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(A/N: This is the trailer for this story. Was helped and made in collaboration with WWIIFanHistory. So, give him credit and thanks for helping me make this.)


(BGM: End of Earth)


Narrator: "We all know the story. Of how the allies won WW2 and defeated the Axis Powers."

The scene opens to show allied forces cheering in victory as they march into Nazi Germany in Berlin and tear down the Nazi Flag, burning it as they occupy the German. Another scene shows the droppings of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, finally forcing Japan to surrender and be occupied by the USA.

Today was a great time for the allies as the war was finally over and evil had been destroyed from their world.

Narrator: "But what if... the Allies hadn't won the war...?"

All of a sudden, the scene begins to show cracks before shattering into a million pieces. Soon those pieces were being reforged, showing a darker and more horrific image.

Narrator: "Welcome to Earth X, a Parallel world..."

The scene changes to show a sign that reads 'OKLAHOMA 66'.

The skies are shown to be blood red as head lights are seeing being waving in the skies.

Narrator: " where the Axis Powers won World War II..."

Zooming out from the sign, we now see a far darker and more sinister world, one where the Axis Powers had won the 2nd World War and now rule over it with a tyrannical regime.

We now see a huge crowd of civilians moving through the city as they all desperately try to escape from Axis forces. In the skies above, a bright yellow stream of light is seen flying fast before it reveals to be a person in a black and golden suit. After flying for a few more seconds, he lands on the ground on the other side of the bridge where he meets his teammates and friends.

These group of superpowered individuals are known as the Freedom Fighters.

Comprised of The Ray, Black Condor, Phantom Lady, Red Tornado, and Doll Man, they're now seen fighting against the Nazis as they try to buy turn for the refugees to escape.

This was proven true as they see a group of Nazi German soldiers charging and opening fire against the feeling refugees.

Behind them were tanks and IFVs as they open fire while some resistance forces fire their weapons to protect the civilians. The Freedom Fighters get in on the action and fight against the Nazis to protect the people, killing many soldiers and destroying many of their vehicles in the process.

Narrator: "...and the New Reichsmen rule the world in present day."

After the Freedom Fighters pushed the Nazis into retreat, they're suddenly attacked which disorients the group a bit. After regaining their bearings, they look over see they were in massive trouble seeing six individuals starting down at them from afar.

These six individuals are shown, revealing themselves to be members of the New Reichsmen.

Comprised of Overman, Overgirl, Brünhilde, Leatherwing, Blitzkreig, and Dark Arrow, the New Reichsmen engage the Freedom Fighters, leading to an all-out battle.

Despite giving it their all, the Freedom Fighters are defeated, resulting in the death of Red Tornado. Just as they were all about to be killed, Cisco Ramon AKA Vibe comes in and opens portals to get everyone to escape.

Everyone nearly made it out except Ray. He was severely injured and due to Overman and Overgirl, the portal 'malfunctioned' and sent Ray to a whole new universe. 

Narrator: "However, when the doors to the multiverse are opened, the Axis Imperium seek to spread their rule to other worlds, wishing to create an Empire that will last for eternity."

The scene shifts to show the New Reichsmen in a meeting with the three main leaders.

The first is a man named Karl Voss von Stein, the current Führer of the Greater Germanic Imperial Commissariat.

The second individual is a man named Masaru, the current Emperor of the Greater Japanese Bakufu Confederation.

The third and final individual is Scarlett Hitler von Stein, the current Reichsführer-SS of the State of Burgundy.

Together, they are the head leaders of the Axis Imperium, the current hyperpower that rules the world with both fear and terror.

In both a surprising and unexpected development, Axis Scientists and Researchers reveal that they have cracked the code and have created a powerful device that can open portals throughout the multiverse, leading to parallel and alternate worlds.

Seeing this as an opportunity for more resources and new slaves, Scarlett convinces both her brother and friend to use this device to conquer new worlds and expand their domain so the Axis Imperium can rule for all of eternity. Tempted by greed and a desire for more, both Karl and Masaru agree, leading to a massive buildup of an army to invade the multiverse.

Narrator: "Now no longer wishing to rule over just one Earth..."

