Chapter 5- First Mistake

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Kyle's POV
The other night at my house with Stan went great. I was finally able to call him mine. That's all that I could think about. Holly was going to hate it, and I was gonna watch her get pissed and feed right off it. Little deep huh? Too bad. I'm happy and that's all that matters. Stan's happy too, I've noticed his good mood lately and the positivity he's encountered. It's a good change to see, considering for the past few months whenever I'm alone with him that's the only time he's truly happy.

We won't get judged, or at least we shouldn't. Craig and Tweek are gay together. Kenny's bi and so is Clyde. I hated having to go to school without knowing Stan'd be there, I'm good at school but Stan makes it better, he makes it less boring. Like when he bites his bottom lip in physics class and looks at me while doing it. Then he'll smirk once he knows I'm turned on. That smirk of his is a gift made for him and him only. He knows just how to do it. He came by the next morning before I had to leave for school. He came over early, 5:30 AM. When he got to the door he grabbed me and closed the door by pushing me up against it. That's what made my tired self wake up completely.

How the hell did he have this type of energy this early in the morning? It didn't bother me in any way though. I loved when Stan caught me off guard, kissing me so intensely and passionately. He helped me get ready after kissing me at the door for 2 minutes. Stan made me breakfast and cleaned up the house a little bit. When I got downstairs to eat, I was amazed. He was a fast but thorough cleaner. "You didn't have to do all this." I smiled walking into the kitchen. "It's no big deal." he replied sipping his coffee. It was 6:10, the bus came at 6:15.

"I gotta go." I picked up my backpack from one of the barstools and slung it over my shoulder. "Or..." Stan took my backpack off my shoulder, "I could drive you, so then we'd have a little extra time" I really didn't want to be late but he was irresistible. "When I get home okay?" I tied my black sneakers, Stan got me a new pair a few weeks ago after his dog Sparky destroyed them. "Fine, lets go." Stan opened the door for me and headed out to his car. The way there was talkative.

"You think anyone's gonna talk to me about what happened?" I asked Stan. "Most likely. Kenny's nosy so he'll wanna know." Stan focused on the road. "What do you want me to tell them?" "I don't care, if you don't want anyone to know it's fine." Stan answered. I didn't care what anyone thought and I wasn't embarrassed to be dating Stan, how could I? It's the best thing I thought would never happen to me. But I wasn't up for questions, if my mom found out, she'd flip out on me. She always told me being gay was a sin, I guess if you're religious it is. Since I'm Jewish it is against my religion. I'm happy so at this point I don't care. But it's not like I have a choice, my mom could never find out, hiding it was most likely my only choice if I wanted to live regularly.

I didn't have enough money to live on my own or do anything for myself. I relied on my parents for financial support. I can't afford my own apartment or house, I can't pay for my own phone. It's just not that easy. Stan probably didn't want his parents knowing either, but he wouldn't care. He's the kind of guy that would live on the streets to be with me. That's Stan.

"Pick me up after school?" I asked changing the subject. Stan drove into the drop off line, "Yeah, I'll be here at 2 at the front doors." "Okay." I smiled. He looked out at the window on his side of the car. "Hey." I tried getting his attention, hoping to make him turn his head. He turned my way, getting the surprise of my lips on his. He kissed back holding the side of my face with the hand not resting on the steering wheel. "I love you." Stan said against my lips. "I love you more." I hopped out of the car and walked across the other side to the building doors. Not a minute into my first period I got Kenny up my ass with questions.

"So what happened in the principals office?" Question number 2. "Stan got suspended for a week." I replied opening up my english binder. "You think Tyler's gonna go after him when he's healed?" Kenny asked me. "I don't know, maybe. Stan can handle himself." my eyes stayed on my binder as I pulled out the homework. The rest of the day went by quicker than I'd expected. It was what happened 2 weeks later that I didn't expect.

