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˚ºThree Months Laterº˚

Angel jumped on Louis' bed and he groaned, looking up at his twin with sleepy eyes. "Happy birthday Louis!" She shouted, her ponytail falling over her shoulder and brushing his forehead. She was still in her pajamas and immediately attacked him. He smiled and sat up, she moved and sat down at the end of his bed.

"Happy birthday Angel." He rubbed his eyes and looked at her and she bright smiled at him.

"Friends will be here soon!" Her friends. She was his only friend. She jumped off his bed, ran into her closet and pulled down her favorite blue dress. It was short sleeved and ended at her mid calfs and at her shoulders was white and faded to a dark navy at her feet. She pulled on black flats, ran into the bathroom and pulled out her ponytail. She brushed out her hair as Louis walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth, stepping onto step stool next to her. She looked over at him and started to brush his hair.

"What're you doing?" He asked, muffled by the brush in his mouth.

"Helping you. Then I'm picking out your outfit," Angel smiled and put the brush down and ran into his closet, pulling down a white collared shirt, a light blue thin sweat vest, navy shirts, black tennis shoes and a black bow tie. She ran into the bathroom and handed it to him as he fixed his hair. She grabbed the brush and continued to brush her hair. "What should I do with my hair?"

He looked at her outfit then her hair. "Ask Mama to curl it." Angel nodded and walked out of the room and into his mothers. Emma walked into the room and into the bathroom, looking at Louis as he buttoned the shorts. He slid on the shirt and she ruffled his hair.

"Happy birthday Louis," she smiled at him. He smiled back and fixed his hair after getting dressed. She held his small hand as they walked down the hallway. Angel ran out them, her curled red hair bouncing as she ran to her blonde twin brother. She held his other hand and he sighed. "Looking good Angel." Emma smiled.

"Thanks Emma!" She smiled. "Are our friends here yet?"

"It's ten, Angel," Emma giggled as they turned into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "No ones coming until one." Angel nodded as Adrien placed down their plates.

˚ºThree Hours Laterº˚

Louis sat in the big leather chair as Emma sat on the one near him. She studied him as he read the large book in his hands. "Yes sister?" He flipped the page then glanced at his sister before reading more.

"Why don't you go play with the other kids?" She motioned her head to the small children playing Duck Duck Goose on the floor. She needed to watch them as the other adults talked in the other room as a few mothers made the cake. "Aren't they your friends?"

"No. They're Angels. She's my only friend." He flipped the page again.

"Why don't you go make friends?" Louis looked at her as she took the book away. He glared at her as she put it on a shelf she knew he couldn't reach. "Make friends." He groaned as he got off the chair and sat in the circle. Angel smiled as her friend Dee walked around the circle.

"Duck, duck, duck, duck," she went around the circle three times, Louis getting bored, not seeing the point of the game. "Duck, goose!" She tapped Louis's shoulder. He sighed got up and ran after her, tagging her. He sat down and she went around again, tagging another girl in the circle.

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