After preparing an army and successfully opening a stable portal, the Axis forces invade the 'Resistance: Fall of Man' universe. It was fairly easy to conquer since it was essentially a dead planet. However, they had to deal with the surviving Chimera that were still active on Earth. After defeating them thanks to stealing their technology and using bioweapons, the Axis forces experimented, and reverse engineered the survivors. After successfully unlocking their genotype, they're able to clone and breed Chimera of their own, controlling them to do their every bidding and will, thus essentially granting them an unlimited army for them to mass produce and control.

Unknown to them, their actions were being watched by the Ray who was rescued and nursed back to health by remnant forces of the US Government/Military who became aware of the Axis Imperium and sought to hide underground as they build their own portal to escape to another world and live to fight another day.

Narrator: "...they seek to rule over other Earths..."

Another universe is seen being invaded, this time in the Code Geass Universe. We see the SAZ event and Lelouch giving a speech about the formation of the United States of Japan. However, they're soon interrupted by an invasion force by the Greater Japanese Bakufu Confederation. Leading them was none other than Emperor Masaru who slaughters the alternate Japanese people due to seeing them as being 'weak' and 'inferior' for losing the war and getting rid of their Empire.

He confronts Lelouch/Zero and the Black Knights who are outraged by the mindless genocide he was committing. Feeling cocky, the Axis Emperor is seen climbing out of his mech and spreads his arms with a mocking gesture saying, 'Come at me bro'. They open fire, but Masaru is protected by a powerful energy shield. In response, he thrusts his arms forward and to the shock of the alternate humans, unleashes a massive torrent of blue flams that incinerate and destroy all but a few of their Knightmare Frames. Though Lelouch/Zero and a few of his allies survived, they have all received severe burns that nearly melted off their skin due to being essentially cooked alive due to Masaru's fire bending.

As the Black Knights back away from the Axis Emperor, Masaru turns towards Shizuoka city and outstretches his right hand. With a maniacal grin, he unleashes a massive torrent of blue fire that soon consumes the entire city within seconds.

(A/N: Imagine it's Emperor Masaru doing the Fire Bending and the fire is blue.)

As soon as he stopped, Masaru wore an evil and sadistic smile on his face as he watched the whole city burn. All around him, he could hear the agonizing screams of men, women, and children as they burned to death from the fiery attack. The Black Knights and their allies looked on in horror, witnessing the utter devastation and destruction the Axis Japanese Emperor had caused, which undoubtedly led to the deaths of thousands, possibly millions, of innocent people with just one fiery assault.

Other nations, such as the Holy Britannian Empire, the Chinese Federation, Europia United, and various independent or conquered nations, were soon invaded by the Axis Japanese. On the other hand, Euro Britannia was invaded by a Satanic cult called the Brotherhood of Cain, who assisted the Axis Japanese in their invasion. Bringing untold horror and violence, the Brotherhood turned Euro Britannia into a hellish landscape, using the population for demonic sacrifices and committing horrific atrocities that would make even the worst tyrants seem like saints.

Narrator: "...resulting in massacres and mass genocides on a scale never before seen possible."

The scene changes to show the RWBY Universe as Remnant is seen celebrating the Vytal Festival Tournament. Team RWBY and their friends are ready for the tournament, until a series of events occur that lead to an invasion caused by the Greater Germanic Imperial Commissariat. Despite their best efforts, Remnant falls to the Axis Germans, eventually leading to the total domination of the entire planet. Team RWBY and their friends/allies are forced into hiding as they mourn the loss of those they lost.

Narrator: "However, in their hubris and greed for wanting more, they had accidently stumbled upon a universe..."

The scene changes to show the world of Anaxes, a joint colony in the Supernatural Universe where citizens of both the United Nations (UN) and the Imperial Confederation Club (ICC) live together. Home to over 1.5 billion people, space fleets from both the UN and ICC are seen guarding the planet until they are alerted to an unknown fleet entering the star system. Before any of them can react, multiple portals open, and out comes a massive invasion fleet comprised of ships from the Greater Germanic Imperial Commissariat, the Greater Japanese Bakufu Confederation, and the SS State of Burgundy.

