chapter 1

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shirou was talking with rin while jason talk with saber

saber:soo you an another saber class


saber:who master is mine as well

jason:yep that is right

saber:that is off 


saber:because there will one servant for class they can't be two of the same class

jason:well that is weird and looks like you know how things work

saber:i was part an the last one

jason:and how it end did you win?

saber:it happen an lot of stuff


saber look jason up and down

saber:you look kinda unique to be an heroric spirit

jason:well...that is kinda hard explain

saber was about to ask until rin and shirou walk toward then

jason:oh soo you get what you get into

shiro:uhhhh kinda

jason:yeah i would on you shoes dude

rin:okay now first*look saber*it seens you not complete

saber:that is right shirou does't have enough magic to complete the proncess soo i can't turn into spirit

jason.wait an minute you can  turn that?

rin:yes if you have enough mana you can turn into spirit form like archer

jason:yeah i manage to see him{damm that guy kinda to remind to my dad}

rin:but if you don't have the mana of you master you can't

jason:....{maybe i can try}

jason focus and turn into spirit form

jason:man this is cool

shirou:hey where are you?

jason:still stading here and i can talk ...sweet*turn back to normal*jejej

rin:now i think about why you master send you here?

jason:oro?.....uhh no one send me here i was summor here


jason:he summor me*point shirou*

rin look both and then laugh

rin:jajajaja that was good joke really you tell me the guy wo can't fully summor an servant  so summor you that was the best joke ever

jason:uhhh that was not an joke*look shirou*hey kid did you have other mark on you hands?

shiro look an his hand and notice something an his right one

shiro:huh? can this one be*show then the mark*

saber:that should be but i never see something like that before

shiro:yeah what you think rin.......rin?

they look at her and have an look of disbelieve

rin:....h h how this is posible!!!???*grab shiro shirt and start to shake it*

rin:how you manage to summor two servants!!??

shirou:uhhhh i don't know i not an expert!

saber:should we?

jason:don't worry is not gonnad hurt him......i hope

rin:how you manage to summor an servants require of mana and to summor two require too much soo how!!

shirou:i don't know!

rin drop shiro and take an deep breath

rin:now....explain how you summor him

shirou explain the details

rin:you sure you not an high class mage?

shirou:no i not well i know basic but i not good

rin:that does't make sense for what you did you must be use an spell to have an big amount of mana after all you release an restrition witch was call 666

jason:{that is when i use the azure}

shirou:i don't, my body just act alone

rin:*look jason*looks like an you case you summor was complete soo you are an you fullsest and you regenarion of magic works well and you can turn into spirit

jason:oh that is good thing

rin:still how you manage to have thoses big amounts of mana?

jason:{could be the azure use shiro summor me that makes for what he said} unfair!!! if i was one of the sabers master i will win this war for sure

shiro:are you say i not worth for saber and jason?

rin:of course you idiot


jason:uhh you realise he fully summor me right

rin:that is for anknow reason and why shiro call you jason?

jason:uhhh that is my name

rin:you just give always you idelity?! and saber can't be call saber it will confuse you know

rin:...right all right let's go

shirou:to where?

rin:to the guy who know anything about the holy gray war

jason:well let's go the sooner we met the guy the sooner shiro know things


shirou,rin and saber were walking while jason and acher was an spirit forms

archer:sooo you the boy second servant

jason:yeah what is that an wierd thing

archer:yes since only an master can have one servant

jason:yeah saber explain me that

jason look at rin and that an idea


he try to get behind rin but

archer:do that and you regret it


archer:soo for what age are you complicated

archer:how soo? hard to explain even myseft


shirou:{sooo rin say is imposible to summor two servants but i manage to do that but with jason it was difirent from saber}*look at saber*

she wear an cloak to cover her armor

rin:hey she can't turn into spirit soo we must hide her armor

as they walk rin explain saber about shiro ideas of help then if they live is an risk

jason:i see..i think i was assigne to my perfect pathners


jason:i like him i put others lifes above myseft

archer:....really and it worth it?

jason:yeah when i sacrifise myesft to saved everyone


jason:is complicated okay you won't get haft of it


they arrive the church saber stay outside along with archer

jason:you don't to enter?

