the previous games weren't restored their memories, even after they reacted to their featured killing game season.

Why then? Why was this so different? I didn't feel like myself. Why was the fifty-third cast the only cast to figure out we were in a show? It was always the usual that the attendees have only the memories of Danganronpa erased. But the more my thoughts tried to settle the more it refused to.

Those who had auditioned really did need to have the talents they said they possessed; that was never altered. So I was considered good enough of a detective to make it into Danganronpa as one. Kaede must've been a good pianist, and Kirumi a good maid.

My mind buzzed as more things entered my head. Was my uncle waiting for me at home? No.. I live by myself. My uncle wasn't really there, just another fake memory created by Danganronpa. It was like I was almost becoming one with the fake me. My memories from before the killing game fusing with my current ones.

A few hours passed with similarly confusing thoughts before I was discharged from the hospital. So that the participants wouldn't go insane, I remembered. That's why the memories of the killing game were removed. So they wouldn't have to come to terms with that. Being able to blame it all on some persona the game created. Yet in this case, a new persona had literally been created but it didn't leave. I still somehow had vivid memories of the killing game.

I guess I wasn't lucky? No, luck had nothing to do with this. Something went wrong... was it because this was the last season? I was still amazed by that. Fifty-three years... after so long and it just ends? Even after leaving the hospital, I had no idea where to go. My head still hurt.

I was simply walking mindlessly around a city I grew to not know. Where was my home? Why couldn't I remember that?

Hours, hours, more I must've walked miles. Was this my life now, walking forever until I starve or die of thirst? Of course, I could never go on forever. My legs would give out if I did that. So I would sit down at a nearby bench.

Not a time in my life did I feel more lonely, so I talked to myself. Yeah, that sounds creepy, but what else was I supposed to do? Too many questions and not enough answers. Time had slowed down, the world faded away and the only thing existing were the benches I would sit down at when I felt at my last leg.

Even though it was pointless, I thought I might as well try to figure myself out.

First question. Who am I?

Well, that's the easiest question. Shuichi Saihara.

How old am I?

Assuming the game took a few months like it usually did, the falling leaves around me would indicate that September passed. I would be eighteen.

Alright doing good, I complimented myself. What are your family relations?

I have an uncle, my mom, an abandoned father... I shook my head. No need to get into specifics, I'll just drive myself insane. Besides, family relations shouldn't matter now when I don't have anyone here anymore. It's not important.

What do you feel about Danganronpa?

I loved Danganronpa. It seems ironic that I would end it. Thinking about it now, I could see why Shuichi Saihara would do that. After seeing his friends suffer from it. Not being able to know all of the other seasons and what despair really is.

Shuichi Saihara... really is a better me, but if he's fake, and I have his memories, look like him... does that mean I'm Shuichi Saihara? What does that mean?

Did Danganronpa make me a better person? Maybe that's why I still have the memories from the killing game. I'd do more good than bad with them. That's hopeful thinking. Something Shuichi would say.

But I guess I'll believe that for now.

Word Count: 913

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