Soon, the Axis ships open fire, leading to the near destruction of both the UN and ICC fleets. Caught off guard, the Axis forces seize an opening and begin a planetary invasion on the ground as 1/4 of the planet has been leveled due to orbital bombardment. Led by Scarlett Hitler von Stein, she laughs maniacally at the invasion underway as she orders the deployment of several members of the New Reichsmen to the planet's surface.

Narrator: "...where Heaven and Hell actually do exist."

On the ground, civilians run for their lives as the respective militaries of both the UN and ICC desperately try to fight back against the invaders. Both sides deployed soldiers, tanks, aircrafts, and mechs to counter each other as the entire planet soon became a warzone. 

One city that boarder's territory between the Qing Empire and the Empire of Japan, the Imperial soldiers fight back against the invaders but stop when they hear a loud 'Thoom!' sound. Looking far into the horizon, the two Imperial groups of soldiers widen their eyes in shock and horror as they see a gigantic mech used by the Axis Japanese called the Samurai X.

Suddenly, another gigantic mech appears, revealing it to belong to the Axis Germans called Mecha Godzilla.

Horrified, both Imperial Chinese and Imperial Japanese try to call in for support, but the two gigantic Axis mechs open fire with a powerful energy beam, leading to the complete destruction of the entire city and everyone in it.

Narrator: "Now forced to pay the price for their unproved attack..."

Just as Axis forces believed they were on the brink of victory; reinforcements soon arrive, and the tides of battle have turn in favor of both the UN and ICC. A massive armada of UN and ICC Warships enter into the star system and engage the Axis Warships hovering over the planet. Led by two Super-Dreadnoughts, the UNDS Templar and the IGS Bismarck, they unleash their payload and fire their respective super weapons, destroying a huge chunk of the Axis fleet in the first wave of the attack.

On the ground, drop pods and dropships are seen being landed on the ground as UN and ICC forces assist the planetary defense forces. Currently the giant mechs known as Samurai X and Mecha Godzilla are seen still wreaking havoc. However, suddenly the Samurai X mecha is blasted away by a powerful beam of energy, causing it to stumble over and fall to the ground. Confused and shocked, the Mecha Godzilla hears a loud stomping sound and turns to see a giant mech walking towards it.

It's revealed to be a UNDF Jaeger called the MK-VII Hammerhead.

Mecha Godzilla roars and was about to fire its powerful red beam until it was struck square in the chest by another powerful blue beam of energy. Stumbling back and falling to the ground on one knee, the mecha operator was shocked and confused at what happened until he heard what sounded like a loud mechanical roar.

Suddenly more stomping is heard, and a massive figure is seen appearing at its stands next to the Hammerhead. Standing next to the UNDF giant mecha is revealed to be the German Empire's own mechanical giant called the Panzerzilla.

Panzerzilla lets out another mechanical roar as both Mecha Godzilla and Samurai X get back up. Both Panzerzilla and Mecha Godzilla roar at each other as they charge and slam into each other. Samurai X draws out its giant Katana while Hammerhead slams its two sledgehammers together, leading to a loud 'CLANG!' before getting into a fighting stance as the two humanoid mechas engage.

After a brief battle, both Mecha Godzilla and Samurai X begin charging up their weapons, preparing to fire a power red beam of energy. Likewise, both Hammerhead and Panzerzilla also began charging up, preparing to fire powerful beams of blue energy.

Eventually both sides fired their beams of energy as soon the two blue beams and the two red beams collide, resulting in a powerful explosion and that brightened the battlefield.

Narrator: "...the Axis Imperium had unknowingly awakened two Titanic Titans who now wanted revenge for the attempted invasion."

As the invasion of Anaxes continues, Overman is seen unleashing his heat vision on an Austro-Hungarian city, causing total destruction in the area. Suddenly he hears something and before he could react, he is suddenly punched to the side that sends him crashing into the ground. Groaning in pain, he looks up to see an older young body with snow white hair and sapphire blue eyes. This is Soren Angelo, an Angelic Primordial and the Prince of both Heaven and all of creation.

Glaring at each other, the two superpowered and godly beings engage in battle over the skies until Soren punched Overman in the face, breaking his nose and shocking him to see that blood was drawn.