saber:i be fine i know shiro would be there if there is an trouble

jason:all right i go with him

saber:becareful and protect shiro

jason nod 

jason,shiro and rin enter and see an man with priest clothes

rin:he is kirei  kotohime he was an student of my father and my tutor after his death

kirei:i never expect you come rin*turn to face then*soo you must the seventh soo what is you name

shirou:shirou emiya

kirei:i see...soo you summor saber

shirou:yeah and...well

kirei:what is it

shirou:well and then i summor another saber

kirei was suprise about that new never a the history an master manage to summor two servants an fact that should be imposible

shirou:why is that

rin:you should explain from the start

kirei:i see well

kirei eplain about the holy grail was actually the object who start the war the grail chose the person and then the glay summor the master to fight for they master

jason:{wait..that means the grail was the one who summor no if the grail want an fair fight then why send me maybe it was someone else want to stop this cicle....and olso stop who ever sick bastard want to get his hands of that thing}

shirou:i see

rin:now explain the rules

kirei explain the rules witch is 7 master and they 7 servants they fave each other and the last one left stading the holy grail will appear along the user to make any wish

kirei:normally that wound be the rules

rin:why is that mean

kirei:that because eighth servant

rin:an eighth servant!? but how!?

kirei:i don't know but i know that event should happen an while ago*look shirou*and i think emiya have the answer

shirou:me but how*realise*{wait...could be jason is the eighth servant?}

rin have the same idea

rin:{jason be the eight servant!? it could e the summor process was not the same and besides the amount of mana shirou use was too big}

kirei:soo emiya is that second servantis here


jason:{is okay shirou i be fine}

jason turn into back to normal

jason:i am the eighth servant

kirei:i see*look jason up and down*soo you make path with shirou

jason:yeah he summor me and have the mark to prove it*point shirou hand with the mark*

kirei:all right

jason:sooo is gonnad be special rules for me since i not part of this?

kirei:no since is the first time it happen and the path is complete soo you must stay close to you master

jason:but wait what about the grail since we two how they grail chose?

kirei:is not an problem is the master who can make the choice


kirei:but olso there is an issue

rin:what is it

kirei:is the class

jason:what is it i am saber class

kirei:the problem the mark is not an saber class

jason:what is that mean

kirei:when an master and an servant make an path depen of the servant the command seal will be diferent like rin who have the mark of the acrher class,

they look rin who show the mark of the archer class

kirei:the problem is the mark does't belong to any know type of servant

jason:..sooo an other worls i am an weird class of servant

kirei:and an way yes soo the abilities you posses is unknow

jason:all right i guess i must find out myseft

kirei:i guess now*look shirou emiya*now shirou emiya did you want to became the one of seven masters of the holy grail war?


jason:{hey i can talk to you trough you mild and you can do the smae with me}

shirou:{oh i see soo}

jason:{accept shirou think one of thoses master must be an insane person o someone who want an world destrotion if they get the holy grail it would be the doom}

shirou:{i see but did you think i ready?}

jason:{yeah you summor two servants one of then an weird class and we are the only thing we can stop thoses assholes to get the grail soo what you said ready to save the world?}

shirou:...{all right}i join to the holy glay war  to make sure the great fire does't happen aagain and no one with evil intetions get the grail

jason:{jeje that is what i like it}

rin:all right let's go

they leave the church

and they met saber


jason:shirou is in olso..i am not an normal servant


he explain

saber:i see 

jason:yeah anyways let's go back

they head back toward home as they walk archer appear

archer:you know is an waste not take an chance when an enemie is defensess

jason:hey i can do that when rin was inside but i didn't

rin:i already know that archer

archer:i see but you still help him....did you l..

rin:is not like that!!

jason:oro? what you mean?


rin:don't talk!

archer:fine call when you done help him*turn into spirit form*


jason:all right then but why....*look behind him*we got an trouble

saber turn aroud to where jason look

shirou and rin look an they direction and see an little girl along with an big guy 


jason:soo is another servant{this big guy is have power}saber you ready?

saber:of course

jason:good because*raise his hand*

jason:this battle is gonnad fire up

his hand was cover an blue frames and he was cover an intesne azure aura, an batle is about to begin

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