chapter 3

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the next day after the battle an the illya masion

illiya was with the masion with her tow maids leysritt and sella

sella:i can't aprove this you could beat but you just leave

illiya:there will not fun an that...besdies if that the case it would hard with that servant

leysritt:yeah that seens is an unique type of servant,since at first look like was an saber but then it show abilities of an caster type

sella:olso you reveal berserke noble pathasm you should kill an aleast one of then

illiya:that is problem there is now way to counter berserk noble phatastm

sella:that is right the noble restored an 3 days but the problem is that servant jason have the abilitie to  damage berserk and to do that he have an A rank of power o above t 

sella:olso the fact he manage to summor three servants as well..witch that almost imposible and require an imhuman amount of mana to do that,soo why you leave did you feel pity for shirou emiya

illiya:yes after i make him suffer an kirisuku's place

an emiya residense

shirou wake up

shirou:...uhhh what happen

???:welcome back sleeping beauty

he turn to see jason with rin

jason:i was wonder when you gonnad keep sleeping

that cause to shirou freak out and stand up fast

rin:well it see you healign nicely

shirou:tohsaka,jason? w what are you doing here and why*look to the banages on his chest*have bandages

jason:well after the first looks you have wounds on you chest soo we came here to heal you


jason:but the thing is you wound heal alone


rin:that is right that is odd it looks like you possess an healing abilitiy

shirou:but how?

jason:no idea but an least we know you can take blows

rin:but don't put him as an shield

jason:hey! i never do that

rin:anyways*stand and goes to the door*



shirou:thanks for bring me here and help me

rin:d don't get the wrong idea we are enemies

jason:if that was the case why no order archer to shoot shirou while he was uncosious back then


archer:{he have an point}

rin:{shut up!}*blush* i just i don't attack someone when is uncosiou okay,i just have an motional flat

shirou:what is that mean you mean you fat of something

jason by hear that he laugh


rin turn to shirou while her eyebrowns twich

rin:you are very fun boy do you


rin turn back to the door

rin:anyways the next we met we will be enimies soo you get two get ready

rin close the door and walk away

archer:{rin you realise take then is gonnad be an lot harder}

rin:{i know archer now i see an first hand jason's power is gonnad hard as beat berserke}

archer:{and don't forget his ability to summor other servants and thoses servants was the same class as we see}

rin:{i know...we have to get ready to strike and end jason first}

back with shirou and jason

shirou remove his badages

shirou:soo where is saber?

jason:she is with the others an the dojo


jason:remeber what i did last night before you pass out

shriou remeber

shirou:oh yeah i remeber you summor three girls is thoses are servants


shirou:but..did that guy say only one master can have one servant and how you summor then

jason:i..have no idea maybe they explian come on

shirou put an shirt and follow jason

they arrive to the dojo when they see saber and the other three servants,they were taking until they turn toward then

saber:shirou you awake

shirou:yeah olso what are doing here?

saber:i was resting  to get back and shape and olso taking to the guests*look the other servants*

shirou:i see*look an the servants*soo you servants

they nod

saber2:i saber but an this case  call me saber 2 to don't get confuse

lancer:i lancer

berseker2:i berserker but since there another class i call berserker 2

shirou:oh i see..soo who is you master

servants:*point jason*him

jason:yeah i was kinda suprise

saber:soo how you feel

shirou:i feel good as new

saber:i see i must say i am impress i never know you have healing magic

berseker2:yeah looks like you can take more blows before you hit the bucket

saber:i see..shirou,,jason we need to talk

jason:is about you want the gray


saber2:yeah but there is more than include you master

jason:all right


they were sitting an the table driking tea well less berseke2 who was driking orange juice

saber:as you know servants are heroic spirits but that came with an cost thanks to our history reveal our idetities we olso reveal our weaknesess

shirou:i see soo you only andress as saber to hide you true name

saber:yes seven servants are summor to appear by the grail each one is select by the class of warrior

jason:by they abilities?


she explain about the classes witch are saber,lancer,archer,rider,caster,assasin and berserker olso she explain about the noble phatasms witch are unique abilities,but with the cost is need an big ammount of mana to active it and olso the servants must call the true name of the noble phatasm that is an risk to reveal they true name

shirou:i see

saber:shirou i must ask you an favor

shirou:what is it?

saber:normally the servant will give the real name to the master to form an tactic can be form but..there is an chance an skill mage can read you trough and

shirou:i know you can't reveal you name because of that


shirou:is okay i undestand

saber was suprise

shirou:now about jason

saber:oh him show big abilities as mage an big amount of mana soo he is saved

jason:yeah now i think about it*look his servants*you never give you names

saber2:i okita souji

lancer:i scathach

berserke2:i jeanne d'arc well an alter version of her

saber:alter version?