Overman: (shocked) "What?! How did you even-?!"

The Nazi Supe was forced to dodge outta the way when Soren shot a powerful energy blast at him as the Angelic Primordial glared at him.

Soren: (glares) "You don't seem to understand. Anaxes isn't yours to conquer."

The two continue to engage in the skies as the battle turned in favor of the UN and ICC.

Narrator: "Now the tides of had have changed."

When the invaders were pushed back, both the UN and ICC learned who was responsible for the attack and were shocked to discover that the perpetrators were an alternate version of the Axis Powers from a parallel Earth.

After learning of their history and their atrocities, along with the fact that they were invading the Multiverse via a dimensional portal they had built, both the UN and ICC had no choice but to declare war. This was especially true after Neo and Friedrich IV convinced both the UN and ICC councils of the necessity and consequences that would arise if they left the Axis Imperium alone. Soon, the armies were being prepared as war was declared - a War of the Multiverse.

Narrator: "What was once a world of darkness and despair..."

The scene changes to show the UN and ICC launching a counterattack as they invade and liberate the worlds that had been invaded and conquered by the Axis Imperium before arriving on Earth X itself. Battles are seen being waged on multiple worlds as the UN/ICC and Axis Imperium unleash their superpowered and non-human soldiers against each other, leading to massive destruction.

During their liberation campaign, the UN and ICC encountered and helped surviving resistance groups fighting against Axis forces. At first, the groups were quite angry and resentful toward the UN and ICC, particularly Neo, as they blamed him for allowing their worlds to be invaded and letting their loved ones die while he sat on his throne doing nothing. Neo wasn't the least bit angry, knowing he couldn't blame them for their accusations given the fact that he had done nothing to stop the Axis Imperium.

Just before tensions could escalate, Soren and some of his teammates stepped in to put a stop to the shouting and arguments. Eventually, after many talks and negotiations, the resistance groups agreed to work together and team up with the UN and ICC in order to stop the Axis Imperium once and for all.

Narrator: "...soon turned into one of hope..."

In the Code Geass Universe, the supe named Klara Risinger AKA Stormfront is seen speaking with the German Prince himself, Leopold 'Leo' von Hohenzollern.

Stormfront is seen looking at Leo with a seductive smile as she tries to convince him to join the Axis and help them rule the Multiverse.

Stormfront: (seductive smile) "Join us, Leopold, and together we can rule the multiverse. With your power, you could even become the new Führer. Our children will be perfect - pure and healthy Aryan specimens. What do you say... my love?"

Leo stared at Stormfront for a few seconds before suddenly kicking her left leg hard. This broke the bone in two, causing the Nazi woman to scream in agony. He then grabbed her by the neck and kneed her in the chest, causing her ribs to shatter as she coughed up blood. Falling to the ground, she looked up to see Leo scoffing down at her.

Leo: (scoffs) "No thanks... I'm good. As if I'd take your offer after you nearly murdered my fiancée and daughter."

He grabbed her by the hair and teleported them into a volcano, where the German Prince threw Stormfront's body into the lava and watched with an apathetic expression as the Nazi super screamed in agony while being burned and melted alive.

Narrator: "...and the belief that Freedom is now possible."

On Earth X, the military forces of the UN and ICC are seen alongside the global resistance as they watch the members arguing about how to respond to an incoming Axis attack. Both the Freedom Fighters and Vanguard Squad observe the situation, and the arguments seem to be never-ending. Feeling the need to do something, Soren walks over and speaks up, catching everyone's attention.

Soren: "I don't know much about this Earth."

The argument stops as everyone from the GR, UN, and ICC looks toward the Prince of Heaven as he speaks about hope and freedom.

Soren: "But I know something about my Earth. My Earth isn't like this one. My Earth isn't perfect - it's nowhere close to perfect - but at least there's hope. And I'm here to tell you that it's possible. That Freedom is possible. You can be exactly who you are without having to live in fear. I can help you imagine a better world - the world you can have if you're willing to fight for it. I'm willing to fight for it because I've seen it. And I'll fight like hell to show it to you."

Inspired by his words, the members of the global resistance cheer as the Freedom Fighters smile at Soren's speech and rally together to fight the Axis.