It was the beginning of the day. Stan wasn't suspended anymore, but he caught a small cold so he was home. Just as Mr. Bennerd asked us all to pass the homework forward, 4 guys flung the door open, "Is Kyle Broflovski in this class?" One guy asked Mr. Bennerd. "Yes, but if you have business with him you'll have to deal with it after cl-" The boys looked at the rest of the class. "That's him! The redhead!" another guy pointed to me. "Is there a problem boys?" Mr. Bennerd asked. The boys headed toward me, I stood up backing away a little.

"Tell your boyfriend that when Tyler gets out of the hospital he's gonna kick his ass! He gave him a concussion!" The guy who talked to Mr. Bennerd got in my face. "Get the hell out of my face, asshole. He's not my boyfriend either." They could find out who my mom was, tell her I was dating Stan, and then I'd get kicked out of the house or beaten most likely. Next think I knew, the guy entered his fist into my stomach. My foot hit his dick and down that motherfucker went. "Holy shit, Broflovski! Who knew you had it in you!" Clyde slung an arm over my neck. "Alright let's go boys, back to your classes now!" Mr. Bennerd was also one of the football coaches, so of course he was loud.

I noticed Kenny on his phone, "I don't care just get down here! One of Tyler's friends punched Kyle in the stomach!" Kenny didn't even have the phone on speaker, whoever was on the other line just went on a full on rampage yelling threats and curse words. Sounded familiar but I couldn't match the face with the faint but loud voice we all heard. "Kyle do you need to see the nurse?" Mr. Bennerd asked walking over to me. "Yeah." I picked up my english binder and shoved it into my backpack. On my way to the nurse, Tyler's friends followed me. I arrived at the nurse with a sore stomach, bruised arms, and a massive headache. It felt like my heartbeat was in my head.

"Oh my gosh what happened to you?" Nurse Elle showed shock. "Couple of guys beat me up." I answered weakly. "Do you have someone to pick you up?" She had me lay down in one of the beds. "Yeah." I cringed in pain as I lay my head back on the pillow. Kenny texted me,

Kenny: Guess who's on his way?
Me: You told him?!
Kenny: Don't act mad, I was on the phone with him in class

I rolled my eyes then let them shut. Nurse Elle gave a couple ice packs and told me to take ibuprofen and get some rest when I got home. Although I knew I wouldn't be going home, I'd be going to Stan's. 5 minutes later, "Kyle, Stan Marsh is here to pick you up." "Okay thanks." I got up using the little amount of strength I had. The pain wasn't brutal but it was really bad. When Stan saw me he looked like someone broke his heart over and over again. He was wearing his signature brown coat and gray joggers. "C'mon." He put his arm around my waist and led me out to the car. His arm was comforting, his presence was comforting. All I wanted to do was take a nap and cuddle with him.

"Kenny told me what happened." Stan spoke in one of his famous annoyed-pissed off tones. "I know." I faced the passenger side window. Tyler didn't scare me and neither did his friends, even though they beat me up, they didn't scare me. 4 against one 1 never works unless you're Stan Marsh. "So you said I wasn't your boyfriend?" I knew that was coming. "I don't care what people think, you know that. But if my mom finds out she'll kick me out. I have to rely on them financially, I can't afford to live on my own." I explained. "So you want to hide it?" Stan asked. The way he asked I could tell he was annoyed.

"I wouldn't have anywhere else to go. Most of my family lives too far away for me to see you as much as I'd like to." I looked at him, he hardly looks at me when he's driving. I know he's pissed, but it's also safety first to keep eyes on the road at all times. "So everywhere we go we can't act like we're a couple? After all this time, you want to hide it?" We haven't been dating more than a month and there's already problems going on that weren't our faults. I sighed and just told him I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

He didn't drive to his house but to my own. His parents were at work and so were mine, Shelly was at school and so was Ike. All it was was the two of us and an empty house. Normally, I'd take advantage of this opportunity if I wasn't sore. Stan had me lay on the couch with ice packs on the spots where I was seriously hurt. I laid there for about a half hour, I'd fallen into a not so deep sleep.