alter jeanne:think as an dark version of the original servant 

saber:i see as for jason how he manage to summor you

okita:because master mana and the great power he have

shirou:great power?

alter jeanne:yes but there is more and we only we tell you because you are mastet's,,master soo we know you will never hurt him

shirou:all right

scathach:there is more servants master can summor

both saber and shirou was suprise as well jason


saber:how is that posible?

okita:is thanks to master mana source it contain an very powerful power witch is big enough to mach the grail...even more

jason:{well my azure freame grimore can change any posibilty soo that could be one}

saber:im...imposible an power behold than the gray how?

okita:question for later but there is limitations

shirou:witch is

scathach:one master can have only three servants to summor,two if he want to summor an new servant he have to chose one of us to switch,three the new servatns requeire time to appear an the first time but after the first time master can sumor it any time he want,four as you can guess it requeires big mana to summor it but to one who  already summor it before cost the haft of mana

saber:i see soo how many servants he have?

jeanne alter:that is not sure olso the new servants when come random soo we never know what will come

jason:soo like gramble

jeanne alter:yeah pretty much


saber:but still shirou even you have an powerful servant the other master will make you an target soo jason will be no longer an treat

jason:true but we not gonnad let that happen because we gonnad protect him


shirou:well with that clear let's have breakfeast

jason:o can i help i very good an cooking

shirou:sure the more the better

an that moment he notice saber new outfit

shirou:where you get that?

saber:rin give theses for me since i can't turn into an spirit

jason:it looks good an you

timekip they serve the food to shirou shock jason was good as his food

shirou:wow you are very good cooking just as me

jason:jejej thanks well time to eat

but before that the phoned ring

shirou:i go

he goes to the phoned and anwers


???:hey there shirou is fujimora

shirou:fuji-nee what you need i kinda busy

fuji:me too i decide to take the day of and look after my students while they pratique,soo bring the lunch to the archery group asap,now move!

shirou hang out and sing and goes back to other....only to see jason hold his plate while keep alter jeanne away with his free hand

jason:enough alter!

jeanne alter:come on master is soo delicious is just one bite!

jason:this is shirou's plate you already eat yous!

shirou:what is goin on

jason look at shirou

jason:alter want grab you plate even trough she already eat her's

okita:uhhh master


scathach:y you hand

jason look and realise was an alter jeanne breast that turn him red and move always

jason:oh god sorry alter

alter jeanne:fufufu looks like master is an pervert~



shirou,saber,jason and okita were walking

shirou:saber i know master must keep low profile and i douth they attack an the day

saber:true but any thing can happen

jason:olso knowing some of the master can be crazy o insane they can attack an the daylight


jason:olso okita why you not an spirit form

okita:since you have three servants two can be an spirit form while one stay with you and besides i most suite here since this is my country back an my days soo my outifit will be something regula even an modern age

jason:i see


they arrive the school

shirou:soo saber if someone ask shake you head

jason:uhh i thinks is better to her say she and i were siblings we kinda look like each other and i can say we came to visit you

shirou:you sure?

jason:yeah as okita i can say she is my childhood friend

shirou:well i guess is right

saber,okita and jason look an one direction

shirou:what is it

saber:i can sense mana residue here,olso somethings feels off but i don't think is an treat

shirou:you see is fine there is not an problem we safe

jason:yeah but there is mana here meaning there was an servant o an mage here and we don't know if they comeback to here


they continue walking

an the club shirou was inside while jason.saber and okita was outside olso inside there was an girl with purple hair and eyes

she is sakura matou and friend shirou met an good while olso she have an crush with shirou

as she was suprise because saber and okita she does't know then and wonder if shirou met then olso wonder about jason as well

shirou:hey i brough the lunch for fuji nee

sakura:s sure*run off*

then another girl appear she havebrown hair and eyes

she is ayako mitsuzuri another friend of shirou an the school

ayako:you are an savior i hear you bring lunch

shirou:why you not check if fuji nee have her lunch

ayako:jaja i guess i forgot i guess i was tired again

shirou:shinji again? where is he

ayako:i don't know anyways,who are thoses two and the girl an blondy she look gorgeous as well the other and the boy is cute is he single?

shirou:uhhh well....wait the girl*look and notice saber wans't there*eh!? where is she?

jason and okita look where saber was

jason:i swear she was here one second ago

okita:maybe she is an the school

shirou:oh god i got get her you two stay here

jason:you sure?