Later, we see both the Vanguard Squad and the Freedom Fighters battling against the New Reichsmen. Overgirl is seen fighting against the German Princess Charlotte 'Charlie' von Hohenzollern.

Charlie grabs Overgirl by the leg and slams her onto the ground before chucking an energy ball next to the Nazi Supe that explodes, causing her great pain. Grunting in pain, Overgirl gets up as she glares at Charlie.

Overgirl: (growls and glares) "Why are you even fighting? This isn't even your world. This isn't your fight."

Charlie: (glares) "You're wrong. This absolutely IS my fight. You and your Axis kind started it when you invaded my universe and killed millions of my people."

Flapping her angel wings, she flies fast and continues to attack the Nazi supe as the battle continues.

Narrator: "Battles will be fought."

A scene shows a battle between the Empire of Japan vs the Greater Japanese Bakufu Confederation. Marines from both sides are seen firing against each other before they get close enough to do melee combat. Soon a large group of both Imperial Japanese Marines and Axis Japanese Marines charge against each other as both sides either drew out their beam katanas or energy katanas. Both Japanese Marines let out war cries, screaming 'Banzai!' before they violently clashed in brutal and savage melee combat.

Sparks of energy and beams are seen flickering out as both Japanese viciously tried to tear each other apart in the worst way possible.

In the aftermath of the battle, the leader of the Empire of Japan, Empress Akemi, is seen standing in front of a line of Axis Japanese prisoners that her men either captured or who surrendered. Behind the prisoners stand her Royal Guards. When she stands in front of one officer, Akemi coldly glares at him as she draws her katana and swiftly decapitates his head without saying a word. Likewise, the Royal Guards follow her lead without question, drawing their katanas and executing the prisoners via decapitation in cold blood. They feel nothing, not even a sense of remorse, as they kill their alternate counterparts, seeing them only as monsters who didn't deserve to be called their people, the Japanese.

Narrator: "Tragedies will strike."

Another scene shows a medical examination room as Ruby Rose is strapped to medical bed and Scarlett looking over her.

Scarlett: (glares) "Don't you get it? They want someone to bow to... to worship... to lead."

Ruby: (scared) "What you're doing is not leading. It's ruling. That's not what people want."

Scarlett: (rolls eyes) "Human history says otherwise... little niece."

Narrator: "And in the end of it all..."

Another battle scene shows an armored warfare conflict between the German Empire and the Greater Germanic Imperial Commissariat. Tanks and mechs are seen on open ground and in the skies as both German armies battle each other to the death, each side wanting to prove that they are the true German people.

In the aftermath of the battle, dozens of captured Axis German soldiers - all of whom are SS - furiously shout at their counterparts, calling them traitors and cowards to the Fatherland, and slaves to the capitalists. In response, Field Marshal Maria Annabelle orders her men to bring the SS to their knees, and the Imperial German soldiers comply.

Once done, Maria marches behind an SS officer, drawing her pistol from her holster and firing at the back of his head at point-blank range. Likewise, the Imperial Germans draw their pistols and rifles, coldly shooting and murdering the SS officers without remorse or hesitation. One soldier, who is German-Jewish, kills an SS officer and then spits on his corpse in disgust and hatred.

In another location, several high-ranking SS Burgundian officers are lined up with burlap sacks over their heads, their hands and legs cuffed. In front of the line stands the guillotine, where the former Kaiserin of the German Empire, Viktoria, has her hand on the release handle. One soldier pulls the rope connected to the blade while another pushes an officer into the guillotine. With a confirming nod from her soldiers, Viktoria pulls the sack off the officer's head, revealing that the SS Burgundian officer is a woman. The officer doesn't have time to process what is happening as Viktoria pulls the handle, and the blade immediately decapitates her. Thunderous cheering erupts from German soldiers and civilians as they raise their hands and fists, feeling no sympathy for the traitors who brought shame to their people and their ancestors

Narrator: "...the multiverse will NEVER be the same."

Neo is seen giving a speech as he addresses the people of both the Supernatural and Kaiserreich Universes, telling them that this is a war they cannot afford to lose and that they must stand together as one if they have any hope of winning.