When I awoke, Stan was covering me with a blanket, I was probably shivering in my sleep. "Stan?" "What?" He muttered, covering me up to the waist with the blanket. "Look at me." I said. He sighed and walked into the kitchen. Now I knew it was me to blame for his being upset. He had a cold but still made the effort to pick me up from school, take me back home and gave me stuff I needed to heal.

My headache had gone way down, I was still sore but could walk fine. I left the couch and made my way to the kitchen where I'd seen Stan walk into. "Look at me." I repeated. He leaned against the center counter in his dark gray joggers and royal blue Nike sweatshirt with the sleeves rolled up to where they were just covering his elbows. Once I took a step into the kitchen I didn't stop till I could feel his soft lips on mine.

My heart cried for love and no more hurt when he didn't kiss back or put his arms around me. When I pulled back to look at him he stared at me, intensely hurt. "Kiss me back." I whined a little, I let my hands stay on his shoulders. Stan sighed and looked down. I can't believe I hurt him, what I got earlier from Tyler's friends I deserved greatly.

"Stan...I.." He didn't look at me. "-baby." I placed my hand on the side of his face and moved in a little closer. Another exhale left his body and came out through his mouth. "You know I'd never hurt you on purpose." My voice drained out the reality of how sorry I was and filled his brain because he looked up with his blue eyes at last. His phone vibrated on the kitchen counter, "Mom's home, wondering where I am. I gotta go." That's when he made his move away from me. He tied his sneakers while sitting on the first stair.

"See you later." He stood up and headed for the door. "Stan don't be mad, I'm sorry." I wanted him to stay. His hand paused from turning the doorknob, he sped over and kissed me. 8 seconds later, "Didn't know if it'd be our last one for awhile, not like we can do it outside of our houses, right?" He didn't let me say anything, he just closed the door behind him and began his walk home.

It was the next day, a Friday. Kenny invited us both to his party. Stan avoided me all day, or at least I thought he was avoiding me. I didn't see him much of the day, only in homeroom. He said hi back when I said it first. We always walk home together. My house is closer to school. Much to my surprise, we did.

I was thinking of what was all going on. What was I thinking of in the first place? Stan was my whole world and now that I have him I didn't want anyone knowing? Well, it's not like that's the truth, I just didn't want my parents finding out. But at this point, I knew what I'd said and done was the stupidest thing I'd ever done. An apology wouldn't be enough even if he said it would be. He was silent most of the way home until his phone rang, "Hey dude." I snuck a quick glance at the caller ID, since when does Craig call him? Other than me, Craig was Stan's second best friend. They'd become pretty close after a few years. I didn't care, Stan always said I was his #1 and was irreplaceable. It occurred to me that might change after what I did.

"Yeah I'm going tonight...yeah Kyle's coming too...I don't know I'll ask." He moved the speaker end of the phone away from his mouth, "What time you wanna get there?" "I don't know, it starts at 7:30 Kenny said." I answered, he didn't sound mad at me, that was probably only because Craig was on the phone. Stan nodded and talked with Craig the whole way to my house, he hung up when we got to the front door. "Want me to pick you up at 7:30?" I offered. "Nah that's okay, I can just meet you there." He only glanced up from his phone for a brief second. He wasn't acting like himself. I can't be mad, but I was with myself. "Uh okay." I said. He was texting someone, I didn't see who though.

"Stan?" He looked up when he heard me say his name. I placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed him. He pulled away after 3 seconds or so, "Not too much, we're not in the clear I'm sure. See you tonight." He walked off. That was the second time he'd done that. I couldn't help but wonder how tonight was going to go. Nobody would care if we were gay, we have gay friends and gay couples at school. After an early dinner with my parents and Ike, I hurried up to my room to get ready. My parents were discussing politics, so I was practically falling asleep at the table. Ike and I both reflected the same tired, bored position across the table from each other.

