Chapter 9- Protectively Coincidental

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Kyle's POV
So this move to a new school just had to happen of course. Knowing I wasn't going to see Stan as much as I normally do broke me in ways I never knew could. Being near the person you fall in love with becomes a need, a more than simple priority to your everyday life. We were going to make it work though, so that's all that matters. We're both strong, we will make it work. We will. Not everyone thinks that relationships with somewhat of a long distance don't work, a half hour isn't so bad, right?

My last day was today so my friends and people from my classes who I worked with on projects throughout the year were coming up to me in the halls and in a few of my classes. A couple people who I knew had crushes on me were sad to hear I was leaving South Park High. Just as lunch ended, my Aunt Fiona sent me a text.

Aunt Fiona: My friend has a camp a few hours from our house, she invited us to go. Want to? There's a lot to do she said.

Me: Sure when are we going?

Aunt Fiona: When I pick you up we're going back home to pack and then leaving. It's really nice there, I think you'll like it, it's really nice. My friend has a son about your age I think and her sister has a friend who has a son about the same age too so you could hang out with them if you want.

Me: Okay see you then

I told Stan I was going camping when I got to our next class. He was there before I was. He asked how long for after I told him where it was. I hadn't even bothered to ask my aunt how long. She said I had a few weeks off before I start at my new school.

Me: How long are we going there for?

Aunt Fiona: 2 weeks, there's WiFi and phone service so you can FaceTime and text Stan as much as you want😉

2 weeks? Long ass time. I knew Stan would be upset, he didn't show it as much until the end of the day. He told me to meet him in the way back of the locker room 15 minutes before school ended. When I sat down on one of the benches, he grabbed both my hands and locked them with his, "You know I get really jealous and protective of you." He stated the flat out obvious. I nodded my head, "Nothing's gonna happen while I'm away." I held his face. He looked down. "There's WiFi and phone service so we can FaceTime and text whenever." He grinned and leaned in to kiss me. I could tell he felt a little better. My aunt texted me 10 minutes later.

Aunt Fiona: I'm out in front

Me: Okay

Stan walked me out. When we got to the sidewalk he grabbed me for one last kiss. He showed me how much he was gonna miss me and how much he loved me through that kiss. "I'll text you." I said, my face still cupped by his hands. "You better." He smiled. I turned around and started heading toward my aunt's car. When I was out toward the line of cars I stopped and turned when this was heard...


Another reason why I love Stan. When I turned around I smiled, "I LOVE YOU TOO!" I yelled back. One of my aunt's car windows was open so she heard everything. When I shut the passenger door after getting in my aunt smiled at me, "He really loves you huh?" "Yeah." I saw Stan walking to his truck. "You both are very lucky to have each other." She put the car in drive and headed for our house.

I packed what I needed into a suitcase and my large duffel bag since we're going for 2 weeks. We left after everything was packed in the car. My aunt and I were talking about Stan on the way there. How'd she know that was my favorite person/topic? "Stan's a really good guy, he really seems to care about you." She said making a turn onto the main highway. "Yeah, his parents are fine with us being together which is good." I was texting Stan and talking to her at the same time.

Me: My aunt was like "Stan's a really good guy, he really seems to care about you" lol ❤️

Stan: She's got that right😌

Me: Wyd?

Stan: In my room, listening to music

Me: Cool, this car ride is already too long

Stan: You've been on the road for how long? 15 maybe 20 mins? 😂😂

Me: Fuck off😂🖕🏼❤️

Stan: Lmao I miss you already

Me: I miss you more

Stan: Want you so bad rn ugh

Me: Me too 😔

Stan: 2 weeks huh?

Me: Mhm it sucks but I figured why not

Stan: My mom mentioned something about us going camping too, this weekend I guess

Me: That's cool, she say where?