Neo: (glares) "Failure is NOT an option. Losing is NOT an option. We are going to win, and we're going to show these Axis monsters that this universe belongs to us!"

Hearing this, the people roar and cheer, with the loudest voices coming from the Imperial Germans and Imperial Japanese, as everyone rallies together to fight the Axis Imperium and save their home from tyranny.

Narrator: "Two armies would go in..."

Nadya Ruslanova, wife of Neo Angelo and mother of Soren Angelo, is seen glaring at the three Axis leaders via an interdimensional transmission, her gaze harsh and unwavering.

Nadya: (glares) "We will not surrender. We will not back down. We will keep fighting. We have sacrificed too much to lose it all again. So, get the FUCK out of our universe while you still can."

Narrator: "...and one victor would come out."

The final scene shows Soren Angelo and Scarlett Hitler von Stein facing each other in the final battle, the malevolent Burgundian Nazi woman glaring hatefully at the Angelic Primordial. All around them, the sounds of battle are heard as the armies of the Axis Imperium clash against the armies of the UN, ICC, and the Resistance forces.

Scarlett: (hateful glare) "You inferior, genetically deformed abomination! Look at what you've done! All our work! All our progress! Destroyed because of you and your lesser, disgusting kind! All of this is your FAULT, you goddamn monster!"

Soren: (hateful glare) "Me a monster?! Your so-called 'Imperium' is responsible for the genocide of billions, if not TRILLIONS, of lives! What did you think was going to happen?! That we'd just lay down and die?! You brought this on yourselves, and now it looks like karma has finally caught up to you!"

Scarlett: (hateful glare) "It is within our right! The strong dominate the weak! It is the natural order of things! I thought YOU would understand, given WHAT you are and the POWER you possess! A so-called 'Prince' like you should have higher standards! Instead, you waste your gift helping those lesser than you instead of forcing them into submission! Which is further proof that you are unworthy of ruling Heaven, much less all of creation itself!"

Soren: (hateful glare) "Yeah? And what exactly would that get me, huh? Unlike you, if I were to ever be a ruler, I would rule with respect, not fear like you have."

Scarlett: (hateful glare) "ENOUGH! With this new power, I can surely kill you, proving to everyone that I am the true GOD!"

She lets out a demonic screech as she morphs into her vampire form.

(A/N: She has 6x bat wings.)

What was different about her was that she glowed with green energy, indicating that she had now harnessed the power to utilize and manipulate Black Sun energy.

Soren: (hateful glare) "You're not a God. If anything, you're just another demon for me to kill."

Screaming at the top of his lungs, Soren glows brightly as his form grows larger and unfurls six angelic white wings. When the transformation is over, it reveals that Soren is now in his Archangel Ascension Form.

(A/N: He has 6x white Angel Wings.)

The two superpowered and godly individuals glared at each other with the intent to kill, ready to murder the other without remorse or pity. Soon, they drew their swords, with Scarlett pulling out Blood Edge while Soren drew Lux Animae. Both let out war cries as they charged, their blades clashing and resulting in a bright spark before everything went black.

The title of the story soon appears.

[The Axis Imperium: The New World Order Rises]

(Background Music Ends)


(A/N: Okay so here is the trailer. This story will be like a mix between Wolfenstein and DC Crisis on Earth X type of scenario with other crossovers. Basically, this is inspired by XwarCommander1230 'War of the Multiverse' Story. If you're reading this, I wanna say sorry as I'm not trying to copy your work, but I am inspired by it, along with WWIIFanHistory. The same can also be said for godzillahalofan / Paryew. We were also inspired by him to make this story possible. Anyway, here are the list of crossovers this story will feature.)


HOI4 - The New Order: Last Days of Europe

The Man in the High Castle

DC Earth-X (Arrowverse/Freedom Fighters: The Ray)

The Boys

Resistance: Fall of Man

Code Geass


Supernatural (TV Series)

Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

I will make a separate book which will contain the military arsenal of both the Axis Imperium and the Resistance groups that try to survive. The main hero factions and characters can be found in my story book titled 'My Military Factions (Heroes)'. They are the United Nations and the Imperial Confederate Club. Anyway, that's all for now so see you all next time.

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