I put on a black Adidas t-shirt with a gray zip up hoodie and medium blue jeans. I combed my hair, let it fall naturally, wavy, I'd let myself grow bangs like Stan except his bangs were swayed in front. His shiny raven hair always looked good on him. My mom was a little hesitant about letting me go to Kenny's party but my dad said I could go, so my mom finally agreed. My car was really warm for some reason, so I unzipped my sweatshirt a little and rolled down my window half way. When I turned onto Kenny's street, cars flooded the whole area from left to right. Some people even had to park on his front lawn. Kenny's parents finally got jobs, so their new house wasn't crappy like the one Kenny grew up in. It wasn't big but a good enough size for his family.

I saw Stan's car, and Craig's right next to it. I wasn't jealous of Craig. Nope, they were just good friends. That all changed after seeing them laughing and talking in the living room. Kenny was with me so he saw me staring, "Problem?" He asked. "No, no I'm fine." I assured him I was fine although I wasn't. I noticed the DJ finally getting set up, it was a boy I recognized from my Geometry class, he always asked me for help because I had an A in that class. Tweek saw me and said hi. I said hi back. "C'mon lets go talk with Craig." Over the years, Tweek finally cured his stuttering and constant jittering. He was cool now.

Craig saw Tweek and immediately hugged him. Kenny's new girlfriend was near where Craig and Stan were so he kissed her. Stan noticed me, "You been here long?" "No, I've been in the kitchen." I responded. He nodded. I moved closer to him and kissed his cheek quickly, he inched away from me slightly. "Alright that's it!" I locked my fingers around his wrist and led him up to the guest room.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I shut the door, correction, slammed. "Me? Oh I don't have a problem." He lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke. "Every time I go to kiss or hug you-" "I pull away because that's what you told me you wanted." After he stopped talking he rolled his eyes a little and inhaled more of his cigarette. "Oh you know damn well I never wanted to hide this!" I was getting louder, I hardly recognized myself at this moment. I don't usually get loud like this.

He saw an ashtray on the bedside table and put the cigarette in there, "I finally broke up with that bitch for you and this is how you want things to be? My parents would give me a load of shit too if they found out but you know what? I'd take it. Take it and not give a fuck because I want a future with you and want to be with you for the rest of my life. If you want that too then that's great, but I'm not gonna be in a relationship where I have to pretend I'm not in love with that person who has always had my back and never let me down. Then what happened? You changed, and I wanted to rip my fucking ears off when you wanted to keep things on the down low. I don't want a hidden relationship. I want to be able to show off my amazing boyfriend and show people how lucky I am. I am the luckiest person in the world. Nothing would've stopped me from grabbing that ring out of that douchebag's hand if he had one and proposing to you myself. But that fucker got on a table and asked me personally to throw his ass as far as I could,"

Speechless was what I was. I thought he was done but I was wrong. He walked toward me, "I don't care who likes you, they're not getting you because I've wanted this for too damn long and it's not getting fucked up by anyone. For a long time now, I've wanted you to be mine, and now that you are I can't stand hiding it," He paused and exhaled, "-you still love me?" I'm not a cryer, but there were a few silent tears dripping from my eyes. "I'd never stop loving you, I'm not going anywhere so don't worry." I jumped into his arms, him stumbling back but moving his lips with the rhythm I started in the kiss.

"Let's go." He set me down and opened the door letting me walk out first. When we got down the stairs, music was blaring and people were dancing and letting alcohol flood their bodies through their mouths. Stan took my hand and led me through the crowd of people, we found Craig and Tweek and Kenny and his girlfriend. Butters, Clyde, and Token were close by too. The girls were there. Holly was dancing with her friends that I recognized from my biology class. Stan noticed Holly and then glared deeply. I was dying to know what was happening in his head at that moment.

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