Stan: Said it's far from here

Me: Helpful lmao

Stan: Lmao I know right

I put in earbuds and let my playlist shuffle. Lots of the songs I had saved made me think of Stan. We liked a lot of the same music. The ride there seemed longer than a few hours. 3 in reality to be exact. When we got there, a bunch of people were standing on a huge wooden deck talking, eating, and laughing. My aunt and I stepped out of the car and walked over to the crowd of people. "Fiona!" A woman came up to my aunt and hugged her. She looked around my aunt's age, 29. Most of the people looked like they were in their early 30's and late 20's. There were a couple teens too, my age I would've guessed.

"You must be Kyle! I'm Rachel." The woman stuck her hand out for me to shake which I did. "Hi, nice to meet you." I smiled. There was a loud crash heard from the cabin. "For god's sake what have they broken now?" Rachel hurried over to the cabin while my aunt and I followed. We got to the living room and saw that the flat screen TV had fallen off the wall. "I asked you to wait for me to help you put it up!" Rachel said to the boy standing there. He had dark brown hair. My age. "I'm not a child." The boy glared at Rachel. "This is my son Daniel." Rachel was dialing a number on her phone. My aunt and I waved. He waved back, smiling at me a little.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked Rachel. "Right through there." Rachel pointed toward a door behind the sectional couch that wasn't against the wall like the other one. When I came out my aunt showed me the room I was staying in. The cabin was huge, having my own room kicked ass. After getting settled in I texted Stan.

Kyle: We're here, cabin's big as fuck

Stan: Anyone our age there?

Kyle: Yeah my aunt's friend has a son, he broke the TV when we got here😬

Stan: Dumbass😂

My room door was open but Daniel still knocked. "Hey you're Kyle right?" "Yeah." "Sorry you had to meet my mom first, she's a bitch." He stood in the doorway. "It's fine, she seems nice." I continued to unpack my clothes into the dresser with the 32" TV on top. Daniel came in and sat on the small stool by the door. "So you live with Fiona?" He asked me. "Yeah, my parents are assholes." I rolled my eyes at the thought of them and what they did. "What'd they do?" "Tried keeping me hostage in my room because I told them I'm gay. My dad boarded up my windows." I explained, folding a shirt. "You're gay? Me too." He grinned at me. The problem was it wasn't just your average friendly grin. It was one surrounded by mischief and lust.

My phone was on the dresser with the home screen on display. It was a picture of me and Stan at his 17th birthday party. He had his arm around my shoulder and vice versa. I know we had around 3 drinks before Kenny took that picture. We had our middle fingers up and our tongues out. I still think it's a cute picture of us though. "That's your boyfriend I'm guessing." Daniel pointed to my phone. "Yeah" I nodded. "Cool, he's a lucky guy." That's when I froze for a second and looked at him. He smiled at me. That uncomfortable feeling planted itself back in my stomach. I didn't care for it. "Well I'll see you around, there's gonna be a big bonfire tonight." He headed out when I said okay. I was debating on telling Stan about what happened but I knew what would happen.

He wouldn't stop asking me for the address of the camp until I gave it to him, he'd drive up here and make a scene by kicking the absolute shit out of Daniel, and then we'd probably be asked to leave. He is really protective of me. It's fine with me, it shows he really loves me. I'm protective of him too but I try to keep my jealousy hidden as much as possible. The nap I took right before the bonfire was peaceful as hell. Stan had sent me a few texts 36 minutes before I woke up.

Stan: I'm leaving to go to that camp tomorrow, how's everything going?

Stan: Babe where are you??

Me: Sorry babe I was sleeping, everything's good. No worries.

Stan: Nobody's hit on you yet?

Me: Don't worry

Stan: Who tf hit on you

Me: Stan it's fine don't worry, that kid Daniel said you were lucky to have me is all

Stan: Nothing else?

Me: He gave me a mischievous smile after he said that and in my head I was like ew wtf

Stan: Let me know if you need me to come there

Me: I will, don't stress about it

Stan: Hard not too. I'm leaving now. I'll text you on the way there. I love you Ky

Me: I love you more

The bonfire was pretty fun. Lots of people were drunk off their asses. The amusement of it made me feel better from missing Stan. My Aunt Fiona was drunk but she was just really calm and giggly. Watching the scene of it all in front of my eyes drew back a memory of when me and Stan got drunk at Kenny's end of the school year party, our sophomore year had ended. Kenny had fixed our drinks for us, he makes that shit strong.

