Chapter 3 Maki Harukawa

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The sun shone a bit more brightly. I gripped Himiko's hand a bit tighter as my eyes adjusted to the light. "Alright... I have her location pulled up here. She was last seen only a few blocks from here." She showed enthusiasm.

I wondered if I would soon be like that. The hotel was behind us now, onto the greater things, "Where did you get all this money from. To afford that phone, a hotel room?" Curiosity pricked at me.

"Being short and cuter makes it easier... for the first few weeks, I begged on the streets and showed my magical abilities. I still did now until I saw you at the park." She yawned, "I've become famous in this area! What's what comes with being the Ultimate Mage I guess."

That made sense, "So are we just keeping our eyes out for her?"

"Yea, but she probably looks different than what she did in the killing game like you and I do." Wait.

"Do you remember anything before the killing game?"

"I think my mind just resorted to Himiko's memories. More recent. Easier to manage. " She looked more unsure, but it was so admirable to see her move on so easily.

"Nevermind, let's just look for Maki." I tried to continue on, heading around the city. It hadn't even been that long, we were asking strangers if they had seen her but everyone was ignoring us.

"Wait out here I'll be right back." We were both tired and hot after looking for a couple of hours. I didn't want to leave Himiko's side. She was the only one in this world who could understand what happened. What happened in the killing game. I sat down against a wall and waited anyways, not wanting to argue.

The crowds thickened as I started to worry. I look hardly recognizable now. I hugged my knees to my chest. My heart leaped as Himiko came out with quite a bit of food and a few water bottles, even a messenger bag. "How did you?" She tossed me a bottle and started chewing on a granola bar.

"It wasn't easy I'll tell you. I used a lot of mana, but at least now we won't starve." She sat next to me, "No sign of her?" I shook my head and watched the legs of the people walk around us.

"Look, her location's updated!" her eyes widened.

"Where is she?"

Himiko shot up with newfound energy, "She's not far!" She pulled my hand.

"I-I'm coming!" I stood up and ran in her direction, still holding a hard grip on the bottle she had tossed to me. You see, she had let go of my hand, "Wait!" No, I couldn't get lost here... I was keeping an eye on her, disappearing from sight sometimes which I couldn't handle.

"Himiko wait!" She wouldn't slow down. The crowds became denser as I lost sight of her again. I finally went to a clearing. "Himiko?" I called again, but nobody came. She left me.


Who was that just now? The girl who just passed me? They weren't Himiko, too tall to be. I didn't catch her face but her long tails strode behind her, "Hey!" I called. Thankfully, she stopped and turned around.

"... You are?" the taller girl couldn't hide the relief behind her usual attitude.

"Shuichi Saihara," What if... no this was definitely her.

"Shuichi?" She was in utter shock and embraced me, "What the hell? Where're the others, Himiko, Kaito?" She was shaking my shoulders.

"Stop please." I forced her back. "Sorry, Himiko ran off looking for you and we don't know where anyone else is."

"There you are Shu- Makiroll! You found her Shuichi!" She cheered. The crowd was clumping again.

I searched around before spotting another clearing from a distance, "Look, over there." I pointed, "G-get out of this crowd right?"

Himiko clung to me, "Nyeehh, I've already lost Angie, and Tenko I couldn't lose you too!" Maki pried her off of me.

"Come on, let's get to the side." She pulled us with her and we all made it there in one piece, "So, what happened?" She demanded.

I didn't know much about this Maki; what were her motives for joining the killing game? "I don't really know what happened myself, I woke up and I'm somehow remembering the killing game, I thought that wasn't supposed to happen?"

"No it wasn't we already know something's not right but that's just what we're trying to figure out. Himiko and I thought maybe we should reunite everyone. Then we can help each other out."

"We don't even know what anyone else remembers. We have something in common." I was thinking, the memories from binging the many different seasons of Danganronpa, solving the many murder cases in the other seasons helping me. "We are all the survivors, and we stopped Danganronpa from continuing."

Himiko and Maki were looking at me, "Were you just..."

"I'm a bit- was obsessed with Danganronpa. I don't understand. Why would Shuichi-"

"So you're a fanboy." Maki understood. Yeah, I was Danganronpa's biggest fan, but a fanboy? I took offense to that.

"I knew all the seasons, line by line, it was my lifeblood..." I trembled, "It's over. Gone."

"I mean both of us aren't any better, we signed up for Danganronpa, finding interest in it. But... It's hard knowing what it meant. Remembering all the real lives we tried to destroy." Maki continued.

"Well, I'm just going to state the obvious, we are all conflicted... Maybe this was a punishment for destroying Team Danganronpa's franchise? Remembering the memories of the fifty-third killing game to mess with our minds." Himiko suggested.

Maki blinked, "Do any of you have any food or water?" She asked wearily. She was handed a protein bar from the shortest of us. It caught my eyes. I was still holding the water bottle I was handed earlier. I chugged it.

"Shuichi that can't be healthy."

"I don't care!" I said bluntly, "We need to find more people."

"Though we should also rest before we do, Shuichi's right. You two probably wasted energy looking for me." Maki squinted her eyes.

"Maki it wasn't wasted!" I was sure. Yeah, no way Maki would usually say that.

"Yes. I know, but we still need to regain it; find an alley to camp out in." Wait she was dragging us... "I've done this before." She told us.

A small alley we were hiding out in now. Himiko was searching on her phone for more of the students' locations. "Have you found anyone else?" Maki asked her.

She shook her head, "No, I can't find anyone, and we're running out of granola bars." She motioned to her messenger bag. We were huddled next to each other, Maki's orders, not mine. To preserve heat and all that. There was nothing to make a shelter, and it was getting dark. Not to mention no one had enough money to get a place to stay for the night.

"You two sleep, I'll keep watch. If anyone asks, we're a poor family, if they recognize us, we run, understand?" Maki had her eyes on me again. "Actually, Shuichi, I need to talk to you." She said.

"What is it?"


"I know, I do too." My head sunk.

"Also, what did you say about Danganronpa?"

"It's true. I'm so confused. It feels like I lived through a character's shoes, getting to see a show before it aired, but that's exactly what happened." I covered my face, "I miss them, I miss Danganronpa."

"It's gone. What am I going for? These people I only know as their characters from a surreal experience? "Yes, I'm Shuichi Saihara, I'm real. I'm here." I calmed down.

Maki was probably worried about how I was talking to myself. "How long have you been awake?"

"I-I think about half a week." I closed my eyes. I need to sleep anyway. Tomorrow would be better. "Y-you?"

"A bit more than a week now." She leaned against me.

I mumbled, "Maki?" She looked at me with suspicion. "What are we going to do? Without Kaito?"

"Hope we find him soon."

"Yeah, I know." I yawned and fell against the wall of the alley.

She's on our side.

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