he leave

jason:{can any of you two can go and cover his back?}

alter jeanne:{i go}

she follow him

ayako:soo what is you name

jason:oh i jason and she is

he look an okita and she nod


ayako:nice to meet you soo are you an couple?

both turn red

okita:n n  n no we just childhood friends friends that is all

jason:y yeah

ayako*giggle*by you reaction say other wise

jason:is true!

ayako:okay i believe soo you single?

jason:uhh i guess

ayako:well i was wonder if you have time maybe we can hang out

jason:uhhh well i

alter jeanne:{guys you should met shirou and saber something happen}

jason:{is bad?}

alter jeanne:{no much but you better go}

jason:{all right}sorry but we have to go shirou take soo much time

ayako:all right i see you later

they nod and go to where saber ana shirou is


they arrive to where they are


shirou:what are doing here

jason:alter tell me about something happen


she explain about one of the teaches call kuzuki and explain about his attitude

jason:that attitude i know very well

shirou:you do?

jason:yeah that attitude is for one who have be trainied as assasins to be very skill an any aspect and olso they won'tshow emotions because they trained break then and shape then to an perfect killing machine

shirou was susprise

shirou:wait sooo you tell me mr kuzuki is an some kind of super assasin?

jason:yeah and very dangerous one as how he act he could an trouble if he is one of the masters

okita:then we have to be ready since he mild have combat experieces

saber:and don't forget about the servant who can be an problem as well


saber:sooo should be go the next location

shirou:wait you want to go aroud  the whole school?

saber:yeah to make sure is safe

jason:i with saber



they were walking back at home but they were no't alone as sakura was with then and an woman with brown hair and brown eyes

she is taiga fujimura English teacher at school, homeroom instructor of Shirou's class and the supervising teacher for the Archery Dojo.

taiga:what is this they be follow us since we left

sakura:how you know then did you get along?

shirou:yeah my old man knew then

taiga:they are friends with kiritsuku soo they came to visit him

shirou:yeah they will live an my place for an while

both girls stop as well the servants


taiga drop her bike as she and sakura run toward shirou and taiga grab shirou

taiga:living an my place?,as you and then permante residents

shirou:not like is just temporatir they will live for an while

jason sweatdrop

jason:{i never expect that}

taiga look at then

taiga: never catch you names

jason:oh i jason*point saber*she is saber my sister*point okita*and she is okita my childhood friend

taiga:oh i see

shirou:yeah i hope you get along

sakura:i suppose i can do that,miss fujimura are you give permision to let then stay?

taiga:normally no..but i can't refuse then since it come to see kiritsuku...all right they can stay

she pick up her bike and start walking as shirou,jason and saber follow only sakura and okita are left behind


okita:can i ask something

sakura:oh sure...

okita:did you have any insterest of shirou?

sakura turn red

sakura:n n no is not like he is just my senpai!

okita:really? you don't see happyn when he came with saber and when taiga let then stay

sakura:i i is not that i fine*run off while stiil have blush*

okita:she have an thing with shirou and the boy does't realise?*shake her head*boys

she then follow then


they were eating shirou and jason food

taiga:gonnad say i suprise you have an good cooking skill as shirou 

jason:thanks for that taiga

shirou:yeah i agreed with that

sakura:but still senpai food is still as always

shirou:thanks sakura

timeskip shirou was washi the dishes while the others watch tv

shirou:fuji nee is gettin can you take sakura to home

taiga:sorry i can't

shirou:why is that?

taiga:since tonight i will stay here too


jason:oh{is that an good thing?}

jeanne alter:{even the fact she does't know about us i think is bad}

taiga:wanna join sakura i call you home to know it is fine

sakura:t thanks i can always come here

okita:oh really and why is the reason?

sakura:well to to hang aroud here i like the company

okita:you sure is not for..."someone"*look shirou*

sakura realise and turn red

taiga:all right we use the big room the back of the don't mild do you saber and okita

okita:i okay

saber:.........all right

jason:and what about me?

taiga:you can sleep an the guest room

jason:all right

an the city

rin and archer are an the top of the buiding watching the medic goes to the buiding an front of then

rin:any trace of the mage

archer:it already left

rin:there is not douth is caster only casters are capable of do this kind of magic of drain people mana

archer:what now

rin:we track caster before it can make more damage,

archer:i trough we don't things behold you abilities

rin:normally yes but this case is difirent

archer:you ignore an easy opponet and goin to the hardest

rin:emilia is easy to beat after all he does't fully undestand about the war

archer:but the true problem is the servant jason with abilites we don't know and is powerful enough to keep it up with berserker

rin:is true but..if we manage to take out emiya then we don't have to worried about jason

archer:tell me.if you see shirou emiya again what you gonnad do?

rin:....i kill got that

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