Out of nowhere, we started dancing, like really closely to each other. We were somewhat grinding on each other, it's still somewhat a blur. Kenny had told us that's what we were doing. I remembered most of the moment vaguely and so did Stan so we knew Kenny wasn't lying. We never ended up talking about it the morning after, we let it go like it was a regular thing to not be bothered with. Things were leading up to something more, even before we had our first kiss. There was the time I caught Stan mumbling my name in his sleep and telling me to marry him. I don't think he'd remember that if I brought it up. I assumed talking about it would make him feel uncomfortable, so I left it as a memory.

Daniel noticed me sitting in a camp chair on my phone. He sat in the one next to me. "Hey." "Hi." I briefly looked up from my phone. I was currently texting Kenny. He asked if Daniel tried to do something to me. "Can I show you something? It's really cool." He asked. "I guess, it beats sitting here." I stood up and followed him. The sun was going to set in an hour. He took me to the back of the cabin, a huge treehouse stood in the woods. "Cool huh? I used to come up here when I was little and play." He gazed at it happily. "Yeah it's pretty tall." I said observing it. "My dad built it for me before he left us. My guess is he built it for me to have something to remember him by. He always told me how much he wanted to leave my mom."

"Sorry to heat about that." "No big deal. I plan to go live with him once I turn 18, it's better than living with my mom." He walked closer to the treehouse. I nodded, he glanced over at me and laughed a little. "What?" I turned my head. "You're just really cute." He complimented. "Thanks." I crossed my arms from the chill that passed my body. "Your boyfriend would kill me if he knew what I wanted to do to you." "I'm loyal to him and he's loyal to me, it's always been that way and it's staying that way." That smirk he gave made me open my mouth. "How would your boyfriend even find out if we did anything?" He stepped closer to me.

"Nothing's gonna happen, you think cheating is okay?" I backed away. "It's not cheating if he doesn't know." He continued to invade my personal space. "Yes it is!" I began walking back to the bonfire. "I bet I can make you feel ten times better than that no good douche bag can." He walked up beside me. My fist never collided into anything so hard before. He held his nose in pain. "Dude what the hell is wrong with you?" The blood trickled it's way down and around the gaps of his fingers. My feet carried me all the way back to my bedroom I was staying in.

My phone buzzed.

                Stan😇😍😏- Missed Call (3)

Stan: My mom said we're leaving at 7 in the morning

Stan: Ky

Stan: Kyyyyy

Stan: Where's my other half? 😩😩

Me: Right here babe sorry a lot's going on

Stan: like?

Me: Don't freak out

Stan: What happened

Me: Daniel wanted to touch me

Stan: Address. Now.

Me: Stan I'll be okay I punched him in the nose

Stan: good but I still want the address

Me: I'll ask my aunt, I'm in my room

Stan: where is she?

Me: outside at the bonfire, I'll ask her when she comes back in and text you it.

He didn't reply back after that, I assumed he was pissed so I gave him his space. Daniel didn't come near me at all for the rest of the night. He's a fucking asshole. I'm sure nobody hated him more than Stan did. My aunt came in 15 minutes after I'd gotten into my room. "Everything alright? Daniel's our there with an ice pack over his nose." My aunt knocked first. "He tried to make me cheat on Stan with him." I replied while changing into a different shirt to sleep in. "He what?!" My aunt exclaimed surprisingly. I nodded and sighed. "Did you tell Stan?" "Yeah, by the way what's the address here?"

"It's on my phone saved in the Maps app." She handed me her phone. I snapped a pic of it and sent it to Stan. I called him when he didn't answer my text within 5 minutes. Times like this where he needs to stay in touch with me he'll never be far from his phone. I handed my aunt's phone back to her after Stan didn't answer on the 5th ring. He couldn't of been mad at me too right?

My aunt sat down with me and listened to what happened with Daniel. She said she'd run all of it by Rachel in the morning. We said goodnight and off she went into her room. Stan didn't get back to me till the sun woke me up harshly. 9:37 AM. My phone had somehow managed to get caught in between the comforter and extra blanket I'd brought. I rubbed my eyes and unlocked my phone.

Stan: We've been on the road for an hour, I asked my mom if we could stop by the camp you're at but she said if I want to go I can drive myself

Me: Oh, it's fine

Stan: That's why I'm driving my truck there first then going to the camp my mom and I are going to. My dad said he didn't want to go

Me: How far are you?

Stan: the GPS said 2 hours exact about 5 mins ago

Me: Okay let me know when you're here

Stan: I will

Seemed to me like hell was going to break loose when Stan got here. My aunt was still sleeping after I'd taken a shower and got dressed. Rachel knocked on my door saying breakfast was made if I wanted any. I came out immediately, I didn't have anything to eat since the bonfire last night. Rachel practically made every breakfast food invented. "Yeah I love to cook." She said when I noticed all the food. I tried the waffles and instantly fell in love. "You should be a chef." I said swallowing a gulp of my half glass of orange juice. "I am, I own a diner that's near my house. We live 45 minutes away." She explained, making herself a plate. "Oh wow cool." I continued to eat. All that was on my mind was what was going to happen when Stan got here.

After breakfast, I went outside. The group of people here last night must've left. Off in the distance a faint car noise surrounded the camp. I stepped off the deck and looked down the long dirt path we'd come from to get here. A red car pulled up to a stop. Rachel's sister Grace came out when the car parked over by the area Rachel asked everyone to park in. When the person stepped out, a truck came up the path. A black truck. My guess on who's truck it was was correct. "So happy you could make it Sharon!" Grace exclaimed happily. Hold up. I turned my head and saw Stan's Mom unloading her bags. Holy fuck this is the camp they were staying at?

Stan was appalled to see his mom here. "Mom what the hell?" He walked over to her. "This is the camp, I thought you were going to see Kyle first." She shut the trunk. "This is the camp he's at too, GPS said so." He helped bring bags into the cabin. I caught up with Stan and his mom once they set bags down in one of the rooms. "Hey." I smiled. He spun around and hugged me tight. "Stan there's not a separate room for you, but if you're okay with staying in Kyle's room we can set up a cot or something?" Rachel came into the room when our hug ended. "Sure no problem." Stan nodded his head in approval.

"Daniel said he really likes you Kyle, he's never had a happier smile on his face." Rachel explained. "Where is he?" Stan asked immediately. "I think he's in his room, it's on the other side of the cabin." Rachel pointed out what direction to go in. Stan walked quickly out of the room and went in the direction pointed out. Rachel brought Stan's mom outside to meet the other people here and get something to eat. I ran after Stan once they left the cabin. Sure enough he'd pinned Daniel down and give him a world of hurt. But that's not what happened at all, from what I witnessed. The minute the gunshot went off I bolted into the room with the open door.

A bullet had went through a spot in the wall above Daniel's bed. Daniel stood there eye locking Stan, gun pointed at him firmly. "Kyle, leave. I don't think you're gonna want to see this next part." Daniel glanced at me. "Why can't you just accept the fact that I don't like you that way?" I stepped into the room. "If I can't have you nobody can." He glared at Stan. "Fine...shoot." I walked in front of Stan. "Get the fuck out of my shot." Daniel demanded. I stood still. Nobody was going to hurt the love of my life. "Ky, don't do this." Stan whispered. I let no words out. "Shoot me, what're you afraid of?" I asked Daniel, crossing my arms.

The 3 of us stood still in silence. Footsteps were heard down the hall. No one expected Daniel to put the gun down. "Don't think I'm done with you"
Changed the description, felt it was giving too much away. Hope you like the story!

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